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Page 1 34 Preparatory Term2 os = Coy ‘alli yo ylegi elling Yiguull yg culllall 624 Jc anioy distal igus alSuiio Jo plgaiul dial Jigu :iili yaa gi acLun Year f!gu:ilgl (Ja) uadlig yaali gl aclun yea cla «sus Jon? am - is - are - was - were \ has / have / had es They Can - could You will - would te She i 4 shall - should It pouliies may ~ might — em olaco ig must 4 Jlsaill ora Yo si ai pl IS} Janall fsa spraiui yl Sa) yuu gjlan Joa Do 5 ay gjlecin 26 Does «sala Ja Did FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 2 34 Preparatory Term2 Alig! acluo ij Ja aout | cams | S| yegepeat ee Errata Where ul yldall ‘When / What time io glojll What Ito / to Jad gl Jale pe Jgado - Ycla Why total aul Who uo ale Jgoae Yea Whose gal /yo ello eqsiiull ello Which sl jlisul / puall How as Jill 44yjbIl dluugll How many aacps aaall How much aun Lo / yaoi lo jouull / Guo How old / what age joc pS joall How high / What height lai pS lai How tall (gaauill) Ugb pS ugbll How wide / what width vac pd yall How long Gall Ygb Lo / aéLwall ygb pS éaall/, adil {gill How far adluoil 221 Lo aeull /4Gluol How often So ps {once /twice) ciljall sac yc Ylui How heavy / what weight dig lo uigll How fast cyulll pS acyuull FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 3 34 Preparatory Term2 CTF] pT ee tev tp otey | |/we m/>€ ~ you Mine Sts / ours GSLs mem Yours eBle / pSSle me/us mm you Myself out) amp Yourself that my/our mm) your Ourselves Unis samp Yourselves uit lam =m Are you Iwas == Were you some mm any never = ever 1 Complete the following dialogue: Hager Sara Hager Sara Hager Sara Hager Sara Hager Nex 1. Hager is talking to Sara who is going to the school library. : Hello Sara, where are you going ? : Hello Hager, (1) .. :(2) : lam doing a research. 2 (3). : It is about energy. : Do you want me to help you ? (4)... : have a book about energy; | will give it to you tomorrow. 2 (5) 2. Ahmed and Heba are talking about reading. : Hi! Heba, where are you going ? : visit the library twice a week. : Could you recommend me a book ? (5) FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 4 34 Preparatory Term2 3. Nada and Hany are talking about a job advertisement. Nada _: Have you read the newspaper today? Hany: (1) Nada (2) What's in the newspaper? Hany What is that advertisement about ? Nada: (3) Hany n accountant job is a good chance for us. Nada (4) Hany es, | will. When can we apply for it? Nada —_: Next Sunday. (5) ... Hany —_: Of course. We can go together. 4. Ziad and Khaled are talking about Khaled's favorite sport. Ziad _: Hi Khaled. Is there a club near your house ? Khaled Ziad Khaled Ziad 3) Khaled: | practise it twice a week. Ziad Who do you go to the club with 7 Khaled Ziad Khaled 5. Two friends are talking about our football match against Senegal. Samir: Hello, Karim. Karim jello, Samir. Have you watched Egypt's match against Senegal ? Samir Karim Samir: 1 think it was great. hat's right but Senegal played better than we did. Karim Samir think we have lost a golden chance to play in the World Cup. Karim 5) FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 5 34 Preparatory Term2 Shady Nader Shady Nader Shady Nader Shady Nader Shady Nader Noha Malak Noha Malak Noha Malak Noha Malak Noha Malak Noha Malak Fatma Reem Fatma Reem Fatma Reem Fatma Reem Fatma Reem Fatma Reem Fatma Reem 6. Shady and Nader are talking about visiting a doctor. : Where are you going, Nader ? : 1am going to the doctor. (1) Of course, I'd like to come with you. (2) have a problem with my right hand. (3) .. ‘Why can't you move it 7 (4) think you were playing football when you fell down. es, | really was. am sorry for you. | hope you get better soon. 5) 7. Malak and Noha are talking about a trip to Wadi al-Hitan. : Have you heard of Wadi al-Hitan? . Many ancient fossils are found there. is in the Fayoum Depression, southwest of Cairo. }o you think it is a good place to visit 7 2(3) here will be a school trip there next mid-year hol : How much does it cost ? (4) : That is not expensive. (5) .. lo, | haven't told my parents about it yet. | am sure they will agree. : If our parents agree, | think we can join this school trip. lay. We could go together. 8. Fatma and Reem are talking about their dream jobs. : What job do you want to do when you are older, Reem ? 1 :I think you would be amazing as a journalist. (0, | am thinking about studying m : You will be good on TV as newsreader. (2) see. You don't prefer to be on TV. You like to work for online newspaper. 3) ‘d like to be a web designer. reat! I'll write the stories and you will design the sites. (4) : Your brother can be the photographer. 5) : like this idea, too. We'll be famous. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 6 34 Preparatory Term2 9. Adel is talking to Amir who is reading an article about pollution. Adel: What are you reading, Amir? Amir: (1) Adel: Whatis this article about ? Amir Adel Amir Adel Amir }ecause trees absorb carbon dioxide and keep the Adel: (5) Amir: lagree with you. Recycling our rubbish can also solve this problem. 10.Huda and Salma are talking about Salma's new mobile. Huda —_:Is this mobile new? Salma: (1) Huda —_: Who bought it for you ? Salma Huda ‘our father! (3) . Salma : Because | passed my final exams. Huda (4) Salma _ : He bought it last week. Huda: What do you use it for? Salma: (5) 11.Ahmed is talking with Emad about his father. Ahmed: That's a beautiful pen, Emad. Emad :(1) Ahmed : From your father! Wasn't he a journalist ? Emad: (2) He worked for AlAhram newspaper for twenty years. Ahmed :(3) Emad _ :1'd prefer to be a teacher of English. Ahmed : (4) Emad ecause | am good at English. Ahmed : What about your sister? Emad :(S) Ahmed: Well, perhaps your father should give his pen to her. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 7 34 Preparatory Term2 12.Hafsa was calling her friend Heba on the phone, but she was told that Heba was Hafsa Hind Hafsa Hind Hafsa Hind Hafsa Hind Hafsa out. : May I speak to Heba, please ? - Shall | know who is calling ? ‘m sorry to have troubled you. ? that's all right. (3) es, please tell her to call me when she comes back. (4) K. It's 12345. : Thank you. 2(5) 13.Sara meets her friend Mona at the club. Sara tells Mona that she's going to travel to Sara Mona Sara Mona Sara Mona Sara Mona Sara Mona Sara Mona Sara Mona Amal Mona Amal Mona Amal Mona Amal Mona Amal England next month. jello, Mona! jello, Sara! How are things with you ? 'm going to travel to England. When are you going to travel? 2) 2) : To visit my uncle who lives there. 3) : By plane. re you afraid of flying ? (4) E s jow long will you stay there 7 5) 14.Monaiis talking to her friend Amal who seems worried. : Hello Amal ! What's wrong with you ? jello Monat (1) . 22) jecause I have an 3) i's a job in the media. feally! Which job would you like to do in the media ? (4) reat! You have a good voice and you like reading. | hope you will get the job. 2 (5) ? erview for a job tomorrow. 2 FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 8 34 Preparatory Term2 Amr Ahmed Amr Ahmed Amr Ahmed Amr Ahmed Amr Ahmed Ahmed Samir Ahmed Samir Ahmed Samir Ahmed Samir Ahmed Samir Mahmoud Tourist Mahmoud Tourist Mahmoud Tourist Mahmoud Tourist Mahmoud Tourist 34) (5) 2(5) 15.Amr and Ahmed are talking about Ahmed's journey to Aswan. : Where did you go last winter? : went to Aswan. Aswan! (1)... yy train. Who did you go with ? saw a lot of temples. | think you should visit Aswan. _ but is it easy to go there ? 16.Ahmed is talking to Samir who Is planting a tree. : Hello, Samir. What are you doing ? 1 jo you know how to plant a tree ? : My uncle taught me this; he is an old farmer. (4) : Yes. Trees are very useful for our environment. Why are trees useful for us ? 17.Mahmoud is talking to a tourist. : Is it your first visit to Egypt ? 2(1). (2). : come from London. 2 (3). : IM stay for a week. : What places are you going to visit? 2(4). : Sure. Luxor 2 (5). I came with my family before. ? a good place. ! wish you a nice visit. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 9 34 Preparatory Term2 Huda Salma Huda Salma Huda Salma Huda Salma Huda Salma Yousif Karim Yousif Karim Yousif Karim Yousif Karim Yousif Yousif Karim Tarek Mark Tarek Mark Tarek Mark Tarek Mark Tarek Mark + (3) (4) 2(5) 18.Huda and Salma are talking about Salma’s new mobile. Is this mobile new ? 20) Who bought it for you? 2) ‘our father! (3) .. jecause I have passed my final exam. (4) 2500 LE. : When did he buy it for you ? 2 (5) 19.Two friends, Karim and Yousif, are discussing travel. ‘m going to London next month. Have you been there ? es, Ihave. 1 visited Big Ben and London Bridge. (2) : I travelled with my family. Where did you stay? What does your uncle do there? isten, I have to go but we can meet soon. 20.Tarek and Mark are talking about dream jobs. : Hi, Mark. Do you have a plan for your dream job 7 hope you can achieve your goal. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 10 34 Preparatory Term2 2 Read and complete the text with words from the following list: i believed — million + wonders believes period Desert Egypt has some wonders. The great Sand Sea is one of these 1). .