09 Coordination Chemistry

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COORDINATION ComMPOUNDS Cocrdwolion compos ax fie eer in whch the neta ator ae Bod to a wumber of anions er neulaal midecules by srasing cy Acclons Ho cHacH, Ho, on, c Werophl Maia Bin Mg Napetion Cee Cobalt emery “Meenge of Co oxiination compoerds Pthe mein pestulales axcs- D Sn Cooidivolion compounds, watals shaw hoo types of, valenrize 3 Patmasy — & Secondary 8) the Prwanny valeneies are. reymally iontsabls and ax. sabisecl by negaline. ions 3 the Secovdlany valemcier ase uenionschle ‘there ase dahqied by neuttiad molecules On nage. ons = ‘the secondary valency 0 eqyal fo the Co vvdwakion nuinber and b prea fev 2 metal. Tle. ions| qrovps boord by the secondary Leleyoo Io the metal fave. characterishe spahal arangnunts comupording to clilfernt co-oydirakion rambero © Evouy natal tao hoe types op velercies > Prowasy 4 Secondary valeney 4 Peimaay valency io fonisatler, while eecordascy i» none vonisalle: & Pawacy velonay io donoled by doled Gres, wchile eccorelany valenay iv denoted by fuck Sino 4 Primary valenny Gives He. otidakon tale a, mesial while secondary velenay gives the co-vrdivakion wobatl op the metal. 4 Pinna vallenuy alioays shee doy Ove fons, hile sevordasy elena a4 be cihefied by Cove ot neubial molecules, + Crew enacted han @ pied rember of sernvelany valeocien Aha prmery vloneies ax non-diuchinel , hile the, soinmdany valores axe Avechoncll ¥ Sine serordasy valencien ane dimeclonal , coordinabion cowpoveds hove a aapaitangecralitg & ayy tow deeienino ¥ Small aise, of tha vata) tow * High toni caarge a Availablity ef) d- orbitals AD iPhemnce betwen a Double Galt % Comphuat Both double cate ao well ao compferes a formed ty the Gorokinakion of, fio os mor lable Corpouls in stoichiomelaic Yaho. * Boubl alte diesociale into sineple. ions completely whan dissolved in wates. 5 Gnallite - KCL.Mg Ge Mobns galt - Fe Sey, (Nit)2 90, . GH Potash Blom - KALCS0ya. (aH O & Conplue Coropourd do net discociale. inko Sieophe. fons Conoplehelly thon dissolve! in Water > ky Lecen] [eotnts)sCU}cte SHO Some uroetant ‘Tkewetorocnks }) Cooapinenon ENT ‘The contial metal atom 8 ion avd Ligerds fore Co-odimalion enti hy 2 CENTRAL ATOM ION Jn a co-ovdimalion entity, the atorolion 4o which appeal number Of jons| noulial molecules axe. attached & called tha cantil atom {ion AGANDS + The toms or vauitol wadleanlen Loved to the corldal atom ion ta he te-ovdivaction enbly axe called ligerds a for a epacies fo ack an Gigard, it con donate atleast one faiv e\ cteclron do ee cantial atoms. * he aloo oy me Liged which iy chvetly borded to the conlid ator ty ealler donor abxn Cepomnpe] Cis)? Co-ordilion ery. Contd Rigel Saved on dre 10: op donoy akoms of, the Lingard that birds fo 2 metal ion ot alom, the Ligands ax lensed ao t- 1) Menedadoti or Unicknlste god A Sgord ok Gwds to the. conlial atom [ion Prove a Single donsy alow, in Bid ty be vnidontale Ligavd Eqr cr, 4 qr ON", By DOM, 440, NHy CNT, NC SCN” ete 2) Pidertate | Didevtale A A Ugard frat Livds te the Cental atom trough hoo donoy akro & called ident Sigurd Eg Ethane. - !2- diamine. | Ethylane dione ina. ( HaNcHaCHaNth) Onaiele Coron) 4 y Cli Nite “i Ne tydenkate gard B Ligare Hrat bods ty the corbial atom Anroughr more thaw two donoy atoms tn dalled poigdantote, Ligand, Etuleneckornine. teh , — =~ NN coo) Lioenos Bee Piso Censsirien Ar 3- ) Probidantate egeads + Thuy axe uniderole Uiguds vekich contain more ‘han ore donor ahs they can Co-ordinate, Hnoigh Heo dibjeent afoncs. fq. NG, ONT, CN NC, SCNT, Nes 2) Cheloling & ed, + Bi op poly danbole Qegsrde con bind fe the deni atoro Hnouglo too ex mone doror alors fy ppt Fung: complexes 4 Such compitan are called chelates. * Bach type eb ligerde ax aid to be chatting Gagards. Bihan. 1, adi -omine Oxalato 1H Monedentele Gigunds Proordtes Gogindls Didentate yds Nig- Aromine CN = cyano en > ethane 1, 2-Aramina 1G0- agua NC = ‘ocyano C202 > Oxalate CO - Gubongl Clty Nia matiylamine | NOs - wibito-N OW” = hydro ONT - wibsito-0 Podydentate Ct" = chtoxido EDTA - Br - bwmido Sen” ~ thicayancto Lhuylene diorama tela Sox” - Sulphate | Nes - fecthtocjancto Peclie acid Seme Soroetant Trenonvorounts Continaal $= 4) Benticily The runber of donor olome of a pashieuler Vgerd tak ane disccty Gorded to cankeal atom tr called denticily Ep- Fev onidentalt Digards Sonkcily i> 1 For bdudate figads — Renkciby i» 2 @ © on. 8) Co-ordirakion nimbat Are. eordivelion wanbas[Cnl] ©} a minted ion tn a complex Can be Aifinad a tia total auncbar op ¥ be cove. of, (Coad, | 8) Cocudinchion spe The. coulial oto tion ard tha. i im aqua bsockot awd & collectively termed a7 tre co-ordination sphere. Sagara donor atoms to Whidh the. metal iy disctly borded. Cp (Col Delo gme en & didertate | CN ® alteched bo it ax enclesed The. ions culcide the aquase bracket ase called coontes ion % Oxidabon number of, cubed chor The ovidation murobor of the cerlial aloo m a coreplint ta def enact an the — aeridval chasse, on TL -*3 0 438 Comyde | Ets < corplexes Complenes ushich contain ovly one. type. of Viger aac called homplephic complatso. , Ceocnns, | (felon te 12) Neterolephe Complures Compares vohich comlain more ren one ape. op Ligand wo, Glled fetorwlephe compexes. i yadt Pe, 5 Er. Coolie), [GuCNttdsClal ete [oudnns>,] Cle $ Coordination enbly & [cudnt Jcts * Coovdivation (ice Crit J 4 Conlual mastal chonlion > Cu * Nigawds > NM — Prwiine & Counter tons > Ca Chtonde & Coordination number a “oo 2 Forel teagkea | 2 LcuCwidy J chr 4 Onidation number ofyratel > + 2 Nowtncrmivne OF Coocnttyion Como She following rules ose ased edhile remind Co-orlivalion compuds. a dhe ahon in nawed potl in bolts foskudly e nagatinely charged coordinchon enbihes & The Uagewdo ae. ramed ia alpbakelica) oder before Vee rams. of cential alone | ion. 4 Popes monodi,ti ete aw wel tp ivcliale tia number oy iwdividual Segenche * Owdalion etale 9% wotal to indicated by Roman numed Spl bracket AG Me compan ion in cation, tke canbial alow is vawed game 0 the climent. + Sy Me complex ion iy anion, tran dhe nome. 0p the. metal eds with supsix ate’ t a 430 e -3 = S/o f * LCaC Nts) (4a), [Clg Tebracermineckiag wachremion (I) chitonde 4 : pts a [Cocmid, Rentzommineculphebocoball (1) chlende #Meterolephe Compound * Covickvahon number — 6 Ne xoequc: dost (Ii) Conds 4 Hommlephic complact # Coordivolion mwwhe- 6 Bool tg # [cudwn), no. | sod Triawminesnsbite-N ceppe: (MD sudphate Vaisethan—1,2— Avomine chapmium (iD) bromide. * Fe th med wslead Oh fi, became, sehen Hie yamer oy the Ligand mecludes A numerical pret (ain thiccane) the forms | | bet lakis ane uned oo x LNi Ceo) ie Frecoseongl wicked (6) +2 0 * [peru As dele tl ~ ae ae tet %=2 (pe) Vecrrninzesanepchnera (1). fon 42 42 te, # ke LNiCon hd Fotasswm tehocyomonickelate (@) 42 an * ky (Pach | Fotassiom -tobwac hem, fopalladale (1) +3 33 * ks [FR(a.0)s) fotessivin trol force (HD) J, Fe- feeate 9 bg- 6 agen om ; dy he ce Au- Purvate \ , Cu = Cupyate m #3 0 Las ® [fe Cen Trisetien-1,2-chomine ison(It) ton x LCu ate / . ae 346 Tigoxallebo euprotz (W) fon > +3(cu) +3 a2 x LCn #.050n0] No,), Renkaaquanibite -Behremom( til) afbyale oad Hexosrenmunechromive (iN) triqvadahsecbal tate Cw) 4 Biammiredich (> ~ Foe (re (wid, cra) r Peet fo Know te. numer ef counter # Di arr wre tehioayuo. cobalt Ny, WD chewidle ione, Bird tha. onidchion qurcbe (nM), CHO), Jay eh counter 10” & Hexaamminaciromive() Riana Fluvide cobalt Cer (m4) [aoe J BINEMION CerorouNDS: Conpourds frat ave te ome molecular formula but dijewat shuctwal formula et spahal assorgement Of Atoms ase called isomer g the phanemanon i> tomad QA iSomasise. Stuchnal deomesiewo Stesco Seomerisna Linkege Somes) Coordnetion isomescsno Creomebaical Ssomesisr iceskion: iegleent senieakon: ‘sae Opheal “Seomexisro Selvali isomeri sro eTRuctTuRAL FsomEeRicnd ) Linkage isomensro St asiceo im a co-oschvalion conpourd containing, cankidentale Vigavel hich com bed fo fhe conkial akor through more. Aion one donor atoms. &§- Ccotniide No, Jct. Rentaarmineriteite-Ncobalttl) olende Afiex N’ in the. donor alone Ct CNtHtz)5 ONO} Cha . i Tentocenrume nikita - O¢oladt{it) chlonde Adie “O' iv the donor alone Coordivchon Jaomer'er Jy ben anionic. % cokione pash ax. complenes, the isomerism oases dus fo the intaschange op Cigars bahosn cahoriie 2 Ayuouc onhhes. x: [Conn } LGrcod, | Hexe (ti aamminecobalt (MW) tease yonechsowlé renee. Chhapmuaralllt) Penacy mocoboltale (ill) nigakion Seomasisro SH asiseo dua te tre inkexchange of ions Lehoesn Ha mside and Ouberda Sh Co-ordivalnon sphere They ine ciffeent types oh 10s m aqusour solution ky CeaCnudeci] so, ammnec hLendoc haomiveo( tl) sulphate some CN) Cherie 4) Solvate [ay Ayoli Jeomouseo Sobate tcomavs dij/r in the no: of selon mobeude. which ote divectly Gordad to the. meatal ton a ligarel Herraquechomion (th) Chtoide Lew(tro), Ct} Clete Pontacquachlondeckromam (MN) chlende STEREO ISOMER Ssoressmn ($n Cekatedaal cooplaaes) [Moabs]> on-6 Focab (Rae | Masidian (v0e0 Bdoney atoms of Some. Ligads ‘ha pesiion e, 2 donor atoms dceupy adjacent postions at oh save. Ligard ascurd tie Yee comer: a by | a My b/ \ sa b 4 $y Cetohedval comfeaes [Mos,bs] Opkcal isowars as minsoy imege> tuck comot be supesimpoxd on One Gnotret Moa by J a ' | a es by a! — | oe a, a 