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R installation instructions

Downloading R is quick and easy. Please do so before the start of the by following
the instructions below. Please note that R is regularly updated, make sure to select
the most recent version.

Downloading R
1. Go to and click “Download R”.
2. Choose your nearest CRAN mirror (such as
3. Choose “Download R for [Windows/Mac/Linux]”.
4. Choose "base" for Windows and click on "Download R 4.2.1 for Windows". (Version
number will change.)
5. For macOS your choice depends upon whether you have an Intel or M-series
processor. If you have an Intel processor choose "R-4.2.1.pkg", and if you have an
M-series processor choose “R-4.2.1-arm64.pkg (Version number will change.)
6. Once the .exe (Windows) or .pkg (Mac) have downloaded, run and install.

Note: On an M-series Mac you can install both the Intel and arm version of R and
switch between them using the RSwitch utility

Opening R
To open R on Windows, click the Start button and follow the path:
Start -> All Programs -> R -> R x64 X.X.X (version installed on your machine)

Note: On an M-series Mac you can install both the Intel and arm version of R and
switch between them using the RSwitch utility

Installing RStudio
RStudio is an interface for R. “RStudio makes R easier to use. It includes a code
editor, debugging & visualization tools.”

Downloading RStudio
1. Go to
2. Select the free desktop version, and hit 'Download'.
3. Once it has downloaded Run and Install. (Bear in mind that RStudio requires
R to be installed beforehand).

Opening RStudio
1. To open RStudio on Windows, click the Start button and follow the path: Start
-> All Programs -> RStudio -> RStudio
2. RStudio will automatically detect and work with your installation of R.

Note: if you are using a tablet or you are struggling with R installation you can use
the online version from this link. You can use a free account.

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