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Which of the following is NOT a function of Human Resource department?

‫أي مما يلي ليس من وظائف قسم الموارد البشرية؟‬

Employees training

Employees benefits

Records Company's transactions ‫معامالت شركة السجالت‬

Employees Compensation

Which of the following is a benefit to running an ERP system?

‫( أي مما يلي يعد مفيدًا لتشغيل نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات‬ERP)‫؟‬

Global integration

Elimination of updating and repairing multiple systems

Capability to manage operations, not just monitor them

All of these

Which of the following is not the function of Marketing and sales unit?
‫أي مما يلي ليس من وظائف وحدة التسويق والمبيعات؟‬

Determining prices

Promoting products

Keep track of customers

Buying raw material ‫شراء المواد الخام‬

Benefits of ERP system?

‫فوائد نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات‬

Allows departments to talk to each other. ‫يسمح لألقسام بالتحدث مع بعضها البعض‬.

Sustain commitment of the top management. ‫الحفاظ على التزام اإلدارة العليا‬.

Reduce operational costs. ‫تقليل التكاليف التشغيلية‬.

All of these
HR is NOT involved in the following activities.

‫ال تشارك الموارد البشرية في األنشطة التالية‬.

Employee Recruitment ‫توظيف الموظفين‬

Production Planning ‫تخطيط اإلنتاج‬

Employee training ‫تدريب الموظفين‬

Employee certification ‫شهادة الموظف‬

Which of the following is NOT a feature of ERP system?

‫أي مما يلي ال يعد ميزة لنظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات؟‬

An Ideal ERP System satisfies all types of needs of an organization.

An ideal ERP does not integrate business operations with accounting and financial
modules. ‫ ال يدمج نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات المثالي العمليات التجارية مع الوحدات المحاسبية والمالية‬.

An ideal ERP provides right data at right point of time to right users for their purpose.

An ideal ERP system is that system where a single database is used and stores all data for
various modules.

Which of the following is NOT a function of marketing & sales unit?

‫أي مما يلي ليس من وظائف وحدة التسويق والمبيعات؟‬

Sales order ‫طلب المبيعات‬

Material delivery ‫تسليم مادي‬

Promoting products to customers ‫الترويج للمنتجات للعمالء‬

Determining prices ‫تحديد األسعار‬

A set of business applications or modules which carry out common business functions is known as

Supply Chain Management System ‫نظام إدارة سلسلة التوريد‬

Integrated System ‫نظام متكامل‬

Modular System ‫نظام الوحدات‬

Individual System ‫النظام الفردي‬

SCM stands for

System Chain Management

Supply Chain Material

Supply Chain management* ‫*إدارة األمدادات‬

Supply Channel management

A SAP ERP HR module is used to

Maintain employee personal information ‫االحتفاظ بالمعلومات الشخصية للموظف‬

Manage Payroll ‫إدارة كشوف المرتبات‬

Keeps records of employees travel/holidays ‫ عطالت الموظفين‬/ ‫يحتفظ بسجالت سفر‬

All of these

ERP means

Supports business through optimizing, maintaining, and tracking business functions.

A collection of software systems that help to manage business processes for an entire

Adopts a set of "best practices" for carrying out all business processes.

All of these

Which of the following is a main characteristic of Integrated ERP System?

‫أي مما يلي يعتبر سمة رئيسية لنظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات المتكامل؟‬
Separate data maintenance by each department

Centralized Database

No direct inter-department communication

None of these
SCM is involved in the following activities.

SCM ‫تشارك في األنشطة التالية‬.

Buying raw material

Production Planning

Inventory levels

All of these

Drawback of the legacy system is

‫عيب النظام القديم هو‬

Data has same meaning across multiple functions

Duplicate information ‫معلومات مكررة‬

Common interfaces across systems

Support coordination across functions

Which unit summarizes transaction data to prepare reports about company's profitability?