4 b pes b ° 7 Me i rob | b i . wale 2 Nits Nia Nia ad Pe ~ Pe” co Ny tron- Bianminedichlenidoplatinon (1) o( Nils i enaG . ‘o | Nis [= Nits cx | Nis | NM Nits a Dts tehiscwmureciddloridowbalt (W) Chtonde — Trama —tehucomine dichbonde cobalt Mt kom ae i t ow (| Vpnenck ROnp Th A Gra theory wan put fowoad by Lins f * Grporiant poshioleo oy tue theory are % O the ruber 6} vacont orbitals formed w equal to the Cooratinakion number eb metal aboro @ the weent orbitals of the wetal undergo hybrtisation te Lowe A sek of naw orbitals called fybricl orbitals the type 84 hybridication gives the shape of, compound ® Koch Vigerd tnoukd contain ot feast one pair e clachor @ the vacant A-ovbitals of the metal ovalap sith the filled oabitalls of the. digas fo form Gagavel-mtkal co-ovclinale bord ® Hoo conplent confodns vnpaisce| elechons , fk i pasamagnitic q if it contains only poised lechons , i€ tv chamagneke 2 wp ftinesr — |icuct taster, goal = 3 oe [ier 4 sp [Tewahedrat | (Coy), (Nic Saar 4 & CEN PN) ip INCE NH ra : : goal Emi esos a |PXCOD, oe (THGH,0))%, [FEN (CNP, 6 |azeetae — locanedat |{Coostt) ina font eee ro coi) | we | | [FeRJSICOR,, etb.0) 6 |azmitee loaned eater omens) Feld Giaards ) Nig, CN", NCS, EptA, en - asad! Ra - hs gd? Vawodlium-23 - ne 2d3 Chromi 24 2 WS 3d Manganese. ag - As” ad& Bron - 26 - as 3a® Cobelit - a4 - ks” ad™ Nickf - 2g - ks? 3a® -_ ast aa'? ~ ust ga? see) 4 Chase op Fe. > A+) =-2. aeag j 62) * fe > 3d° rs Fe dP TE x Ty FELT] my SPA” fe the Rupbridication . 4 Aybridication — sp"d® * Geomebsy - octahedral * Rasemagnetic , aed & Magnekic. mowant (A) = Jninad> = I5 GD > F385 BM (Bohy Magucton) ‘ Configuration = Outer, + Spin = Aigh since oulir conbiguralion - eae + fe. 3d%us™ a a RM ad (iter u ao com Sma CN wy a storg Feld Ugerd 4 Pathe AT & Hybmdiaalion ~ dep? A Geomeiy - Octahedial + Configarahon = Snes + Spin - flow 4 Negicke Peopesly — Fasconcgealic a Mamet. moment (ut) = > into Cad - J3gM [Nrcen) J _ Oecreaion) panberel agNi > e. hs” Nie Ger OD Oo on shang GD Bo ja square. plana & Aybidizabion ~ 4 sp* * Qeomeliy - Sayore play # Magnclic. propatiy — Aicweyesbic % Magnolia mowant (ut) = 0 CSinte. diamagnetic) a2. * ve ai - 2d? ns* as Nor ag® AAT) El ef 534 Bince Cin a we SMubridication = Sp? ACreometsy — Telvahad va + Magrche. Pooprty ~ Feseamergnclic & Magnchic moment (Ww) = Jn(n+2) . 0 io tre no Of, bepaired| eleckaons + J2G) = JB ew Inner orbital complexes Outer orbital complexes Involves inner d-orbital Involves outer d-orbitals ie, nd- orbitals orbitals Tow spin complexes igh Spin complexes Have less or no unpaired Have large number of unpaired electrons electrons g:( Co(NHe)s}"*(CO{CN}s)* eg MinFsP(CoFs)3- Or Verenee Boup Tigory * St co baved en number ef assumphons & ft door not chintvquid behoeen weak % Sing Reld ligands 4 Ot door not qive quanitahe Theeprctaten e wognetic. dota x dt Ano not explain dan colouy ee cooidivolion conopourds a ft pe fo precbick tetraliadva’ ¢ square ploway shuchaes of, coordinabion covplenes. Cruster Fier> THEORY # the crystal field theory CCF) is an alechnstahe madel which Considers the metal-Cigard