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TOPIC: Matrices 1

SUB-TOPIC: Definition and Types of Matrices

Note: The singular word for matrices is a matrix.

Definition: A matrix is defined as a rectangular array of numbers following certain laws of
The order of a matrix
A matrix of m-row and n-column is said to have an order m x n.
Examples showing order of a matrix
Notation Order
1. 2 x 1 i.e 2 by 1 matrix

2. 123 1 x 3 i.e 1 by 3 matrix

1 0
3. 2 x 2 i.e 2 by 2 matrix
1 1
2 0

1 1
4. 3 x 2 i.e 3 by 2 matrix
3 2
1 0 1

5. 2 2 2 2 x 3 i.e 2 by 3 matrix
3 0 2

6. 2 2 0 3 x 3 i.e 3 by 3 matrix

1 3 5

Types of Matrices
(1) Column matrix: Is a matrix with a single column of elements. See example (i) above.
(2) Row matrix: Is a matrix with a single row of elements. See example (ii) above.
(3) Square matrix: Is a matrix which has equal number of rows and columns. See examples
(iii) and (vi) above.
(4) Null matrix: It is a matrix which has all its elements to be zero.
(5) Unit matrix: It is a matrix in which all the elements on a principal diagonal are equal and
all non-diagonal elements are equal to zero.
(6) Identify matrix: It is a matrix with 1 in the leading diagonal and zero elsewhere.
Examples of an identity matrix.
1 0
2 x 2 identity matrix
0 1
1 0 0
3 x 3 identity matrix
0 1 0

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0
4 x 4 identity matrix
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1
The identity matrix is usually represented by 1. It should be noted that all identity matrices are
square matrices.

1. Define Matrix
2. Give three notations alongside their order of your choice.
3. Give any two examples of types of matrices.

Students were instructed to go through all they have been taught at home

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