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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Welcome Guests and Take Food and Beverage Orders

Lesson 1. Welcome and Greet Guest

The person who welcomes and greets upon the arrival of the guests is the receptionist, also known as host
or hostess. The receptionist must set the positive mood and ambience of the diners to enjoy their dining experience.
It can be achieved if the receptionist wears his/her best smile, enthusiastic but respectful since he or she is the first
contact of the guests. Remember that customers like to be pampered, and they should always be treated with
importance. In addition, the welcoming and greeting of the guests upon arrival can also be done by the head waiter.

Welcoming and Greeting Guests Procedure

1. Acknowledge guests as soon as they arrived at the restaurant. When the guests arrive, open the door. Walk
towards the guests, make a pleasant eye contact, and welcome them with an appropriate greeting. If it happens that
you are busy with another guests, acknowledge the new guest by making eye contact and say;
“I’ll be right back with you.” Or simple hand gesture or smile will do.
2. Greet guests with an appropriate welcome.
Welcome guests with an appropriate greeting according to their gender, and time of the day. Address them
with the appropriate greeting for the time of the day as follows,
00:00-11:59 – “Good Morning”
12:00-06:59–“Good Afternoon”
07:00-12:59 – “Good Evening”
3. Checking reservations.
 Politely ask if they have reservation, if they do, ask the guest’s name in the reservation list and guide them to
the reserved table. Make sure that their table is prepared in advance.
 Another situation is, if the guest doesn’t hold any reservation. The receptionist must ask how many are dining
and ask their preferred section in the dining room/restaurant. (e.g., smoking or non-smoking room, near the
window, corner table, among others).
 The receptionist will also hold them for a moment to check if there are still tables available. In case all tables are
already occupied, politely inform the guest and ask them if they can wait at the lounge.
 If the guests will wait at the lounge, they should be informed about the length of waiting time or period
honestly, to avoid bad impression from the guests. Explain to the guests that there will be a table ready in the few
minutes or the table are currently being cleared and set.
 If you anticipate a long waiting time period, the receptionist may offer complimentary drinks and lead them to a
place where they can wait comfortably.

Special needs customers

Guests may also have a special needs and simple observation will identify many of these. Don’t wait to be
asked if you think there is a special need, be proactive and offer it to the guests. These special needs are currently
including but not limited to:
 Easy access to the guests table because of a disability.
 A booster seat/high chair for infants.

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts
 Warmer equipment of a bottle for babies.
 Appropriate food for those with special dietary needs as indicated in the reservation information.
 Privacy for romantic couples, and business people – to the best extent possible.
Offering pre-meal services
As and when circumstances dictate, or opportunities present themselves like all tables have already been
occupied, pre-meal services can be offered to guests. These services include but not limited to:
 Bar service – it may be appropriate to offer guests the bar services before they go to their table and/or while
waiting for a vacant ready table.
 Lounge and waiting areas. This saves the guests from possible embarrassment, and rather, demonstrates excellent
customer service and indicates that you are tuned in to individual needs. You can offer the customer something to
read while they patiently waiting.
 Valet services. Common services available for guests include but is not limited to valet parking, car retrieval, car
rental, booking of tickets, and arranging of taxis to guests.

Lesson 2. Seat the Guest

The manner on how customers are seated should contribute in making favorable impression, courtesy and
care should always be present. Different seating plan should be made for different types and number of guests.
Considerations should be given to customers with the following preferences:
a. Smoking or non-smoking areas.
b. Customers with small children- should be seated in the corner or wall side.
c. Customer with special physical needs- should be positioned close to the hostess station as possible.
d. Customers with communication difficulties- should be positioned close to the hostess station as possible.

Escorting and Seating the Guest Procedure

1. Escorting the Guest
 From the reception area, receptionist will lead the guests to their table. Once the table is available, accompany
them immediately to the table with hand outreach to the direction where you are heading to and palm open.
 Do not walk too fast and walk little ahead when escorting guests to the table. Be considerate of elderly or
handicapped guests.

2. Seating the Guest

As a receptionist or Maître D’ Hotel, you have some consideration to follow when assigning tables to
customers, and this will make them appreciate and enjoy the dining experience in the restaurant. These
considerations are as follows:
 Accommodate guests’ preferences like smoking or non-smoking, pool side, window, terrace, etc. whenever
possible. If ever the table they wanted is already occupied, apologize and offer what is available.
 Another is the number of guests in the party. Position them where they have enough space to sit on.
 For guests with small children, put them on the corner or wall side. Don’t forget to offer booster seats for the small
kids to be seated.
 For the couples, assist them to the seat with the best view.
 Customer with special needs like senior citizen and person with disability should be seated as close to the hostess
station as possible. Offer assistance without seemingly overbearing and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to
them.  Ladies must always be seated first and against the wall if any, pull out the chairs for them if they let you,
push the chairs gently after they are seated.
 For the groups where there is a host or hostess, or where there are assigned seats for the guests, it is customary to
seat the host/hostess last.
Then endorse guests to the captain waiter. The hostess/ receptionist leaves the table once the captain
waiter or the waiter approaches the guests’ table. If the waiter of Food and Beverage Services Attendant (FBSA) is
not yet available to attend to the guests;

3. Unfolding of Table Napkin

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts
When the guests are already seated Food and Beverage Service Attendant/waiter will unfold the napkins and
gently places them on each of the guests’ lap if they let you.
If the guests allow you, from the right-hand side of the guests, remove the napkin that has been provided as
part of the setting. Unfold it into a triangular shape and drape it across the guest’s lap without touching any body
parts of the guest. Laid napkins should be pointed side facing away from them. Note that some guests will prefer to
place their own napkin, so be aware of the guests’ body language at all times, and certainly don’t force this service
on anyone.