bond an pusely ionic + The Ligands ae treated an point charger fn Care Garnions On ae dipela in case of reuilat molecule * dhe foe d-orbitals th an fedlated garcows metal atom/ion fave Same energy fe hey ase degenoale + But chon the ogalve fiald 0% dua bo ligands in a complex, te degresocy of the dorbitals & fest. St sanlts im epltling oy Ma d oxbitals. the pling ay d-orbitale is termed an crystal fiald n Ccabectral Guystal tield z 42 242. FS ’ tow Y we 3/54, XX Barycentre A x a Metal ° d-orbitals 42 5242 dyy dey dy, Average energy Splitting of d-orbitals of the d-orbitals in in octahedral Free metal ion spherical crystal field crystal field i © Sn cre of an octahedal co-ordination corpo faving six Digards cuscurding tee metal abw)ion we. ebsowe repulsion Bohveon Me dlechons in A-orbitals and Lago elechons & Shir sepulsien io experienced mow in the care Of dig? % det orbitals an thay port troarts te artes along the dissthon of Legend Hanae, thag Rave higher onoayp thon average crespp in the. Spheucal crystal fold 2 On the ober hard, day , oly G dug Orbital experience, lower sepmlaion Gn Hap are. Ainected Between the ames. tence there tse orblals bave less creagy tran the overage creigy in the spherical cuyslad feel ¥ huss the sepalsione in Octahedral Co-ordinahion compoure geet foo cneigy fevols a tag - set of 3 orbitals (olay, dys 4 dg) with fewer energy +p ~ Set a 2 cverlals (duty § dz*) soil hughes energy + he gphitlng % dagervcte Seuel in the presence. of Lagi & Krown 49 Caystal field apliting a She aliffernce. behoan fe orecgy Of tag & Cy Level is denoted by ° 4 Here O stands for Otte Rel wal. Energy aL vious 2 Colour of the Compten b Complementary colour of Let absorbed by te complex. pens of Crystal Field “heory thom he ascumphons, trot the figards axe point chaager. it follows that monic. Ligarals should exert tha greatest Splitiing affect. But He anionic ligarols actually axe fore at tha bow erd 4 the gpecbochemical soxies + St door not take. ine account the Covalent character of bording Betwaon te Ligand % the cenlral abo METAL CARBONKS + Thare are Kemoliphe cosbonyls Menonucleas Cabonyls (WD VCco)s > Pentacabonylvanaalivm (0) Wi) GCco)s > Hferacastorylehyomtum (0) GD Me(COe > Hleracarbenylmotybolenem Co) () WCC), — ffesacabonyl tungsten Co) YW) Nt(Co)y -9 Tebracasbonyl nichef Co) wi) Fe C@)s > Pentacastonyl iron (0) it clear Casbouyls ) CO.COe > Octacarbonyldicco bal Ce) G) Co, OO > Redlecacasbonyl tehacobalt Co) Gi) Wn, CDiv> Becrcarbony dimanganese Co) NiCco)y Ce Fobvahedrak + Fe (cos Pa * Cr CO ° Ce {| © ON Octahedlio$ CO ‘Co + [1n, Cea] a Co-—N)n - —co 3 sordahen Conpoowds deponcls epon? Stabs Lily of ») Chasge on the conhal metal ion 2D Bare rake o ligands 3) Prsnene % chelete Ligarels D Sige of te meatal son 1 AS charge on iu conltal malal on Penance , stabil; also ncsoanes aM bane nalwe of Ligands frucares. slabililg also fnccares. a Sf chelate. Gigonds are present, tan also stabllily incearcs + Ds se eg he metal ion imeaanes, stobility also increases Preticarion OF Co-ogpanion Compounds In Qualitative Quontitatic Pralysis : Co-ordinahion