« This is a part of the Western (2) .. _ and here you can find lots of big sand mountains and some unusual glass. It is (3) .. . that the glass is more than 29 (4) .. years old. 2 | language has have online articles jobs I studied English and media at university. | work as an editor. | work for an English (1) .. website. Nowadays more people read news (2) | like this job. Lots of different journalists send me their (3) ..and 1 (4) . to decide which ones are the most important. I t's one of the most fly place hard flew ways weather Winter is cold in some places. It can be (1) . for animals and birds to find food during winter. They get through this time in many (2) For example, birds and butterflies tan (3) ... so many of them do not stick around for the winter. They go to another (4) with nice weather. Then, they come home in the spring. We call this migration. [Ey competition saved Engineering match_— researcher save The Egyptian space science (1) Ayman Ragab, who is currently located in Finland, graduated with honors from the Faculty of (2) at Aswan University. He worked as a teaching assistant at the same university until 2019. He entered NASA's (3) . and came second. He has recently found ways to (4) .. ... energy when there is little gravity. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 11 34 Preparatory Term2 i absorb made plant take planet makes Life is not possible without plants. Plants are.the beauty of our (1) .. They are useful gifts of nature. When a plant grows, it (2) the area around it cleaner and beautiful. Plants produce oxygen and (3) carbon dioxide. tis a fact that people who live near plants are healthier and happier. We should (4) ... .. care of plants. a newspaper doing space do hospitals rivers In the next twenty years, life will be different. The way we study and work will change. Normal people will be able to go into (1) . to visit other planets like the moon. Robots will (2) .. most of the jobs. They will write (3) articles, drive cars and fly planes. Robots will replace human | doctors in (4) 17 | products will energy-saving meteorite rechargeable would We have to care for the planet on which we live. There are many ways to be green. This can be done by using sustainable (1) ... We can use (2) light bulbs that do not use much electricity. We can also use (3) batteries which can be charged many times. If we didn't help the environment, Our life (4) be more difficult. é | must environment renewable mustn't fossil comfortable We should do our best to keep the environment clean. We (1) .. . cut down trees because they absorb carbon dioxide. Also, we mustn't burn (2)... .. fuels to avoid climate change. That's why we should use (3) energy such as solar energy and wind power. So, we will be able to five in a safe (4). ; 9 | have above satellites under space has Farouk EL-Baz is one of the most important (1) . scientists in the world. In 1969, he helped to plan where Apollo II should land on the moon. He also used (2) . to find rivers that were (3) .. ... the sand. This work (4) helped Egypt to find underground water. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 12 34 Preparatory Term2 | 10 | will renewable fuels won't recycle cut We should do our best to keep the environment clean. We mustn't (1) down trees because they absorb carbon dioxide. Also, we mustn't burn fossil (2) to avoid climate change. That's why we should use (3) energy such as solar energy and wind power. So, we (4) .. be able to live in a safe environment. w summer do holidays doing free pollution Beaches are nice places for (1) . We have a lot of beaches in Egypt. People like to go there in (2) . They enjoy the fine weather away from the (3) ... . of the cities. There are many activities you can (4) on beaches. modern skills do ancient opportunity —_ doing In fact, (1) research Is necessary In our daily lives. It's a tool for building knowledge. Research Is Important for (2) education. It opens new doors for learning and gives people the (3) to solve problems and answer questions that the society doesn't understand or respond to. Studies show that research develops mathematical and problem- solving (4) | 13 | has everywhere = send take make had advantages as you can use it (1) and you can (2) photos with it. You can also (3) .. and receive emails by it. People (4) used the telephone for a long time before the mobile was invented. The mobile phone is one of the most important modern inventions. It has many | 14 | since passing jobs pass science _ factories If you are good at maths and (1) .. , then you'd like to go to a technology school. You also need to (2) .. atest to get into a technical school. Students who are successful often work in (3| businesses to get experience. They can easily find (4) they leave school. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 13 34 Preparatory Term2 wa start can energy way jacket could Last year, my father took me out on his boat. | had to wear a safe life (1) and he told me that I (2) Walk slowly around the boat but I couldn't run. We sailed a long (3) and after three hours, I wasn't able to see the beach, only the sea. Then, the engine stopped! We tried to (4) it but we couldn't. | 16 | on succeed _ feelings in flowers weather It is true that the presents that we give others are a good thing. They show our love for some dear people. They show our warm (1) towards our friends and relatives. We usually offer presents (2) birthdays. When | some of our friends (3) in an exam; we also offer them presents. When someone of our friends is ill in a hospital, we visit them and offer them colorful (4) | 17 | floods would planet renewable will history Our weather is changing and our ( 1) .. is getting hotter. One of the reasons for this is climate change. There are more (2) droughts and forest fires than any time before. If we don't stop burning fossil fuels, climate change (3) . get worse. So, we need to use cleaner(4) ... .. energy such as solar energy. | 18 | travelled satellite moon astronauts travels space The International Space Station is the biggest object ever flown in (1) a it's a large (2) .. going around the Earth where (3) .... can live and work to study space . It (4) around the Earth at an average speed of 27.700 Km/h completing 16 orbits per day. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 14 34 Preparatory Term2 [19 I funny called me name likes I work in a tourist information office. Three other people work with (1) . They are (2) .. . Nada, Sa mar and Omar. Nada is a very (3) girl and she always makes jokes. Sa mar is an older woman and | don’t know her very well. Omar is a friendly man and everyone (4) . him because he's very helpful. @ skill diet fur habitat swim swimming Polar bears are excellent swimmers, but their favourite (1) .... is on top of the ice that covers Arctic seas much of the year. They have thick layers of fat and (2) . to keep them warm while (3) The majority of polar bears’ (4) .. consists of seals which they catch in the | | water. 7) FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 15 34 Preparatory Term2 3 Read the following, then answer the questions: The energy that is produced by the sun is called solar energy.This is good for the environment because it is renewable. This means that it comes from natural resources. Egypt has almost nine and half hours of sunshine every day. The sun is nearly always shining and there aren't usually many clouds in the sky. It is one of the sunniest countries in the world. This is why Egypt is using the sun to produce energy. Benban solar park is the largest solar farm in Africa and one of the biggest in the world. Another type of renewable energy is wind energy. There are wind farms in Egypt, like this one in Hurghada. Egypt uses a lot of renewable energy and the government wants people to use it more. If we all used more renewable energy, it would help us to save our planet. rr r : 1. The energy produced by the sun is called .. energy. a. solar b. atom moon d. dust 2. . is one of the sunniest countries in the world. a. Lebanon b. London c. Egypt d. France 3. The main idea of the text is a. sunshine b. renewable energy c. wildlife d. solar park 4. From the passage, name two types of energy that come from natural resources. 5. Summarize the last paragraph in your own words. 6. Do you think that Egypt should use a lot of renewable energy ? FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 16 34 Preparatory Term2 Osama's class have been learning about the environment in their science lessons. Students have been studying the effects of pollution from vehicles. They also have been reading about how poisons from factories can pollute rivers and seas. They all agree that everyone should do more to help the environment. Their teacher, Mr Helmy. asked them to think of things that they could do. The students made lots of suggestions. Radwan said that people should walk more and use their cars less. This would keep the cities cleaner and people would be healthier. Khaled said they should build car parks outside the city centre where people could leave their cars. They could then walk the rest of the way into the city. Osama suggested having a bottle bin in the school where students could put their empty plastic bottles. These could be collected and recycled. Mr Helmy thought these were very good ideas and said he would pass them on to the headteacher. a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: 1. The main idea of this passage is a. science lessons. b. teacher's school. ¢. using less cars. d. looking after the environment. 