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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 1 and the Apple

Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a prince and his sister, the princess. The prince sees a tree.
On the tree, there’s an apple. It’s a big red apple. The prince wants the apple!
Prince: Look at the tree! I want the apple!
Princess: Blow, wind blow.
Wind: OK.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the Prince) Who is this? The Prince.
(Point to the Princess) Who is this? The Princess.
(Point to the wind) Windy or sunny? Windy.
(Point to the apple) Is this an apple? Yes.
Does the prince want the apple? Yes.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Pre-reading Activity
Weather Mimes
Divide the class into eight groups. Give each group one weather flashcard. Each group devises a mime
and a sound to express their weather condition. Each group, in turn, shows their flashcard, says the word
in English, shows their mime and sound and repeats the word. The class copies each one.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 2 and the Apple

Narrator: The wind blows and blows.
Princess: It’s windy.
Narrator: And blows and blows...
Prince: But no apple!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What’s the weather like? It’s windy.
Is the apple in the tree? Yes.
Does the Prince want the apple? Yes.

Pre-reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

I want... Thank you!
Point to something in the room and say: I like (pencils). I want that pencil. Look very sad, then cheer up and
repeat: I want that pencil. Can you help, (Clara)? Encourage the child who you have named to get you the
object you want. When they bring it to you smile and say: Thank you! That child then repeats the actions
and words choosing a different object in the class. Repeat several more times.

Picture Predictions
Draw a tree on the board. Ask: What sort of tree is this? Is there any fruit on this tree? Encourage the class
to agree on an answer, and then invite a volunteer to come and draw the answer on the board on the tree.
Continue in this manner with the following questions: Who wants to eat the fruit on this tree? What’s the
weather like? Say: The story has got a tree, some fruit and some people who want to eat the fruit. Show
storyboard card 1 and children say what is different from, or the same as, the picture on the board.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 3 and the Apple

Narrator: The prince and the princess are very sad. Suddenly a snow cloud comes.
Princess: Hello, snow.
Narrator: The prince asks the snow cloud for help.
Prince: Look at the tree! I want the apple! Can you help?
Snow cloud: Hmmm.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to snow) Who is this? Snow.
What colour is snow? White.
What colour is the apple? Red.

During Reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Listen and Tell Me
Ask: Who helps the prince and the princess? Play the CD track, or read the story, with books closed.
Children tell their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have
the right answer, allow them to listen again.
Weather Mimes (part 2)
The class listens to the story and performs the mime, as decided in Weather Mimes, storyboard card 1,
each time they hear a weather condition mentioned.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 4 and the Apple

Narrator: That night the prince and the princess go to sleep.
They dream about the beautiful, big, red apple.
Prince: Look at the tree!
Princess: I want the apple!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the prince and the princess) Eating or sleeping? Sleeping.
What’s the weather like? It’s snowing.
(Point to the apple) What’s this? An apple.
Does the princess want the apple? Yes.

During Reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Listen and Circle
Attach the storyboard cards to the board in order. Draw a sad face and a happy face next to each card. Review
the words happy and sad with the class. Children listen to the story, pause after each picture, and ask the
class if the prince and princess are happy or sad. Invite a child to come to the board and circle the correct
face for that particular picture. Discuss, in their mother tongue [L1], as necessary, why the prince and
princess feel the way they do in each scene.
Part 2 Now write windy / snowing next to each card. Invite various children to come to the board and circle
the correct word for each picture.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 5 and the Apple

Narrator: In the morning the prince and the princess wake
up and everything is white.
Princess: Hurrah! It’s snowing!
Prince: I’ve got an idea!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is it hot or cold? Cold.
Can you see any snow? Yes.
Can you see the apple? Yes.
Where is the apple? In the tree.

After-story Discussion Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

True or False Quiz
Write the following sentences on the board. Read each sentence aloud. Children look in their books and say
True or False.
1. There is a prince in the story. True.
2. The prince wants some milk. False.
3. It is sunny. False.
4. The wind blows. True.
5. The wind can’t blow the apple from the tree. True.
6. The prince and the princess go to sleep. True.
7. It is snowing. True.
8. The snow is red. False.
9. The snow helps the prince and the princess. True.
10. The prince and the princess make a snowman. False.
11. The prince and the princess eat the apple. True.
Children correct the false sentences.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 6 and the Apple

Narrator: They begin to make a snowball. A big snowball.
Prince: Push!
Princess: Push!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is it raining? No.
Is it foggy? No.
Is it sunny? No.
What’s the weather like? It’s snowing.
(Point to the snowball) What’s this? Snow(ball).
Is it big or small? Big.
What colour is the snowball? White.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

What colour is the princess’ T-shirt? Pink.

After-story Creative Activities

Acting Out the Story
Working in fours, children act out the story.
Part 2 In their groups children create their own versions of the story by changing the problem and
the solution. NB They should keep the characters of the prince and the princess and the idea that they
want something that they need help in obtaining. They could change the characters who help them or
who offer help. Be prepared to supply ideas to groups who cannot think of any.
A Different Solution
Show storyboard card 7. Children think of another way in which the prince and the princess could have got
the apple. This could involve help from somebody else or not. Children draw their own version of storyboard
card 7. Display all the alternative solutions and invite the class to look at each one. You could have a class
vote for the cleverest.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 7 and the Apple

Narrator: The prince and the princess climb up the snowball.
Princess: Help me, please.
Prince: Hold my hand.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the Prince) On or under the snowball? On.
(Point to the Princess) On or next to the snowball? Next to.

After-story Creative Activity

Solve the Problem
Draw a farmer, a boat, a cat, a mouse and a sack of grain on the left-hand side of the board. Draw a river in

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

the middle of the board. Name all the items. Say, in L1, as necessary, The farmer wants to get the cat, the
mouse and the grain to the other side of the river. But the boat is small. The farmer can only take one thing
at a time. However, the cat wants to eat the mouse and the mouse wants to eat the grain. How can s/he get
all three things across the river safely? Ask for children to call out possible solutions and to give reasons
why certain suggestions won’t work.
Solution: The farmer has to take the mouse across first. Then s/he comes back and takes the grain across,
but brings the mouse back with him/her. Then s/he leaves the mouse on the left-hand side and takes the cat
across. Finally, s/he comes back to collect the mouse.

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UNIT 1 The Prince, the Princess

PICTURE 8 and the Apple

Narrator: At last... They’ve got the apple!
Princess: What a big apple!
Prince: Thank you, snow.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see the wind? Yes.
Can you see the snow? Yes.
Can you see the sun? Yes.
Are the prince and the princess sleeping? No.
Are they eating? Yes.