cowpounds ftvds use in many quolitehve | quonbtabie chamical trelysis D fo Motaltargy a Metals ike Slur Gold ax extracted ty the formation of, conpleses sith CNT Cigandls Coordination compos are o prot ieportane. tm brological systems sChkomephyll &% a Coordenaken compcurcl of Magnesions 4 Hlecmogobin @ Coerdinaken compo os Suon 4 WEB: & a co-ordinahon conpourd of Cobalt taligst Cooxdivahon commpoerds ars ured ao catalist for many industnal processes Arhcles con be elechephated ssity Silucs @ qed by iy wing selubons Oo the complexes Crgcrd,] ard c cm] sopechvely ap elechrlytes In Wacticine Widely wed tn madieal geet estions D ta caystal Retd splillng enesgy for Octahetral (Ao) Telrahadval (D8) complunes are rolated an At< Ao bt= AA eo Ao- Tot q 4 Q) Waite the PRC rame a the gotlorsi Li) [Ni Cos] k, [fe Gen; a) LN COr I lebracesboraf nickel Ce) 4 at 1 ey * pe, , i) Ky Lf CO] 3 RBetassiom fertacyanoferala (tt) D Draw the geomelroal tomers of [PEC Cen. ] sohech among the women ophcally achive 2 ay) CN-6 a a | ,a A en > PEO en Len Cis - Ophcally achve 8) denhjy the Co-ordinahien cermpeurd which con exhibtt Linkage isomcssm, omong the —folloyst @) CPt (wt), che J (B) [Go (HDs Cse.y) By © Lo (Nti)s (won) Ter, @ [escoaye] ore] ahs) ©) [eo (witads Crion)] cre Linkoge pomerisn rill be exhibited! by the compoorels faving onohidardate figardls. Ey: Cw" Ne, Sen”, Nes, NOL, One 8) Le 4 x2 Co-ordirahon compounds a) enthy the isomerino shown by ta above conpourdls dvs) Jonsaben vomerisn) D Waite ike IUPAC nomen ef the above compourds $3.9. -24 oh an) [CoChts)s Sa,)cl 9 Rentacwitre sulphatocobalt (1) cbf 0 a [ce Ceits)s Ci] SOy 4 Rerdoomine chlowelo cobalt Cut) SuSphote ©) Sdenty hu Ligands in cach of tix above compounols 8) [co Cant eS0u]O 3 Amine, sulphate [eo Code ct] Sou => Paine, chlowcle &) [nr@),] i Aiamagnchic , Shite EN Cu]? paramagnelie ea. bol asa tebraheclval bhy 2 abs) [NF (C0), J ai ~ 43? 248 sae fi Fa Zince Co in a shong field Digand TU=0, Smee NeOfno of, enpaiied elechons), 4 Manahc propalj > RSReRReRERIB n Tebeahedval LNG Cty J aghi- HS? 2d8 Net ad? RY [ALM th] [ex] Pox [ocx Jc BEPEEL G] Ge! E ~ Totaahechal tcl ha wok Feld Cigar + (no: % onpared iia c f > Ms JnloaD > Ja@®) = Je a0 1 Myre pps - REPRE Ra) @) Bow the figure to shoo the spliling o 'd' orbitals ta ectahedrall caystall Field 8) Co-ordination Compounds contains conbial metal aivw[ion ancl figarals. 2) Prmeany valency a, catia metal of lion in [co tweety O3 file (ii) (iv) 4 4) O38 ao a3 [coCom)] cts DaAv0r-3 | 42 43 Biohat aan the poshiloles of Menara theowy ? 4 Sn Coordtrahon compowds mutate show coo types of vallencies, Prmasy % secordany 4 ha Primaat volencias as normally ica table and ane. sabpiesl by nagatve. ions w-ionisable. Shere axe sabishied by neutral melicaten or nagehve ions The. sevordany valenty @ equal to the coordinahon numb acd fred fovea matal % te tonal groups bowel bp tha. secorOoay Wnkoge? to the meatal Rave chasactoriche sipalial ascargement cosespording to liphewent co-oedivabion numbers, + She. secondary yallonciea are ro ® the contrat metal ion Co” with co-ordinabon