Dry Stack Tailings

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Conference Paper · February 2017

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3 authors, including:

Mick McCaslin
WesTech Engineering


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Antonio Accioly, WesTech Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT

Mick L McCaslin PE, WesTech Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT

B.P. Misra, WesTech Process Equipment India P. Ltd., Mumbai

Subhash Patra, WesTech Process Equipment India P. Ltd., Mumbai

Abstract Dictionary doesn’t help us; at least not yet. What is clear
is that paste underflow from a high density thickener is
This paper presents a simple solution for dry stack not considered “dry stack” material; with the possible
tailings without the use of an expensive filtration stage. exception of few creative paste thickener sales efforts.
The concept involves well proven paste technology and
an inexpensive, widely applicable air-drying scheme to Certainly the argument can be made that a primary
permit bulk handling of the tailings using mobile goal of dry stacking is to minimize free water in the
equipment or traditional conveyors. A case study is tailings. Paste and thickened tails accomplish that goal
addressed where the approach was planned and is quite effectively. They do however produce a non-
feasible. Low-risk tailings management need not be Newtonian slurry that can be pumped, and transporting
horrendously expensive. paste thickener underflow via truck or conveyor belt is
more challenging than with filtered tails. Of course few, if
any, installations outside of our case study have
Introduction considered relocating a stack after it has dried.

We begin by acknowledging that our title is a bold Leaning on the definition of dry stacking as “tailings
claim and further concede that our proposition is not a that cannot be pumped”, we present a case study in which
solution for every site. However, as the case study thickened tails are air dried to where they may be easily
illustrates, air-drying of paste or thickened tails is a viable relocated using bulk handling equipment. The method
option for dry stacking. requires low capital expenditure (CAPEX) and
operational expenditure (OPEX), substantially less than
In tailings management, the term “dry stacking” is required by filtration.
most often interpreted as filtered tailings or possibly as
tailings that cannot be pumped (Davies & Rice 2001). Background
While it is not a loosely defined term, there is certainly
flexibility of the meaning since the Merriam-Webster

Shri Bajrang Power and Ispat Limited (SBPIL) is Figure 2 shows a tower with newly deposited paste
located near Tilda, about 35 km (22 miles) from Raipur, and Figure 3 a second tower where the paste stack has
Chhattisgarh, India. SBPIL’s parent is GOEL Group, a dried.
leading producer of steel, sponge iron, pellets and power
in Chhattisgarh. The Tilda site is an integrated steel
facility producing 1.4 million metric tons per year (1.5
million short tons per year) of iron pellet and 500 tons per
day (551 short tons per day) of sponge. The complex
includes a 16 megawatt power plant. The mill processes
2.0 million metric tons per year (2.2 million short tons per
year) of high and low grade iron ore that results in 60-70
dry metric tons per hour (mT/hr) (66-77 short tons per
hour) of tailings. Original design of the system was to
deal with as much as 150 mT/hr of solids. (Misra, et al,

Mill tailings at SBPIL contain enough fines to

support thickened tails with yield stresses of 50-80 Figure 2 - Deposition tower 2 Figure 3 – Tower 3
Pascals (Pa); high enough that there is little to no free
water in the underflow, but low enough for deposition
with 1-3% angle of repose. The latter means monsoonal Alternate Method to Filtered Tails
rains will drain away without eroding the stack.
Precipitation averages 1,188 mm (47 inches) annually, but SBPIL sequences deposition of paste through one
over 95% of that comes in a four month period between tower after the other. Their plans were to seek a market
June and September. for the tailings and ship the solids by reclaiming them
from dried stacks.
In 2015, SBPIL replaced their high rate tailings
thickener with a 14 meter (46 foot) WesTech Deep Bed™ A suitable buyer for the tailings has not been found,
paste thickener. Deposition is in an existing 3.6 hectare (9 but SBPIL is currently considering blending the dried
acre) tailings pond, accomplished by pumping paste to tailings with high grade run of mine ore for reprocessing.
three towers located in different zones of the Meanwhile, conversion to paste has substantially
impoundment as illustrated in Figure 1. extended the theoretical life of the tailings impoundment.

