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Generally, God has a grand plan for his church; but much more interesting is the fact that he has a
plan for each member of his body. In Jeremiah 29: 11 He says; For I know the thoughts and plan I
have for you, says the lord, thought and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you
hope in your fine outcome. You are not created to roam about in life purposelessly. You are
designed for a specific placement. But you have a replacement in the grand master plan God.

Now, to look into the bible verse given, (Daniel 6: 3) we see that the main man here is Daniel, let’s
look at the important part of him.

(Daniel) main role in manifesting the Excellent spirit.

In the process of studying the personality of a man called Daniel, we got to know that the secret of
his Execellence spirit was;

VISION: is the pathfinding tool in the hand of the believer. In Joel 2:28, we are told that vision is for
young men —"...Your young men shall see visions." Abraham had a vision at the age of 75. So, in the
sight of God, you are still a young man even at 75! Do not allow your age to intimidate you. Samuel
heard God at a very tender age; God gave him an assignment. Reach out for a vision and lay hold on
direction. Where there is no vision, the people perish...Proverbs 29:18. Where there is no direction,
there cannot be progress. You need to locate direction for your life by vision before u manifest the
spirit of excellent. Vision is the unfolding of a divine plan as it relates to an individual. It is having a
supernatural insight into one’s placement in life as Daniel seeing God in every circumstances. so,
when it seems hard God is preparing you not punishing you trust his plan and not your pains.

Many things have been mistaken for vision. I want to draw a sharp line of demarcation between
vision and these other elements which people are looking forward or praying for excellences on;

1. Ambition

This is one’s expectation or what one looks forward to achieving. Thus, it is a self-made plan.
Nothing is practically wrong with being ambitious. But, "without vision the people perish." Ambition
is liable to failure and can even destroy the ambitious one. Only ambition that falls in line with God’s
drawn-out plan becomes fruitful. Absalom was ambitious and his ambition killed him! Ambition says,
"I want it by all means", but vision says, "I have it because God says it, and I am in His plan."
Ambition is a brother of anxiety, whereas vision is a relative of peace. I will hear what God the Lord
will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints...Psalm 85:8

2. Impression

This is being carried away in one’s thoughts about what one likes in others, for example, their
vocation, business or ministry. These thoughts, when compounded, pose as a signal for direction;
but they are what can be called an Impression. The bible says, Prove all things; hold fast that which is
good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Many have mistaken impression today for vision and have been chasing
after the wind.

3. Imagination

The word imagination is derived from the word image, which also means shadow. Imagination is the
act of image formation. It is very powerful, but destructive when not properly handled. It is true that
what one doesn’t see, one doesn’t possess; but the snag in imagination is that outside the Word of
God, it can be misguiding. It can intoxicate until it destroys.

Thus, imagination is not vision. Though it is powerful, but is not a tangible substance as a vision. It is
a dream; it is like a floating idea. It can falter and fail. Indeed, imagination that is not in line with the
Word of God can only end up frustrating the dreamer; but when in line with God’s Word, it is
absolutely powerful. A positive imagination can cause the dreamer to attain the ultimate in his
visionary pursuits.

4. Situation

This is direction arrived at as a result of what one is going through at a particular time. It sounds like
direction, but it can be grossly misleading. For instance, someone is not doing well in his business
and suddenly, "he perceives" it is because God is calling him to preach! That is not vision, it is
situation. Again, someone else has been looking for a job for a long time and has found none, so he
believes God is asking him out of the country for one thing or the other.Many people today love
explaining the situation, instead of pursuing a vision.

Finally, anyone willing to work or activate the spirit of excellence upon his life,must focus first on
realizing his vision, then pursuing it at all cost.

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