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disease is found in males far more commonly than in females, and

the consulship (37). At this time Sextus Pompeius, with whom

founded by J. C. Sturm, professor of mathematics and natural

Humboldt and others must give results different from those

inland west of Castiglione is Kolea (2932), a town dating

at Naxos among the other Noreids, and carried her off (Schol.

this ditch protected by a low wall or a stone dyke; some of

use of papermakers and bleachers of textile fabrics has become

method of applying it--when modified in composition--to the human

Jola Adansi Remo

will make it clear to any unprejudiced reader that those were

this compound is isomeric with sambunigrin, a glucoside

soda-liquor before ``finishing'' the ash, or from the crude

of the inhabitants of Kiretchhane are Bulgarian. These

1831, when Ibrahim Pasha besieged and reduced the town and

Karren Alp Pass (Muota Valley to Linththal), foot path . . . . . . . . . .6,877

steady fire of the Guards, and the left wing maintained its

image, after par-axial rays of different colours are united

ADJUSTMENT (from late Lat. ad-juxtare, derived from

the necessaries of life; the growing spirit of independence,

Lake Chad from Tripoli--the first white men to reach that

Bavaria, and the low region of foot-hills that extend from

important features, are plainly of one and the same race.

more needed in the situation, namely, improvements upon the

abbots, the honorary title of abbot continued to be held by

which it bears in actual use. An allegory is distinguished

some of his more prominent followers, after being cruelly

(1905). Alexander shaved clean, and set the fashion in this

delta of the river Niger and the Oil Rivers District, extending
fl. Flourished.

that the vase, which resembles an ink-bottle, belonged to a

Saxonici a prima origine ad hanc aetatem, published at

the sun with as much zest as an African negro; the Indian

| Cinnamic '' | C6H5.CH : CH.CHO |247 deg. | |

of which the following are the chief --tropacocaine, stovaine,

Papers, vol. xii.) By their aid useful information was

he had beaten Ras Bareya of Tigre, Wagshum Gobassie of

Lakkimpur and Sibsagar districts. The extension of their

that even before its plans for mobilization were completed

alto-relievo in the world, the two principal figures being

was formerly known as the Hyapora, but its Brazilian part

Andes from the valley of Cuenca; and a second, the Zamora,

or ashes. It often does good to burn the stubble on the

Elgin, Inverness and other trans-Grampian communities to form

and alterations in the later period of the order, causing

publications. The dally, weekly and monthly publications of

Bollstadt, scholastic philosopher, was born of the noble

width is very uniform for 1000 m. up, and for 800 m. its

substance may be reduced to mesoporphyrin, C34H38O4N4,

had ascended one of the upper tributaries of the Kasai.

an almost independent state, and the extension of Egyptian

by being bushed with ivory or porcelain. Then no changes

1800, and into French, with valuable notes, by De Sacy in 1810.

of the intrigues Of Napoleon in Persia, the Hon. Mountstuart

claim membership thereof. In the year 1885 the Society of

Point. Beyond that, according to Tucker, confirmed by

twenty-one. In 1701 he was urgently invited to accept charge

undoubtedly this property of acetylene gas which leads to its

in the year the superiors of the several coenobia met at

confidential communications on all subjects to the ministers

become ``abbeys'' till the reign of Henry VI. The Cluniac

1901 234,772,516

desires information, was probably the same as shelled barley;

in the same field, which, following a parallel course had

Carolina. It provided that all petitions relating to slavery

of the two races. It was found that the resistance of albinoes

withdrawn, and in May sent a more imposing expedition under

based upon this belief. The similarity of the morphological

a treaty of peace at Tangier on the 10th of September 1844.

ABERYSTWYTH, a municipal borough, market-town and seaport of

were badly conducted and failed, and on the 8th of September

and the Populist or People's party in 1892--whose strength

forms almost half of the Georgia boundary. The Tombigbee

summit of Monte Mauror, commemorates by its name the Christian

spite of the English invasion and other adversities the Floral

barbarism inconsistent with the characters of Omar and his

father Edward in 1438. During his minority he was placed under

waters. For 5 or 6 m. north of the junction of the Victoria

would, if the accusation were false, render the accuser

and perhaps a few miles farther; thence, by painful canoe

1 1/4 acres and under 109,169 8,759 34,779 305,413 458,120

railway was opened, connecting Winnipeg, 1000 m. to the

be visible from any street and to cause danger to the traffic

then respective subjects, cognition and desire (volition).

AUTHORITIES.--The Saxon Chronicle, sub ann.; Birch,

holdings with those of Great Britain. Great Britain, it

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