2. Khaled suggested that a. people should use their cars less b. there should be bins for bottles ¢. people should park in the city centre d. there should be car parks outside the city 3. Who was Mr Helmy going to tell about the students’ a. The headteacher b. Everyone in the school c. His science students d. The students’ parents b. Answer the following questions: 4. What does the underlined pronoun "These" refer to? 5. How would it help if people walked more and used their cars less? 6. Summarize the text in your own words. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 17 34 Preparatory Term2 Recycling is when you take old things and turn them into new things. Do you know how it all works ? The first thing you have to do is to collect items that can be recycled. These include things made out of paper, metal, glass and plastic. Soda cans, newspapers, bottles, and bags can be recycled. Once you put all your items in a recycling bin, a truck comes to pick them up. Everything goes to a recycling place. There, the materials get separated. They go into different piles. There are special machines that crush each pile together. Now let's take a closer look at how old paper is transformed. First the paper is torn into tiny pieces. Then a special water with chemicals is poured onto it. The fibres start to stick together. In time, a brand-new roll of paper is created ! Recycling keeps our planet healthy. It reduces waste. It saves energy. Remember the golden rule : always recycle your products! the correct answer from 1. The main idea of the passage is that .. : a. things mustn't be recycled b. recycling is very important c. recycling is a waste of time d. never recycle things . Causes the fibres of the tiny pieces of paper to stick together. a. Glue b. Sticky gum c. A special water with chemicals d. A red powder .«. Means “to squeeze something very hard 3. According to the passage, .. a. crush b. reduce c. create d. include b. Answer the following questions: 4. Inline 6, what does the underline word “There refer to? 5. According to the passage, give two items that can be recycled. 6. Summarise the last paragraph in your own words. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 18 34 Preparatory Term2 One of the most serious environmental problems that faces our planet today is “climate change", which causes more floods, drought and forest fires. As a result, our planet is getting hotter and the weather is changing. There are two reasons for climate change. One of them is natural which is called “global warming’. The other is created by the man himself when using harmful chemicals in everyday life. Both reasons affect the rise of the Earth's temperature. To reduce the bad effects of climate change, we should reduce global warming by planting more trees and stop using harmful gases and chemicals. Also, we have to use cleaner energy such as solar energy and start recycling more rubbish. This will help slow down climate change. a. Choose the correct answer from a. b. ¢ or d: 1. The main idea of this passage is ; a. droughts b. floods ¢. solar energy d. climate change 2 . can reduce global warming. a. Trees b. Animals c. Chemicals d. Fossil fuel 3. The underlined word “them” in the second paragraph refers to... a. problems b. reasons c. gases d. chemicals 4. Give one reason for climate change. 5. How do you think we can reduce the bad effects of 6. Summarize the first paragraph of the text in one sentence. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 19 34 Preparatory Term2 There are lots of ways we can use to protect our environment and build a greener world. We can all help the environment by using less energy. For example, turn off the TV and computer at night. We have to turn off the lights when we leave a room. Also, we need to save water so when you water your plants, use your washing up water. Plants are very good for your health because plants breathe out oxygen which is a gas that we need to breathe. We have to stop buying water in plastic bottles, instead we buy a glass water bottle that we can use again. It's important to recycle as much as possible because recycling would reduce the waste and pollution. We can recycle all the handbags by making the leather from them into carpets. We need to recycle and reuse our rubbish. If we don't, we will destroy the planet. We can help keep our air, water and land clean by using renewable energy such as solar energy and wind power. We need to understand that the environment is our home and it's important that we respect it. a. Choose the correct answer from a, b.c ord: 1. The main idea of this passage is f a. how to protect our world b. how to protect our plants c. renewable energy d. non-renewable energy 2. You have to stop buying water in bottles. a. plastic b. glass c. wood d. rubber 3. The word “recycle” means a. use b. reduce c. produce d. reuse b. Answer the following questions: 4. How can we protect the environment? 5. Why are plants very good for your health? 6. Summarize the first paragraph in your own words. FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 20 34 Preparatory Term2 4 choose the correct answer from a, b, ¢ or d: UNTiw 1. The word “destroy” is the synonym of the word a. build b. damage ¢. paint 4. protect 2. The word "coast" can be turned into an adjective by adding the suffix... aed b.-ive ely d.-al 3. [llreread the story. The prefix “re” means to read it a.once b. last ¢. before 4. Some animals prefer a grassland habitat. “Habitat” here means a. water touse b. sports todo ¢. food to enjoy d. a place to live in 5. The seawater here is. - I can see the little fish. a.clear b. polluted ¢. huge 4d. national 6. Siwaisa/an.. the Western Desert. a. valley b. island «. village: d. oasis 7. Water come naturally to the surface from under the ground. a. strings b. springs ¢. oases 4. parks 8 A . is something that makes you feel it is beautiful or amazing. a. wander b. wonder ¢. jumper d. machine 9 A . is the natural home of an animal or plant. a. habit b. operation . hobby 10. We can make a noun from the word “appear” by adding the suffix.” a.-ment b.-ance cer 11. The synonym of the word “strange” is a. usual b. similar «. familiar 4. unusual 12. He works fora chatity for free. He is a f a. leader b. chief ¢. volunteer d. manager 13, A . old boy was riding a bike when a car hit him, a. ten-years b. tens-year ¢. tenyear d.tens-years 14. the bottle with water. a. failed c. felt d. fell b. filled 15. Deserts are huge areas with a lot of sand. "Huge’ is similar in meaning to a. small b. tiny ¢.little d. enormous 16. The ground was wet because of the rain. "Wet" is an antonym of a.dry b. rainy snowy 4. stormy 17. A/An is a large, white animal which lives on the ice of the Arctic. a. caracal b. polar bear ¢. frog . orangutan 18. Ahmed Mekky is a famous actor. “Famous" is similar in meaning to .. x a. unknown b.strange ¢. wel-known, d.usual 19. We should do our best to protect the environment. ‘Protect’ gives the same meaning as a.harm b. look after destroy 4. ruin 20. “Modern” is an antonym of .. b. ancient c.recent usual 21, “Strange” is the antonym of as a. usual b. well-known ¢. unusual 4.tiny FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 22. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. a1. 42. 43. 45. Page 21 34 Preparatory Term2 I think that the internet is a wonder of modern technology. The prefix “tech-” is similar in meaning to a. skill b. nature <. time to give the opposite of “usually”. a. dis- b.un- . im- 4. ine ‘We can turn the verb "visit" into a noun by adding the Suffix wenn « a.ess b.-al cable d.-or We add the suffix” " to "nature" to get an adjective. aal b.-ive ful d.-ing The forest is HOME .nnennnn a lot Of wildlife. a. from b.on «. by We can form the opposite of “important” by adding the prefix ”. E aim «. dis: d.un- We add the prefix *. ” to the word “normal to give the opposite. b. dis cab dire ‘Our culture is different from the west culture. To correct the underlined word, add the suffix” a.-ern b.-ure c. A8t d.