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Contoh Membawakan Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Good morning and best wishes to us all
With thank God Almighty because over the blessings and graces we
can gather at the very event we later – look forward to it, namely the national
seminar about the dangers of drugs.
Previously, I say Welcome to Mr. Aris Nugraha hotel along with groups of the
National Narcotics Agency.
Welcome to Mr. Kapolda Lampung,
Welcome to Mr. Gdt Wijaya, as doctors HOSPITALS drug fields.
Once again we say thank you for the presence of the Mr and Mrs
A happy audience, before we started this event, let us pray in accordance
with trust respectively, may God make this rewarding event for all of us, and the
event will run smoothly and conducive.
Pray start
The father/mother and a happy audience, before we entered the core of the show, I
will read out the agenda we are this morning. Our agenda today is as follows:
1. The opening
2. Greeting from Chairman
3. Seminar about drugs which will be led by Mr. Aris Nugraha
4. Seminar on the dangers of Drug Circulation by Mr. Kapolda
5. Seminar on the dangers of hacking drugs for health by Mr. Gdt Wijaya
6. Question and answer session
7. Testimonials from former drug addicts
8. Pledge to fight Drugs
9. and cover
The audience happy, I just persilakan to the Chairman to give his speech.
(After Reception Is Complete)
Thanks to Chairman over his remarks, let us towards the core event i.e. national
seminar about drugs.
The first seminar about drugs will be led by Mr. Aris Nugraha as speaker. He is a
character who is very persistent in the fight against Drugs in the country. Let
us greet Mr. Aris Nugraha.
(After completion)
So what can be delivered by Mr. Aris Nugraha, thank you for your time. Then, the
next seminar will be led by Mr. Kapolda as speakers in seminars about the perils
of drug circulation. He has been devoting himself for
decades in eradicating drugs. Let us welcome, Mr. Kapolda.
(After completion)
Thanks to Mr. Kapolda, hopefully Mr. in charge of health in the given order
for drugs in this country could be lost. Ladies and gentlemen, the last seminar is an
explanation about the dangers of drugs for health that will be delivered
by Dr. Gdt Wijaya as speaker. He is a doctor who handles drug sufferers.
(After completion)
Thanks to Dr. Gdt Wijaya, hopefully Mr. always given health in carrying out his
Ladies and gentlemen, let us give aplaus third to our speakers. The next event is
a discussion or questioning will be guided
by brother Komang Saputra as moderator. To his Kinsman Komang S, I please
(After completion)
Next up is a happy attendee Testimonials from the drug addicts about their
experience of being in the dark circles, drugs. They are people-people who survived
the drugs and now devoted himself as a member of BNN. To Mr. – Mr., please
Thank you I say to Mr. top testimonials tell a Father that may be useful for all of
us. The next event is the pledge of the anti drug which will be led by
Mr. Aris Kurniawan. Attendees are welcome to stand.
The audience happy, finally we come to the end of the event, i.e. the cover. I as
the presenter are sorry if there are mistakes – mistakes in bringing This event and let
us close this event with prayer may the events which we have to solve is
beneficial for all of us.
Pray start …
Aminnn …
Shun Drugs because drugs damage generation nation! Thank you for your attention!
Final words I say Mail wr. WB!
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Selamat Pagi dan Salam Sejahtera bagi Kita Semua
Dengan mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas berkah dan
rahmatnya kita dapat berkumpul di acara yang sangat kita nanti – nantikan ini, yaitu
seminar nasional tentang bahaya narkoba.

Sebelumnya, saya ucapkan selamat datang kepada Bapak Aris Nugraha beserta
rombongan Badan Narkotika Nasional.

Selamat datang kepada Bapak Kapolda Lampung,

Selamat datang kepada Bapak Andika Wijaya, selaku dokter RSUD bidang narkoba.
Sekali lagi kami ucapkan terimakasih atas kehadiran Bapak dan Ibu sekalian.

Hadirin yang berbahagia, sebelum kita memulai acara ini, marilah kita berdoa sesuai
dengan kepercayaan masing – masing, semoga Tuhan menjadikan acara ini
bermanfaat bagi kita semua, serta acara ini akan berjalan dengan lancar dan

Berdoa mulai

Bapak/ Ibu serta hadirin yang berbahagia, sebelum kita memasuki acara inti, saya
akan membacakan susunan acara kita pagi hari ini. Susunan acara kita hari ini
adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Pembukaan
2. Sambutan dari Ketua Pelaksana
3. Seminar Tentang Narkoba yang akan dipimpin oleh Bapak Aris Nugraha
4. Seminar Tentang Bahaya Peredaran Narkoba oleh Bapak Kapolda
5. Seminar tentang Bahaya penyalah gunaan narkoba bagi kesehatan oleh Bapak
Andika Wijaya
6. Sesi Tanya Jawab
7. Testimoni dari mantan pecandu Narkoba
8. Ikrar untuk memerangi Narkoba
9. dan Penutup

Hadirin yang berbahagia, langsung saja saya persilakan kepada ketua pelaksana
untuk memberikan sambutannya.

