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Nabeeha: In a world driven

by technology, the question arises: Do we still require traditional education, or can computers alone suffice? Join us as we explore
the dynamic relationship between education and technology in the next 2 minutes. In our opinion, computers are all we need now,
Let’s see how? In the digital age, computers have become an integral part of education, revolutionizing learning and teaching
methods. Many people rely on computers for educational purposes. Computers and the internet play a huge part in the world of
education these days. When it comes to education, investing in a computer and internet access from the home can be hugely
beneficial. There are so many reasons why we need computers for education like
1. Preschool learning, help for education for children,
computer enhances creativity and thinking skills of a child
2. School and college students, For students who are in
school or college, having access to a computer at home is vital. Computers
provide a huge variety of information. While students in the past had to rely
on books, these days information can be found quickly and easily online
3. Adult learners. Many adult learners are keen to
improve their qualification skills and knowledge to improve their career
Huge and organized store of information

Azka: Now let’s see the pros and cons of computers.

Computers not only give more information they also
enhance the classroom experience.
Using technology can excite young students
It prepares students for the future
Technology encourages spontaneous learning.

Cons. Some people/kids might waste their time by playing

games and not studying which may affect their education
Can distract students
Removes children from opportunities for socialization.
School Education helps a person hone their communication
skills by learning how to read, write, speak, and listen. Education develops
critical thinking. This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when
making decisions and interacting with people.

In conclusion, Computer revolutionizes the way of study

while making education smoother and quicker. It also connects us to different
sources, which show us different ways to understand a particular topic or idea.
In general, a computer has helped the education world and also changed the way
we work and learn.

Thank you

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