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ae EuroSchool NITED NATIONS & ITS AGENCIES Formation of United Nations The horror and tragedy of the First World War left in its wake a want for peace. Therefore the League of Nations was formed in 1920.— However, the league of nations failed to maintain peace and the Second World War soon broke out (in 1939), strengthening people’s need for peace and creating revulsion for war in their minds. The idea of United Nations Organisation started taking shape. ‘The Atlantic Charter of 1941 and the San Francisco Conference of 1945 laid the foundation stone for the formation of UN. They are described in the given table = ‘THE ATLANTIC CHARTER ‘THE SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE ‘Signed by: Winston Churchill (British Prime 50 nations and Minister) & Poland, later became the Sist nation. Franklin D. Roosevelt (US President) (On 14th August 1941. In June 1945. ‘Aboard a battleship off Newfoundland, in the Atlantic Ocean In San Francisco. Motive: | Agreed that four basic rights/freedoms | Signed the Charter of the UN to save the (Why) | were granted to all humans when the _ succeeding generations from scourge of war ended: ‘war and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights. Freedom from want 1 2. Freedom from fear 3. Freedom of speech 4, Freedom of religious belief "*Remember (it says) freedom from: ‘want & fear and freedom of speech & religion To save future generations from war and to provide all with fundamental rights, on 24th ‘October 1945, the United Nations was born! ‘Therefore, 24th October is celebrated as United Nations Day. a Objectives of the UN — as outlined in the Preamble of UN Charter 1. To maintain international peace and security 2. To develop friendly relations among nations on basis of equality 3. To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, isease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms 4, To act as a common platform for harmonizing the activities of various nations for attainment of the objectives of the UN This implies that every nation must abide by Did you know? the following principl ‘The Paris Agreement on climate change was signed by the largest number of All nations big o small are equal. Seiniecen Grater |. They must obey the Charter. . International disputes must be settled by peaceful means. |. Refrain from threat or use of force against any State. 2016, 174 world leaders signed the ‘agreement at the UN headquarters in New York. The UN is committed to fighting climate change, and the agreement builds ‘on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. United Nations Today “2 bent olive branches ~ open at the top, world map between them, white print on light blue background -the branches - symbolize peace English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic ROA Trick to Remember 6 official languages: E_ between France (French) & Spain (Spanish), usslan Arable Chinese English af The UNITED Nations HAS 6 ORGANS- v THE SECRETARIAT ¥ THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE Y THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ¥ THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY v THE ECONOMIC & SOCIAL COUNCIL ¥ THE SECURITY COUNCIL Remenber through pleture Associatios ae EuroSchool ] Organs of the United Nations L.The General Assembly: Members of UN are members of General Assembly > Each nation can send 5 representatives but gets only 1 vote > Meets 1 ina year or during cri Functions: Supervises work of other UN organs Discusses international problems and suggests peaceful settlements ails © Approves UN Budget y ‘© Elects(non-Permanent) members of Security Council, ECOSOC, Trusteeship Council, Secretary General 2:The Security Council (Enforcement wing cheese > Most important organ of UN irra bers of Security Council Has 15 members~5 permanent members (China, p4 France, Russia, Britain and USA) & 10 nan-Permanent elected by General Assembly for 2 years. BOR@ ¢ France Ameria Britain Ressia China > Responsible for maintaining peace & security in the world > Meets when required > Decisions taken by majority of 9 members including all S permanent members Functions: Investigates international disputes & settles them peacefully. ‘® Can apply for economic sanctions to members. © Can take military action against aggressors Veto Power ‘Each member has one vote ‘Decision on procedural matters are made by an affirmative vote of nine members + concurring vote of permanent members “The negative vote of permanent member is called a VETO. “Council is powerless to act if veto power is being used. ‘Abstinence from voting is not counted as being negative. \\!/, 3:the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC): > > Has 54 members elected by GA for 3 years © Main objective: free world from want Functions: Promote (PAGES Jprogress and growth economically and \N) socially i ‘= Create respect for human rights ‘+ To solve problems of (HIDES) health, illiteracy, drugs, employment, status of women, etc. © Supervise work of specialized ager like WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO & FAO 4:Trusteeship Council; When UN was formed many countries were not free and were affected by war. TC was established to: _— L | ‘© Functions : Look after countries under foreign rule, help them get self-governments ‘As most countries are now free, Trusteeship Council meets only when required. > Has 15 judges of different countries elected by General Assembly & Security Council > Each judge has a 9 years term © Functions : The court settles disputes brought by member nations. ‘Gives legal advice to other UN Organs. 