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2022 IS MY YEAR IJN !!!

35 Key Tips on How to Get Him to Commit

to a Relationship

By Sylvia Smith, Expert Blogger

8.6k Reads
Updated: 28 Jun, 2021

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Let’s be honest; you’re probably reading this and a dozen other articles
right now because you’ve been seeing a guy, and you’re starting to
think he’s the one.

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But the problem is he hasn’t been showing any signs towards something a
little more committed, right?

Don’t worry. We totally get where you’re coming from. This situation can
be super confusing to navigate on your own and can leave you questioning

However, there are definitely a few tips that can help you get the guy of
your dreams to start thinking more about commitment, and today, we
wanted to share them with you. In this article, we’re going to go over 35
key tips on how to get him to commit to you as quickly and easily as

Why it is important to have a commitment

Before we dive into our tips, we first wanted to touch on why commitment
is so important in a relationship.

Obviously, commitment means that your relationship is getting more

serious. And as you get more serious, a deeper connection is
developed, boundaries are made, and expectations are set for how you and
your partner should act towards each other.

If you choose to move forward with someone and don’t have a genuine
commitment to them, it can create a lack of true devotion and respect,
which can lead to an array of arguments and problems in the future.

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Creating a genuine and mutual commitment to someone is crucial to

building a successful relationship and will more likely lead you to a
lifetime of happiness.
Related Reading: What Are Reciprocal Relationships and Ways to
Practice Them

35 tips on how to get him to commit

Now that we’ve talked briefly about commitment let’s go over how to get
him to commit to begin with.

1. Don’t force it

We know you probably don’t want to hear it, but the most important thing
to remember is that there is no way to get a guy to commit to you unless he
is ready to do so.

If you try to force it, you might make him feel like he’s being controlled,
which is something that sends most men running in the other direction. So
for the sake of your future relationship, learn genuine ways on how to
make him commit without pressure.

2. Let him chase you

The next tip on how to get a guy to commit to a relationship is to let him
chase you. Men love the satisfaction of winning a woman over with their
charm and masculinity. And honestly, the best way for him to feel like he’s
done that is to let him take control.

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So, if you really wanna know how to get a guy to commit to a relationship,
the answer is to simply step back and let him steer the flirtation his way.

Trust us, your lack of pursuit will drive him mad and get him chasing after
you before you know it.

3. Do your own thing

Next, if you want to get him to commit, don’t forget to keep just doing
you. While getting a man to commit can seem like a rather involved task,
it’s also important to remember who you are outside of that attraction for

With that said, make sure you make time to be with your family and
friends, and do the things you love. Men love when a woman is
independent and has her own life outside of him.

Therefore, the true answer behind the question ofhow to get a guy to
commit to a relationship is to keep him wanting you. Taking the time to
just focus on you will drive him crazy.

4. Build an emotional bond before a sexual one

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Our next tip on how to get him to commit is to work on building an

emotional bond before you build a sexual one.

This will give you two the time to get to know each other for your values
and ambitions before you get to know each other’s bodies. Not to mention,
this is uncommon to do these days, which will no doubt catch your man’s

5. Ask him

Next, if you want to skip the tips and make your life easier, be upfront with
him about what you want. After you two have gotten to know each other a
bit, it’s always a good idea to ask him what he’s looking for with you.

Is it a long-term relationship, or is it more of a hook-up?

You both deserve to know where the other person stands, so you don’t
waste your time, so just be bold and ask him, and you’ll be just fine.
Also Try: Do You See Lifelong Commitment In Your Relationship?

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6. Be his friend first

Next, another good way to make a guy want a relationship is to be his

friend first. As the saying goes, people who start as friends and then grow
into a couple are happier together.

Focus on being his friend first and worry about the romantic details later.
This can help take you two from casual to committed real fast and even
lead to a happier relationship overall.

7. Be a listener

If you wanna know one of the easiest ways on how to get him to commit,
well, men love women who can be there for them when they need to talk.
Men have a hard time opening up, so when they do, it’s important
to listen and offer advice as needed.

This is also one of the biggest tricks to make your boyfriend want you
more as well, as this will make him more inclined to share himself with
you emotionally.

8. Make him feel special

Next up, just like with us ladies, men want someone that will make them
feel special. For that reason, if you’re wondering how to get him to
commit, it’s important to take the time to make him feel special.

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When you let a man know that you appreciate the things he does or you
compliment them, you are letting him know that what he does means
something to you. This will help him to feel like what he does is necessary
and will make him commit quickly and easily.

9. Don’t make him jealous

When it comes to the rule book on how to get a guy to commit to a

relationship, don’t try to make him jealous. Just as you wouldn’t want a
guy flirting with other girls, keep your focus on just him.