4. Waiter Takeover and Serving Water

The captain waiter/waiter should be well groomed, s/he should stand erect, make a pleasant eye contact as
s/he welcomes the guests to the restaurant, depending on the establishment’s standard policies. Reading the guests’
comfort level and perhaps the occasion helps personalize and adjust service to the specific needs of the party.
In serving water, waiter should be at the right side of the guests. Pour water in the water goblet ¾ full.

5. Presenting the menu card

After serving the water, the waiter will excuse his/herself to get the menu card. In presenting the menu card,
it should be on the right hand side of the guests. If it’s a booklet type, menu should be handed open in a right side up

6. Serving of Bread
After presenting the menu, you may suggest or ask the guest if they want to have their bread, after hearing
the guests’ response, excuse yourself and tell them you’ll be back with the bread.
When serving bread, present the bread o the guest and served it the left side hand of the guests where the
bread and butter plate is placed. Do not cross over to the guests.

Now you are done with the sequence, and here are some helpful tips on seating the guests.
 When one or two people is dining in a restaurant do not use the four-seat table if possible, unless there are no
other table available.
 Young couples prefer quite corners with good view.
 Loud, noisy parties may be placed in private rooms or towards the back of the dining room to avoid disturbing
other guests.
 Should the guests request for a specific location, try to accommodate him/her.
 In seating the guests, assist the ladies first, followed by the gentleman, and the host/hostess last. If in case there
are children in a group, they should be assisted first.
1. When your guest carries some bags or wears heavy jacket during winters, offer assistance especially for girls upon
suggesting tables.
2. While leading your guest to their table, make sure that you’re already carrying the menu and drink list
professionally with your one hand and another hand half wide open to lead the guest where you are heading to.

Lesson 3. Take Order

The Menu
The kind of menu that the restaurant uses, determines the type of service it offers. Menus can also be made
according to the need of each establishment or according to the function of the meal, but in the end, it is important
to understand that a restaurant menu can be done in two ways: individually priced or at a set price for a complete
The Menu is a price list of food & beverage items available in Food & Beverage outlets. It helps the guest to
select what they like to eat and drink. Depending on the establishment and the occasion, the menu may be plain or
artistic in its presentation, possibly with a description of how it is prepared.

Types of Menu

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts
A la carte - means a multiple choice menu in which each item is listed down in specific sequence with individual
price. The food in prepared in this kind of menu is a semi-prepared form and takes time to prepare.
Table d’hôtel - In short, the meaning of table d’hôtel is “table of the host”. It refers to a menu of limited choice, is
kept in fully prepared form, and which is planned in advance for specific functions. In this type of menu, each dish is
not individually priced but the complete meal is sold to the guest for a fixed price.

Other Types of menu

Static Menu - common type of menu and does not change every day.
Dinner Menu - more elaborate as guests have more time and leisure in eating. Further, alcohol beverage is essential
in this kind of menu.
Children Menu - typically food children loves to eat. Burgers, fried chicken, spaghetti and the like is present in this
kind of menu.
Breakfast Menu - usually used in room service, consist of continental and American breakfast.
Board Menu - typically used by cafés, it is usually place at the top of order area, written in a board for customers’
Du Jour Menu - “Du Jour” a French term means “dish of the day”, which restaurants used available seasonal
ingredients to prepare the freshest food possible for the day; e.g. “Soupe du jour” means soup of the day.

Order Taking
You’re already acquainted with the different types of menu, this time you will be dealing with the sequence
of events in terms of taking guests’ food orders. There are few important points that the waiter needs to remember:
 Make sure menus are updated and clean while you hand it over to the guests.
 Hand it to the guest, do not put it in the table. If menu is a booklet type, open it, if it’s not a booklet type hold it in
an upright position.
 Prior in taking order, do not forget to ask the guests if they have any special dietary requirement.
 Be alert, focused, and attentive, do not forget your order pad and pen or pencil. It is where you’re going to record
the order.
 Lastly, make sure to be knowledgeable about the menu.

Lesson 4. Liaise between kitchen and dining area

Liaise is to establish relationship or connection of work specially in ordering system to cooperate and have
mutual concern inside the establishment. In food service industry, coordination between kitchen and restaurant area
is important especially on busy days where the large demand for a certain menu that cause longer time to prepare. It
is the duty of waiter or food server to advise the guest’s specific time that the foods will be prepared.