After-story Craft

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

A Weather Walk
You need: card, paint, cotton wool, wool, scissors, string, Blu-Tack, shiny paper or foil, crepe paper, paper,
glitter, glue, paper clips, etc.
Divide the class into five groups. Assign a weather condition to each group: sunny, windy, cloudy, snowing,
raining. Assign a different part of the classroom to each group. Divide the materials between the groups.
Explain that each group must recreate the weather in their zone, i.e. they should cut out and decorate shapes
from the materials and hang them in their zone. Some ideas are: Raining: cut out raindrops and cover with
shining paper or foil. Sunny: Make a big yellow sun with lots of glitter on it. Cloudy: Make big grey clouds.
Snowing: Make snowflakes out of white paper with silver glitter on them, or make white wool snowballs.
Windy: Make leaves out of card/paper and colour them brown, green and red. Stick paper clips to the back of
them so that they hang at an angle and look as if they are blowing in the wind.
When the classroom has been transformed into a weather map take the children on a walk around it.
Children should mime how they feel as they walk through each zone, e.g. cold, hot, etc.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: Look at Elephant. He’s in bed. Poor Elephant!
Who is it? Look, it’s Happy Hippo!
Hippo: What’s the matter, Elephant?
Elephant: Hello, Happy Hippo. I’m scared.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Bathroom or bedroom? Bedroom.
(Point to Elephant) Hippo or Elephant? Elephant.
Is Elephant happy? No.
Is Elephant scared? Yes.
(Point to Happy Hippo) Who is this? Happy Hippo.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Pre-reading Activities
Look and Circle
Display the feelings flashcards on the board. Give out board pens to volunteers and instruct each one to
come to the board and circle a different one. Say: Circle grumpy...
Look, Draw and Guess
Give each child a piece of paper and show them how to fold it into quarters. They unfold the paper so
that they have four sections. Explain that they are going to draw a different picture in each section. Each
child looks at the flashcards from Look and Circle and chooses four of them. They draw a picture which
represents each of their chosen feelings, e.g. a thermometer for sick or an apple for hungry. Then they show
their pictures to their partners who guess which feelings they have chosen from what they have drawn.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: Happy Hippo has an idea. He sits on the bed. He puts his hand on elephant’s arm.
Hippo: Don’t be scared. Be happy. I’m here.
Elephant: But, I’m still scared.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Elephant under the bed or in the bed? In the bed.
Is Happy Hippo on the bed or behind the bed? On the bed.
Is Elephant happy? No.
Is Elephant sick? No.
How does Elephant feel? Scared.

Pre-reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Story Prediction
Children look at the storyboard cards. Ask: What can you see? Encourage children to name the items
they know in English. In their mother tongue (L1), ask children what they think the story is about.
Elicit and accept all suggestions.
Read the title of the story with the class. Ask children what they think the story is about now.
Read the story with children to check their predictions.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: Who is it, now? Look, it’s Hungry Monkey... and he’s eating a banana!
Monkey: What’s the matter, Elephant?
Elephant: I’m scared and I’m sad.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
(Point to Hungry Monkey) Hungry Monkey or Happy Hippo? Hungry Monkey.
What colour is Hungry Monkey’s T-shirt? Green.
What colour are Hungry Monkey’s shorts? Blue.
(Point to the banana) Is this an apple? No.
Is this a banana? Yes.
What colour is the banana? Yellow.
Is Hungry Monkey sad? No.
Is Hungry Monkey scared? No.
Who is sad and scared? Elephant.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

During Reading Activities
Listen and Tell
Say: Listen and tell me how Elephant feels at the end of the story. Play the CD track, or read the story,
all the way through with books closed. Children tell their partner the answer to see if they agree.
If the majority of children still don’t have the right answer allow them to listen again.
Listen and Choose
Display the feelings flashcards on the board. Play or read the story aloud. Children put up their hands
when they hear a feelings word. Pause the story and invite a child to come to the front and choose
the corresponding flashcard. They then keep this flashcard. If the flashcard is repeated in the story invite
another child to take the flashcard from the first child and to hold it themselves.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: Hungry Monkey has an idea. He jumps and he hops and he claps and he stands on his head... three times.
Monkey: Now, you’re happy.
Elephant: No, I’m not. Now I’m tired.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see Happy Hippo? No.
Is Hungry Monkey eating? No.
Is he standing on his hands? Yes.
Is Elephant happy? No.
How is Elephant feeling? Tired.

During Reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Name Three Things
Divide the class into eight teams. Play the story dialogue, stopping after each frame. For each frame ask a
different team to name three or four things in English that they can see in the picture.
Mix up the eight storyboard cards and display them face down at the front of the class. Read the story, frame
by frame. After each frame, invite a volunteer to turn over one of the cards and display it. Children put their
thumbs up if it is the correct card, and their thumbs down if not. If correct, the child keeps the card. If not,
he/she places it face down again and another volunteer turns over a different card. Repeat until all the story
frames have been read and the correct cards turned over.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: Who is it, now? Look, it’s Grumpy Lion... and he’s very grumpy!
Lion: What’s the matter, Elephant?
Elephant: Hello, Grumpy Lion. I’m tired. Maybe I’m sick.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to Grumpy Lion) Who is this? Grumpy Lion.
Is Elephant grumpy, too? No.
Is Elephant tired? Yes.

After-story Discussion Activities

How do they feel?

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Read out the feelings and children say which character.
1. I am sad. (Elephant); 2. I am hungry. (Monkey); 3. I am tired. (Elephant); 4. I am grumpy. (Lion);
5. I am scared. (Elephant); 6. I am happy. (Elephant, Hippo, Monkey, Lion)
Let’s Make it Better
Show storyboard cards 2, 4 and 6. Say: How is Elephant feeling? (sad, scared and tired). Discuss with
children , in L1, as necessary, how Elephant’s friends try to make him feel better. Show each of the
flashcards one by one (excluding happy) and brainstorm with children what you can do to help someone
feel better when they are feeling like this. You could write their answers on the board around each flashcard.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: But Grumpy Lion doesn’t tickle and Grumpy Lion doesn’t stand on his head!
Oh, no! He brings a glass of water.
Lion: Don’t be silly! Maybe you’re thirsty.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the water) Water or milk? Water.
On or behind Grumpy Lion’s head? On.

After-story Creative Activities

Miming the Story
Working in fours, children act out the story in mime only.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Each group performs their story to the class. Then, each group chooses one picture to present. They mime
that picture and the rest of the class guesses which one it is.
What happened first?
Show storyboard card 1. Ask: How is Elephant feeling? (scared). Brainstorm with the class things that
make them feel scared, e.g. bad dreams, spiders, monsters, heights, dogs, etc. Invite them to share with
each other what they do when they are scared. If no one wants to volunteer anything tell them what you do
when you are scared (shake, cry, hide, etc.)
Give each child a piece of blank paper and some coloured pencils.
Explain that they should imagine what happened before the story begins, i.e. what has made Elephant feel
scared. Each child draws a scene to show why Elephant is scared. Display the scenes around the
classroom and invite the children to imagine what is happening in each of the scenes.