6.The Secretariat: > Chief administrative organ of the UN Jer, > Headed by Secretary General elected by General Assembly ae for 5 years > Has staff of 16,000 workers from 170 countries > Carries out day-to-day activities of UN 7 ‘© The Secretary General organizes conferences, makes correspondences, drafts reports ,prepares budget estimates and prepares treaties and appoints staff of the UN Secretariat (CCD BT) ‘ALL THE HEADQUARTERS OF UN ORGANS ARE BASED IN NEW YORK EXCEPT INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE WHICH IS IN HAGUE, NETHERLANDS. Achievements of UN > UN has not been able to prevent war, but it has taken effective actions to restore the peace. Example: the Gulf war, the Suez Canal war and the Korean war > Countries like Indonesia, Algeria, Morocco have achieved independence with the support of the UN. > The UN played a significant role in challenging the apartheid policy and liberating the South African people from apartheid rule, as it imposed economic sanctions against the South African government. > UN worked actively and hard to end the nuclear arms race and to encourage the use of the nuclear energy for peaceful purpose. Did You Know? > The UN also achieved great success in fighting against issues like poverty, labour, | The UN and its agencies supply the education and welfare of the children, | vaccines all over the world. For ignorance, malnutrition and various eanpe ase crete diseases through its agencies. UNC perenerahlp with Gav Hee led 5.5 billon doses of the COVID-19 vaccine being administered worldwide. EuroSchool MAJOR AGENCIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS ‘A number of specialized agencies have been established to achieve one of the primary objectives of UN, ie., to solve economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems through international cooperation. These agencies work under the supervision of the UN Economic and Social Council in the interest of human welfare. Specialized Agency Year Headquarters Established UNESCO. United Nations Education, Scientific and 1945 PARIS Cultural Organization UNICEF - The United Nations Children’s Emergency 1946 NEWYORK Fund WHO. The World Health Organization 1948 GENEVA UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) was established in 1945 with the headquarters in Paris. The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through United Nations education, science, culture and communication. Cultural Organization Functions of UNESCO Education Scientific activities B Educational, Scientific and Removal of illiteracy by encouragement to adult education, distance education and the open school system. Emphasis on education of women and girls. Financial assistance for education of children with disabilities. Provision of grants and fellowships for teachers and scholars, organization of library systems and promotion of international understanding It organizes seminars and conferences of scientists of various countries and circulates published information. Promotes basic research in field like geology, mathematics, physics and ‘oceanography. ae Euoschoot Preservation of Cultural heritage (Encourage modernization without loss of cultural identity) It provides technical advice and assistance, equipment and funds for the preservation of monuments and other works of art. ‘+ Aims to protect world inheritance of books, works of art and rare manuscripts. ‘© Encouragement to artistic creations in literature and fine arts. ‘* Promotes cultural development through films. ‘+ Send cultural missions to different countries for promoting peace and prosperity. UNICEF The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund founded in 1946 to provide emergency aid to children and their mothers in countries affected by the second World War. In 1953, the words ‘international’ and ‘emergency’ were dropped and the agency came to be known as United Nations Children’s Fund with its headquarters in New York. Functions i, It works for the protection of children with respect of their survival, health and wellbeing. ii. To focus on the realization for every child of the opportunity to enjoy the basic rights and privileges. To try to solve the problem of exploitation of children and child labour. It assists governments to plan, develop and extend community-based Services in the field of health, nutrition, clean water and sanitation v. It provides medicines to newborn babies and their mothers. vi It provides assistance to nations for CHILDCARE CENTERS. ‘WHO The World Health Organization is @ specialized agency for health establishes in the year 1948, The objective is to achieve the highest level of health for all people. Functions i. It helps countries to improve their health system [Vays fe erst] 19) by building up infrastructure. toe ji, Itgives important drugs needed for medical care. beter ww, v. wi. vil. ay 2) 3) 4) ae EuroSchool It promotes research to cure and prevent diseases. It works for providing safe drinking water and safe waste disposal. It organizes conferences, seminars and training for health ‘are personnel from different countries. It alms at fighting diseases and prevents them from spreading It publishes health journal like Bulletin of the World Health Organization. DrTetros anon Ghebreyess Programs launched against: Measles, Tetanus, TB, Polio, sy @ae whooping cough and small pox | pr Tedros: “Our vision is not health for some. It's not is eradicated. health for most. it’s health for all: rich and poor, able ‘and disabled, ofd and young, urban and rural, citizen ‘and refugee. Everyone, everywhere.” Practice questions ‘Study the picture given below and answer the following questions: Identify the organization associated with the above emblem, Mention any three objectives of ths organization \ \y S3y Where isthe headquarters of this organization located? How many countries are its members? Name the official languages of this organization. ll, . The United Nations was established to be an effective peace keeping international y 2) 3) ay) 2) 3) ‘organization. In this context explain the following. Mention the functions of the Security Council in maintaining peace. "Name the Big Five countries that constitute the permanent members of the Security Council. Explain the composition ofthe International Court of Justice. ‘The United Nations apart from its main organs also work through its allied agencies. in this, context answer the following: Write the expanded form of UNESCO. State any four of its functions. Identify the agency (adjacent picture) that the UN set up. State the expanded form and any three of its functions. Which year was WHO established. What is the primary objective of this agency.

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