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Defini on of a Program
A computer Program is simply defined as a list of instruc ons issued to the computer to perform a par cular

A computer program is a sequence or set of instruc ons in a programming language for a computer to execute.
Programs are wri en by humans (Programmers) in different programming languages. These programming
instruc ons cause the computer to perform arithme c and logical opera ons or comparisons or to input and
output data in a par cular sequence.

Characteris cs of a Good Program

1. Accuracy
2. Readability
3. Maintainability
4. Efficiency
5. Generality
6. Clarity
7. Reliability

Precau ons to be Taken when Wri ng Programs

1. The order of execu on must be followed sequen ally
2. No step should be skipped
3. Do not rush, be careful, stable and pa ent when wri ng programs

Steps Involved in Program Development

The following steps should be taken when wri ng programs in order to enable the program align to the
characteris cs of a good program.

1. Problem Defini on
2. Problem Analysis
3. Planning the Solu on
4. Flowchar ng
5. Desk Checking
6. Program Coding
7. Program Compila on
8. Program Tes ng / Debugging
9. Program Documenta on

Descrip ons of the steps involved in Program Development

Problem Defini on
The programmer should fully understand the exis ng problem before a emp ng to create a program to solve

Problem Analysis
The programmer is expected to conduct an analysis of the problem to determine how to solve it.

Planning the Solu on

The algorithm or flowchart of a program is first drawn before coding which is called dry running a program.
The Flowchart is a diagramma cal representa on of the steps involved in wri ng a given program.
Program Coding
This involves the actual coding of a given program in a specific programming language.

Program Compila on
This step is done a er coding a program and it enables the computer understand the code wri en in a specific
programming language.

Program Tes ng
The wri en program is tested and errors corrected to check if the program is able to solve the original problem.

Program Documenta on
This involves wri ng a detailed descrip on of the program or code and some facts for program usage and

Program Running
This is the actual running of the program with the compiler or interpreter to check if its generates the desired

It is the process of upda ng or amending the program for con nuous use.

Characteris cs of Compiled Programs

A compiler is a translator that produces an output of low-level language (like an assembly or machine language)
by taking an input of high-level language. It is basically a computer program used to transform codes wri en
in a programming language into machine code. Characteris cs are:

1. Takes Considerable me to analyse and process the whole code

2. The generated executable file or code is machine-specific binary code
3. The computer hardware interprets (executes) the resul ng code
4. The execu on is fast

Characteris cs of Interpreted Programs

It is a computer program used for converting high-level program statements into machine codes. Its
characteristics are:

1. Rela vely li le me is spent on analysing and processing the program

2. The resul ng code is an intermediate code not machine level
3. This code is then interpreted by another program
4. Program execu on is rela vely slow

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