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Gundik - Slahung - Ponorogo
A. Name parts of the coconut palm and the fruit.

3. Leaves

2. Fruit

1. Trunk

4. Coconut husk

5. Flesh

6. Shell

Report text about The Coconut Palm.

Coconut tree is a tree of the palm family. It is one of tree

which live in tropical countries. Coconut tree is tall palm tree
bearing coconut as fruit. Cocos nucifera is binomial name of its.
Coconut tree can grow up to 30m height. They have a single
cylindrical trunk. At the top of the trunk there is pinnate leaves.
They about 3 to 4 m long and the pinnate 60 to 90 cm long. The
fruit of coconut tree is coconut. It is oval and the diameter is about
30 cm long. It has thick husk and a hard shell. Inside the shell there
is white meat and sweet liquid.
Coconut tree is very useful plants. We can use every part of
the tree in our lives. The flesh (white meat) can make in to copra
by dry it. Then the people can get oil from it and use in daily
cooking. Beside copra the flesh also can make soap, candles and
use it in culinary. The trunk is use to build houses. Sometimes
there is people who use the leaves as roof and the people in
Indonesia usually use it to make “ketupat”. People also can make
rope, doormats, and from the coconut husk. Because coconut tree
is very useful so it uses as scout symbol.
B. Write about one of the topics below. Use the information below to help you.
Durian comes from the family of Bombacaceae.
There are about 30 species of durian and only
and unique taste. The colours of the esh vary where
some are yellow, green or brown due to its ripening
process. The esh has a round or oblong shape and
is located in the durian locule. Most of the durians
have ve carpels that contain the durian esh.

Origin : Indonesia
Lifespan : 80-150 years
Height : 4-15 meters
Trunks : straight
Leaves : dark-green, round, soft
Fruit : large, strong, odor,
delicious, expensive

The climate of Indonesia is well-suited for growing various sorts of tropical fruit. One
of these fruits is the durian. It is largely cultivated and the evolution of the fruit produces
durian with various fruit colors, odors, sizes of flesh, and even growths.
The tree of the fruit can grow up to 4-15 meters. It has a straight tall trunk, dark-green
and round leaves, and buttress roots. Besides, the tree has a long lifespan of 80 - 150 years
or more.
This fruit is large. Durian flesh is popular for its strong odor and delicious taste. The
colors of the flesh vary where some are yellow, green or brown due to its ripening process.
The flesh has a round shape. Its taste is loved by some people, but others hate its smell.
The price is also expensive, where people name it “King of Fruits”.

Origin : Southeast Asia
Lifespan :1 year
Height : 3-12 meters
Stems : large and straight
Leaves : large and oval
Fruit : long, about 12-30 cm,
grow in a bunch.

Bananas are the one of fruits that easily found, especially in the tropical region. Such
as Southeast Asia. Banana has a long lifespan of a year or more. This banana is rich in
benefits. Fruit, leaves, and stems have benefits for daily life.
The average height is 3-12 meters to grow into the soil. It has large and straight
steams. The shape of leave is large and oval. The fruit is long about 12-30 centimeters. It
grows in bunches on a banana tree.



Name the following natural disaster.

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B. Grammar Focus
Verbs of relational process
Relational process are verbs that state what it is or which it is. Here are some relational
verbs: be, consist of, function as, derive from.
Relational verbs can be in passive, such as:
be grouped be divided
be classified be distinguished
be categorized be put into
be arranged be divided into
e.g. :
 Whales are classified into mammals.
 Birds are divided into various kind of genus.
 Water, oil, petrol is grouped into liquid
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of passive.
A volcano is a mountain which (1) ____________ (form) by the eruption of material
from the earth's interior through a central opening or groups of opening. Volcanoes (2)
____________ (scatter) over the world. Volcanoes (3) ____________ (can divide) into three
categories based on volcano form and type of volcanic activity. They are Shield, Composite,
and Explosion volcanoes.
A shield volcano (4) ____________ (form) chiefly of layers of basalt (a dark, heavy,
lava). A few shield volcanoes (5) ____________ (compose) of andesite (a related, less dense
type of lava).
A composite volcano has more frequent and violent explosive eruptions than shield
volcanoes do. Lava (6) ____________ (may extrude) from either central crater or fissures on
a volcano’s sides.
Explosion volcanoes (7) ____________ (compose) of inclined layers of pyroclastic
debris and contain no lava. During the eruption, debris (8) ____________ (eject) from the
crater. Most explosion volcanoes (9) ____________ (form) during one period of eruption.