‫ما الوحدة التي تلخص بيانات المعامالت إلعداد تقارير حول ربحية الشركة؟‬
Accounting and Finance ‫المحاسبة والتمويل‬

Human Resource

Sales and Marketing


( Q2) ‫اللي مظلل بنفسجي مب متأكد من االجابه‬

The client that is more functional and requires less interaction with the server is
‫تفاعال أقل مع الخادم هو‬ ‫العميل األكثر فاعلية ويتطلب‬
Fat client ‫العميل السمين‬

Thin client

Hard client

Soft client
Which of the following is NOT the advantage of ERP

Data Sharing

Fewer data error

Data duplication

Data is entered only once

Which of the following is designed for the display screens of a software application
‫أي مما يلي مصمم لشاشات العرض الخاصة بتطبيق برمجي‬
Storage logic

Processing logic

Presentation logic ‫منطق العرض‬

All of these

In 2- Tier Architecture, the front-end application is called





Advantage/s of Client-Server Architecture

Allows multiple clients to update data

Improves data security

Workload is distributed between clients and server

All of these
All computing intelligence is within a central host computer that processes data and displays it on a
"dummy terminal". This is called

‫ هذا يسمي‬."‫كل ذكاء الحوسبة موجود داخل كمبيوتر مضيف مركزي يعالج البيانات ويعرضها على "محطة وهمية‬
Mainframe Architecture ‫العمارة المركزية‬

major Architecture

Minor Architecture

None of these

ERP is used to integrate the data and processes of an organization into single system that supports the
core business.

‫( يستخدم تخطيط موارد المؤسسات‬ERP) ‫لدمج البيانات والعمليات الخاصة بالمؤسسة في نظام واحد يدعم األعمال األساسية‬.



In 2 Tier architecture, Client is called the back-end application.

‫ يُطلق على العميل اسم التطبيق الخلفي‬، ‫في بنية المستوى الثاني‬.



Client-server computing is also known as distributed computing.

‫تُعرف حوسبة خادم العميل أيضًا باسم الحوسبة الموزعة‬.



Client Server architecture does not allow multiple clients to update data simultaneously.

‫ال تسمح بنية خادم العميل لعدة عمالء بتحديث البيانات في وقت واحد‬.


Storage logic manages communication between the GUI and the data storage.

‫منطق التخزين يدير االتصال بين واجهة المستخدم الرسومية وتخزين البيانات‬.



Thin client can handle both presentation and processing logic.

‫يمكن للعميل الرقيق التعامل مع منطق العرض والمعالجة‬.



In a graphical user interface (GUI) a user can interact with the computer through icons, drop-down lists,
and menus.

‫( في واجهة المستخدم الرسومية‬GUI) ‫ يمكن للمستخدم التفاعل مع الكمبيوتر من خالل الرموز والقوائم المنسدلة والقوائم‬،.



ERP systems use RDBMS to store enterprise data.

‫ تستخدم أنظمة تخطيط موارد المؤسسات‬RDBMS ‫لتخزين بيانات المؤسسة‬.



An ERP system allows data to be entered once, and then used throughout the organization.


For a small organization, the risk and difficulty in implementation of ERP system, is high cost and time
ً‫ فإن المخاطر والصعوبة في تنفيذ نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات هي تكلفة عالية وتستغرق وقتًا طويال‬، ‫بالنسبة لمنظمة صغيرة‬.



Each record in the table must be identified by a unique attribute,it is called

‫ يتم استدعاؤها‬، ‫يجب تحديد كل سجل في الجدول بواسطة سمة فريدة‬

Primary Key

Foreign Key

Secondary Key

Candidate Key

Groupings of related fields in a table is called

‫يتم استدعاء تجميعات الحقول ذات الصلة في الجدول‬





RDBMS stands for

Relational database management source

Relational database major system

Relational database management system ‫نظام إدارة قواعد البيانات المرتبطة‬

Relational data meaning system


#Multi choice

1-An oval in the process map is used to mark the activity.