-al We add the prefix to the word “usual” to form the opposite. a. in- b. dis- c.un- We should protect our planet. ‘Protect’ is similar in meaning to a. destroy b. keep ¢. increase d. discover The habitat usually has large green areas and no mountains. . grassland ¢. desert b. coastal a. polar The habitat has a lot of trees. It is usually very hot and has a lot of rain. a. polar b. coastal ¢.desert 4. rainforest The habitat is always cold and is often covered by ice. apolar b. coastal c.desert . grassland A is avery high hill a. mountain b. tree dog d. door TE vemos habitat is next to the sea or the ocean, You often find rocks there. a. polar b. coastal c.desert d. grassland The habitat is a large area of land that is covered with trees. a. forest b. polar ©. desert d. coastal The habitat is very high. It can be very cold in the highest parts. a. forest b. polar €. desert d. mountain There is very little or no rain in the . habitat. It can be very hot. a. forest b. desert’ ¢. grassland 4. rainforest The land is the land that is next to the sea or the ocean. a. forest bi desert ¢. coastal 4. polar ‘The White Desert National Park contains rocks that the wind has made into strange a.trees b. ships ¢. shops d. shapes Al Nayzak Lake is a . drive from Hurghada. a. three-hours b. three-hour ¢. three-hour's d. three-hours’ The new hotel on the beach is an interesting It looks like a ship! a. shop b. shape ship d. chop Mr Tarek’'s house is . by trees. It is very difficult to see from the road. a.eaten c. slept 4. surrounded The farmer built a big fence around his fields t0 wn... his animals. b. sleep protect d. damage FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 22 34 Preparatory Term2 46. Remember to your bottles with water before we go to the desert. a. fall b. fail fill d.feel 47. I think that the internet is a... of modern technology. a. wander b. wonder c. tree 48. Siwais.a very famous . in Egypt. a. village b. country «tree d. oasis 49. When something is kept safe from being damaged, it a. preserved b. depressed ¢. damaged d. reserved destroying large areas of rainforests. a. Discussion b. Decision ¢. Protection 4. Deforestation 51. “sennenen” is the antonym of “unknown”. a.Safe b. Useful ¢. Popular 4. Boring 52. is the antonym of “terrible”. a. Amazing b. Usual ¢. Popular 4. Boring 53. The synonym of the word “fortunate” is fh a. lucky b. unlucky ¢. unfortunate 4. unhappy 54. Weadd the suffix * "to turn the noun “danger” into an adjective. a.-ous b-ment «ion ay 55. My father is kind. The antonym of "kind” is : a. soft b. tall c.easy d. cruel 56. Places on the map seem to be near, but they are really .. a. short b. remote «big 57. The pharaohs preserved their bodies well. This means they a. discovered b. sold «kept 58. There are amazing .. of dinosaurs in the Science Museum. a. products b. fossils ¢. pipes 4d. lighthouses 59. A . is a building where horses sleep. a. stable b.cave hut flat 60. The of the restaurant is Mr Ali. He bought it last week. a. customer bb, waiter ¢. cashier d. owner 61. We can use the Suffix... to turn the word "wind" into an adjective. a.-ness ay ay dim 62. The prefix turns the word “lucky” into the opposite meaning. a b.un- dim 63. Wecan use the suffix a.-or b.-ir cer tess 64. The suffix turns an adjective into an adverb. a.ive bly .-ment dion 65. Wadi al-Hitan is now a famous international place. The prefix “inter-" means... a. between b.above ¢.under in 66. Mohamed Salah is a very popular footballer. The synonym of “popular” a. famous b. modern «. terrible 4. difficult 67. We can add the prefix "wns" to the Word “national” to get a word that means "worldwide". is beun- «. inter- d.en- 68. In the museum, we saw some of animals that lived thousands of years ago. a. fossils b. cats ¢. dogs d. cars 69. The village is 80 km from the nearest city. It is very .. a.tall b. remote ¢. small 4. big 70. My grandmother always -.n.nn fruitin ajar with sugar and water. a.dig b. preserve ¢.sleep FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. on. 92. 93. 94. 95. Page 23 34 Preparatory Term2 The longest snake in the world is more than six metres in a. short b.long length d. tall Scientists are still discovering NeW Of ...... plants and animals every year. a. buses b. species 4. planes A is something that people travel in, that is pulled by a horse. a. taxi b. plane ¢. carriage car The of an animal is the person who has bought it. a. owner b. engineer ¢. doctor d. teacher A . is a building where a horse sleeps. a. bank b. stable ¢. museum d. house IE YOU .....nmee SOMEONE Well, you are nice to them. a. meet b. sleep ¢. treat dread The Word "s.nnennn” means how long something is. a.length b. colour cage d. weight If something is . , itis kept safe, so it is not damaged or destroyed. a. played b. helped ¢. preserved eaten The word ” means to be very far from somewhere. a.clean b. big «. tall d. remote . are a group of animals or plants of the same kind. a. Stables b. Teachers ¢. Dogs 4d. Species . is the remains of animals or plants that lived in the past. b.tree car is the land that is below the area around it. a. fossil b. stable ¢. depression d. length) The farmer keeps the horses in a .. next to his house. a. stable ¢. bank 4d. schoo! In the past, people didn't use to travel by car, they took a horse and a ' a. length b. stable ¢. depression d. carriage My grandmother had six children and them all the same. She was always kind. a.ate b, treated «slept d. got Who is the «nme Of this car? It should not be parked here, a. teacher b. farmer «. doctor d. owner "1 * is the synonym of “rainy”. a.Tall b. Wet ©. Big d. Short " “is the antonym of “dry”. a.Tall b. Short ©. Big 4. Wet is the synonym of “difficult”. b. Hard «Big 4. Tall is the antonym of “easy”. a. Hard b.Big ¢. Small 4. Tall The synonym of the word °. a.tall b. short «big d. terrible " is the antonym of amazing’. a. Terrible b. Good c. Nice 4. Beautiful The synonym of the word °. 4 a.cold b. warm «big . small : * is the antonym of “cool”. . Tall ¢. Small b. Big a. Warm The synonym of the Word “.rwenmm” iS “eruel”. a. unkind b. kind «. tall 4. short FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 24 34 Preparatory Term2 96. ” is the antonym of “kind”. a. Kind b. Unkind «Big 4. Short 97. Cutting down all the trees in an area is called semennem + a. deforestation b. forest ¢. stable 4. fossil 98. He WAS vse» When he met my twin brother. He couldn't recognize me. a. active b. confused angry d. bored 99. Amongoose's body is covered with thick . to keep it warm. a. feather b. air «fur d. leather 100. Her: is to become a nuclear scientist in the future. a. style b.aim ¢. label 4. skill 101. The letter was delivered by the «1... this morning. a. teacher b. doctor ¢. postman 4. farmer 102. The swnunnne iS @ Wild cat with long legs and big ears that lives in Africa and Asia. a.eagle b. bear ¢.caracal 4. pig 103. A is a word or phrase to explain things in a picture, diagram, etc. a. lesson b.lab ¢ label d.tine 104. . means the way in which a person lives, a. Appearance b. Lifestyle ¢. Skill d. Research 105. We can get the noun from the verb "invent" by adding a.-ed b.-ance c.-ion ay 106. She was very sick yesterday. The antonym of “sick” is a.ill b. tired ¢. weak . well 107. The synonym of “active” a. lazy b. inactive c. energetic d. slow 108. We add the suffix ” to get the adjective from the verb “suit”. a.-ion b.dy, cing d.-able 109. . is the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people. a. Pollution b. Deforestation ¢. Population d. Direction 110. Mongooses are active during the day and sleep at night. “Active” is the antonym of a. hard b, fast ¢. quick d. lazy 111, Could you say that in another way? I'm still a. frightened b. endangered d. confused 112. Someone who is can move and do things easily. a.lazy b. confused <. active d. alone 113. . is the thick hair that covers the body of an animal. a. Fossil b. Fur ©. Beak d. Jacket 114. To get the opposite of "suitable", add the prefix ”. a.dis b.un- cen dire 115.4 . is a circle in the road where four roads meet. a. level by stable ¢. label d. roundabout 116. The synonym of “confused” a. big b. small «. tall d. puzzled 117. Mangooses's bodies are covered by thick fur. "Thick" is an antonym of ... : a bylarge . huge 118. We turn the verb “confuse” into an adjective by using the suffix a.-ment b.-ous ¢.-ion 119. We turn the noun “danger” into a verb by adding the prefix a.dis- b.un- cen 120, She always has an attractive... - This means she always looks beautiful. a. population b. deforestation ¢. direction . appearance FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 25 34 Preparatory Term2 121.4 . habitat is found next to the sea. a. coastal b. mountain c.desert 4. polar 122. snmennmn have green areas between deserts and mountains. a. Trees b. Dogs ©. Cars 4. Grasslands 123. More than half of the world’s animals live . Millions of trees grow here. a. deserts b. water ¢. rainforests d. trees 124. Not many animals can live in habitats. They are covered by ice for much of the ye a. polar b. coastal ¢. desert d.tree 125. Animals that live in a . habitat are able to live in water as well as on land. a. polar b. desert ¢. grassland d. wetland 126. Cotton is grown by «nn.» in the Nile Delta. a. teachers b. farmers c.engineers 4. nurs PINT] 1. The energy we get from the sun is called a. fossil fuel b. solar energy ¢. carbon dioxide d. methane 2 To ... Means to deliberately stay away from someone or something. a. keep b. avoid c.melt d. waste 3. The prefix added to the verb “use” to mean use again. a.dis- un din 4, My cotton jacket absorbs water from rain. “Absorbs” here is lIK€ wenn « a. takes in b. turns off ¢. throws away . puts into 5. Weadd the suffix "....00m" to the noun "environment" to give the adjective. aal b.-ion ced ding 6. They tried to solve the problem. They tried to find a : a. solution b. mistake «. voyage d. wave 7. ItHINK «nn... 1S ONE Of the Most serious problems for our planet. a. air pollution b. farming ¢. solar energy d. wind energy 8. You should avoid making bad friends. The synonym of the word “avoid” is .. a. keep b. stop ¢. pass d. recycle 9. Tomake the noun from the verb “farm”, we add the suffix ” a.