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Minutes of Meeting

Date : Friday, 14/10/2022 Created by : Primaveira Prameswari

Time : 10.00 – 10.30
Venue : Microsoft Teams Meeting
Attendees : • Ahmmad L Pratama
• Kristian WA Nugroho
• M Karim Amrullah
PT Klik Sinergi Solusi
• Farah N Hidayah
Meeting Agenda
• CI/CD Integration on Cloud – Deliverable Acceptance for the milestone of 4200032196 as of October 14th, 2022

No Discussion Points

Telkomsel has accepted all of the deliverables for the milestone of CI/CD Integration on Cloud, as follows:
No. Deliverables Document Name
1 Drop 1: Cloud Infra Preparation & WS1 1. Timesheet Activity Drop 1 & 2 v.01_Signed-
Drop 2: Application onboarding to Tsel
Cloud CI/CD Platform
Also accessible in the sharepoint through the link:

PT. Telekomunikasi Selular PT. Klik Sinergi Solusi

Kristian WA Nugroho Indri Darma Yanti

Pj. General Manager Cloud Center of Excellence Director

Pages : 1 of 1 Strictly Confidential

Print Date : 10/14/2022 10:45:04 AM

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