A. Read the situation below, and choose the best answers to the questions. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.

It was the first day on the English class and the teacher were introducing himself.
He wrote his full name, “Alan Jones”, on the board and said, “My name is Alan Jones.
If you like, you can use “Mr.” with my name. Now I’d like you to tell me your names.
Let`s start with you,” he said, indicating a young girl in the front of row.
The young woman answered, “My name is Liliana Castro, but you can call me like
Lily, Teacher.”
Then the teacher said, “Ok. I`ll call you Lily but please don`t call me “Teacher”.
Please tell me Alan or Mr. Jones.”
Lily looked confused, but the teacher ignores her and continued to ask the students
to introduced themselves.

1. Why did Liliana call Alan Jones “Teacher”?

a. She didn`t know his name.
b. She was trying to show respect
c. She couldn`t pronounce his name.
d. She felt confused.
2. Why did Alan Jones ask Liliana not to call him “Teacher”
a. He did not really like being a teacher
b. He wanted to be friendly.
c. In his country, only very young pupils call their teacher “Teacher”
d. He taught Liliana was being rude.

C. Text Modelling
Read the following text and answer the questions.

A tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm. It is one of the most destructive
storms on earth. A tornado is also called a waterspout.  General Classification
A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is shaped like a
funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and around extremely fast. In fact,
the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hour.
Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur.
Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long. 

Tornado adalah badai angin yang kuat dan memutar. Ini adalah salah satu
badai yang paling merusak di bumi. Tornado juga disebut puting beliung.
Tornado adalah awan panjang yang turun dari langit. Bentuknya seperti corong
dan terdiri dari angin yang berputar-putar dengan sangat cepat. Bahkan, kecepatan
angin bisa mencapai lebih dari 900 km per jam.
Ilmuwan cuaca tidak dapat mengetahui dengan pasti kapan tornado akan
terjadi. Untungnya, tornado biasanya tidak terlalu besar dan tidak bertahan lama.

1. The type of the text above is called a _______________________ (report text)

2. The generic structure of the text consists of _________(general classification) and
______________ (description).
3. The function of this text is _______ (To describe the way things are, with
reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our
4. The text tells us about ___________________ (tornado)
5. What tense is mostly used in the text? Simple Present Tense
6. What is the focus participant of the text? (What is the text mainly telling us
about?) (The features of tornado)
7. Is there temporal sequence (sequence of order)? No, there is not
8. Find some sentences in the text that use relational process verbs.
 A tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm.
 It is one of the most destructive storms on earth.
 A tornado is also called a waterspout.
 A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky.
 It is shaped like a funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and around extremely
 Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur.
 the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.

D. Joint Construction of Text

1. There are two texts in this paragraph, but they are mixed. You have to separate
them so that they can be two good and meaningful paragraphs.

A flood an earthquake is a body of water that covers normally dry lands is a shaking,
rolling or sudden shock of the earth cause a sudden rock movement occurs when so
much rain at one time and the sudden melting of snow and ice. It destroys homes and
property even lives it causes falling rocks, brick falls, damages to gas, the cutting of
electric time and also fires.

Text 1.
A flood is a body of water that covers normally dry lands. It occurs when so much
rain at one time and the sudden melting of snow and ice. It destroys homes and
poverty even lives.

Text 2.
An earthquake is a shaking, rolling or sudden shock of the earth cause a sudden rock
movement. It causes falling rocks, bricks, falls, damages to gas, the cutting of
electric time and also fires.

2. Rearrange the jumble paragraph to make a good and meaningful text. Put the
arranged text in the table.

A common windmill consists of a high steel tower on top of which revolves an

air motor. The parts of the air motor are fixed onto the wind shaft and are
automatically held into the wind or furled according to whether water should be
pumped or whether the mill needs to be protected from the severity of the wind.
An ordinary 8-foot windwheel develops less than 1/10 horse power.
A windmill is a machine for converting wind energy into mechanical energy.
A windmill is used for grinding grain, pumping water for irrigation and in the
past few years for generating electricity.

