Return of The Ghidorah

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After the Titans started appearing at many places on Earth (because of us), an
organisation named Monarch was created to kill the Titans. But after they found that
the Titans were not bad, they stopped killing them. They only protected themselves
when a Titan attacked them. They befriended one of them, Godzilla, the King of the
Monsters. Whenever a Titan attacked, they reported him through a special device.
Godzilla understood what they said, and they understood what Godzilla said. They
sent him on Titan related missions (as the Titans were very strong and Godzilla was
their king).
On one occasion, humans didn’t reported him about a mission because they weren’t
aware of it, but Godzilla went there on his own. He found himself in Antarctica. He
suddenly remembered that this was the place where he had first fought Ghidorah.
He suddenly noticed a decent-sized creature and came to know that he was not fully
grown. He noticed that he had three heads with three long, flexible necks, two mace-
like tails and two pair of wings. He was looking just like… Ghidorah! He attacked him
on the first sight with his blue fiery breath (as they were archenemies), but Ghidorah
dodged it and he also shot out lightning but Godzilla dodged it, too. Ghidorah didn’t
had a chance to win the fight (as he was small), so he flew away. Godzilla was much
amazed and angry. Suddenly, he got a message from humans that, “A Titan is
attacking Lakshadweep Island.” Godzilla quickly got into water and swam to there.
He found out that it was…King Kong! That gigantic gorilla did know how to swim?! He
looked around him and noticed a ship. The ship must have passing by through nearby
Skull Island and he must have jumped onto it and came here. Godzilla roared at him.
Kong looked back and he roared at Godzilla, too. Kong uprooted a tree and removed
all its branches as if they were plastic wrappers. Godzilla shot out fire and Kong fell
on the ground as the force was too much to bear. But Kong got up and grabbed the
tree and ran towards Godzilla and hit him with such force that Godzilla fell down. He
got up, snatched the tree from Kong’s hand and grabbed hold of his neck with his
mouth, both the hands, one leg with his tail and put his one leg on Kong’s other leg.
As he was just about to shoot fire, some Titan landed there. Godzilla looked up and
saw that it was Ghidorah and he was fully grown in just 10 minutes! He threw away
Kong and roared at Ghidorah. Kong stood up. Godzilla told that Ghidorah was the
false king and was the bad one. He also asked Kong for help as Ghidorah was very
strong. Kong, somehow agreed. Kong ran towards Ghidorah and punched him hard in
his stomach, and he jumped aside and Godzilla shot fire. Ghidorah fell down but he
also shot out lightning. The lightning hit both Kong and Godzilla (as Ghidorah had
three heads, one turned and hit Kong and other two hit Godzilla) but the lightning
was not that strong to throw both of them down. Kong ran and grabbed the two side
heads and Godzilla walked towards him and grabbed the middle head with his teeth.
As Godzilla was about to breathe fire at him, Ghidorah flew. Godzilla and Kong were
so surprised that they left hold of him. Both Godzilla and Kong roared at him, angrily.
Godzilla contacted Monarch and told them that, “Ghidorah has come back and you
need to destroy him.” (they understood what Godzilla said through the special device
mentioned earlier) Monarch sent the best of their fighter jets and attacked him but
Ghidorah destroyed them all. Monarch had no choice so they contacted the Army.
This Alien Titan was so strong that their best jets were also destroyed. They had no
choice but to contact Optimus Prime, but he himself was on a mission. They thought
to call Rodan (as no other Titan can fly), but he was hibernating and if they woke him
up, he would destroy the whole world. Now they had no choice but to wait for
Optimus. Till the next day, Ghidorah had brought the world to a huge chaos. The next
day, Optimus came. He was a different upgraded Optimus Prime. He can transform
into a plane and a truck, he has an additional blaster (a very strong one), he has an
ion blaster and a sword; The Sword of Judgement and his head is a mini-robot,
named Diac who has the special ability to teleport! They told him about the problem.
Optimus, at once, went to find Ghidorah, who had grown very big. He was in middle
of a very strong storm, created by Ghidorah himself. He shot an ion blast, and
another. Ghidorah turned back and roared at him. Then he shot lightning which was
very strong, but as Optimus was made with Transformium, a very strong metal
(which is not even 1 gram on Earth), he was not hurt much. Then he shot a blast from
his additional blaster which made Ghidorah fall into water. Just then he signalled
Godzilla to attack (Surprise!)! Godzilla attacked and grasped him with his full power
from his mouth and hands, but then Ghidorah flew, taking Godzilla with him. Godzilla
suddenly shot fire at him. Ghidorah weakened a lot and screeched in pain, but didn’t
fall. Godzilla tried again, and this time Ghidorah began to descend, screeching with
pain (this time louder). Godzilla dug his teeth more inside. Then he shot fire once
more. This time, Ghidorah screeched very loudly, and fell straight towards water.
Godzilla rotated himself and Ghidorah such that, Ghidorah fell first in water.
Ghidorah was now too weak to make himself conscious again. He drowned inside the
water. His body was getting soaked and the salty water was mixing with his muscles,
and blood (if he had any (I don’t that if he has blood because he’s an alien)), and
internal organs. He was dying when suddenly a great white shark came and took a
huge bite from his body, and he died.

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