Years of experience with paste and thickened tails

has shown that lack of surface water means the stacks dry
very quickly. This is illustrated by the series of photos in
Figure 1, showing a paste sample air drying over four (4)

Figure 1 - Tailings Impoundment at SBPIL

Figure 4 - Drying: Day 1, Day 2 and Day 4
The towers in Figure 1, and their surrounding stacks,
are marked with red arrows and rain runoff is clearly SBPIL has found that once paste deposition has been
visible in the background, as the photograph was taken moved to another tower, stacks will support personnel and
near the end of the monsoon season. The stacks have some equipment after about a week; during the dry
suffered no visible erosion, attesting to the success of the season. Those studies correlate with observations at other
low-angle deposition. installations, where experience has shown that dry-time is
much more dependent on depth of deposited layers than it

is on other factors, such as rain events. Further study will sufficient to illustrate the point; operating costs for a filter
be needed to: plant would be much higher than for air-dried tailings.

 Determine dry time during the monsoons. Table 1 - Comparative costs based on North American
 Optimize the deposition and dry cycle. estimates. (Approximate values only.)
 Address the inevitable unintended consequences of a Paste/Air-Dry High-Rate/Filters
new process. Thickener US$1,000,000 US$ 600,000
Dewatering - US$3,000,000
However, SBPIL’s successes in their first year of Installation US$ 400,000 US$4,000,000
operation, coupled with experience at other facilities, Total CAPEX US$1,400,000 US$7,600,000
suggests that their original plans are functionally sound. Est OPEX US$ 120,000/yr US$ 700,000/yr

Justification The numbers are general in nature and the economic

analysis clearly incomplete, but it illustrates that there
“Functionally sound” does not always translate to must be substantial costs saved or revenue generated to
economically sound. Therefore, we also attempted a economically offset the filtration step.
financial assessment of the proposed method.

Capital cost for SBPIL to design, build and install the Qualifiers
entire system was approximately US$700,000. A
thorough study for a filter plant has not been done; but A drawback to air drying thickened tails, as a method
purchase of local pressure filters for the same tonnage for dry stacking, may be the required size of the
would be perhaps US$600,000 to US$900,000. Attendant deposition area. Of course that disadvantage is largely site
filter plant costs for auxiliary equipment, design and dependent. In SBPIL’s case, the area is 3.6 hectares (9
construction are assumed to be another US$1,000,000. So acres); but the old tailings pond was a space readily
using filtration to achieve dry stacking calculates to about available. Deposition methods could be optimized and the
2½ times the CAPEX. Given the accuracy of estimates, a deposition towers, which were designed and built locally,
range of 2-3 times would be more appropriate.1 are an atypical configuration. Addressing those issues
would offset some of the space concerns.
Designing the system around filtered tailings would
likely require some sort of intermediate transport and Perhaps the greatest disadvantage to air drying
storage of filtered solids, where that is not necessary for thickened tails is the loss of process water due to
the air-dried tailings at SBPIL. However, a different air- evaporation. If one considers the SBPIL yield stress curve
dry configuration at another site might also require in Figure 1, and knowing that the planned operating range
intermediate transport and storage; so we will simply was 50-80 Pa, then solids in the thickener underflow
acknowledge that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to would range 55-62% by weight; or conversely residual
such a complex issue and consider the cost of the filter water would be 45-38%. SBPIL processes 60-70 mT/hr
plant to be the major variable in this analysis. (66-77 sT/hr) of dry solids. As can be seen in Table 2, the
low range estimate of water in the underflow would be 37
Because India is one of the most cost-effective places mT/hr (41 sT/hr) and the high range would be 57 mT/hr
in the world to build such a system, we also deemed it (63 sT/hr).
appropriate to do a CAPEX evaluation for design, build
and construct in North America. Table 1 has the results of
the alternate comparison of a paste thickener circuit
followed by air drying versus a high-rate thickener
followed by filtration.