-able b.-ing call d.-ous 10, To give the opposite meaning of the word "renewable", we add the prefix ”. “ a.dis- b.un- enon .im- 11. Global warming is a real problem. "Global" is a synonym of a. universal b. local ¢. national d. historical 12, Tahya Masr Bridge is a fantastic project. The antonym of “fantastic” is a. terrible b. awesome «. brilliant d. excellent 13, He has a serious illness. The synonym of “serious” is ~ a. dangerous b. unserious fun 4.kind 14, To is to reduce how fast something goes. a. breathe b. increase «play 4. slow down 15, House prices are expected to increase again. The antonym of “increase” is “swnumnnen"s a.raise b. reduce ¢. boost d.rise 16. sans is the business of growing crops and looking after animals for food. a. Farming b. Melting ¢. Recycling d. Wasting 17. We shouldn't pollute the environment. The antonym of “pollute” is a. dirty b. destroy «.clean d. change 18. The prefix is added the word "port" to refer to buses, planes, etc. a. super- b. trans- ¢. techno- d. astro- FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 26. 27. 28. 31. 32. 33, Page 26 34 Preparatory Term2 We should protect our planet. “Protect” is similar in meaning to a. increase b. eat keep d. discover The Verb ennneee is an antonym of “damage”. a. pollute b. recycle fix 4. harm We sat in the sun. It WaS a snnnnnn Gay. a. sunny b. sunburn ¢. sunset d. sunrise We add the suffix to the verb “renew’ to give the adjective. a.-ous b.-ion ¢.-ation d.-able We add the prefix to the verb “cycle” to mean do again. aun bi 4. pre- ‘Sameh works for a charity for free. This Means he IS a ennennee a. power b. governor ¢. manager 4. volunteer «solar d.tree . is a greenhouse gas from landfill sites. a. Oxygen b. Methane ¢. Carbon’ 4. Hydrogen . is clean energy from the sun or the wind. a. Fossil fuel b. Solar energy ¢. Electricity d. Renewable energy To means to take in a liquid or a gas. b. sleep d. absorb . is damage caused to the air by chemicals and waste. a. Air pollution b. Landfill ¢. Melting ice 4. Deforestation a place where people leave rubbish on the land. a. Landfill site b. Deforestation ¢. Climate change 4. Air pollution . Is. a problem in the Arctic and Antarctic because of global warming. It causes floods. |. Air pollution b. Landfill ¢. Melting ice 4. Deforestation . happens when all the trees in an area are cut down. a. Farming b. Deforestation ¢. Climate d. Melting ice . are things that can kill coral reefs. a. Warmer seas b, Deforestation ¢. Air pollution d. Electricity We have Used -emnnnn in cars for too long. a. fossil fuels b. climate change ¢. deforestation d. electricity Did you know that some plants pollution from the air’ b. absorb «sleep Trees are good for us because they breathe in and breathe out oxygen. a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide €. trees 4. plants Egypt is usually sunny, so it is a great place to use energy. a. water b. tree . wind 4. solar We should all putting rubbish in landfill sites. a. avoid breat d. sleep Wind and waves are two fantastic forms of nergy. a. solar b. renewable ¢. non-renewable d.tree . change increases when we cut down trees. a. Solar b. Water «Sea d. Climate The antonym of “connect i a.join b. disconnect ¢. link . gather We can change the word “tradition” into an adjective by adding the suffix... aal b.-ous ¢.-tion d.-ment Weaving is an important Egyptian .. a. jewellery b.road «. tradition car FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 51. 53. 61. 62. Page 27 34 Preparatory Term2 is liquid used in pens or printers for writing. a.Oil b. Loom «Link 4. Ink A commun is the art of making cloth by crossing threads using a special machine. a. Weaving b. Weeding ¢. Cleaning 4. Eating We can form the adjective of the word “connect” by adding the suffix ”. a.-ment b.-ion ced dal The antonym of the word “traditional” is. a. ancient b. modern . wrong d. classic The synonym of the word “broken” is a. correct b. incorrect ¢. damaged 4. amazing The printer is connected to the computer. The word “connected” MeANS -.....m. together. a. transported b. linked c.eaten d. phoned Don't let people wnnnnnnn at You, Yasser. a. laughs b. laughed ¢. to laugh d.laugh To get the adjective of “colour”, add the suffix”. 2 acal b.-er c.-ive 4. ful cloth or material which can be used to make clothes, bags, etc. a. Fabric b. Papyrus ¢. Oil d. Lens A . is a person who makes clothes by weaving. a. diver b. thief . weaver d. passenger The is a long piece of cotton, silk, etc. which people can use to sew clothes. a. thread b. ink ¢.needle d.reed Nowadays, we use modern ways of farming. The synonym of “modern” is : a. expensive b. far cnew . ancient The suffix ” forms the noun from the verb “discuss”. a.-ion b.-¢r .-ment 4. ful We can use some materials again. This means we can ... them. a. damage b. destroy c. recycle d. waste Thad a very bad dream. It was. a dream. a. useful b, terrible ¢. delicious 4. funny The printer isn’t connected to the computer. The verb “connected” MEANS enn + a.linked b. disconnected c. collected d. designed . is a liquid used in pens or printers for writing, drawing, etc. a.Juice b. Fabric «. Ink d. Thread A . is a machine used for weaving. a. loom b. weaver «carpet 4. printer The word “allow” is the same meaning as the word a.let b. make ¢.stop d. prevent Jewellery made from old glass bottles is not expensive. The antonym of “expensive” is a. pricey b. lovely ¢. cheap d. pleasant In the word “technology”, the prefix is... a.-no b.-ology coy d.techno- In this old factory, they use traditional machines for weaving. This means they use a. looms b. printers ¢. cartridges 4. computers The word “horrible” is similar in meaning to a. lovely b. terrible ¢. pleasant 4. interesting Today, we use modern ways of farming. The opposite of "Modern" is enenemmee a. traditional b. expensive cnew 4. far FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 69. 70. 71. 72. 7% 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. Page 28 34 Preparatory Term2 We add the suffix to give the noun from the verb "weave". a.-ful cal d.-ed Farmers still use old ways of farming. This means they USE svmnne WAYS. a. traditional b. colourful . international d. electrical Today, | am going to give a about protecting our planet. a.tree b. bee ¢. beach d. speech ‘Mum cooks the food and Ido the Ip. a. watching b. washing ¢. drawing . drying The is a plant which lives in the sea, usually near the coast. a. seawater b. sea view ¢. seagrass 4d. seashell We can form the opposite of the word “appear” by adding prefix “..nnue."> cun- d.dis- The SUPFIX “nem” Changes the verb “attract” into an adjective. a.-able b.-ive ful d.-ment We add the suffix” * to change the noun “danger” into an adjective. a.-able b.-ous ful .-ment The word “protected” is the same meaning as the word a. dangerous b. bored d. relaxed The synonym of the word "begin’ is . a. start b. finish c. attract d. appear To make the noun from the word “speak”, we add the suffix b.-er .-ment d.-ness The synonym of the word “suitable” is : a. helpful b. respectable ¢. convenient d. content The jewellery is beautiful. The word beautiful here means a.silly b. attractive ¢. unimportant d. useless Spider plants look attractive, so | put them in the living room. The word “attractive” means a. beautiful b.ugly wet d. expensive This man's name isn't familiar to me. The word “familiar” is the opposite of . “ a. well-known b. popular ¢. special 4. unfamiliar We Use the SUFFIX ....mmn to give the noun from “conclude”. a.-ful b.-ive «sion d.-ation A 1. iS an area of land that is wet most of the time. a. green iand b. wetland ¢.dry land 4. England In the rainforest, you need to be careful of dangerous snakes. “Careful” is the same meaning as a. cautious b. popular c. careless 4. attractive Baby fish and sea animals live in seagrass because it is a safe place. The synonym of "safe" is a. dangerous b. lovely ¢.secure . unsafe We add the suffix to give the adjective from “wind”. a.-ful b.-ing ay d.tess A is a device that carries people up and down inside tall buildings. a.train b. plane ¢. boat lift There was a .. accident here yesterday. Twenty people were killed. a. cautious b. careless ¢. horrible 4. familiar To. is to help somebody remember something important that they must do. a. prefer b. invent ¢.remind 4. invite FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 29 34 Preparatory Term2 1 A is the end of something such as speech or a piece of writing. a. toy b. conclusion ¢. beginning d. title 92. The prefix “dis-” in the word “disappear” gives the wnnnnne« a. meaning b. opposite ¢. synonym 4. adjective 93. The opposite of the verb “appear’ is formed by adding the prefix air b. dis- im d.un- 94. Your baby has an attractive smile. The opposite of “attractive : a. beautiful b. friendly unsafe d. unattractive 95. Reuse old plastic bottles. The prefix “re-" means to use i b.again . first d.last 96. A/ AM vrnnenne iS a Very large area of sea on the Earth's surface. a. lake b. pond ¢.ocean driver 97. Mum always tells me not to forget my homework, She ww. me of doing it. a. remembers b. reminds ¢. forgets d. says 98. She writes funny sentences at the end of the email. I like her funny a. introduction b. start ¢.conclusion 4. beginning 99. Suddenly, all the cats ran away. They a. reminded b. appeared ¢. showed d. disappeared 100. Most butterflies have many colours. They are a. plain b. colourless ¢. regular d. colourful 1. We can get the adjective from the word “use” by adding the SUffIX "ncn" a.ive bly cer di. ful 2. Rewrite your composition. The prefix “re” means to do it. : a. next b.again . first d.last 5 . your glass, paper and plastic products to reduce pollution and save energy. a. Burn b. Recycle ¢. Throw . Charge 4. The tower is 30 metres above the sea a.sand b. level c. seed, d. weed S sme Means causing little or no damage to the environment and able to continue for a Jong time. a. Surrounded b. Electrical ¢. Simple d. Sustainable 6. Please, plug in the TV. The word “plug in” can be replaced by a. borrow b. waste ¢. connect d.find 7. You should save some money. The word "save" can be replaced BY swmnnmnne a. keep b. waste ¢. borrow d.find 8. Weadd the prefix "to get the antonym of the word “usual”. cun- dire 9. The suffix” ” can be used to get the adjective from the word ‘environment’. by ced d.