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Sad Elephant

Narrator: But Grumpy Lion slips and...
Lion: Heeeeeelp!
Narrator: Falls.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the banana) What’s this? Banana.
(Point to the water) What’s this? Water.
Is Grumpy Lion standing on his hands? No.

After-story Creative Activity

Feelings Survey

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

On a large piece of graph paper draw five graphs. On the vertical axis write the numbers up to the number
of children in the class. On the horizontal axis write the feelings. At the end of each of the next five English
lessons ask each child how they are feeling that day. Each child is allowed to choose two feelings to de-
scribe themselves. Complete the chart for each child. When all five graphs have been completed
compare the results, i.e. Look, Thursday was a bad day, 15 children were sad and 12 children were tired. But
look at Friday, that was a good day, 17 students were happy and only 2 children were grumpy, etc.
Use the graphs to ask comprehension questions, e.g. How many children were hungry on Wednesday?
Was anybody scared on Monday?

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Sad Elephant

Lion: Now, you’re happy.
Elephant: Yes, I am.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Who can you see? Happy Hippo, Hungry Monkey, Grumpy Lion, Elephant.
Who is happy? Everyone.
Who is sad? No one.

After-story Craft
A Feelings Face
You need: card and/or pape, paints, paintbrushes, water, scissors

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Divide the class into small groups and distribute the materials
Explain that each child should cut out an oval piece of card or paper. This will be the face.
They should paint on hair, ears and a nose.
On separate bits of card or paper each child draws, colours and cuts out: lips in an upturned smile; lips
downturned at the corners; an open mouth in the shape of an O; eyes that are wide open; eyes that are
nearly shut; eyes that are looking down to the left; forehead frown lines. They cut each thing out and place
them on the table next to their oval face.
Say a feeling out loud. Children make a face that shows that feeling by choosing and placing various face
parts onto their oval face. They show their face to the rest of their group. Call out several more feelings.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Granny Motley likes animals. She wants a new pet
so she goes to Mr Pop’s pet shop.
Mr Pop: Can I help you?
Granny: Yes. I want a pet, please.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to Mr Mop) Who is this? Mr Mop.
(Point to Granny) Who is this? Granny.
(Point to Grandad) Who is this? Grandad.
What animals can you see? A parrot and a fish.
What colour is the parrot? Green, yellow and orange.

Pre-reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Odd One Out
Display the following 3 rows of flashcards on the board:
1: hamster, sad, tired, sick
2: cold, parrot, snowing, raining
3: tortoise, duck, hungry, rabbit
The Pet Shop
Using the flashcards from Odd One Out, invite various children to come up to the board and circle the things
which you might find in a pet shop. Brainstorm and draw other animals which you might also find.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Mr Pop shows Granny Motley a cat.
Mr Pop: Do you like cats?
Narrator: But, oh dear, it’s a grumpy cat.
Granny: I don’t like that cat.
Grandad: It’s too grumpy.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the cat) What animal is this? A cat.
Is the cat black? No.
What colour is the cat? Orange/Brown.
Is the cat happy? No.
Is the cat grumpy? Yes.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Does Granny like the cat? No.
Does Grandad like the cat? No.

Pre-reading Activity
Story Prediction
Display storyboard card 1. Children identify Granny and Grandad. Say: Granny and Grandad want a pet.
What pet do you think they’ll buy? Individually, children draw a picture of the pet they think Granny
and Grandad will buy. Call out the names of the animals using the flashcards. Children hold up their picture
when the animal is mentioned. Count with the class (in English) how many pictures there are of each one
and write the totals on the board. Read the story with the class in order to check their predictions.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Mr Pop shows Granny Motley a dog... a very, very big dog.
Mr Pop: Do you like dogs?
Narrator: But, oh dear, it’s a very hungry dog.
Granny: I don’t like that dog.
Grandad: It’s too hungry.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see the cat? No.
Can you see a dog? Yes.
Is it a big dog or a small dog? Big.
Is the dog drinking? No.
What is the dog doing? Eating.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

What colour is the dog? Brown and white.
Is the dog hungry? Yes.
Does Granny like the dog? No.
Does Grandad like the dog? No.

During Reading Activities

Listen and Tell
Say: Listen and tell me which animal is sad. Play the CD track, or read the story, all the way through with
books closed. Children tell their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still
don’t have the right answer allow them to listen again.
Animal Actions and Noises
Decide on a different noise and action for each animal which appears in the story. The children listen
and follow the story in their books. Every time they hear one of the animals mentioned they
do the appropriate action and noise.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Mr Pop shows Granny Motley a tortoise... a very little tortoise.
Mr Pop: Do you like tortoises?
Narrator: But, oh dear, it’s a sad little tortoise.
Granny: I don’t like that tortoise.
Grandad: It’s too sad.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What animals can you see? A tortoise and a fish.
What colour is the tortoise? Green.
Is the tortoise in the box or under the box? In the box.
Is the tortoise scared? No.
Is it hungry? No.
How does the tortoise feel? Sad.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Do Granny and Grandad like the tortoise? No.

During Reading Activities

Animal Feelings
Display the animal flashcards on the left-hand side of the board and the feelings flashcards from unit 2 on
the right-hand side of the board. Play or read the story out loud, pausing after each picture. Invite a child to
come to the board and draw a line between the animal in the picture and how that animal is feeling.
Which line is it?
Display the storyboard cards on the board in order. On individual pieces of card or paper write out these
four story sentences: It’s too hungry; It’s too sad; It’s too grumpy; It’s too happy. Give the four sentences to
different pairs of children. Read the story omitting each sentence. Children have to predict which sentence
goes with each storyboard card. After each part of the story, the pair with the corresponding sentence sticks
it on the board underneath the correct storyboard card. When all the sentences are stuck to the board and
the class has agreed the order, re-read the story, with open books, to check the answers.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Mr Pop has a good idea. He shows Granny Motley a parrot.
Mr Pop: What about a parrot?
Happy Parrot: Happy parrot, happy parrot, happy parrot.
Narrator: But, oh dear, the parrot talks and talks and talks.
Granny: No, not that parrot.
Grandad: It’s too happy.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the parrot) What is this? A parrot.
Is it sad? No.
Is it grumpy? No.
How does the parrot feel? Happy.

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Do Granny and Grandad like the parrot? No.

After-story Discussion Activities

True or False Quiz
Write the following sentences on the board. Read each sentence aloud. Children look in their books and say
True or False.
1. The tortoise is grumpy. False.
2. The dog is thirsty. False.
3. The cat is sad. True.
4. The parrot is sick. False.
5. Granny likes the dog. False.
Children correct the false sentences.
Responding to the Story
In their mother tongue, (L1), ask children if they like the story. Encourage them to say why they like or don’t
like it. Which animal would they have bought and why?