Men like a woman that is loyal, so show him that’s what you are and stick
with it. That way, you’ll be more likely to get a guy to be exclusive with
you and develop a deeper trust with him in the long run.

10. Make time to get to know his circle

Next, another important tip on how to get a guy to commit to you is to

make time to get to know his friends.

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While you may not have the same interests as his friends, men value the
opinions of their friends greatly, and the approval of them can even get a
non-committal guy to commit to you.

On top of that, this also helps your man see if you fit into his world, which
will get him thinking about how things might be if you were around long-
Related Reading: Signs you are Scared Of A Committed Relationship

11. Don’t ask him to change

Next on the list, just as you wouldn’t want a man to change you, don’t ask
him to change. Men are very routine creatures, and that means that a
majority of men are looking for a way to make a life with a woman while
having to make as little change as possible.

This means the nights out with the boys he had when he was single are still
going to be important to him when he’s with you. So, accept them rather
than trying to change him.

So, if you’re trying to figure out how to get him to commit, it’s best to set
your boundaries but not step on his toes; otherwise, you might lose him.

12. Let him be a ‘man’ and make a point to showcase it

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Now, let’s be honest; men love to show their masculinity. And if you ask
us, the secret psychology to what makes a man fall in love is letting your
man take on that masculine role regularly.

Whether it’s opening a jar for you or getting something off a shelf that you
can’t reach, men want to feel like they are needed in your space. This will
make him feel like he’s adding something to your life, which will make
him more likely to commit in the long run.

13. Treat him

Next on the list of how to get him to commit is to make sure you take the
time to treat him, too.

Buy him gifts that make you think of him, offer to make him dinner, or
take the bill when you guys are at a restaurant. Men don’t want to be the
only ones making romantic gestures in a relationship, so make sure you
show him, in your own way, that you value his presence.

14. Keep it light

Next, another great tip for how to get him to commit to you is to keep
things light and stop stressing over getting committed. If you always worry
about the word “commitment,” you’re going to miss out on a potentially
amazing guy just because he may not be ready quite yet.

So, keep your time with him light and fun and stop stressing about the

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15. Trust him

Next, there’s nothing more unattractive than someone who is jealous. If

you get mad when he goes out or secretly check his phone when he’s in the
bathroom, you need to step back and reevaluate your relationship.

A man won’t want to move forward with you if you don’t trust him. So,
make sure you feel secure before you try to make something more official.
Related Reading: Learn to Feel Free in a Committed Relationship

16. Value his values

It’s important to value your man’s beliefs. This doesn’t mean agreeing with
him on everything, but rather showing him that you value his beliefs even
if they are different.

Instead of putting him down for believing something that you don’t, listen
to him and let him know you care. If you want to be with someone long-
term, you have to learn to value what’s important to them, even if it isn’t
necessarily what you value personally.

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17. Be open to trying new things

If you’re with a new guy, it’s likely that you’re going to be put in many
situations where he’ll want you to try new things that may bring you

Whether it’s his favorite food or his favorite sport, try to be as flexible as
you can with trying the things he likes. This will show him that you are
willing to do things that make him happy and is a sure way to get him to
commit to a serious relationship in no time.

18. Give him space

Our next tip on how to get him to commit is to learn the way to care for
your man without smothering him. Just as you say I need your space, so
does he, so make sure you give that to him.

This will be something that won’t go unnoticed and is something that he

will learn to love and respect about you.

19. Be confident

Next, another big way to get a man to commit is to be confident in

yourself. It’s attractive to find someone who knows their value and doesn’t
settle for less.

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This also makes you come off as a stronger, more independent woman,
which will make a guy crazy for you. Overall, if you ask us, learning self-
confidence is a key way to get the guy.

20. Add value to his life

Next, men aren’t likely to commit to a girl if they don’t feel like that girl
will add anything of value to their life.

Therefore, it’s important to show the guy you’re trying to win over how
much better his life is with you. Be a listener, a lover, a friend, and a
cheerleader- all in one and he’ll stick to your side before you know it.
Related Reading: Is He Committed to Me Quiz

21. Be a safe haven

For our next tip on how to get him to commit, learn to be a safe space for
your man, not a battlefield. This ultimately means you want to create a
space where he feels like he can be himself with you or go to you when
he’s sad.

After a long day of work, nothing beats coming home to a woman who can
listen and comfort, rather than a nagging wife. For that reason, learn to be
his place of peace, and you’ll never have to worry about him leaving.

22. Respect his privacy

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If you want to get the man of your dreams to commit, you have to
remember to respect his privacy. We all have a past, we all have lovers
from the past, and we all have a history, and this isn’t something to judge
him for or bug him about.

Remember, you are part of his future, not his past. Respect his privacy in
all its forms, and a man will always respect you in return.

