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The pros and cons of the profession of engineer

The profession of engineer is very important and demanded profession in the world.
Is it possible to imagine the steel-making industry or food industry without engineers? No,
engineers make all the machinery working. The profession of engineer has both
advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with, I would like to tell about the advantages of engineering occupation.
Firstly, we always can deal with real tasks. For example, we have to develop a technology
for manufacturing new products or minimize the pollution of atmosphere during
producing. All these tasks are not just words, they are real and they can be useful for
Secondly, the engineers always develop their skills and gain more knowledge. The
world of technologies changes very fast, we can`t stop it and we don`t want to stop it. We
must do our best to develop ourselves to keep up with the times. I thinks it`s great when
you can increase your level in the area you are interested in.
Thirdly, the engineers are demanded all over the world, so you can find job not only
in your country. For example, I have friends who work as engineers in Germany, Italy and
Canada. They are satisfied with their choices and say that technical education let them to
be what they are. They also admit that the engineers are deeply respected abroad, because
these people can find decisions in different situations.
Unfortunately, the profession of engineer has some disadvantages too. You have
just finished university and look for the job. Almost all the companies want to hire
someone who has experience. Even if some of them give you an internship, the salary is
very low. Yes, of course, the salary can be increased, but only after five or seven years of
work experience. Besides, the profession of engineer is not identical for different
production branches. For example, you can be very good at steel-making industry, but you
know nothing about producing of chocolate.
To make a conclusion, I would like to say that I am going to become an
environmental engineer. I want to help manufacturing enterprises minimize their
environmental footprint and help them to become «green». I am not afraid of the
disadvantages of my future profession and I believe that a person can overcome everything
if he has strong wills.

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