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NIM : E1D020214


1. What to prepare before going to the airport

1. Flight details

Which air lines, Where is their arrival hall flight, Flight number, When is then
arrival time

2. How many people

Name list, Is there any special requirement, handicap, wheelchair, Activity


3. Sign board with customer names

4. Contact number of the driver that will transfer customers to the hotel or the
indicated point in the program

5. Wear your name on a tag badge

2. When you are already at the airport

- Be present at least 15 minute early at the correct arrival hall

- Check arrival time on the flight information board at the arrival hall

- Stand at an easy spotted place at the gate and hold the sign board with the
guests name

3. When meeting the guests

1. Greetings

Introduce yourself and check the guests names once again

2. Make sure that you pick up all members of the group counting over and over
to ensure everyone is presented

3. Assist guests with their luggage if possible

4. Check with your guest’s to assure that they have all pieces of luggage with
them each guest is responsible for their own luggage

5. Count the total number of luggage pieces write it down in a piece of paper and
have it signed by group leader

6. Call your driver and confirm the place and time to meet

7. Lead your guests to the meeting point with the vehicle and driver

8. Check with guests about the activity program

9. Wait until all your guests have seated on the vehicle and all the luggage are
stored in the vehicle before moving to the destination

10. Take your seat next to the driver

4. When there is a difference between your programs and guests' programs

1) If your program and guests program is the same go with guests to the place as
indicated in the program

2) If your program and guests program is different, contact your tour operator if
this tour handled by a tour operator or discuss with guests if this guests give
information to you directly

5. When you are driving to the guests' accommodation

1) Call the hotel or place that guests are arriving to remind the hotel that the
welcome service such as welcome drink room key food should be ready upon
guests arrival

2) Friendly talk to warm up

3) Brief presentation give guests an introduction of what to expect on the tour

4) Observe guests

If they are sleeping please mindful and silent during their rest. The guests are
excited with the new place conduct an informative and friendly conversation

6. When arriving at hotel

1) As soon as the car stops be the first person to get out the vehicle to open the
door for guests

2) Assist guests with transferring their luggage from the vehicle to the hotel
concierge destination

3) Lead guests to the reception. If your guests booked hotel by themselves you
just say goodbye and let them check in by themselves. If you are requested to
assist the hotel check-in for guests you need to have the hotel’s booking
confirmations in the room list ready then proceed with the check-in formality
of the hotel

4) Confirm with your guests about the next activity includes clear information of
time and location etc, then leave so guests have their own relaxing time before
the next activity

7. What to avoid in general

1) Intrusive question

2) Not to be introgated do so moderately during the car ride


2. match the types of the tourism with the examples below

1) leisure tourism
2) business tourism
3) business tourism
4) leisure tourism
5) business tourism
6) leisure tourism
7) leisure tourism
8) leisure tourism
9) business tourism
10) VPR
5. True & False
1) True
2) True
3) False
4) True
5) True
6) True
6. What would you see

1) The Hollywood Wax Museum

2) Ripley’s believe it or not

3) The Hollywood Galaxy Museum

4) El capitan theater

5) Walk and fame

6) Mann’s chinese theater

9. Listening

1) Mann’s chinese theater

2) Hollywood Roosevelt

3) El capitan theater

4) The hollywood wax museum

5) Ripley’s believe it or not

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