-ing 10. This machine is electric. It works by ... a.gas b. petrol coil d. electricity 11. Petrol from cars isn't sustainable. The synonym of “sustainable” is a. environmentally-friendly b. endless c. interesting d. non-renewable 12, Mangrove trees are unusual. The prefix "un-" gives the .wnnnnnes » a. meaning b. question ¢. opposite d.noun 13, Plug in the computer. “Plug in” has a similar meaning to a. comment b. connect communicated, congratulate FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 14, 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ima 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 31. 32. 33. Page 30 34 Preparatory Term2 Mangrove forests protect the coast. The antonym of ‘protect’ is , b. keep ¢. sustain d. damage The antonym of *rising” iS sermons « a. decreasing b. sending ¢. climbing 4. increasing Mangrove trees are unusual as they grow in seawater. The prefix"un-” MEANS sense + a. possible b. not again You can't usually recycle these cups. The prefix “re-" means to do it a. again b. unlike ¢.much d.less This device needs batteries that can be charged again. This means it needs batteries. a. unusable b. sustainable c. recycled d. rechargeable To form the adjective of “sustain”, add the suffix “ acer b.-ive cal d.-able A/ AN snnnenne is a small plant which has started to grow from a seed. a. ingredient b. subject ¢. soi 4d. seedling Please turn on the TV. The antonym of "turn on’ a. switch on b.turn down ¢.turn up 4. switch off .means that the sea becomes higher because climate change melts the ice in the poles. a. Sustainable b.Rising sealevels _¢, Rechargeable d. Recycle .is the opposite of “plug in’. a. Turn on b. Give up ¢. Plug out . Take in The noun “health” is turned into an adjective byadding the Suffix enn. a.-ive b.-ing ay aay You need to recharge your mobile. The prefix “re-" means to charge it. a. again b. next c.out din Dalia and Reem have energy-saving light bulbs at home. This means they energy. b. save d. solve We can't continue to use petrol for cars becaust a. simple b. surrounded ¢. sustainable d. rechargeable . trees grow in seawater along the coast. a. Peach b, Olive ¢. Mangrove d. Lemon There are more floods in many countries because Of sass « a.rising sea levels. _b. pollution c. trees d. dogs . are smalll, young plants. a. Cars b. Seedlings ¢, Cats 4. Dogs Rice and vegetables are that we grow on farms. a. colours b. subjects ¢. crops 4. animals We cannot continue to use petrol for cars because it is not a.tall b. short «. fat d. sustainable We can use that bag again. IRS w..nsnen « a. tall b. short ¢. reusable . tong These energy-saving light .. use a lot of less electricity than the ones we used to have. a. dogs b. bulbs c.cats d. monkeys Can I plug in these rechargeable .. 7 need to charge them. a.cats b. trees c. batteries d. books A . cup is made froma tall, strong grass. a.rice b. bamboo ¢. cotton d.pea We should build a... world where there is less pollution. a. yellow b. white ¢.greener d. black FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 31 34 Preparatory Term2 38. . means able to be used again. a. Reduced b. Rechargeable . Reusable 4d. Replaced 39. A smmnnn is a small plant which has started to grow from a seed. a.tree b. seedling ¢. bush 4. jungle 40. The antonym of “sustainable” is a. maintainable b. renewable ¢. non-renewable d. attractive 41. The synonym of the word “provide” a. import b. report «give d. ignore 42. Heat can lead to fire. The word “lead to” here means .. . a. stop b.avoid ¢. cause d. damage a. recharge b. reuse ¢. revise d. resolve 44, In sunny places, they can get electricity from a. soil b. solar solid 4. sail 45. A/An is a natural disaster that causes many problems and damage. a. solar system b. greenhouse ¢. water wheel 4. earthquake a machine that makes the air in a room stay cool or warm. a. Air heating b. Airconditioning _c. Airfilter 4. Air bag 47. A . control is a machine that you can control from far away. a.near b. remote c. pleased 48. The word “make” can give a similar meaning to the word a. absorb b. advise ¢. produce d. take 49. My parents often missing prefix? . agree with me on the suggestions that waste time. What is the cun- dine a. massive c.usual d. national 51. The prefix”. “ can be used to form the opposite of “expensive”. .im- d.un- 52. The antonym of the word “frightened” is. 5 a. afraid b. cheap «far d. brave 53. If something is wemrn, it doesn't cost much money. a.easy b. cheap ¢. expensive 4. difficult 54. To change the adjective "total" into an adverb, we add the SUFFIX swum « ay b.-ed cave d.-ness 55. We should use renewable energy. To form the opposite of “renewable”, aen- b. non- «.dis- 56. I sawa fossil of an enormous dinosaur. The antonym of "enormous" is. a.tiny bilarge ¢. huge 57. The child is frighten of the dog. We add the suffix °. correct. a.ive b. ful ced ay 58. The antonym of ‘cheap’ . a. inexpensive b. expensive ¢. renewable d. reusable 59. Smoke from the factories pollute the air. We add the suffix .. to give the noun of “pollute”, aed by «ion d.-ive 60. TO “wnmnnee" is to damage something so badly that you cannot repair it. a. produce b. destroy ¢. manage 4. promise FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 61. 62. 63. 69. 70. We 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. ai. Page 32 34 Preparatory Term2 The word * " means very big. a. enormous b. tall ¢.short 4. small TO “nmnnnnes" is to Say You will do something. . promise To make is to ™ ef b. sleep read d. produce . is the special ability to do something. a.Tree b. Table ¢. Power d. Dog The elephant is really It's about three tons. a. small b. thin ¢. beautiful d. enormous The trick anne the car totally. It was a horrible accident. a.ate b. slept ¢. drank d. destroyed The story was about a superhero who had special .wmmmnn « He could carry a heavy car. a.tables b. books . powers . chairs Factories .. a lot of pollution. a. produce b. sleep 4. drink My little brother not to play football in the house. a.ate b. promised c. slept You use a battery to charge the phone. a. tall b. short ¢. rechargeable d.big You use a computer to move around your computer screen. a. mouse b. mouth ¢.mice 4. mill: You use 10 control your television. a. printer b. remote control c. mouse d. laptop You use to keep your house cool in summer. a.airconditioning _b. remote control «. television Ifyou to do something, you will definitely do it. a. produce b. remote ¢. promise d.rise . Means natural energy that doesn't disappear or burn when you use it. a. Renewable energy b, Fossil fuels ¢. Non-renewable energy 4d. Polluting The Word -s.nmnsn is ¢lose in meaning to “finish and end”. a. fight b. design 4.find The problem seems complicated. It isn't a. complex b. difficult ¢. simple hard This factory doesn't produce any pollution. It isa a. private b. polluted ¢.green d. remote He is clever at fixing cars. The word “fixing” means .. a a. stealing b. selling ¢. repairing d. buying The Iron Woman wanted to destroy the factory. The synonym of “destroy” is a. produce b. repair ¢. damage bi The elephant is really enormous. It's about 3 tons. “Enormous” means very .... a. big b. tall ¢. expensive . small “Frightened” is the same meaning as .. . a. excited b. bored d. scared .is a system that makes the air in a room stay cool or warm. a. Factory b. Remote contro! ¢. Water wheel 4. Air conditioning The WOFd snmnmnnniS close in meaning to “finish and end”. a. fight b. design ¢. destroy 4.find FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner on. 92. 94, 95. 97. 98. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106, 107. 108. Page 33 34 Preparatory Term2 The prefix. jves the opposite of "expensive". b.un- dite This factory uses the sun to produce electricity. This means it USES wun a. electric cars b.remote controls _. water wheels. 