number 6 can fom & seuea of complexes in which both Clg Nz ane achng ao Ogands Crive the formalac. ef each conplex molecule. (tore. mobeuler) 4) ) ap (Witte), Cts] @ [Co cw calc OL (wierJcte B) Crive. Ire IUPAC names of the above Complexes D Trrarmineti chloride cobalt (1) o @ Tetraammine. chlovidecobalt (tt @ Pentaarntrine chloride cobalt (il) chloride [Cv Critts), Cte | Bo % a co-ordinahen Compound 8) OSdenhpy he cenlral metal ion 9 the above. compound . ) drs) Cv? @ Nome the gaeds present in it ) Nig amming, cl - chLorido ® Whol iv the co-ordination number 2 Wute the ionisabion tomer % He above compounol +) [cotwmn), ct Bx) cl Meq's ® Coppes sulphate dissolves im amomenia. duc fo te pormaben oft 9 ur 6) Lea(nns,) So, 2) [cu Cnn),J on + [cu (0),J S, Ntt))y] Sey Prencoy 4 Secordanyy valerciss sheald be cabived by bot sulphale 4 Ammonis ars) Ca ap @) the runes of fom gon fy L! Solubon sill be 4) Two D three ©) five d) Eleven drs) c) Five Fp When 8 bhuch of the follonsing primary secorclary vallencies ara rot thy masked against fe compouncl 2 Mo os D LevCnilcl, p= 3, see aa ett oh t) ke [erct, | pe seh ee gf ae 9 [Pe (nts), Cal pe2 Sah 4 [eu wy] So, ph Soh me 0 dre) (4) Deen Crt) poy, 2h BP Hese prmasy valanag = +2 Prenasy valency. indicates the oxidahon state of central metal alow Secondary vallenep io the no: ef Ligards 6) Mak the comect abelling ef differnt fame ured tr co-ordinaken cempounels do d\y © @cenkal alow, (62 Sonisabon sphere (c)-coowlinahon member (d)- kigards ® @-Ligard , (6+ Coordinahen mutmber () = valeney (A= Sonisahion sphere ® = Sonisahon ephex , (6) fagardle (€)= Cordwalion murder (A> Genlial ators © @-fugard, (B)- Sonicahien sphere .(¢)-Cooicinabion number (d= Cenlaal a bora Ans) @ a- higand L- qrisation sphere. Coordination number A- cenlial atom @® Watch fhe colin T saith colon T and mark te appropnalr cherce 0) ks Lee(c20,), o (8) [Pe Coat Ctg]~ + © [fe Cho)s NJ So, (i) +3 © (Neca, ] CW) +2 @rmi Boi coy pei O@ bow, Bot | ct p iii Ope oil pow cot pi @ prvi Bot eit, pov ans) © Pil, Boh cit poi 8) Which of, the follewsing auleo nok corset tag ancling 1DPAC nomenclahee. a complex ions 2 8) Ghen & named frst ard then onien fere, the Sigards axe romed alphaboheally 9) In co-ordirahon o) Pesvhve ley chasged Lugar fave. sugge tate’ dD) Move than one Legare ©h 0 Porheular type are indicated wing oli, + ha ete ay) (e) w not comect kup “@ oxdinakion sphere should -be anion % ate’ qren at te end of enteral metal atoms rare @) lebiaamorincaguachtendecobalt (ND chfeace can be Waidlen an 3- @ [coct(H.0cnwHs), ch () [eoet C20) (NH) Clo ©) [eoet (it20) Cunaacd] (a) none 04 there tel ono] te 8) Which eg the gellousing will not show qoemelneal ysomexiem J 4s) ») (@ [er6ntts ect @ [co lemachaJ ct © Feocntdenor] ct, ) Cpe (mise cle] (Nt Nos] Ch © Shia compourd sill not show geometrical isomensm Aes) fecaure, thor. ase 5 (onmonia) 4(0),s0 thee wont be any formation of cis G trons ieomens b 0) Mateh Column T sith coborn Tg mak te _appeprele Choice 4 Feat ced) (2) Greomebrcall icomcnise B) Leo ler). 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