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Granny Motley doesn’t want the cat, or the dog, or the tortoise, or the parrot.
Granny: Oh well, no pet for me. Thank you!
Mr Pop: Goodbye!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What animal can you see? A snake.
Is the snake in a box? No.
What colour is the snake? Green.

After-story Creative Activity

Tableaux of the Story

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Divide the class into groups of four (one will play Granny, another Grandad, another Mr Pop and the fourth
will play the animals). Display the storyboard cards around the room. Children stand in their groups. Explain
that you are going to call out a number and each group must organise themselves into a ‘still’ picture for
that scene (this could be the same as the storyboard card picture or their own version). Call out a number
and count to ten while each group arranges themselves. When you reach ten, children should be in position
and completely still. Walk around the class praising each group, then say relax! Children break from their
pictures. Repeat for a different storyboard card.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: But then, Granny Motley sees a snake.
Granny: What a sweet little snake!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is the snake happy? Yes.
Is Granny happy? Yes.
Does Granny like the snake? Yes.

After-story Creative Activity

Bring in some pictures of snakes from magazines. Name them and ask the children to describe each one,

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

i.e. big, small, long, green, etc. Talk about where snakes live and what they like to eat. If possible help
children to do a web search to research certain snakes, their habitats, food sources, life cycles, etc.
Divide the class into groups and assign different snakes to each group, e.g. rattlesnake, python, cobra,
viper, sea-snake, adder. Each group makes a poster for their snake.

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A Pet for Granny

Narrator: Granny Motley wants the snake for a pet.
Granny: Mr Pop, can I have that snake, please?
Mr Pop: A snake? Are you sure?

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Mr Pop happy? Yes.
Does Granny want the snake? Yes.

After-story Craft
Sock Snakes
You need: old socks (1 per child), black marker pens, ping pong balls, red paper, scissors, glue

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Give each child an old sock, two ping pong balls and some red paper. Tell them that they are going to turn the
sock into a snake.
Children cut out red forked tongues from the paper and draw eyes on the ping pong balls. They put the sock
over their hands and up their arms. Then they stick the two ping pong eyes on and stick the red tongue into
the ‘mouth’.
Divide the class into pairs. They imagine that they are two snakes in a cage in a pet shop. They see Granny
and Grandad come into the pet shop looking to buy an animal. They watch what happens. Children role-play
what the snakes are saying to each other as they watch. They should comment on each of the other animals
and on Granny and Grandad and Mr Pop. Allow children time to improvise their role-plays: play the story
again, if necessary. Help children to put their thoughts into English, you could review language on the board,
e.g. like, wants, is happy/sad/eating/green... When children are ready, invite pairs to show their
role-play to the rest of the class.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 1 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Billy is playing football, but he is bored.
Billy: I’m bored.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to Billy) Who is this? Billy.
What is Billy wearing? A T-shirt, trousers, shoes and a hat (cap).
What is Billy doing? Playing football.
Is Billy happy? No.
Is Billy hungry? No.
Is Billy bored? Yes.

Pre-reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Noughts and Crosses
Draw a grid (3 x 3) on the board. Display these flashcards on the board: rollerblades, camera, computer,
skateboard, ball, scooter, happy, sad, grumpy. Children name each one.
Attach a flashcard to each square on the grid. Divide the class into two teams: 0 and X. A member of Team 0
names one of the items in the grid. Another team member points to the corresponding flashcard. If correct,
he/she removes the card and writes 0 in that square. If not, the flashcard remains in place. Follow the same
procedure with Team X. The first team to get three 0s or Xs in a row wins.
The Fairy Godmother’s Spell
Write out the fairy godmother’s spell on the board:
Wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes.
Touch your ears, touch your nose.
Close your eyes and count to three...
Open your eyes. What can you see?
Teach children the spell and the actions. As children listen to the story they join in with the spell.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 2 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Suddenly a fairy godmother appears. She wants to help Billy.
Fairy Godmother: What’s the matter?
Billy: Oh, wow! I want rollerblades.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the fairy godmother) Who is this? Fairy godmother.
What’s she wearing? A pink T-shirt, a blue skirt and pink shoes.
What does Billy want? Rollerblades.

Pre-reading Activity
Picture Dictation

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Dictate the following: Draw a girl and a boy. The girl is wearing a blue hat, a red T-shirt, a blue and green
skirt and black shoes. She has got a purple skateboard. The boy is wearing a green jumper, grey trousers
and red rollerblades. Children draw and colour the children according to the description on a sheet of paper.
Children show each other their work.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 3 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: The fairy godmother does a special spell.
Fairy Godmother: Wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes.
Touch your ears, touch your nose.
Close your eyes and count to three.
Narrator: Billy closes his eyes and counts to three.
Billy: One, two, three.
Fairy: Open your eyes. What can you see?
Narrator: Billy opens his eyes.
Billy: Wow! I’ve got rollerblades!
Narrator: Billy is happy.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Is Billy happy? Yes.
What has Billy got? Rollerblades.
Is Billy bored now? No.

During Reading Activities

Listen and Count
Say: Listen and count how many times Billy says ‘I want...’. Play the CD track, or read the story with books
closed. Children tell their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have
the right answer allow them to listen again.
What does Billy want?
Display the flashcards on the board. As children listen to the story they say Stop! when they hear one of the
objects mentioned. Invite a child to come to the board and circle the object they have heard.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 4 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Billy plays with the rollerblades, but soon he is bored again.
Fairy Godmother: What’s the matter now?
Billy: I don’t want rollerblades. I want a scooter.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see a ball? Yes.
Can you see a computer? No.
Can you see rollerblades? Yes.
Can you see a scooter? Yes.
Is Billy happy? No.
How does Billy feel? Bored.
What does Billy want? A scooter.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

During Reading Activity
Fill the Gap
Read the story again, out loud, this time replacing all the objects with a beep. Children either follow the story
in their books or on the storyboard cards. Every time they hear beep they must say the correct word.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 5 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: The fairy godmother does her special spell again.
Fairy Godmother: Wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes.
Touch your ears, touch your nose.
Close your eyes and count to three.
Narrator: Billy closes his eyes and counts to three.
Billy: One, two, three.
Fairy: Open your eyes. What can you see?
Narrator: Billy opens his eyes.
Billy: Wow! I’ve got a scooter!
Narrator: Billy is very happy.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Is Billy happy? Yes.
What has Billy got? A scooter.
What colour is the scooter? Grey and purple.

After-story Discussion Activity

Thumbs Up
Display the storyboard cards. Read out these statements about the story. After each statement, children
put their thumbs up if it is true, and down if it is false.
1. Billy wants a computer. True.
2. Billy wants a CD. False.
3. Billy wants rollerblades. True.
4. The fairy godmother gives Billy a watch. False.
5. Billy likes playing football. True.

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 6 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Billy plays with the scooter, but soon he is bored again.
Fairy Godmother: What’s the matter, now?
Billy: I don’t want a scooter. I want a computer.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What personal objects can you see? A computer, a ball, a scooter and rollerblades.
What does Billy want? A computer.