4. solar panels Iuse a machine to control my TV. This means | use .. ’ a.airconditioning —_b. a battery ca mouse d. a remote control I told Hatem that Ill help him. This means that | to help him. a. produced b. reduced ¢. promised d. disagreed I didn't expect that gift. Thank you. a. special popular ¢. normal d.ugly They had a/ af ern. With my favourite writer on TV yesterday. a.view b. review «. interview d. preview Egypt is full of beautiful ..mmmen, PEOPIE enjoy them very much. a. landscapes b. landfills ¢. disasters 4. pollution Power ... are factories to generate electricity. a. stations b. farmlands ¢. reports 4d. researches is changing an area into desert. a. Earthquake b. Desertification ¢. Deforestation d. Flood A/An is an area of a country. a. region b. island c.ocean d. flood Asolar.. . is an area with many solar panels that provides electricity. a. farm b. energy 4. pool ¢. power This rose is a beautiful flower. We can replace “beautiful” with .. a. soft b. safe . pretty dugly The antonym of the word “totally” is... a. partially b. probably ¢. generally d. perfectly To get the noun from the verb “farm”, we add the suffix F aed d.-tion We add the prefix ° aun bine «dis: He alway$ wenn me, | can't talk while he is talking. a. creates b. gives ¢. interrupts 4. plans He does his best to make his project better. He tries to . a. destroy b. improve ©. agree d. refuse ‘When you write down something, this means that you a. delete b. record «. decide 4. interrupt my opinion, we need to stop fossil fuels. a.On b.At cin 4. From We add the suffix to the verb “use” to give an adjective. a.-tion beive ful der NAN a view showing an area of land. a. opinion b. energy ¢. solar farm d. landscape I'm so worried about the results of my exam. The opposite of Wortied” iS vvnmmmnn « a.calm b anxious c. happy d.sad ‘The prefix. gives the opposite of ‘agree’. aun dis: d.non- WAN is something to improve a difficult situation. b. war «. initiative d. theft means to make or produce. b.joke ¢. create d. destroy FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 34 34 Preparatory Term2 110. means a long period without rain. a. Drought b. Fire ¢. Flood 4. Earthquake 111. You need a wnnnnnen tO speak during this speech. a. permission b. problem . stick 4. rope 112. It's time sennennee HOME NOW. a. going b.go «. to going d.togo 113. We are worried about our grandfather's health. The word "worried" means a. interesting b. anxious ¢. dangerous d. useless 114. Personally, | think solar panels are useful. The word “useful can be replaced by a. useless b. helpless «. terrible d. helpful 115. The street would be ugly if we didn't plant more trees. The antonym of “Ugly” iS -n.nnne« a. terrible b. beautiful ¢. sunny . dangerous 116. "Don't forget” means t0 smnnmnne + a.create b. remember ¢. request 4. interrupt 117. Ifyou someone, you speak to stop them from speaking. a. refuse b. include ¢. interrupt d. reduce 118. The initiative will produce many jobs. This means that it will .. .. many jobs. a. create b. record ¢. destroy 119. | totally disagree with you. The prefix “dis.” in “disagree” gives the .. a. opposite b. synonym ¢.same 120. The prefix “dis-" is added to the word "advantage" to give the a.noun b. opposite ¢. synonym d. meaning UNIT 10 1, Someone who studies planets and stars is called an a. astronaut b. astronomer ¢. astronomy d. asteroid 2. Places on the map seem to be near, but they are really .. F a. remote b. close c. tiny d.sad 3. To get the opposite of the word “popular”, we add the prefix b.un- . im- 4. dis- 4. THe SUFFIX wnnnnnee gives the noun from “collect’ a.-ion by ily ian & . is the antonym of "unknown". a. Safe b. Useful © Popular 4. Boring 6. Mr Kamal retired last year because of old age. The verb “retired” means that he a.died b. stopped studying —c. stopped working —_d. travelled 7. The moon moves around the Earth. The phrasal verb "moves around” here means .. 8 a. stops b. preserves «. bursts d. orbits 8. Our system includes the sun and eight planets. a. rainy b. solar ¢. cloudy d. model 9. Yesterday, Dad bought a camera with a very good .. a. telescope b. lens «. orbit 10. You can make the adverb from the adjective “successful” by adding the suffix ". 5 bly cer ay 11, We add the suffix * to get the adjective from the word “Italy”. acer b.-ment dan d.-ing 12, I haven't been to the club recently. The word “recently” can be replaced by the word ... a.early b. lately «. well hard FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 14, 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 31. 32. 33. Page 35 34 Preparatory Term2 The manager has arranged everything before the meeting. This means that everything is a. damaged b. prepared . broken d. lost Mohamed Salah is famous all over the world. That means he is a/ an . player. a.unknown b. small ¢. well-known d. kind The antonym of the word “interested” is... a. frightened b. keen c.excited d. uninterested “is the opposite of the adjective “famous”. a.Old b.Ugly «. Modern 4. unknown The prefix .nnnnmnn Gives the adjective of the verb “live”. aa b.dis- cine AV AN vnnnennn iS a person who travels into space. a. teacher b. astronaut ¢. doctor d. engineer AJAn is a person who studies something carefully. a. farmer b. astronaut «. doctor d. researcher A . is a machine in space that goes round the earth to send or collect information. b. truck ¢. satellite d. taxi wis the force which attracts things or people to the centre of the Earth. a. Space b. Gravity Research d. Waste A . is a large spacecraft where people live and work. a. school b. space station museum club A commune iS a piece of equipment you use to see things that are far away. a. satellite b. space station ¢. telescope d.tens Do you know that Mars is one of the eight planets in our a. solar system ¢. wind turbine 4. deforestation Azza loves studying the stars and planets. She wants to be a/ an .. a. teacher b. astronomer ¢. engineer d. doctor The best cameras have a very good that lets in the correct amount of light. a.lens b. pen dog 4. door The MOON ....s.nucn the Earth once every 27 days. a. eats b. orbits ¢.feads d. sleeps We use the SUFFIX sme With the Word “science” to refer toa person. ady b.-ist Or d.-er I'm going to compete in that race. We use the Suffix... to get the noun of "compete". a.-tion bly cist We add the prefix to give the antonym of the word “accurat b.un- .im- d.non- Azza loves studying the stars and planets. This means she wants to be a/ an .. a. teacher b. astronomer ¢. doctor d. nurse I could see the stars in the sky very near. This means | USEd a .rrmnmnn a. telescope b, station «. timeline 4. gravity Atoiler is a person who is always working .. a‘ a.easily b. hard c. carelessly d. tall You can wear for sports. They are very comfortable to your feet. a. boots b. air bags . trainers d. suits Africa is one of the seven . in the world. a. contents b. continents ¢. contexts . countries AV AN snmnnnnn iS a system for finding how to find something or place. a. USA b.ATM ©. BCE 4. GPS FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner a1. 42. 43. 51. 52. Page 36 34 Preparatory Term2 You can make an adjective from the noun “use” by adding ". ady b.-ful c.-ness ay We add the SUffIX "....mnn-" to get the adjective from the noun ‘wire’. a.-ness by cess ay is parents don't allow him to stay out late. The opposite of the word “allow” is .. c alet b. encourage ¢. prevent d. pass ‘Omar succeeded in his exams last year. This means that he . all his exams. a. failed b. passed <. fell d. went To get the adjective from “comfort”, add the suffix aal b.-able «ful d. tess A sesnsneen i$ Something which can measure small amounts of light, heat, sound, etc. a. satellite b. sensor ¢. helmet d. signal He isa fellow of mine. The antonym of "fellow is “enn a. enemy b. friend ¢. partner . companion . are things that people can wear to make their teeth straight. a. Saucepans b. Braces ¢. Cups . Teaspoons “Comfortable” and *. .” are synonyms. a. tiring b. interesting ¢. relaxing . boring Braces are made of a strong material. The opposite of *strong’ is . s a. weak b. hard ¢.clean d.rough The word “successful” can be turned into the opposite by adding the prefix a. ine b. dis- c.un- My father works very hard to earn his living. He is a a. boiler b. train «. toiler 4. failure A . is a large area of land in the world, such as Africa, Asia or Europe. a.river b. planet ¢. continent The word "vain" gives the same meaning as the word a. successful b. useless ¢.great d. good “Comfortable” and “are antonyms. a. uncomfortable__b, comfort comforts 4. comfort The antonym of the word "special" is... a. various b. several . similar d. general This camera works without using wires. This means it's a. wireless b. harmless ©, powerless d. hopeless Farmers in this village grow special kinds of crops. The word “special” can be replaced by a. popular b. public ¢. general 4. particular A is someone who is Working hard. a. teacher b. doctor ¢. dentist d.toiler The Words “nennnne” Mean uNsuccessful oF useless. a. in vain b. look after ¢.look at . look up Africa and Asia are a.cities b. countries ¢. towns . continents A is a seed from a plant such as wheat. a.grain b. satellite civ d.tree Another word for a man is. - a. fool b. fellow . follow 4. foil The word “blue with "flew". a.eats b. reads ¢. rhymes . drinks FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 61. 62. 63. 69. 