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INDEX Cg DATE Socinent SUBJECT/EXPERIMENT Rage SIGNATURE REMARKS, {| QUANTITATIVE, ANALYS)S |} g-519) 4 VOLUMETRIC AWALYSIS~Z| 2 a a. (65-19 | 2 VOLUMETRIC ANALYST] 4 a ES CONTENT BASED EXPERIMENTS . & lgacig| 3 CAgomatoge arty | 7 war Ae |S-649| + CHEMICAL_KINETICS | lo VA" clea | 5 soreace Coemsrey | 12 | CAAT | o. |i9-6-19| 6 fREPARATION of Ino- | 1S LWA RGANIC COMPOUND TEST FoR Functional GkouP 1 | u-441a] 9 ORGANIC CAMPLE —E axis] GP 4 |g-4ig| ¢ crMpLE- | B22 ON oe q__|95.9.19| 9 ORGANIC SAMPLE | 2E Sa a2 jo |25.9.19| 10 oeqmuc sempie-W |e | ot uw |aaqug] tt onGanic SAMPLECY | 2831 Gow ia lenaug| 12 oRgnNic Sample Be | 24 Le 2 ae QUALITATW E ANALYSIS }—— y ee 13, [arog] 0% Twokuame sampe-t | 3° WIR INDEX Serial DATE | Experiment SUBJECT/EXPERIMENT | Page SIGNATURE REMARKS No. No. No. M4, _latoig | 4 \or(ivic MPL e-P | 42 Kor IS. |4.10.19) | Wwoncanic samiple-ii | 4s Dv Iu. |tb-to.19| 16 inpecANlc_sampié-Th | 49 Gas iT. |tp-tolg | it WWORGAN Ic CampLecd | $3 Le 1g- lip -ag | 19 inongnvlc Sample-B | 57 7 RS A NecHt. — VOM CC)» ANALYSIS OBSERVATIONS A) PREPARATION OF STANDARD Monk’ SALT Aer uTion (ny Wetgne wf watch glass = (6.059. Wetghte q naide game aalt= eo a Nugid 9 Wict's salt- 2414 Véluine 9 at. 9 Mabre xall-- 20mp B) STANDARDISATION OF GuvEN KMndy SOLUTION AGAINST STANORRD =MoHR SALT Sozunon - Vetuune Burnette ead ad Mehr alt siluttion | Ipabial [inal en ~ T }. | 260 mk Q0-6 20-6 | a.| anomt 0.4 Q0.4 3.] agoml | 80-4 20-4 | _ ——— — - ExpT-2 _ VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS - I A)| AIM: Prepare 260ms_ 2 A ine ately ca ng tei pt pale » THEORY : The _titralion eligeen Kindy ancl Mebrle salle | wit obtain a light” pink sobubion ~_____ _ ©) [oat euten a esanlitip. aun ok. —- : KMNDy + 8 HsS04 + 1OFe S04 (NHy)2 64,0 > KaS04 + Qn $04 +5 Fe (504), +1ONHY) . s04 6820. we | a INDICATOR : KMAOy 4. inca alias ——— | | itt, EnpPoInT:: Koborlesd A poantt pik es CALWULATIONS : MV 5 My Va 7 ne Welantts Mets ped soto = jh, = 005m Vdume 9 ihre sell rota = Vv, =20me No. ‘| males 4 Wehr vlan, ~ 5 No q mele 4 Kindy = Nz-) Volume) Ketndy selubion= %e = 20-4mf oleate | Knog sttulion = My « MV «ne nh Va SK 20.4 =O .01m, renal 9 given poicene 20.0) % i oe : stg /L- 2 taenuee. a L Prepare. 2501 _/ 0.0SM of Wehns alle nds 4.44 g Webr Alt with wali ina fond ptt et lt na pl tut 0a sof ite in sa vaste armel udrsed Zi aon | flask : — 3. | Rinse vounal fil Aousette. utth he given kMaby elation 4. | Add one tint Lube [~20mb) full 4 bt: Aubplushe wei (om) he de. Aelubion i a "titration flash * OBSERVATIONS. A) PREPARATION OF STANDARD OKALIC ACID coun height § wxalic vid > |. 