23. Be his cheerleader

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A man will always want to be with a woman that encourages him to pursue
his dreams and ambitions. No one wants to be with a Debbie downer that
makes them feel like they won’t accomplish the things they want.

So, whether it’s a promotion at work or pursuing a rock and roll career,
encourage your man and make him feel like he can do anything. This will
have him committing before you know it.

24. Be decisive

Next, everyone has their indecisive moments, and it’s totally okay.
However, a man won’t be likely to commit to a girl who can’t make up her
mind about anything.

From what clothes to wear to what to eat, men like you to think for
yourself, so do your best to be decisive and stick to it. This will be well
met and very appreciated by any man and make him more likely to commit
to you in the future.

25. Keep your relationship between you guys

In this day and age, sharing your every thought is a pretty popular thing to
do on social media.

However, when it comes to your relationship, keep it between you guys.

Of course, sharing pictures is fine, but if you have an argument, don’t put
your man on blast on Facebook.

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Keep your private matters between you two alone by limiting your social
media postings, this will keep your relationship flourishing.
Related Reading: Ways Social Media Ruins Relationships

26. Be open with sex

Next, when the time comes where you’re ready to take it to the next level
sexually, it’s important to keep an open mind.

Of course, set your boundaries, but do your best to be open about the
things he likes and wants to experiment with. This will help your man feel
like he can be his authentic self, which all men crave with their forever

27. Skip the drama

If you’re wondering what makes a man commit, do your best to skip out on
any and all the drama. No one likes being nagged day in and day out.

Instead of being dramatic over things, politely remind him how you feel
about it in order to build a healthy relationship by keeping the connection
between you two positive. Remember, there’s never a reason to shout, and
a man will always appreciate a woman who understands that.

28. Express yourself, but don’t put him down

For our next tip on how to get him to commit, when arguments happen,
remember to express yourself and your point of view, but don’t put your
man down.

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Name-calling and blaming him are just plain immature and can lead to a
lack of effective communication between you two. Therefore, to keep
things flowing, express yourself, but don’t feel a need to have the last

29. Keep your word

If you want to win a man over and make him commit to you, it’s important
to keep the promises you make to him. Whether it’s picking him up after
work or promising to cover the bill at dinner, it’s important to keep your
word with your man.

This will help to build trust between you two and also let him know that
you are a woman he can rely on, which is key to getting more exclusive.

30. Don’t do everything for him

Doing things for your man is always welcome, but don’t be the girlfriend
that babies him and acts like his mother. This can make you come off as
not only desperate but also controlling.

Not to mention, this can make a man actually look at you like his mother,
which definitely isn’t good for a growing relationship.
Related Reading: Why Being Treated Like a Child in a Relationship Is

31. Don’t demand

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Next, there’s nothing more unattractive than a man or woman that demands
too much. Whether it’s money, attention, or strict rules, demanding things
isn’t sexy, and if you want to win a man over, learn to ask only for what
you deserve and be content in that.

32. Don’t give him the “wifey” benefits quite yet

Women are often guilty of giving a man the “wifey treatment” before they
actually have a ring on their finger. This refers to giving him all the unique
and special benefits of having you as a committed partner.

If you do before you’re official, he may not see the true value you add to
his life when the time comes. So, to avoid the hassle, save the wifey
material for later, and just work on being his girlfriend instead.

33. Skip the ultimatums

Don’t ever use ultimatums to get your man to commit. While it can be
tempting, ultimatums will make a man feel pressured, which will definitely
send him running in the other direction.

So, to avoid issues, let them come naturally and keep ultimatums out of
your relationship completely.

34. Introduce him to your friends

If a guy is struggling to commit and isn’t showing any signs of doing it,
introduce him to men around you as your “friend.” If he gets upset over it,

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it’s a sure sign he likes you, and that may even push him to make that
commitment to avoid being called that again.

35. Love yourself first

And our last piece of advice for how to get him to commit is to make sure
you love yourself first. When you don’t love yourself, it weighs you down
and makes you feel clingy, depressed, and controlling, even if that’s not
who you are.

For that reason, before you go looking for your man, make sure you take
the time to fall in love with yourself first.

This will set you up with better success in the journey of finding the man
of dreams and keep you feeling confident and secure in yourself the whole
way through.

The video below discusses what self love is and how one can establish self
love. Check out this guide:


In conclusion, a committed relationship is a beautiful thing, but it does take

time to find the right person to be in a relationship with. If you believe
you’ve found the man of dreams and you’re wondering how to get him to
commit, these tips will help you direct him towards the right path.

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However, you have to remember that a man will only commit if he wants
to. Therefore, if it doesn’t work out with this guy, just remember, there’s
someone else out there for you that will treat you like the queen you are.

Have fun and just be yourself, and we promise you, if you are genuinely
you through and through, you can never fail in any relationship.

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