An attempt was made to estimate OPEX (see Table

1). While those values are also approximate, they are

1Other variables like a high-rate thickener versus paste, costs of

piping system differences and costs for the deposition towers are
within the margin of error of other estimates.

total water and filters could be expected to lose only 1-

Table 4 - Estimated water in thickener feed.

Total Water
Low % mT/hr High % mT/hr
Solids 7% 60.0 Solids 22% 70.0
Liquid 93% 797.1 Liquid 78% 248.2
Slurry 100% 857.1 Slurry 100% 318.2

Table 5 - Water loss from different options

% of % of
Losses mT/hr Inflow mT/hr Inflow
Figure 5 - SBPIL Yield Stress Curve Water In 797.1 248.2
Out with Paste 36.8 4.6% 57.3 23.1%
Out with Filter 6.7 0.8% 37.7 15.2%
Table 2 - Estimated water losses with air-dried thickened tails.
Thickened Tails As is well recognized in tailings management
Low % mT/hr High % mT/hr decisions, each site must be evaluated for its own
Solids 62% 60.0 Solids 55% 70.0 challenges and our water loss assessment is only general
in nature. Still, for sites where water costs are high, a
Liquid 38% 36.8 Liquid 45% 57.3 filtration plant may be economically justifiable compared
Slurry 100% 96.8 Slurry 100% 127.3 to air-dried tailings.

Residual cake moisture in filtered tailings can vary Conclusions

widely. A range of 6-50% by weight, or 94-50% solids,
covers most operations (Robertson, et al 1982), (Watson
When the abstract for this paper was first submitted,
2010) and (Fiscor 2010). However moisture content less
it was the authors’ understanding that SBPIL was
than 10 or 15% is rare and, in the event of high moisture
operating as intended; regularly removing air-dried solids
filter cake, it is unlikely that filters would be selected; so
from their tailings impoundment with mobile equipment.
for comparative purposes we will assume a practical
Having learned that their plans were evolving, we
range of 10-35% moisture. Applied to the slurry at
considered canceling the paper. Upon further reflection,
SBPIL, the hypothetical range of cake moistures would be
we felt there was sufficient merit in the concept to present
7-38 mT/hr (7-42 sT/hr), as can be seen in Table 3.
it to a wider audience.
Table 3 - Estimated water losses with filtered tails.
Certainly the proposed approach is not a panacea.
Filtration Like any engineering decision, one must consider the
Low % mT/hr High % mT/hr compromises involved. However, air drying thickened
Solids 90% 60.0 Solids 65% 70.0 tails to achieve dry stacking appears to be a practical
option in many situations.
Liquid 10% 6.7 Liquid 35% 37.7
Slurry 100% 66.7 Slurry 100% 107.7 References
Subtracting residual moistures in Table 3 from Table Davies, M.P. and Rice, S. (2001). An alternative to
2 suggests that a filter plant could recoup 20-30 mT/hr conventional tailing management – “dry stack” filtered
(22-33 sT/hr) more water than the paste thickener. tailings, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Vancouver,
At SBPIL, the influent to the thickener varies from
7% to 22% solids by weight, which means 248-797 mT/hr Misra, B.P., Upadhyaya, P.S., Biesinger, Mark T., and
(274-879 sT/hr) of water in the thickener feed (see Table Goel, Pawan (2016), Start-up of India’s first ever Paste
4). Compared to values from Table 2 and Table 3, we can Disposal System for Iron Ore Tailings Management at
see in Table 5 that the air-dried tailings lose 5-23% of the

Shri Bajrang Power and Ispat Ltd. using a WesTech Deep
Bed™ Paste Thickener, Federation Of Indian Mineral
Industries Conference – FIMI-2016

Robertson, A. MacG., Fisher, J.W. and van Zyl, D.

(1982). The Production and Handling of Dry Uranium
and Other Tailings, Symposium on Uranium Mill Tailings
Management, Colorado, December.

Watson, Andrew (2010), Alternative Tailing Disposal –

Fact and Fiction, International Mining Supplement, April

Fiscor, Steve (2010), Filtration Becomes a Viable Option

for Environmental Compliance, Engineering and Mining
Journal, 11 August 2010

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