After-story Creative Activities

Act Out the Story
Divide the class into pairs. Play the recording again. Each pair acts out the story as they listen to it.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Objects Survey
Do a ‘hands-up’ survey using the flashcards to see how many children in the class own each object.
Tally up the results and write them on the board. You could do another ‘wish-list’ survey too!

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 7 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: The fairy is tired of Billy, but she does the spell one more time.
Fairy Godmother: Wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes.
Touch your ears, touch your nose.
Close your eyes and count to three.
Narrator: Billy closes his eyes and counts to three.
Billy: One, two, three.
Fairy: Open your eyes. What can you see?
Narrator: Billy opens his eyes. But, oh dear, Billy isn’t happy!
Billy: Hey, where’s my computer... and my scooter and my rollerblades?

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see a computer? No.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Can you see rollerblades? No.
What personal objects can you see? A ball.

After-story Creative Activity

Fairy Godmothers
Divide the class into two groups. Give each child a piece of blank paper. Group A draw three things they
would wish for if they had a fairy godmother. Group B are the fairy godmothers and they draw three things
they will give to someone. Play some music. Group A children ‘visit’ the fairy godmothers trying to find a
fairy godmother who has got something they want. Drill the phrase I want... When they find a fairy
godmother with one of the items they want, they write the fairy godmother’s name next to the item they
drew. The fairy godmother writes the name of the person they are giving the item to, next to the item they
have drawn. Drill: I’ve got a... Here you are. Each fairy godmother can only give each item away once. Stop
the activity after four or five minutes and see how many people have had their wishes come true. Encourage
children to tell you what they have got by using the phrase I’ve got...

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UNIT 4 Bored Billy and

PICTURE 8 the Fairy Godmother

Narrator: Billy is playing football again. He isn’t bored. He’s happy!
Fairy Godmother: Bye, bye Billy! Have a good time!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Billy bored? No.
How does Billy feel? Happy.
What is Billy doing? Playing football.

After-story Craft
Make a Fairy Godmother
You need: card, Blu-Tack or plasticine, pipe cleaners, paint, paintbrushes, water, crepe paper, scissors, glue

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Divide the class into groups and distribute the materials. Explain that each child is going to make a fairy
First of all, children roll two small bits of Blu-Tack or plasticine into balls. They stick these to the table top and
stick a pipe cleaner into each one. They then twist the two pipe cleaners together at the top – these are the
fairy godmother’s legs and shoes. Next, children draw and paint a skirt onto the card. They cut it out and
attach it to the pipe cleaner legs with the glue. Next, they attach another pipe cleaner to the legs sticking
straight up for the body. They then attach two more pipe cleaners for arms. They use the crepe paper to
make a T-shirt for the body. They then paint and cut out a face and stick this to the top of the body pipe
Finally, children paint and cut out a fairy godmother’s wand and stick it to one of the pipe cleaner hands.

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: Lilly is a little girl and she is two. She loves eating books, rubbers and pencils.
Mum: Lilly, please don’t eat the pencil!
Lilly: But I love pencils!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What colour is the crayon? Green.
What colour is the rubber? Black and red.
What colour is mum’s jumper? Pink.
What colour are Lilly’s shoes? Red.
What is Lilly eating? A pencil.

Pre-reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Story Title
Read the title of the story with the class. In L1, as necessary, brainstorm typical food that children have for
dinner. Once they have compiled a list, display the storyboard cards so that children can see if any of their
ideas are featured in the story.
Food Pyramid
Draw the food pyramid on the board. Write the food groups in each section and elicit foods that could go
into each section. Distribute the flashcards to various children and ask them to attach them to the correct
section on the pyramid.

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: Lilly has got a brother. His name is Sam and he’s eight.
Brother: Lilly, please don’t eat my watch!
Lilly: But I love watches!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Where is Sam? Behind the tree.
Is Lilly sleeping or eating? Eating.
What is Lilly eating? A watch.

Pre-reading Activity
Lilly’s Dinner

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Display all the storyboard cards, but in the wrong order. Without listening to the story, children try
to predict the correct order. Once they have reached an agreement, children listen to the story to check their

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: Lilly eats all her dolls and teddies. She eats the ears, the fingers and the toes.
Dad: Lilly, please don’t eat the toes!
Lilly: But I love toes!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see a doll? Yes.
What colour is the doll’s dress? Pink and green.
What is Lilly eating? Toes.

During Reading Activities

Listen and Tell

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Say: Listen and tell me how old Sam is. Play the CD track, or read the story, with books closed. Children
tell their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have the right answer
allow them to listen again.
I Spy
Choose an item from the story and say: I spy with my little eye, something that is (red). Children call out
their ideas to identify the item. Repeat with different items and colours. The activity can also be done in

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: At dinner time, Lilly is very difficult. She doesn’t like food.
Mum: Lilly, please eat your dinner.
Lilly: No!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Lilly hungry? No.
Is Lilly eating her dinner? No.
Are Mum and Dad happy? No.

During Reading Activity

Hop to the Cards

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Mix up the eight storyboard cards and display them at the front of the class. Divide the class into two teams.
A member of each team stands at the back of the classroom. Read the story, frame by frame. After each
frame, the team members hop to the front of the class. The first child to touch the corresponding picture
wins a point for his/her team. Follow the same procedure with the remaining frames, with different children
hopping to the cards.

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: Dad does a plane, but no, Lilly doesn’t want the chicken.
Dad: Lilly, eat the chicken!
Lilly: I hate chicken.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Does Lilly like chicken? No.
Is Lilly feeling grumpy? Yes.
Is Lilly eating? No.
Is dad happy? No.

After-story Discussion Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

True or False Quiz
Write the following sentences on the board. Read each sentence aloud. Children look in their books and say
True or False.
1. Lilly eats Sam’s watch. True.
2. Lilly eats the chicken. False.
3. Lilly likes eggs. False.
4. Sam has an idea. True.
5. Lilly eats a banana. True.
Children correct the false sentences.

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: Dad does a ketchup face, but no, Lilly doesn’t want the bacon and egg.
Mum: Lilly, eat the bacon and egg.
Lilly: I hate bacon and eggs.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the eggs) What are these? Eggs/eyes.
Is Lilly eating? No.

After-story Creative Activities

Let’s Act
In groups of two or three, the children choose one of the story frames to act out. They practise and then act

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

it out for the class, who guesses which frame it is.
Story Summary
Write these headings on the board:
Characters Where Problem Solution
In pairs, children try to make notes for each heading. Complete the summary on the board as a whole class.

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: One day, Sam has an idea.
He puts an apple and a banana behind the sofa.
Brother: I’ve got an idea!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Where is Lilly? On the sofa.
How many bananas can you see? Two.
How many apples can you see? Two.