A. Start/Stop

B. Decision Point

C. Process Flow Line

D. Input

2-A process may involve multiple sub-processes To represent multiple sub process, we use

A. Activity

B. Start/Stop

C. Phase

D. Process Flow Line

3-A legally binding contract, which specifies products or services ordered by a specific customer at a
certain prices

A. Lead

B. Sales order

C. Acknowledgement

D. Quotation

4-A business function that provides a response to customer order enquiries, based on resource

A. Available to process

B. Available to deliver

C. Available to report

D. Available to promise
5-Customer can get pricing information about the company’s product, it is called

A. Price band

B. Price quotation

C. Price tag

D. Demand price

6-Which of the following is NOT a part of Sale Order Processing?

A. Recording order to be purchases

B. Determining sale order price

C. Item quality check

D. Recording order quantity

#T or F

1-“To Be” Process Map shows how the process is currently operating.



2-Order acknowledgement is sent to the customer as confirmation that the order is booked.



3-An event is subset that create journal entries, which impact the general ledger (GL).



4.SAP ERP Sales and Distribution module treat the sales order process as a cycle of steps.


5.While taking sale order with Non-ERP system, customer’s credit status can be verified easily.




1-Define System:

2-In Sales terminology, what is the meaning of lead management?


#T or F

1-CRM focuses on increasing profit through higher sales volume.



2-SAP ERP system creates an invoice by copying sales order data into the invoice document.



3-The CRM system might provide access to the many items the company sells.



4-CRM software stands for Custom Resource Management. This is a specialized type of ERP.



5-CRM focused on the billing and shipping information.



6-CRM focused on the leads, prospect, sales, and support areas.


7-ERP makes the organization adaptable to the rapid changes in the business process according to the



8-Goal of CRM is not to create lifetime customers.



9-ERP systems were originally designed as Front-office systems.



10-CRM Does not Coordinate marketing, sales, and customer service and support departments by
integrating customer facing processes.



11-knowledge base is a dynamic, searchable database of organizational knowledge that pertains to a

specific subject.



12-While taking sale order with Non-ERP system, customer's credit status can be verified easily.



13-CRM databases can also be cloud-based.


#Multi choice

1-Which of the following is NOT a part of Sale Order Processing?

Recording order to be purchases

Determining sale order price

Item quality check*

Recording order quantity

2-knowledge that is easily documented and codified is

Tacit knowledge

Implicit knowledge

Explicit knowledge

All of these

3-CRM is implemented in an organization due to the following reason.

Keep track of current customers

Bulid long lasting relationship with customers

Attract new customer

All of these

4-Which of the following is NOT a function of marketing & sales unit?

Sales order

Material delivery

Promoting products to customers

Determining prices
5-Which of the following is not the function of Marketing and sales unit?

Determining prices

Promoting products

Keep track of customers

Buying raw material

6-Support activities that interface with the customer

Front-office system

Back-office system

Centralized system

Separate system

7-Order fullfillment involes

Picking an order

Packing an order

Delivering an order

All of these

8-SAP provides flexible information about the important factors that enterprise management needs as a
basis for its business decisions. This information is available in the form of




9-Following software that can give management an overview of a company's complete relationship with
a customer.

Customer relationship management software

Supply chain management software

One to one relationship software

One to many relationship software

10-Input for marketing and sales business unit is

Sales Strategies

Product Pricing

Employment need

Customer Data

11-Estimate of future product demand, which are the amount of a product that customers will want to
buy, is called.

Sales estimate

Sales drive

Sales forecast

Sales manual

12-Customer can get pricing information about the company's product, it is called

Price Quotation

Price Band

Price tag

Demand Price
13-Next generation of CRM that involves managing customer relationships is

Tech CRM

Smart CRM

HiTech CRM

Social CRM

14-Elements for CRM Success is




All of these

‫صل سل عل نبين حم‬

‫ى الله و م ى ا مد‬

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