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Kravin Ace Ampaso NSTP 101 (76631)

BSPSY-1G. 9/20/23

The lessons learned/realizations pertaining to:

1) Preamble
2) Article I
3) Article II - Section 8


The preamble of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines is a poignant reminder of the
nation's core values and aspirations. It begins with the assertion of the sovereignty of
the Filipino people, signifying their collective authority in shaping the destiny of their
country. The invocation of "Almighty God" reflects the country's deep spiritual and moral
underpinnings. The preamble eloquently articulates the Filipino people's unwavering
commitment to justice and humanity. It serves as a compass, guiding the nation towards
a society where fairness, compassion, and the rule of law prevail.

The main representations in Article I, "National Territory," of the Philippine Constitution

from 1987. This article represents the historical and current significance of territorial
integrity for the Filipino people. It emphasizes the nation's dedication to safeguarding
and defending its borders, an essential component of preserving national security and
sovereignty. Article I acts as the foundation of the Constitution by highlighting the
geographic and governmental borders that distinguish the Philippines as a country.It
emphasizes the country's commitment to both protect its territory and engage in
responsible international diplomacy.

In Article II, Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution: the people have the right to
self-determination, and government authority comes from their permission. This clearly
outlines the country's adherence to democracy and the rule of law, guaranteeing that
government is run by and for the people. Section 2 highlights the nation's commitment
to enacting laws that advance and safeguard the rights and welfare of all its residents.
This is meant to act as a reminder of the Philippines' commitment to improving the lives
of its citizens through fair policies and forward-thinking government. Section 3 of the
highlights the nation's pursuit of an independent foreign policy that promotes peace and
cooperation with all nations. It reflects the country's desire to maintain its sovereignty
and protect its national interests on the global stage. This section states that civilians is
always supreme to the Military and the goal of the military is to act as safeguard to the
people and country. Section 4 underlines the country's dedication to renouncing war as
a means of settling international disputes and pursuing peace as a national policy. It
reflects a commitment to diplomacy, peaceful coexistence, and adherence to
international law. Section 5 emphasizes the country's commitment to upholding the
social justice values while supporting the welfare of all of its residents, regardless of
their standing. In this part, the Philippines' commitment to eliminating inequalities and
guaranteeing that every citizen has the chance to live a decent life is highlighted,
underlining the country's commitment to compassion. Section 6, It demonstrates the
country's dedication to preserving the beliefs. Philippines' commitment to upholding a
multicultural and inclusive society in which people are free to practice their religion
without interference from the government. Section 7 reflects the nation's commitment to
transparency and accountability in public service. It emphasizes the principle that the
people have the right to information on matters of public concern and that government
actions should be open to public scrutiny. This section underscores the importance of
an informed citizenry in a democratic society and serves as a reminder that government
should act in the best interests of its people while upholding transparency as a
cornerstone of good governance. It symbolizes the. And lastly, Section 8 of the
Philippine Constitution. It demonstrates the country's dedication to ensuring that
persons in public service carry out their duties honestly and effectively. This paragraph
highlights the Philippines' commitment to fighting corruption and fostering moral
leadership. It emphasizes the idea that performing public service is a trust that should
be done for the good of the people, reiterating the values of responsibility and
accountability in the nation's leadership.

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