After-story Creative Activities

Vocabulary Word Web
Give each child a blank piece of paper. Children draw a circle in the middle and write LILLY in the circle.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

From each side of this circle children draw a line and another circle at the end of each line. In the circle
on the left children write I love... . In the circle on the right children write I hate... . Extending from each
of these two circles children draw lots of little circles. Inside these circles they write as many food items
as they can think of.
A Sandwich for Lilly
Children think about Lilly’s favourite foods and design a sandwich for her. They draw the sandwich and,
using a dictionary if necessary, write out the ingredients. Display all the sandwiches and vote for the best

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Lilly’s Dinner

Narrator: And Lilly eats the apple and the banana... behind the sofa.
Lilly: I love bananas.
Mum, Dad and Brother: At last!
Narrator: Now Mum, Dad, Sam and Lilly are all happy.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Where is Lilly? Behind the sofa.
How many apples can you see? Three.
How many bananas can you see? Two.
What is Lilly doing? Eating.
What is she eating? A banana.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

After-story Craft
Lilly’s Sandwich
You need: card, coloured pencils or paints, mixed materials, glue, scissors
Divide the class into small groups. Allow children to select the materials which they need.
Using their drawings from A Sandwich for Lilly (storyboard card 7), children create the sandwich which they
invented for Lilly.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Mr Brown, the farmer, has got a big problem... birds.
Boy: Dad, look at the birds!
Farmer: Oh no, they are eating my plants.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Farm or park? Farm.
How many birds can you see? Fourteen.
Are the birds hungry? Yes.
Are the birds eating the lettuces? Yes.
Is the farmer happy? No.
Does he like the birds? No.

Pre-reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Draw a scarecrow on the board and write the word underneath. Ask children, in L1, as necessary, if they
know what a scarecrow does, i.e. scares birds away from food crops. Ask them if they think your scarecrow
looks scary. Ask them how they think your scarecrow is feeling. Use the scarecrow to review feelings by
erasing the face and giving the board pen to a child and instructing them to make the scarecrow look
happy/sad/tired/scared, etc. Explain that there is a scarecrow in the story.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Mr Brown, the farmer, has an idea. He makes a scarecrow.
Farmer: Now, Mrs Flapper. Keep the birds away, please.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see a scarecrow? Yes.
Is it a man scarecrow or a woman scarecrow? Woman scarecrow.
What colour is her jumper? Yellow.
What colour is her skirt? Green.
Is she wearing shoes? Yes.
Is she wearing gloves? Yes.
How many birds can you see? Five.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Pre-reading Activity
Story Prediction
Children look at the storyboard cards. Ask: What can you see? Encourage children to name the items
they know in English. In their mother tongue (L1), ask children what they think the story is about.
Elicit and accept all suggestions.
Read the title of the story with the class. Ask children what they think the story is about now.
Read the story with children to check their predictions.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: But there’s a problem. Mrs Flapper loves birds and birds love Mrs Flapper.
Mrs Flapper: I love birds. Come, little birds, come and play.
Boy: Look, Dad!
Farmer: Oh no!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
How many birds can you see? Seven.
Is Mrs Flapper happy? Yes.
Is the farmer happy? No.

During Reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Listen and Tell
Say: Listen and tell me who loves birds. Play the CD track, or read the story, with books closed. Children tell
their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have the right answer,
allow them to listen again.
Name Three Things
Divide the class into eight teams. Play the story dialogue stopping after each frame. For each frame, ask a
different team to name three or four things in English that they can see in the picture.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Mr Brown, the farmer, gives Mrs Flapper a pink, purple and orange skirt.
Farmer: Let’s try this!
Boy: Oh, look at Mrs Flapper. She’s wearing a pink, purple and orange skirt.
Narrator: But the birds love Mrs Flapper’s skirt.
Mrs Flapper: Come, little birds!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
How many birds can you see? Seven.
Is Mrs Flapper happy? Yes.
Is the farmer happy? No.

During Reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Run to the storyboard card!
Put the storyboard cards around the room in the wrong order. Play the story dialogue track. Children listen
and run to the appropriate storyboard card as they hear the dialogue for it. Then they check in their books to
see if the order was correct.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Mr Brown, the farmer, gives Mrs Flapper a hat with fireworks.
Farmer: Let’s try this!
Boy: Oh, look at Mrs Flapper. She’s wearing a hat with fireworks!
Narrator: But the birds love the fireworks.
Mrs Flapper: Come and play.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Mrs Flapper wearing a hat? Yes.
What colour is her hat? Yellow.
(Point to the fireworks) Noisy or quiet? Noisy.
Are there any birds? Yes.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

After-story Discussion Activity
Mrs Flapper or the farmer?
Read out the following and children say which character.
1. Lives on a farm. Both.
2. Loves birds. Mrs Flapper.
3. Is a scarecrow. Mrs Flapper.
4. Hates birds. The farmer.
5. Is wearing a skirt. Mrs Flapper.
6. Makes a scarecrow. The farmer.
7. Is wearing a hat. Mrs Flapper.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Mr Brown, the farmer, is angry.
Farmer: Look at my plants! Goodbye,
Mrs Flapper.
Boy: Poor Mrs Flapper!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is the farmer happy? No.
Is he angry? Yes.

After-story Creative Activities

Concept Map

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Students draw a circle in the middle of their page. Inside this circle, they write the title of the story. Around
this circle they draw eight circles. Draw a line from each circle to the circle in the middle. Above the circle in
the middle, in one of these 8 circles, they write: The farmer has got a problem. Working together, the class
writes a similar sentence for each of the remaining pictures. They then use their concept maps to retell the
What’s next?
Show storyboard card 8. Children imagine what happened next. They draw or act out the next scene in the

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: Now, there’s no Mrs Flapper... and no birds. Mr Brown, the farmer, is happy.
Farmer: That’s better! No more birds!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Can you see Mrs Flapper? No.
Can you see any birds? Yes.
Are the birds eating the lettuces? No.
Is the farmer happy? Yes.

After-story Creative Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Farm Collage
Brainstorm on the board things that you find on a farm. If children give answers in L1 accept and translate
them. Drill the words on the board for pronunciation and check comprehension. Give each child a piece
of paper. Make magazines, scissors and materials (e.g. bottle tops, paper, glitter, glue, pens, cotton wool,
string, etc.) available. Each child makes a collage of a farm scene using whatever materials they think most
Display all the farm collages and invite the class to view them all. Vote on the best presented scene.

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Mrs Flapper

Narrator: But Mrs Flapper is happy and the birds are happy too.
Mrs Flapper: I love birds. Come, little birds. Come and play all day.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
How many birds can you see? Three.
Can you see the farmer? No.
What is Mrs Flapper wearing? A hat, a jumper, a skirt, boots and gloves.
Is Mrs Flapper happy? Yes.
Are the birds eating the farmer’s lettuces? No.