584 Veluurne Gata, : > Qb0mL Melosh f] eahion =e. x 1000. Ma 250 = 158x%H =0.05M. f2e = B) STANDARDISATION OF Guvew Kaa0g SOLVTION Agawsr STD. OXALIC ACID SOLUTION: “Volume oF | BURETTE READING «= 1 - Volume oF 1 OXALIC AUD Son. | TwitiaL | FINAL Kmnog oLuTON | | | | { i b. 250mL 0 | Ont owl 4 QOL 5 0 Wb tA mal 150 50) Mbwk | Mom EXP=2 15.08 14, ~ VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS = 7. | A)| Aim: : To he, orale uct sotubion Welesnaiine te _ fg Kune Actr + 6) || téory: I | Mnbu” 48H? +507 > Mn+ 44,0 ) x 2 | C2042” —> 200, +207 J x5 Q2MnO4 4 1OHt + 5Co Og? —» AMn** +8HLO 41060 th Si eKMnOy ds a self Andcalon : | Teupepaniter Optimum. Aifap. ix 662 TC. | WALULATIONS.» | MV = Ma Ve nm ny wolanthy, ef oxalic onid 4eluleen =M, =0.05 Volume f ovalic evel seobilien= Vj = L0mL No. 4 melis 4 eaxohic actden, = 5 No. 9 melea YQ KMndy =n =2 Volume J KMndy setulion = Vz = I46mL. WMalorittg, G kMasdy aebadion = a= MV) xO, MX Vy =0-05 x20x2 9X19.6 = 0:02M — = 5 sconical fos bey oxalie ‘sid (2omL) buy sading LKMndy dn, tatoos staan. = [nanaanst pct santa en eee 4. | Reeorel fisal_stading sas. Atpeal Mijs La—gelo eonsovlant Values? b) || RESULT OBSERVATION ° ~counk of spor | pistince — | Pistanee |g tRaverep | WIAVELED | Lipy spot BY Souvewr Yolo | (Sg | 42 ont ad | 13.4 pl © mal MORLULATLON : | | Retardation Yellow) = 168 cote . i 2hy 26.11 | | Retewolakon, fools for we uter 4 oi) RESULT 0-487 wh D OL b Re — EXP - 4 . — ~ CHEMICAL KINETICS —— A) AIM: % itelay ffl reoncentraliion ven Aake_ —§ |__Asactions hy Acolium Lhiosulphale anal Ht. Na, S203 + 2H —> Si 2NVach +804 420 $0205*7 + 2H Gag) —> 8 +50, +dh0 A re write distilled waler g ofM | Om Adium Lhinsul phal 1M ML 2 distilled. wilin Sermpecttvel, » | Adel 10,20, 80,20 2 Co mL fo-lm 4 May & 03 sfeomn ! ue. nto onsite | [Now walel 40,3020 F 10mb, 4 Misblle of wali __ 4 prurdtle te faa 12,3 ,4)+0 Thae A k 8 BR 6. le tml pH at ene pam druritte and. ——— a turtle and. (Take wihitetTe and. juit_o roar ont Keep Lonical flak. vasvol wutrl Ut -Keuyo tl Lack. it 2 , (on. Th. OM nants al Aan 7. tea HU “aa. dn add 9 i un above | Ohsrite ALAs ang sala fice Sato | Nou aut Aaticre eps, lnc Han [tious milky . Arall, the p dll form 40 Lhab_ | the covenmvack. Lank anible Aigo The _lposamitod, OBE RvATION EEE er ees | VOLUME oF | Vonume of | Volume oF | TOTAL vol Te | Whim | He otme) | Mts Cmt)) tment | | | i | 50nuL Stu | 16s 2. Smal. | lOme homl 50mL | Bis da Smal 20 wl. 30nd Som | «128s 4. 5m L 0 wh 20h Dink | 29s, | | | EE SmL. Ao | 10 wh cowl | 201s | pS | “be _ aaa Me SURFACE CHEMISTRY al pists prepace.veobloidal. atilen of dash. B) | THEORY: than wales uit umal 24 ei pein 5 “lle it te tool fli. 2-8-min fh dailng |All tonlinls | beabin Droagh a fll paper. | fred _ira pannel Labil frlterale a Marek vetr” A) Resuer : Exp-b EXP ~ 6 ai ~ PREPARATION Z ¢ KO + AL G0, -|8H, 0 + 64,0 — Kr Soy - AL, (m,)3 24 || % I GB-I9E graced ° ee Diswolve. cb in minim saat 5 sided sal Heal Le. heaksr, 0M = fy decpig it ous a — | wire. guise Aid Q- | ke lag { Mbunisivun Llphal jn onthe, bah Add 45 V . a | disttled rob - Flin Leth Aeln fom Mip W 22 tas peter some china. dik | Keep chine. hish over a tle gauge thea oni le gery, : | AL || heh. ‘saduon pot s aAcod in _ is Once verystaalls M ink £a_aeer che), Zo rans the bp] ; —___ExP-7 Wong | a I Alm: To idaribfy Ue funchiinal queue jprvvnil in the giver eornpourrol _t1@p a _|_ExPFRIMENT OPGER VATION INFERENCE B Matpheporerence f) = Loodroray lite grcp 2. | Odour $ compounds nolid amull, Lcashoxglii gsoup “Tes a 2a.