Operating ordering systems

All transactions should be undertaken within establishment guidelines relating to:
1. Honesty and integrity. Guidelines cover policy like not charging for items that weren’t delivered or not charging
person X for something that person Y received
2. Accuracy – checking all entries, extensions, additions and other calculations to make sure that the customer isn’t
overcharged and that the venue captures all the revenue to which it is legitimately entitled
3. Speed – ensuring that accounts are compiled and presented in a timely manner according to honesty and
accuracy. Never sacrifice accuracy for speed.
4. Explanation and outline of charges. This should detail fully the nature of all charges so that no confusion or
suspicion about charges exists
5. Customer service – treating customers with the courtesy they merit in reference to the taking of the order,
processing of the order, and presentation of the account for payment.

Types of System Use:

1. The manual system Dining order systems can vary greatly. The type used largely depends on individual
establishment’s preferences supported on matters such as:

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts
 Their previous experience with using an ordering system – including evaluation of how existing systems are
 The number of orders processed – bigger numbers may encourage the establishment to use an electronic
 Skills of staff and thus the supply of skilled staff – most premises dislike having to train staff.

Types of manual docket system:

A. Triplicate docket system- a traditional manual system that is often used in medium and large-sized hotels and
 Table number  Date
 Number of cover  Waiters signature
*any cancellation should be countersigned by the supervisor.
B. Duplicate docket system- used in the small, informal type of restaurant. Usually known as carbon copied
system. *another copy is used for billing purposes for the preparation of the billing.

2. Software applications
This computerized system enables the electronic management of food and beverage orders.
A main terminal enables data input to the system. This data comprises the menus for all the restaurants
attached up to the system, alongside the prices of every item. This information might be input by the F & B Manager
or receptionist.
Each outlet has its own terminal that displays the menu. This is a touch screen as there’s no keyboard kind of
traditional computer. Printers are an integral part of a system and they are present in each of the food outlets, as
well as in the kitchen.
As an order is taken by waiting for staff, the order is entered into the system, via the POS terminal. A ‘table
tracking’ facility is activated in order that dishes are often added to the initial order, and tracks are often kept off the
order for the nominated table number.
The system also features a facility for every table to possess seat numbers assigned to their particular order.
The order is then sent to the specified service point, which can normally be the kitchen and should include
the bar. The order is printed call at the restaurant area, detailing not only the things required but also the table
number, time as well as name and/or number of the waiter/s.
Orders may be changed as guests change their minds, or as other circumstances dictate.
Food and beverage orders are often entered at just one occasion, or using the table tracking facility,
separately by different waiters. Items that have been incorrectly entered can be deleted and items can be voided.
Both food and beverage are often added to the account during the meal. Entering a dish or a beverage automatically
triggers the designated price.
When the guest requests their account, the system enables the printing of their bill. Various adjustments are
often made to the account enabling discounts and vouchers to be used.

POS System/capabilities:
 Act as register as well as computer.  Create a sales report.
 Calculate cash due.  Keep track of menu items sold
 Record payment method. .  Track inventory
 Keep track of the cash in cash drawers.
*POS system adds convenience, and accuracy, and save time in a busy situation.

Types of Software System

1. Electronic Payment – This is the ability for a restaurant to accept credit card, debit cards, gift cards and mobile
payment options. Restaurants that don’t have this technology will miss out on 80% or more of potential sales. There
are exceptions to this rule. The main exception is food trucks and smaller cash only businesses in busy areas and
street vendors. For the vast majority, a payment system is essential for a business.

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts
How to use electronic billing machine:
 Enter waiter’s identity code.
 Place the orders on the machine.
 Press the food and beverage button and enter the amount that was paid off.
 Press enter.
 The machine will print out the receipt.
2. Network – This represents the technology to enable computer devices to talk to each other and the internet. This
is probably the most overlooked piece of technology in a store but one of the most important. If the network goes
down or is not available, it can have negative consequences to the store. This next set includes technology that is
highly recommended to enable a more profitable store.
3. Inventory Management System – This is a system that will track inventory levels, cost of inventory and help the
store keep the necessary inventory in stock without over stocking. Many POS systems for restaurant will offer a basic
inventory solution but usually these solutions are very basic and lack the key features. One of the most important
features of an restaurant inventory management system is keeping track of the inventory costs, looking at inventory
levels to prevent out of stock and enabling automated inventory orders. Inventory management could also be done
4. Digital Menu Boards – This technology enables the menu in the stores to be displayed on screens instead of the
traditional printed material. This technology has advantages in that it will reduce costs of the printed menus and
reduce the labor to change, manage and send the printed menus. This technology is most useful for fast casual and
quick serve restaurants where there is not wait staff. Digital Menu Boards are good for restaurants that change the
menus often, but still most restaurants used menu cards or books to be given on the guests upon arrival.

Address: Brgy. Adela Heights, Gandara, Samar

Contact Number: 09685495338 |09571275752
E-mail Address:
FB Page: Ramon T. Diaz National High School FB Account: Ramon T. Diaz Acts

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