After-story Craft

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Real Life Scarecrows
You need: old clothes, face paints, sponges, water, wigs
Divide the class into small groups. Distribute the materials and explain that the group has to nominate one
person who they are going to make into a scarecrow. Once the children have chosen the ‘scarecrow’ they
dress them up in the old clothes and paint their face to look like a scarecrow. Together they decide on a
name for their scarecrow.
Each group retells the story using their new scarecrow. They can also act out their own versions of the
ending from What’s next? (storyboard card 6).

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: Danny is watching football on the television... but it’s nine o’clock.
Mum: Danny, it’s time for bed.
Danny: Not yet, Mum. I like football.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Who can you see? Granny, Grandad, Dad, Mum and Danny.
What is mum wearing? Pink T-shirt and blue trousers.
Who is sitting on the sofa? Mum, Dad and Danny.
What is on television? Football.
Does Danny like football? Yes.

Pre-reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Picture Dictation
Say the following for children to draw: Draw a living room with two green sofas. On one sofa draw a mum,
a dad and a boy. On the other sofa draw granny and grandad. Draw a lamp next to a sofa. Draw a television.
On the television draw a game of football.
When all the children have finished drawing, show storyboard card 1. Children look for things that are the
same and things which are different in the storyboard card and in their own drawing.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: Danny goes to bed... but he can’t sleep.
Danny: I can’t sleep!
Narrator: Danny’s dad has an idea.
Dad: Count sheep!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Bedroom or living room? Bedroom.
Where’s Dad? Behind the door.
Is Danny sleeping? No.
How many sheep can you see? Two.

Pre-reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

I can’t sleep!
Explain that there is a boy in the story who can’t get to sleep. Elicit ideas from the children of reasons why
Danny may not be able to get to sleep, i.e. he’s not tired, he’s hungry, he wants to play, it’s too noisy, etc.
Elicit ideas of how he could try and go to sleep, e.g. have a drink, count sheep, read a story, etc. Write all
their ideas on the board under the headings Problems and Solutions. The children listen to the story to check
their predictions.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: But Danny can’t count sheep
Danny: One, two, three. I can’t!
Narrator: Danny’s mum has an idea.
Mum: Get a drink of water.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Danny sleeping? No.
Is Danny in bed? Yes.
Where’s Mum? Behind the door.
Is Danny thirsty? No.

During Reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Listen and Tell
Say: Listen and tell me, does Danny watch the football? Where does he watch it? Who does he watch it
with? Play the CD track, or read the story, with books closed. Children tell their partner the answers to see
if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have the right answers, allow them to listen again.
Where is Danny?
Write the names of the rooms of the house and the word garden on the board. Read or play the story
pausing after each picture. Invite a child to come to the board and write the number of the picture next
to the correct room where the scene takes place.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: But Danny can’t get a drink of water.
Danny: I can’t! There’s a frog in the bath!
Narrator: Grandad has an idea.
Grandad: Go for a walk in the garden!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Bathroom or living room? Bathroom.
What’s in the bath? A frog.
Who is behind the door? Grandad.

During Reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Story Map
Children draw a map of a house and garden. They mark on it the kitchen, the living room, the dining room,
the bathroom, Danny’s bedroom, Mum and Dad’s bedroom and the garden. As they listen to the story they
draw a line showing how Danny moves through the house, e.g. he starts in the living room and then he goes
to his bedroom, then to the bathroom, then to the garden and finally back to his bedroom. This could be
repeated for Grandad.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: But Danny can’t go for a walk in the garden.
Danny: I can’t. There’s a bear in the plants!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Garden or house? Garden.
Is Danny in bed? No.
Is there a bear in the garden? Yes.

After-story Discussion Activity

Do a quick hands up survey to establish at what times the children go to bed. Explain that in the UK children

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

usually go to bed earlier, i.e. about 8 o’clock. Ask children if they ever argue with their parents about going
to bed and the reasons why they don’t want to go. Ask them how it feels when they are tired in the mornings
because they haven’t had enough sleep.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: But it’s not a bear in the plants. It’s Grandad!
Grandad: Come here and be quiet!
Danny: Grandad, it’s you!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is there a bear in the garden? No.
Is Grandad in the garden? Yes.

After-story Creative Activities

Act Out the Story
Divide the class into fours. Each group acts out the story.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Secret Messages
Show storyboard card 4 and elicit that Grandad has got a message for Danny. Children pretend that they
are Grandad, and that they are going to write a secret message to Danny, except that they can only use
drawings/pictures. Elicit that the message should reveal a time, a place, a reason for going. Each child
creates their message and exchanges it with a partner. The partner then writes out their own interpretation
of the message. Children draw more secret meeting messages for their partners to interpret.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: Danny and Grandad watch the television through the window.
Danny and Grandad: Goal!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Are they in the garden or in the house? In the garden.
(Point to the television) Is the television in the garden or in the house? In the house.
Which room is the television in? The living room.
What are Danny and Grandad
watching on the television? Football.
Do they love football? Yes.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

After-story Creative Activity
Sentence Match
Write the following sentences on large strips of paper or card:
Danny loves football. There is a football game on television.
Danny goes to bed. Danny can’t sleep. His dad has an idea.
Danny can’t sleep. His mum has an idea.
Danny goes to the bathroom. Grandad is in the bathroom.
Danny goes to the garden. He sees a bear in the plants.
Grandad is in the garden, too. Grandad has an idea.
Danny and Grandad watch football through the window.
Danny goes to bed. He can sleep now.
Divide the class into eight groups and give each group one strip. Display the storyboard cards around
the room in the wrong order. Each group matches the strip to the appropriate storyboard card.
Then, the class reorders the storyboard cards.

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Danny & Grandad

Narrator: Danny goes to bed very quickly.
Mum: Look, he’s fast asleep!
Dad: Switch the light off.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
In the house or in the garden? In the house.
Which room is this? Bedroom.
Where’s Danny? In bed.
Who is behind the door? Mum and Dad.

After-story Craft

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Dream Diary
You need: paper (7 pieces for each child), card, hole punch, wool or ribbon
Give each child 7 pieces of paper. Write the days of the week on the board in English. Children copy them,
one on the top of each piece of paper. Explain that every day this week, children should draw a picture of any
dream they have had, and write a sentence to describe it.
Explain that it doesn’t matter if they don’t dream every night. Children who don’t dream at all could refer
back to dreams from their past or could simply make them up.
At the end of the week give each child a piece of card. They create a cover page for their dream diaries and
write their name on it. Put all the sheets together in order and punch holes through. Tie some wool or string
through the holes.
Children compare their diaries. Have a class vote on the best kept and most nicely presented diary and
award a prize. You could award another prize for the most exciting/interesting dream.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Maria is in Ireland. She is on holiday. She is staying with Mr and Mrs O’Brien and Linda.
Mum: Hello, Maria.
Dad: Welcome to Ireland.
Maria: Pleased to meet you, Mr and Mrs O’Brien.

