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Solar Panel Installation on Energy Management among Selected Locality of Poblacion,

Bacolod, Lanao del Norte


The world receives enough sunshine in a 90-minute span to meet all of the planet's energy
demands for an entire year. Solar energy is abundant; however, it takes up just a tiny proportion of the
global energy distribution at the moment. The globe is currently at a turning point in the history of
energy consumption, but this is changing rapidly. The global trend towards renewable energy sources is
driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change's negative impacts, with
solar energy emerging as a promising solution. The alarming rise in solar panel installations worldwide is
a reflection of how urgent it is to address environmental and energy sustainability problems. The
declining costs of solar panels, coupled with advancements in technology, have become progressively
more accessible for individuals, communities, and even countries. As a result, solar panel installations
have increased dramatically around the world, with China, the US, and Japan leading at the moment.

In recent years, the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, has gained
significant attention as a mean and alternative to reduce household energy consumption. Various
research has already discussed understanding the technical aspects, and environmental benefits, like
reduced carbon emissions and reduced usage of fossil fuels. However, there exists a research gap
regarding our knowledge on its impact on energy management within various households. This gap in
our understanding is significant as this directly relates to households and has immediate impacts to the
homeowners' daily routine and finances regarding the usage of energy. In this research, we aim to
bridge this gap by doing an investigation on the relation between Installation of Solar Panels and the
Energy Management of different households. By doing an analysis on various factors such as the
different brands of Solar Panels, the Energy Consumption Patterns, and Financial Incentives, this
research will help us have a better understanding of the impacts of using Solar Panels. This research will
seek to give valuable information to the community regarding the potential improvement of energy
management when using Solar Panels.

The Philippines is also making efforts to keep up with current technological trends with all the
advancements and innovations in our technology today. Solar panels hold significance in the Philippines
and have gained increasing popularity in recent years. The government and various organizations have
been actively promoting the use of renewable energy sources, including solar power, to lessen the
country's reliance on fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. In terms of policy support, the Philippines
has implemented laws such as RA 9153, also known as the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, which
provides incentives for the development and utilization of renewable energy sources, including solar
energy. Additionally, as of April 2019, RA 11285 (the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act) was signed.
This law seeks to regulate energy efficiency and conservation practices regarding the use of renewable
energy sources in buildings and implement energy-conserving designs on structures in the issuance of
building permits. Furthermore, the Department of Energy (DoE) recommends that the proposed solar
energy capacity should be produced by various renewable energy projects, including solar energy, in all
electricity facilities in the Philippines.
The province of Lanao del Norte, located in the Northern part of Mindanao, is using a new
energy management strategy through the integration of solar panels. The region, which is renowned for
its natural scenery and vibrant urban areas, supports the development of sustainable energy sources.
Installing solar panels has become a desirable solution for supplying the province's energy demands.
Trina Solar Panels are growing in recognition as a viable choice for the production of sustainable energy.
The local community has become aware of an increase in demand for Trina Solar Panels. Solar energy
has become widely used by households in Poblacion, Bacolod, Lanao del Norte, which represents a
substantial shift in energy management practices. Numerous advantages of this modification have been
shown in the real world. First, utilizing solar power can lower electricity expenses, offering monetary
benefits. Additionally, it addresses the common issues associated with conventional energy sources,
enhancing the stability and reliability of the electrical system. The study places a strong emphasis on the
advantages of solar power systems, which go beyond their economic and reliable advantages. The
researchers will focus on the benefits of using solar energy in Poblacion, Bacolod, Lanao del Norte,
highlighting its function in enhancing energy management, reducing expenses, and promoting
environmental sustainability.

In the field of STEM, where innovation and discovery are at the forefront, Research hunger
frequently depends on the passion and commitment of aspiring young researchers. The study of "Solar
Panel Installation on Energy Management among Selected Locality of Poblacion, Bacolod, Lanao del
Norte" requires researchers who have a firm foundation in the fundamental sciences, technological skills,
and a passion for long-term solutions. As STEM students with a collective background in relevant
coursework such as physics, chemistry, environmental science and technology. We have developed a
deep comprehension of the theoretical foundations supporting solar panel technology and its effects on
energy management. By working together, STEM students can develop a multidisciplinary strategy for
addressing problems with energy management that makes use of their varied areas of expertise. With the
help of this study, we hope to add to the body of knowledge by illuminating how the installation of solar
panels may improve energy efficiency while at the same time lowering operating costs, thereby
encouraging the incorporation of renewable energy sources into efficient energy management
practices.The credibility in this field is based on the ability of researchers to apply STEM principles to
address real-world energy challenges and contribute to the ongoing efforts to make solar energy more
efficient and cost-effective.
Chapter 1

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework for this study discusses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),
and Diffusion of Innovation Theory. These theories will help us examine the factors affecting the
adoption of solar panels and their impact on energy management within households. The Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) as proposed by Davis (1989), suggests that people are more likely to have an
intention to use the technology based on their perception of its usefulness and/or perceived ease of use. In
the context of this study regarding the installation of solar panels, if individuals see them as easy to use
and beneficial, they're more likely to use these helping them with their energy management strategies.
Another theory is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. This theory that was proposed by Rogers
(1962) suggests that new ideas, behaviours, technologies, or goods spread through a population gradually.
In the context of this study, this suggests that early adopters of Solar Panels might influence people to use
them as well when they see how well they are doing with their energy management, and therefore helps
the spread of using Solar Panels among the community.

Conceptual Framework
This study will determine the efficacy of solar panel installation on energy management among
selected locality of Poblacion, Bacolod, Lanao del Norte. The independent variable of the study includes
the solar panel installation. While the dependent variable is energy management. It also included
subvariables which is energy efficiency and cost reduction.


Solar Panel Installation

Energy management

Energy efficiency
Cost reduction
Significance of the Study

The study’s main focus is the efficacy of solar installation on energy management among the selected
locality of Bacolod, Poblacion, Lanao del Norte. The following will benefit from this research:

Companies. Through the installation of solar panels in residences and business establishments,
electricity costs can be drastically decreased. It enables the generation of electricity in their power
plants, which could ultimately lead to much lower long-term energy expenses.

Household owners. Solar panels use direct sunlight to create electricity that may be utilized to supply
energy to structures like houses and workplaces, minimizing reliance on the electrical system. The initial
cost of installing solar panels can eventually be covered by energy bill reductions, making the choice
practically reasonable. Additionally, additional energy generated can frequently be fed back into the
energy system, which can lower expenses even more or even result in profit through net energy
metering or feed-in charges.

Local Environment. As clean, renewable energy is generated by solar panels, local carbon emissions are
reduced. This aids the environment by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Solar panels
are an eco-friendly energy source. Without releasing any damaging greenhouse gases or other
pollutants, they produce electricity.

Government and Utilities. Many governments are providing incentives or tax credits for the installation
of Trina solar panels to encourage the use of renewable energy sources. Utility companies could be able
to benefit from the grid's lighter demand during peak hours. Governments from all across the world
understand how crucial it is to switch to renewable energy sources. They frequently offer incentives, tax
breaks, or subsidies to lower the initial expenses for households and businesses in order to promote the
installation of solar panels.

Future Researchers. Future researchers will use this work as a guide and foundation, which will help
them by expanding the information and evidence they have.

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