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Kalahari Desert

Anton Suslov 8D 23558

Mr. Jack Gallagher

Word count - 1122

Table of contents


History of the desert ……………………………………………….………………3

Flora ……………………………………………………………………..….…..…4

Fauna …………………………………………………………………………....…6


Reference table………………………………………………………………....…..9


Deserts are biomes that are very differ from any other biome. Deserts can be found almost on

any continent. Deserts stretch across the globe from the icy Antarctica to the sandy dunes of the

Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia. North and South America with Australia having deserts as well.

Those areas are very divers and home to many species.

History of the Kalahari Desert

Kalahari is called a desert, rather it actually is a semi-desert. The average annual rainfall in

it greatly exceeds the amount of precipitation that usually falls in a real desert.

Around 200 million years ago there has been a shallow sea. Even now it is possible to find

fossils of different sea creatures of that time. Later because of the movement of the tectonic plates

there were many volcanic eruptions in this area, because of the land mass that rose to form

volcanoes, a giant depression formed which later turned into the Kalahari Desert. Gradually this

empty space was filled by the erosion of the bordering volcanoes. But it is still unknown where the

red sand came from. During the erosion of the volcanos a lot of sand was created eventually the wind

did its job and created dunes. Now the Kalahari Desert covers an area of 930,000 square kilometers.

It is assumed that in the language of the local people Kalahari means waterless land.


Flora of Kalahari is extremely diverse. First of all, the Kalahari Basin, is a low land area with

the biggest river of the region Okavango. The Okavango River flows from the highlands of Angola,

crosses Namibia and ends in Botswana, in the Kalahari Desert. The delta is home to 1,061 plant

species, 89 fish species, 64 reptile species, 482 bird species, including 24 endangered species, and

130 mammal species. The wetland area is 600,000 hectares, most of the territory was included in the

UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014. Part of the Okavango Delta is part of the Moremi Game

Reserve. The Kalahari Desert is not a typical desert; it gets too much water yearly. Only vast sandy

areas made it the waterless land. Desert is part of the basin which includes delta of the Okavango

river. Sandy dunes of the Kalahari a covered with relative abundance of greenery.

ap of the Kalahari Desert

Wild watermelons are very characteristic of the Kalahari, the whips of which cover large

areas. Apparently, all known cultivated types of watermelons originate from here. With a large lack

of moisture, watermelons with their water reserves save people and animals from thirst, but of the


the most interesting is the Boscia albitrunca known as shepherd’s tree.

Example of the shepherd’s tree

This tree provides natural cover for the animals in the desert. It can also be used for medical

purposes. Another very characteristic plant is the Hoodia gordonii, also known as Bushman’s hat

Bushman’s hat plant in the Klahari

Local people, were eating it for very long time. They use the hoodia plant to relieve pain,

hunger and thirst during long journeys through the desert. Bushmen simply cut off a piece of hoodia

stem and eat it. It is enough for an adult man to eat a small piece of a hoodia stem (the size of an

average cucumber) so as not to feel hungry during the day. They also use hoodia to treat colic,

hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Most of the plant in the

Kalahari are succulent

Rains always change the look of the Kalahari and affect lives of animals that live here. Water

flowing from the plateau is the cause of the Okwango flood and the formation of a wetland delta in

the north of the desert. It this place fish shows up and attracts many hungry birds to feed there. In dry

times, most of the lakes and lagoons dry up, though some still keep some water during the hottest

times. Hippos and crocodiles stay in such places with a great pleasure. Many other animals come

here from time to time to drink some water.

Hippos at the small lake during the hottest time of the year

The great changes in the desert are causing buffaloes, elephants, various antelopes,

wildebeests and zebras to travel long distances every year in search of food. During the rainy season,

they go south not to drown during the flood. During drought they migrate north in search of water.

One very characteristic mongoose is the Meerkats predatory mammals living in South Africa, mainly

in the Kalahari Desert. Meerkats live in families of 20 to 50 individuals, but only the dominant pair

gives offspring. In the wild, the average lifespan rarely exceeds 7–8 years. In captivity, meerkats live

up to 15 years. The main enemies of meerkats are birds of prey, especially eagles. When they appear,

the family immediately rushes to the nearest shelter - if the eagle overtakes the fugitive, there will be

no chance to escape. With jackals, who are also not averse to having lunch with cute animals,

meerkats behave differently. Adults surround the cubs and stand on their hind legs. Usually jackals

do not attack a group of meerkats and retreat. ‘Meerkats are specially adapted to living in the harsh

desert environment. Dark patches around their eyes help them be effective lookouts by reducing the

glare of the sun, much like a baseball player who paints dark lines beneath his eyes. Their eyes also

allow them to take in a wide angle view of the scene. This helps prevent predators from gaining an

advantage by sneaking up.

A group of meerkats searching for predators

Meerkats also possess special adaptations to help them burrow. Their eyes have a clear

protective membrane that shields them from dirt while digging. Their ears also close tightly to keep

dirt out. When the babies are one month old and they begin to crawl out of their holes, numerous

brothers-sisters-uncles-aunts teach them to search for food and hunt. Meerkats eat almost everything

they find in the sand and under rocks: insects, lizards, small snakes, bird and turtle eggs, and spiders.

Thanks to immunity to poison, they even eat scorpions.’ (animal facts guide Meerkat)


Deserts include natural areas in which the surface has a flat shape. Specific animals live in the

desert. Life in the desert is not easy. In addition to the arid climate and lack of water, its inhabitants

have to adapt to the very large daily temperature changes. Out of all the plants in the deserts, shrubs


Kalahari is not like any desert, its unique. It is still almost untouched piece of land, where

nature is still the greatest power. From the ocean it transformed into a semi desert. Being the greatest

destination for adventurous people and those seeking for luxury tours and safaris. With its local

tribes that still live exactly like 2000 years ago. It is full of untouched nature and it should stay the

same. It is truly a magnificent place.

1. Shadows Of Africa, Article title: Kalahari Desert, Access date: 06.05.2022 URL: Cover page image

2. Access date: 06.05.2022 URL: Kalahari desert map image

3. Ivan Latti, Website title: Operation Wildflower, Access date: 06.05.2022


boscia-albutranca-dehoop-jw-1369 Boscia albitrunca image

4. Bharathi Avula, Kate Yu, Publication date: July 2011, Article title: Identification of the

Chemical Constituents of Hoodia Gordonii , Access date: 7.05.2022




5. David Bygott, Publication date: 2019, Access date: 7.05.2022 URL: https://myplanet- Image of the hippos

6. Botswana specialists, Access date: 7.05.2022 URL: Image of the meerkats

7. Animal Facts Guide, Article title: Meerkat Facts Suricat, Access date: 7.05.2022 URL:

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