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Scenario 1: You are studying a cell under the microscope and notice that it has numerous long, thin

projections on its surface. What type of cell modification are you likely observing?

A) Cilia B) Flagella C) Microvilli D) Pseudopodia

Scenario 2: In a research experiment, you are investigating a cell type that specializes in the
synthesis and secretion of enzymes. Which cellular modification is most likely to be prominent in
these cells to facilitate their function?

A) Centrioles B) Lysosomes C) Ribosomes D) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Scenario 3: You are examining a group of cells involved in the transport of oxygen in the
bloodstream. Which cellular modification allows these cells to have a large surface area for efficient
gas exchange?

A) Tight junctions B) Desmosomes C) Gap junctions D) Biconcave shape

Scenario 4: During your investigation of a cell, you notice the presence of numerous small vesicles
containing digestive enzymes. What cellular structure is responsible for the formation of these

A) Golgi apparatus B) Mitochondria C) Nucleus D) Peroxisomes

Scenario 5: You are studying a type of cell that is actively phagocytosing (engulfing) pathogens such
as bacteria. Which cellular modification allows this cell to extend pseudopodia and engulf these

A) Cilia B) Microvilli C) Flagella D) Pseudopodia

Scenario 6: In your research on cell-cell communication, you encounter a group of cells that
communicate with neighboring cells by passing ions and small molecules directly through channels.
Which cellular modification facilitates this communication?

A) Tight junctions B) Desmosomes C) Gap junctions D) Plasmodesmata

Scenario 7: You are examining a specialized type of cell found in the respiratory system. These cells
have tiny hair-like structures on their surface that help move mucus and trapped particles out of the
airways. What are these structures called?

A) Cilia B) Flagella C) Microvilli D) Pseudopodia

Scenario 8: In your research on muscle cells, you notice a specific modification that allows these cells
to contract rapidly and efficiently. What is the contractile unit found in muscle cells?
A) Sarcomere B) Mitochondria C) Ribosome D) Nucleus

Scenario 9: You are investigating a group of cells that play a crucial role in the formation of bone
tissue. Which cellular modification is responsible for the mineralization of bone matrix?

A) Lysosomes B) Peroxisomes C) Osteoclasts D) Osteoblasts

Scenario 10: You are examining a cell that is specialized in storing excess nutrients, particularly
lipids. Which cellular modification is responsible for lipid storage in this cell?

A) Vacuoles B) Lysosomes C) Peroxisomes D) Lipid droplets


1. C) Microvilli
2. D) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
3. D) Biconcave shape
4. A) Golgi apparatus
5. D) Pseudopodia
6. C) Gap junctions
7. A) Cilia
8. A) Sarcomere
9. D) Osteoblasts
10. D) Lipid droplets

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