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Patricia Ilka T.

Siano 05-04-23


Matthew 21:33-46

1. Make a report about the image devices of literary forms in Jesus

presentation of the Kingdom of God.
-The parable of tenants in the vineyard uses the image device allegory because it
compares words that represent the characteristics of people of God. Jesus used
allegory to tell people that the Kingdom of God is like a vineyard wherein it is the
land for the people of God and if the tenant failed his responsibility to make the
kingdom a fruitful land, he then be cast out from the vineyard.

2. What is the main message of the parable of the Kingdom Of God?

- The message in the parable of tenants in the vineyard is the Goodness and
patience of a person who is child of God. In the parable, the landowner
prepares and gave his vineyard to the tenants with evil doings who only repay
him by killing the slaves and his own son. Just like God, he sacrifices his own
son by letting him crucified to save all the people form their sins without
receiving back goodness from the people.

3. Who is the hearers/audience?

- The hearers or audience of the parable of the tenants in the vineyard are his
disciples and the people who truly believe in him.

4. What are the lessons we can learn from the parable?

- The lesson that we can get from the parable is that Jesus is the only
foundation to all people who truly believes in him and on the other hand will
be the main block or rock of offense to those who didn’t believe. In other
words, if we truly believe in God, we will be richly blessed by him but if we
have hesitations in believing him, we might be crushed by different problems
and difficulties in life that God might give to us as a challenge.
Luke 10:25-37

1. Make a report about the image devices of literary forms in Jesus

presentation of the Kingdom of God.
-There is no image devices of literary forms used in the parable because it is
clearly explained don’t have any deep meaning. It can be clearly understood
when you read it. Jesus used literal words which direct and point out the real
offender in the parable.

2. What is the main message of the parable of the Kingdom Of God?

- The main message of the parable of the good Samaritan is that we should be
good to everyone even to our enemies or those people who hurt us. It is very
easy for us to love our friends, family and loved ones but it is very difficult for
us to forgive and loved the people we don’t get along with or those who gave
harm to us.

3. Who is the hearers/audience?

- The audience of the parable is a teacher of the Law who questioned Jesus on
how to receive eternal life.

4. What are the lessons we can learn from the parable?

- The lessons that we can get from the parable of the good Samaritan are
 Love your neighbor as you love yourself which literally means to
love one another.
 Helping one another is just like helping God.
 The only thing that matter is what you do to others. If you do well to
others they will also do well to you.
 Don’t let Labels, profession or your rank in society fool you in
treating other people.
 Don’t search for a reward when helping other people because God
already saw what you did good and he will be the one who will
reward you wit countless blessings in life.

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