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Kravin Ace Ampaso 9/24/23

BSPYSCH- 1st yr Synthesis #2 NSTP: MWF 12:30-1:30

In Section 9 the obligation of the State is emphasized as extending across party lines
and into the basic foundation of society. A thriving nation's foundation is its dedication to
lifting its people out of poverty through social services and opportunity. It demands
empowering individual that guarantee no one is left behind. This paragraph represents
the wish for every Filipino to lead a life of dignity and fulfillment, irrespective of their
upbringing. In Section 10 the Constitution embraces a principle that speaks to the very
essence of our shared pursuit for global equality: the noble quest for social justice. This
section extends an open hand to us, imploring us to join together to mend the divides
that still linger in our society. It passionately advocates for a society where
opportunities, resources, and human dignity are within reach rather than being confined
to an exclusive few. Section 11 pays homage to the inherent dignity of labor. It
wholeheartedly affirms the rights of workers to fair and compassionate conditions,
recognizing that the strength of any nation lies in the dedication of its workforce. This
section serves is a tribute to the men and women who labor ceaselessly, pouring their
sweat and spirit into the construction and sustenance of the nation. It serves as
areminder that their rights and well-being should be cherished and protected. Section
12 which tackles the national economy and patrimony, reflects the Filipino people's
desire for economic self-sufficiency. It states that the unborn child inside the mother’s
womb has the same rights or have equals rights to people in the outside world. Section
13 underscores the importance of protecting the intellectual property rights of gifted
citizens. It emphasizes that such protection should primarily benefit the people and not
hinder progress or access to knowledge. This provision reflects a balanced approach to
intellectual property. Section 14 recognizes women's vital role in nation-building and
ensures their fundamental equality under the law. It reflects a commitment to gender
equality and acknowledges the invaluable contributions of women to society. Section
15 expresses a commitment to protect the right to health of every citizen. It signifies a
recognition of the essential role that good health plays in individual well-being and
national development. This provision underscores the government's responsibility to
ensure access to healthcare services, humanizing the pursuit of a healthy populace as
a fundamental right and a cornerstone of a thriving society. Section 16 underscores the
importance of protecting the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology. It
reflects the nation's commitment to safeguarding the environment for the well-being of
current and future generations. Our relationship with nature, emphasizing that a healthy
environment is not a luxury but a fundamental right that contributes to our overall quality
of life. It calls upon us to be responsible stewards of the environment for the common
good. Section 17, in order to encourage patriotism and nationalism, advance social
progress, and advance the complete emancipation and development of all people, the
State shall give emphasis to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and
sports. Section 18 emphasizes the importance of economic policies that prioritize the
welfare of the Filipino people. It reflects a commitment to a just and dynamic economy
that provides equal opportunities and benefits for all citizens. This provision humanizes
economic development by recognizing that economic growth should translate into
improved living standards and greater social equity. It underscores the government's
responsibility to ensure that economic policies serve the common good and promote the
well-being of the Filipino people. Section 19 states the value of equitable access to
essential resources. It reflects a commitment to ensuring that natural resources are
utilized for the benefit of the Filipino people and future generations. The relationship
between the nation and its resources, emphasizing responsible stewardship and
sustainability. It calls for the protection of the environment and equitable distribution of
benefits from resource utilization, promoting a balanced and sustainable approach to
development. Section 20 shows that in the Philippines, people have the right to come
together and join groups. This reflects our belief in democracy, where citizens can freely
meet and be part of activities that affect our society. This section reminds us that when
we work together and get involved, we make our nation stronger. It's all about people
power. Section 21, this section states that the constitutional guidelines in the
development of economy: economic self-reliance. Independent national economy and
effective Filipino control of the economy. The State shall develop a self-reliant and
independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos. Section 22, the
country shall recognize the indispensable role of the private sector as the main engine
for national growth and development and provide the most appropriate favorable
incentives to mobilize private resources for the purpose. Section 23, it states here that
the State shall promote industrialization and full employment based on sound
agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and
efficient use of human and natural resources, and which are competitive in both
domestic and foreign markets. However, the state shall protect Filipino enterprises
against unfair foreign competition and trade practices. Section 24, it says that the State
shall encourage non-governmental, community-based, or sectoral organizations that
promote the welfare of the nation. The State recognizes the vital role of communication
and information in nation-building. Section 25, it states here that the State will make
sure or allow self-government. The local government shall have the power to create its
own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, fees and charges subject to such guidelines
and limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy of local
autonomy. Section 26, it states here that the people in the State shall have equal
access to opportunities for public service and it also allows political dynasties or many
family members involved in politics. Section 27, it sates here that the State shall remain
honest and pursue integrity in the public service and take positive and negative
measures against corruption and graft. And lastly the last section of Article II, Section
28. It states here that the State shall not hide or disclose any and transactions that
benefits the country so in short the people must know all the transactions that involved
the people and the country.

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