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161004 Background Quiz QA Two coins have biases p1 and p2. The first coin is tossed ni times, second one is tossed n2 times, ‘What is the probability that you don’t get a single head from these (n+n2) tosses? Fue As Oheads Pon Gin 1 je. nf bib fem cond 2 (py [ine eh & Evatt B. Ohecds tome, res O-D" [eg prb PG) = C-ry* + (ANB) = pA)« BD) os events “an oerensenr = (1 i G-8* Q2. In the above case, what is the probability that you get exactly 2 heads from these tosses? Dheads Car heppen in 3 ways 2 Ses Bem Cl, De en Ae an a fren C2, O bmmCl | heme. jp@)="c, O-A)"* d-g ee, ES = a (Byette 27 pre ah in aI eaten el oe , what i the probabitty that you get “h” heads fom these tosses?) P(AU BU <)> Ai Moen Gy OC Pacte, : A, G-DbnnG, 1Oamlg | P+ PE) t#@) Pret Vics m as ene a iy “ache : r= Moe Cay: EO) oGy= Mg AGH, 0 P 4) errr oad ee eg ke aa Ne RRC R24 ALe Raa Reo AL: Rs =5] Sum, Ags BE Ar? B28, Pech byt 88 Ree, summit pAj-Lele “To L p@=)- 4) pound 1) rly = VeSye “fag. Lee 8 eres. ‘coins with biases pi and p2. You roll the dice once, ifthe score is above + (Ar) . 4 you toss coin 2, and else you toss con 2. Whats the probability that you geta head? p (heed) = 7 (Cor Lice heed) + + (coin giveshend) =p (Gen b giasherd oi Jistosse)x p(Cem Le bored) rs am geen ‘ss tossed) Plain 2 in L gives head / core | is bared aay ae hed /coind ss be sel) p(con! 8 bere) =plice seoncy4) = pte =5)¥ pldice 9 aes = pleaeLi bord) = 2]q ” Mee lf phead eles abe ieee «6. Youhavetvee random variables X1, 2, x3 which flow Normal Distribution wth parameters (m1, s2), (m2, 2), (m3, s3) respectively. What is the: expected value of X1+2X2+3X3; E(M+ 2m + 3x9) > E(Ai)+ E(2%)+ eGR) 3 = EG + 2 EG) + 3E a) = yt Poe as pif XWN(Hed (Gr votre detset wih 00 cats and 50 dogs we consider onthe ats, ther weights flow 2 ooo et ute nean Skgand st dev 2¥, we consider ony the dogs their weight fallow Normal distribution with mean 20Kg and std. dev. 4 Kg. You have an Bhnes weight is 10Kg. Do you thinks a cat or a dog? Normeliae the vannbies p(Wele cat) =f 2-5) So tee [xD z,-lo-> =2-5— i P(e le /D04) = p.(-25) | lo=? 2 As G@ Novel is Ay = Aonto 2S oY nme cal around meen ‘, A has mone cal then He pq 5) datase R.O-D= pC? Bot deg. On Evidence, [eral i€ {Q8. You have three 20 observations (2, 4), (3,5), (-1, 1.8). There are two pera predict the second 5 CAT value (y) from the first (x). These models are: I) y=2x+1 il) y=3x-3. Which one will you choose and why? ery Lig com Regnesticn iS wyslecbet by Men S. ete . peel (= G-m-)F| e0(S-28 IR GCE) see Sia ae 2 Medel 2 = (4- saifesrle G20 8A? bow ise [Sela] Q9. You have 5 10 points with feature values (5.8, -1.1, 0.2, 4.5, 4.8). They have to be partitioned into ‘two clusters. Would you prefer to group the first 3 points in one cluster and the other two as another cluster, or would you have the first two points in one cluster and the next three in another cluster? cq, ent, Bl cn (45. sa] ie earl trans eee are Dues cello foced | Gute Cr 360) Disteeer of 0-2. 22: 43 46 (ne- 445) —TaBacclestes steer claw bss iF OD ix » Cl. Inter-elusta clstrees mone. of OD is mc S place OD in CL [5 ale [es sa] Clusters shold be Compact ar dl chat

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