General Classification An ordinary 8-foot windwheel develops less than 1/10 horse
power. A windmill is a machine for converting wind energy into
mechanical energy. A windmill is used for grinding grain,
pumping water for irrigation and in the past few years for
generating electricity.

Descriptive A common windmill consists of a high steel tower on top of

 Parts which revolves an air motor. The parts of the air motor are fixed
 Quality onto the wind shaft and are automatically held into the wind or
furled according to whether water should be pumped or whether
 Use the mill needs to be protected from the severity of the wind.

3. This report text is written in a hurry, so there are many spelling mistakes in it. Please
correct the spelling so that the text can be meaningful.

Everyone knows that small insect called the mosquito. It is possible to find
mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely
cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find
many mosquitoes near swumps, ponds and lakes.
Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. The female mosquito bites
a person or animal in order to get some blood. She need it before
she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits
her eggs in the water. In a few days the eggs open and the baby mosquitoes,
called larve, come out. In a short time, they will be mature and fly away.
It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood. She has a
special mouth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin.

Everyone knows that small insect called the mosquito. It is possible to find
mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely
cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find
many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds and lakes.
Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. The female mosquito bites
a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs it before
she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits
her eggs in the water. In a few days, the eggs open and the baby mosquitoes,
called larvae, come out. In a short time, they will be mature and fly away.
It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood. She has a
special mouth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin.

E. Independent Construction of Text

1. Plan a text of report.
2. Show the draft to your teacher.
3. Copy the correct text in a piece of paper.
4. Let your friends evaluate your composition.

An Elephant  Title

An elephant is the biggest and strongest of all animals in the world. It is an odd-
looking animal which it has broad legs, gigantic edges and backs, large suspending ears,
a little follow, little eyes, long white tusks and overhead all, elephant has a long nose,
the trunk.  General Statement
The trunk is the elephant's peculiar characteristic. This trunk has diverse usages.
The elephant sketches up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body
like a wash bathing tub. The elephant is very smart animal. Its understanding blended
with its large power makes an elephant a very helpful domestic to man. Elephant can be
trained to serve in diverse ways such as convey hefty burdens, hunt for tigers and even
battle. An elephant is actually an intelligent animal.  Description

Gajah adalah hewan terbesar dan terkuat dari semua binatang di dunia. Ini adalah
hewan yang terlihat aneh yang memiliki kaki yang besar, panggul dan punggung yang
besar, telinga besar, tindak sedikit, mata kecil, taring putih panjang dan overhead
semua, gajah memiliki hidung panjang, yaitu belalai.
Belalai adalah karakteristik khas gajah. Belalai ini memiliki beragam kegunaan.
Gajah menyedot air dengan belalainya dan dapat menyemprotkan air ke seluruh
tubuhnya seperti bak cuci mandi. Gajah adalah hewan yang sangat cerdas.
Pemahamannya bersama dengan kekuatan yang besar membuat gajah sangat membantu
kebutuhan manusia. Gajah dapat dilatih untuk melayani dengan berbagai cara seperti
menyampaikan beban besar dan kuat, perburuan harimau dan bahkan pertempuran.
Seekor gajah sebenarnya adalah hewan yang sangat cerdas.


a. Social Function:
To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social
phenomena in our environment.
b. Schematic Structure:
1. Title : indicate topic of the reports
2. General Statement : introduces the topic of the reports
3. Description : provide details of topic such as physical appearance, behavior,
landform, and uses.


1. Simple Present Tense is mostly used in the report text.

2. The use of relational process.
3. The use of special nouns that denotes the characteristics of the thing.
Such as: features, forms, functions, species, etc.
4. The use of special technical terms.
Such as: the parts of the body, tree, machine, etc.
5. No temporal sequences are used.


1. Discuss these questions.
1. What is a legend?
A legend is
B. Z

Fable – a story that teaches a lesson, often using animal characters that
behave like people
Folk tale – an old story that reveals the customs of a culture seen in the
Indigenous Australian oral traditions.
Legend – a story that is based on fact but often includes exaggerations
about the hero,
Myth – an ancient story often meant to explain the mysteries of life or

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