| dinelue a litle 9 the The potik elew Aste cundl Jn wilh 4 add| 4 Keuby dewm't | wmrabisabid ion. Ie || hake well Mt aN —}—— EXPERUMENT 4. “test FOR CARBOXYLIC Group __ 4 VEST Fog Aco Geovr | | aovawsi fjecclie wcid @edd |__| alec t dap 4 eS 2 oso ct fo _ | Bina. Pour, Me snl to wal || sali - 5. | Teor For. Amines Add 2nd. 4 hand 9 a4 -KOA fina Linke Aihe. to. fe dps! 9 CHUL, F amall, amt) EXPERIMENT. OBSERVATION IN FERENCE |_| ecrer test : Ladd onedrop O ethanol 4 | vl plrananl | Presence 4 coot || 2 0 | prautleg abl | 4 Ld] expan scempaudl Heat | evatves . confirmed, — wilicne for. 5 quin 2 pour. S ORGANIC SAMPLE -Tit Alm = Te pidenlidh ED PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS EXPERIMENT. | (iP) IpenTiecATION OF funcTIONAL GeouPS _ LAPE RENT cosceviton | WWeERENCE | | EST OR CREOLE cyRouP dl a spin sof NésHeO, te Tull Nodvick | Absa , ! g ergani porno nd. ctfes WeAlece + | Ladera ghrp Add 2-3ol 4 nenbiol Fett, ti 0.5 Sf capunie eon pound fr Rest por AlcoHoh GRour Tomb Y | , id. Th 1 equal asl. 6] Aceh asic hen Ladd 1-2 dsgpr f vane Mh Oy | 5], TEST FOR AMINE GRoue at 1 td anal BO | Medi Abscnce Nitle. 4 wow st -_| i amine fia. dry bist Litho. 4 (it) CORIMRMATION TEST FoR ALDEHYDE GRovr EXPERIMENT OBSERVATION _|_IN FERENCE 7 SILVER MIRROR TEST | old ft telesales Ailwer mirror it Presence 4] Ant 6 i in | fossa dn tha | aleligde hubs Riau it + Wik hithe, sonfirmed - + REsuLT . P. eompusnal i dale hagde. a= i) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. EXPERIMENT VATIO) FI Ci sb duope alk Yeon wpou @) TbenriekATioN of fonction, GRours ___|LEXPERIMENT OPSERVAT ION | INFERENCE LI Test for carBoriii, GRouP | olde pinch of Nady ta Ae No butske —_Prborence | engane eompainl fF efferrescernce achoogl peep TEST FoR CARBONYL GRovt 5 Test FoR AMINE Gkour. In_dml Tcompaund, acld onl No Ae ve Absence. J ethan and ad. kort in 4 . Le dy dete 4 wmm. Add | fav dros 9 CMel, fe it. W pees | : (Ui) CONFIRMATORY TeST FoR KETONE GROUP LEX PERIMENT. OBSERVATION. INFERENE i, ol -dinho Vik proton 2 — | |) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS | EXPERIMENTS OBSERVATION IW EERENCE, Ect FoR UNSATURATI Adlol 1-2 drops sal, Kia fe Lsampl. 9? shade dt wl - j— : | test for Amine Geoue dd. a No f ° bs q | 4 fun dnepsef ly ina. dag | é, | Likhistoe. 9 vcanere 4 EXPERIMEN MAdd teal 4 sammneniiuoa silradi| A foink om Mel + Presence Dthoke well Lik ik Lions od| erler appears. | atethel group de be a mdxlirn: | 3 - eee ! Exp =Ii ~ ORGANIC. SAMPLE — V. ; i ° a 7 A) Al den fuss Cond group preveid fn_given EXPERIMENT (2) PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS seorapsusnd s_selsil | Odoup

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