70. We 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Page 37 34 Preparatory Term2 The re something that people can wear to make their teeth straight. a. braces b. bracelets rings d. necklaces A commune is a special hard hat used to protect the head. a. boot b. helmet c.cap d. mask A information or an instruction that is sent by sound, light, etc. a. sensor b. signal cline d. receiver Satellites send lots of signals. The antonym of the word "send 7 a. deliver b. allow ¢. pass d. receive Rewrite your composition. The prefix “re” means to do it ‘ b. again . first d.last “Don't forget” MEANS £0 venenne « a. create b. remember ¢. request 4. interrupt He didn't go to school since he was ill. The word “since” here MEANS wwe + a. because ¢.asaresult d. before My parents don't allow me to watch TV late. The synonym of the word “allow” is.. a.let b. prevent ¢. reject 4.find “Comfortable” and °. .” are antonyms. a.uncomfortable _b. comfort ¢. comforts d. comfortably The antonym of the word "special" is. a. various b. several «. similar d. general We add the suffix to the verb "receive" to turn it into a noun. b.-or cer d.-ant Bennu is a/ an Which is a large rock that is flying through space. a. asteroid b.entry «. satellite 4. spacecraft ‘Most astronauts stay on the station for about six months. a. space b. robot «rocket 4. aquarium A . is a person who works on a ship. a. butcher b. cook ¢. sailor . farmer We can see the positions and movements of the planets and stars in a/ an .. a. museum b. exhibition ¢. planetarium . aquarium Buses and cars are examples for public .. ‘ a. plans b. transport ¢. ports d. parts You need a lotof .. to come first at any competition. a. preference b. perseverance . conversations d. calls They live in a huge house. The synonym of the word “huge” is a a.tiny b. small €. enormous d.easy The prefix. gives the antonym of the word “possible”. a.un- bir ine .im- You can make the adjective from the word “Japan” by adding the suffix a.-tian bi-ese ¢.-ion 4.-tion a/an b. adjective ¢. preposition d. adverb can't stay in one place for too long. The synonym of the word "stay" is, = a. leave bysleep remain d.close The antonym of “public” is : a. private b. general ¢. common, . popular There are no mountains or hills in this land. It's a/ an a. high b. far c. flat d.easy This shape has no sides. It's. a a. square b. circle ¢. star 4. diamond FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Page 38 34 Preparatory Term2 86. The Earth moves around the sun. This means it he sun. a. orbits b. spins . walks d. flies 87. The synonym of “fat” is cn a. close b. near ¢. remote . here 88. The dog appeared suddenly. The antonym of the verb “appear is ... i a. reappear die d. disappear 89. Difficult and have the same meaning. aeasy b. simple ¢. great d. hard 90. . is the synonym of the word “incorrect”. a. Correct b. Giant Right 4. Wrong 91, The child felt excited when he saw the animals in the 200. He WAS wenn « a. bored b. interested ¢.uninterested d. frightened 92, The antonym of the word "diffiCUlt” iS wns « a. hard b.easy bad d. correct 93. The suffix “ly” turns the adjective into a/ an a. verb b.noun ¢. preposition . adverb 94. I went ona school trip to a place where | could see all the planets clearly. This means | went to THE vernon + 4.200 b. aquarium planetarium d. garden 95. Someone who studies the stars and planets is called a/an a. teacher b. doctor nurse 4. astronomer 96. for a few months. c. spice 4. spin 97. a. eats b. reads ¢. orbits 4. drinks 98. There are eight planets in our a. plant b. plan ¢. solar system 99. Wecanusea . to look more closely at the stars a. glasses b. telescope ¢. telephone d. mobile phone 100. A satellite sends & nuns 0a receiver on Earth a. signal b. receiver «. seller d. buyer 101. Astronauts can fly in a .nnnnne to get to other planets, a. spacecraft ¢. plane d.train 102. There are eight planets in oUF SOlaP wna: a. space b. museum . system . bank 103. This camera takes good photo because it has got a very good ‘ a.lens b. telescope ¢. mobile phone 104. You can't make a phone call because there is no telephone a. signal b. wireless ¢. mobile phone 105. Don't worry, the ev... Will Show Us the right way. a.train b. GPS car . plane 106. To turn the verb "amaze" into an adjective, we add the suffix ady b.-er cing d.-or 107. AY An a large rock that is flying through space. a. asteroid b. space ship ¢. astronaut 4d. astronomer 108. The opposite of the word "appear" is formed by adding the prefix... air un 4. dis- to the verb “direct” to turn it into a noun. bey c.-ive d.-er FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 110. The prefix "astro-” in the word "astronaut" refers to 111. The astronauts travel to space in a vehicle. This means they travel in the ..... 10. 14, 16. 17. 19, 20. 21. 22. Page 39 a.sea a. spacecraft The word a.tiny Locals called the lake “the shooting star’. The antonym of “locals” a. native Talia writes news and articles for newspapers and magazines. This means she is a a. teacher a. roads a. Burst The word “ordinarily” is the synonym of the word a. normally 34 Preparatory Term2 b. space «land di sky b. house c.tent d.cave lives the opposite of “small”. b. little ¢. enormous d.clear b. foreigners ¢. habitats d. citizens b. photographer ©. presenter d. journalist The bathroom is full of water.There must be a problem with the b. pipes ¢. toasters - Means to break open suddenly, or make something do this. b. Trust ¢. Support: . Repair b. exceptionally ¢. unusually 4d. strangely " to get the noun from the verb “design”. We add the suffix * aed The word “unfortunately” is similar in meaning to a. luckily The antonym of the word "dangerous" is... a. unsafe The word “photograph” can be turned into a job by adding the suffix a.-ist The antonym of the adjective “cross” i My car was not able to move in the heavy traffic. This means it was... a. stuck To form the opposite of “interested”, we add the prefix "su. a. dis: ‘The museum is closed on Mondays. The antonym of “closed” is . a. upset A a. pipe The synonym of “cross” is a. locked A a. teacher A a. camera operator A is along, by eh ay b. usually ¢.unluckily . abnormally ba risky «safe d.fine b.-er or aly b. annoyed ¢. angry d. anxious ‘urns the word ‘journal’ into a job. b.-ist ¢.-or ¢.speedy d. fast b.un- Gin dim. b. cross . locked d. open thin piece of metal or plastic, used to carry water, gas, ete. b. hate: add d. stir b. connected ¢.angry d. happy . is the person who researches and writes news articles. b. journalist «. doctor d. farmer . su i5 the person who controls a television camera. b. teacher ¢. journalist nurse . is the person who talks on a radio programme. presenter _b. farmer ¢. doctor d. teacher A commun is the person who decides how a webpage should look like. a. teacher b. web designer ¢. journalist d. farmer A . is the person whose job is to take photographs. a. teacher b. doctor ¢. photographer d. nurse FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 31. 32. 33. at. 42. 43. 44, Page 40 34 Preparatory Term2 Newspapers, the internet, magazines and television are all types of. a.cinema b. hospital media d. museum A person whose job is to read the news is a ensennms « a. teacher b. doctor ¢. farmer d. newsreader Fatma loves writing and is interested in the news, so she would like to be a z a. teacher b. nurse ¢. journalist d. farmer Ahmed loves taking photographs, so he wants to be a. teacher b. photographer ¢. doctor nurse Hassan knows how to make his work look really good on a page. He would be a good web b. farmer ¢. teacher nurse Nessma speaks really well, but does not want to be on TV, so I think a radio... would be ‘a good job for her. a. teacher b. presenter d. doctor Ali will be late forwork today. His car is a. good b.nice ¢. beautiful d. stuck The police want to talk to Ola and the othe! who saw the accident last night. a. teacher b. doctor witness 4. farmer We can't play football because the ball has J a.made b. played ¢. burst drunk That takes water from the roof of our house to the ground. b. table ¢. pipe d. chair My father was because my young brothers made so much noise. a. happy b. pleased «. good d.cross . Means not able to be moved. a. Stuck b. Open ¢. Stolen d.Seen A . is someone who has seen an accident, crime, ete. a. sailor b. astronaut . witness d. sickness To get the adjective from the verb “interest”, we add the suffix” i a.-ment b.-ive cing d.-able The prefix "..mmnmn" gives the opposite of “fortunately”. aun ik d. dis- He ordered me not to come late again. He gave a/ an a. warning b.idea ©. prize d. price A . is the person whose job is to write news articles for newspapers and magazines. a.photographer —_b. witness . journalist d. web designer Unfortunately, we lost the final match. The synonym of “unfortunately’ is . i a. luckily b. unhappily «sadly .unluckily The antonym of the adjective “cross” is a. anxious b. annoyed calm The suffix turns the word acer b.-tian d.-ist My friend is angry. He must be... a. pleased by enjoyable . injured d. cross He is the governor of the city. “Governor” is similar in meaning to a.ruler b. worker ¢. helper 4d. assistant He is going to retire. The word “retire” here means working. b. stop ¢. start 4. invent SalMA veeeun from the Faculty of Arts. a. encouraged b. graduated ¢. started d. presented FINAL REVISION 2023 Scanned with CamScanner

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