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Who is wearing a blue T-shirt? Maria.
Who is wearing a red T-shirt? Linda.
Who is wearing a purple T-shirt? Dad.
Who is wearing a green T-shirt? Mum.
Are they in the house? No.
Are they in the garden? No.
Are they in the airport? Yes.

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Pre-reading Activities
Order the Flashcards
Invite eight volunteers to the front of the class. Give each one one of the sport flashcards. They stand in a
line facing the class holding their flashcard picture out. Read out the flashcards but in a different order.
The children move into the correct order, repeat several times and then change volunteers.
Story Prediction
Children look at the storyboard cards. Ask: What can you see? Encourage children to name the items they
know in English. In their mother tongue (L1), ask children what they think the story is about. Elicit and
accept all suggestions.
Read the title of the story with the class. Ask children what they think the story is about now. Read the
story with children to check their predictions.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Maria can play tennis.
Mum: Can you play tennis, Maria?
Maria: Oh, yes. I’m good at everything. Let’s play!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
(Point to the rackets) Tennis or football? Tennis.

Pre-reading Activity
Let’s mime!
Divide the class into eight groups. Display the flashcards on the board face down. Write a number from
1-6 under each card. Ask a child from each group to choose a number and take that flashcard without

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

showing the other groups. Each group devises a scene based on the flashcard they have chosen,
e.g. a horse-riding competition. They can use furniture and props and it can be a moving or still scene. Allow
time for children to decide how their scene will work. When everyone is ready give each group a piece of
paper. They watch each of the other groups in turn and write down the name of the sport which they think
each group is depicting. The group who has the most correct answers wins.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Maria is very good at tennis. Poor Linda!
Maria: Forty–fifteen!
Linda: Can we stop soon?

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What are they playing? Tennis.
Is Maria good at tennis? Yes.
Is Linda good at tennis? No.
Is Linda happy? No.
Is Linda tired? Yes.

During Reading Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Listen and Tell
Say: Listen and tell me what sport Linda is good at. Play the CD track, or read the story, with books closed.
Children tell their partner the answer to see if they agree. If the majority of children still don’t have the right
answer, allow them to listen again.
Listen and Turn Over
Display the flashcards on the board. Children listen to the story with their books closed and without the
storyboard cards. When they hear a sport mentioned they put their hands up. Pause the story and invite
a child to come to the board and to turn the corresponding flashcard face away. At the end of the story the
children name the flashcards which are still facing them.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Maria can ride a horse.
Dad: Can you ride a horse?
Maria: Oh, yes. I’m good at everything. Let’s ride!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What animal can you see? Horses.
How many horses? Two.
What colour are the horses? Brown.
Can Maria ride a horse? Yes.

During Reading Activity

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Hop to the Cards
Mix up the eight storyboard cards and display them at the front of the class. Divide the class into two teams.
A member of each team stands at the back of the classroom. Read the story frame by frame. After each
frame, the team members hop to the front of the class. The first child to touch the corresponding picture
wins a point for his/her team. Follow the same procedure with the remaining frames, with different children
hopping to the cards.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Maria is very good at riding a horse. Poor Linda!
Linda: Wait for me!
Maria: This is great fun!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What are they doing? Horse-riding.
Is Linda good at horse-riding? No.
Is Maria good at horse-riding? Yes.
Is Linda happy? No.

After-story Discussion Activities

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Yes or no?
Ask the following questions, children answer yes or no.
1. Are Maria and Linda sisters? No.
2. Are they friends? Yes.
3. Do they play basketball? No.
4. Do they go rollerblading? No.
5. Do they play tennis? Yes.
6. Is Linda good at all sports? No.
What are you good at?
Each child writes down the name, or draws a picture, of a sport they are good at. Then, children move around
the room trying to find all the other people who have the same sport as themselves. When they have got
themselves into groups they mime the sport for the rest of the class to guess. Write the results on the
board, e.g. 15 children in our class are good at swimming.
Repeat the activity with a sport you are not good at.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: And, of course Maria can play football.
Dad: Are you good at football?
Maria: Yes, of course!
Linda: Let’s play!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is this basketball or football? Football.
Is Linda happy? Yes

After-story Creative Activity

Tableaux of the Story

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Divide the class into groups of four (one will play Linda, another Maria, another Mum and the fourth will play
Dad). Display the storyboard cards around the room. Children stand in their groups. Explain that you are
going to call out a number and each group must organise themselves into a ‘still’ picture for that scene (this
could be the same as the storyboard card picture or their own version). Call out a number and count to ten
while each group arranges themselves. When you reach ten, children should be in position and completely
still. Walk around the class praising each group, then say Relax! Children break from their pictures. Repeat
for a different storyboard card.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: But Gaelic football is different!
Maria: Stop! You can’t pick up the ball.
Linda: In Gaelic football, you can!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
What are the girls playing? Football.
British or Gaelic football? Gaelic.

After-story Creative Activities

Gaelic Football

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

Help students to research Gaelic football on the internet. Divide the class into groups and give different
questions to each group, e.g. What are the rules? How many players in a team? What are the top five teams
called? Who is the most famous player? Children report their findings back to the group. If possible you
could organise a game of Gaelic football in the school!

Invent a Sport
Children invent a new sport. Write the following checklist on the board to help them:
Is it a team sport?
Do you need a ball?
Do you need a racket?
What do you wear?
How do you do it?
What’s it called?
Children tell their partner about their new sport.

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I’m the best!

Narrator: Oh dear! Maria is not very good at Gaelic football.
Linda: Catch, Maria!
Maria: Oh dear! I’m not very good at everything!

Picture Comprehension
Picture Questions
Ask these questions as children listen to the scene:
Is Maria good at Gaelic football? No.
Is Linda good at Gaelic football? Yes.
Is Linda happy? Yes.

After-story Craft
Irish Shamrock Badges

Twister 3 © Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing, 2007

You need: picture of a shamrock, FIMO (polymer clay), plastic knives (1 per student), safety pins
Give each child some different coloured FIMO pieces and a plastic knife. Show the children the picture
of the shamrock and explain that it is the Irish emblem and that they are going to make a shamrock badge.
Each child mixes up the FIMO to obtain the colour or design that they want. Then, using the knife they cut
out the shape of the shamrock. Once they have done this they push a safety pin into the back of the badge
so that it sticks. They wait for the FIMO to dry and harden and then they wear their badges. If you are having
a Gaelic football match (see storyboard card 7), the ‘spectators’ could wear their badges to it!

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The Prince, the Princess and the Apple 1-8

Sad Elephant 9 - 16

A Pet for Granny 17 - 24

Bored Billy and the Fairy Godmother 25 - 32

Lilly’s Dinner 33 - 40

Mrs Flapper 41 - 48

Danny and Grandad 49 - 56

I’m the Best 57 - 64

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