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Content for International Newsletters calling for EOIs for the

“Three-Minute Thesis”

Are you a researcher looking for an opportunity to showcase your FASD research

NOFASD Australia invites you to apply to participate in the “Three-Minute Thesis” session at
The FASD Forum ’24 virtual conference on 3rd and 4th May 2024.

During this session, the researchers selected as finalists will summarise their work in dynamic,
fast-paced, presentations of just three minutes. This is an opportunity for international
researchers to gain insight into other current research and for parents, caregivers and
individuals with lived experience of FASD to hear about promising global FASD research
conveyed in ‘laymen’s terms’ via the concise three-minute research summary. Awards will also
be given for this session.

Please note that due to the various time differences, and to avoid any internet issues, we will be
pre-recording each speaker to ensure that all presentations run smoothly and that the
transitions between presenters are seamless.

Interested researchers should contact as soon as possible noting that

they would like to be provided with the EOI submission pack for the “Three-Minute Thesis”
session. The closing date for EOIs to be submitted to NOFASD is 8th December. 2023.

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