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the clover (or other forage leguminous crop) is sold off in

There are higher-class schools in Aberdeen, and secondary

and again the lord-lieutenant of Ireland when Sir Henry

terminates some distance in front of the atriopore. At the

Ambones were made of wood or else of costly marbles, and

entirely wanting in algae, such conducting tissues as do

Princess Juana, Alphonso caused himself to be proclaimed

Abyssinia, 145 m. N.E. of Gondar and 17 m. E. by N. of Axum,

which, in connexion with Griswold's collections mentioned

battle. But this reflexion at once suggests another; it

G. Farragut and General Butler (April 18-25, 1862). This

was steadily prevailing where skill and valour had failed.

of Don Antonio in assuming the crown of Portugal determined

agreement was obvious. Accordingly, on the 4th of February

Mexico). The number of years before flowering occurs depends

exceedingly difficult to establish beyond doubt whether any

and beautiful stone--onyx, marble, limestone, quartz and

by King Solomon himself in the Sulimani mountains; there

of ornamental carved work (Exodus xxv. 33, 34; xxxvii. 19, 20).

ornamental slips rising from the four corners of the top of the

his clerk to the bishop, to be instituted in a benefice of

frequently bear the names, not of their compilers, but of

Implements and Machinery.

writer, was born at Midsomer Norton, near Bristol, on the

when the last prince, Centurione Zaccaria, ceded the remnant

3 1/2%, including interest. Provision is, however, made for

that something else had been substituted. In spite of the

and Blue-book Turkey, No. 15, Part ii., 1886. (J. D. B.)

there is, however, no harbour, and steamers have to lie

Cathedral and King's College of Old Aberdeen, 1724-1725

especially by women, Mrs Hemans and Mrs Browning ruled the

embellishments of the singers, account to a great degree for

of the Empire, which he alleged had been dismembered from

the House of Commons as member for Tavistock--was carried on

when the father endeavoured to carry it away an action was

That the navy (q.v.) is the only real defence of the

education have always been thoroughly taught in the schools

States to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, while Great Britain,

as many of them at possible, in order that he may possess a

The openings of the arcades above the principal entrances

De' are the aberrations belonging to x, e and x, y,

ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE is the remedy allowed by law to

of negro slaves. They had no very pronounced religious

(Cotyle rupestris) haunts lofty cliffs in the alpine

he was appointed professor of mathematics at the lycee of

functions and privileges were not dissimilar to those of

liberty and property, equal in privilege and entitled to an

open court divides the monastic from the menial buildings,

Barley. Rye.

preservation of peace on the basis of respect for treaties.

TABLE XXXVIII.--Average Value of Farm Animals in the

resolutely against the previous revolutionary excesses, was

of extreme temperatures is as great as from --75 deg. to 90 deg.

was appointed vali of Brusa, where he remained nearly four

are as grotesque as those in western Europe to copy the

centralization applied to intellect, as a high literary

and the countries to the north--Gurunsi (Grusi), Mossi and

heating cause an accident). It is necessary to stir the whole

enemies. Distrust of all mankind, and readiness to strike

Minimum Maximum Mean

yielded an enormous harvest. Tobacco in Sweden, raised

the Service geographique de l'Armee, Paris). (F. R. C.)

(K). The kitchen with its offices (V) lies behind the

body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or

Col. F. G. Burnaby (see EGYPT, Military Operations.)

powers. The poet now followed her to Rome, but the friendship

imitated Glaisher in making high ascents for meteorological

French feudal romance, Li Romans d'Alexandre, was written

alto-relievo in the world, the two principal figures being

A settlement existed here before the end of the Mexican

that the Scaligerana, particularly the second, detracted

to great structures their solemn and quieting aspect.29

f.). Each hieromnemon was accompanied by two pylagori,

times are ``Tarquinius Superbus'' (1867), ``Phidias and the

styles in which the Arabian authors have treated their

rhizoids, which are retained within the gelatinous wall of the

rebuilt by Mansur in 758, and during subsequent centuries

as their spiritual head. Napier held his Moslem ally in great

view of removing these difficulties. The harmony between

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 29th of November 1832.

Western Europe. The fragment of a bronze bowl discovered

historical notice of the Kings of Granada, by P. de Gayangos.

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