(Setelah Sambutan Selesai )

Terimakasih kepada ketua pelaksana atas sambutannya, Marilah kita menuju acara
inti yaitu seminar nasional tentang narkoba.

Seminar yang pertama tentang narkoba akan dipimpin oleh Bapak Aris Nugraha
sebagai pembicara. Beliau adalah seorang tokoh yang sangat gigih dalam
memerangi Narkoba di negeri ini. Marilah kita sambut Bapak Aris Nugraha.

(Setelah selesai)

Demikianlah apa yang bisa disampaikan oleh Bapak Aris Nugraha, terimakasih atas
waktunya. Kemudian, seminar selanjutnya akan dipimpin oleh Bapak Kapolda
sebagai pembicara dalam seminar tentang bahaya peredaran narkoba. Beliau sudah
mengabdikan dirinya selama puluhan tahun dalam memberantas narkoba. Marilah
kita sambut, Bapak Kapolda.

(Setelah selesai)

Terimakasih kepada Bapak Kapolda, semoga Bapak diberikan kesehatan dalam

bertugas agar narkoba di negeri ini bisa hilang. Hadirin sekalian, seminar yang
terakhir adalah penjelasan tentang bahaya narkoba bagi kesehatan yang akan
disampaikan oleh Dr. Andika Wijaya sebagai pembicara. Beliau adalah dokter yang
menangani para penderita narkoba.
(Setelah selesai)

Terimakasih kepada Dr. Andika Wijaya, semoga bapak selalu diberikan kesehatan
dalam menjalankan tugas-tugasnya.

Hadirin sekalian, marilah kita beri aplaus kepada ketiga para pembicara kita ini.
Acara selanjutnya adalah diskusi atau tanya jawab yang akan dipandu oleh saudara
Komang Saputra sebagai moderator. Kepada Suadara Komang Saputra, saya

(Setelah selesai)

Hadirin yang berbahagia selanjutnya adalah Testimoni dari para pecandu narkoba
tentang pengalaman mereka bergelut di dalam lingkaran hitam, narkoba. Mereka
adalah orang – orang yang selamat dari narkoba dan kini mengabdikan dirinya
sebagai anggota BNN. Kepada bapak – bapak, kami persilakan.
Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada bapak atas testimonial semoga yang Bapak
sampaikan bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Acara selanjutnya adalah ikrar anti
narkoba yang akan dipimpin oleh Bapak Aris Kurniawan. Hadirin dipersilakan berdiri.

Hadirin yang berbahagia, akhirnya kita telah sampai di penghujung acara ini, yaitu
penutup. Saya selaku pembawa acara mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan – kesalahan
dalam membawakan acara ini dan marilah kita menutup acara ini dengan doa
semoga acara yang telah kita selesaikan ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Berdoa mulai …

Jauhilah Narkoba karena narkoba merusak generasi bangsa! Terimakasih atas

perhatiannya !
Akhir kata saya ucapkan Wassalamualaikum wr. wb!

Semoga bermanfaat ya bagi sahabat KBI semua dan dapat menjadi referensi belajar
yang baik 🙂

 I will be (on / under / in) Rome in two days.
 The students are studying (at / in front of / on) school now.

1. She has no control (with / over / on) that dog!

2. He was somewhere (along / between / among) Berlin and
3. Which way (up / about / over) does this box go?
4. They walked (up / beyond / aside) to the end of the street.
5. He failed (through / for / with) lack of work.
6. The car went (against / past / around) us at a very high speed!
7. They sang (throughout / along / over) the long walk home.
8. He managed to pass (from / with / by) studying hard.
9. Be careful! Don’t go (beyond / without / over) the trees.
10. Don’t feel guilty (with / about / from) being late.
11. My brother is really (for / over / into) snowboarding – he goes
every winter.
12. You should be pleased (over / for / with) the results.
13. It was sunny all (round / between / through) the summer
14. The bus stops just (to / down / before) the traffic lights.
15. The shares have risen (at / up / to) six euros each.
16. I have spent three years (to / at / for) that company.
17. The proposal is (with / for / under) consideration at the
18. The shopkeeper chased (behind / after / along) the thieves.
19. We were delighted (of / for / by) her news.
20. From the house we could walk (below / beyond / down) to the
21. The project will be finished (from / under / inside) two weeks.
22. We live within a mile (to / by / of) the school.
23. He recovered (from / with / over) his illness quickly.
24. She was very upset – she looked (near / about / around) to
25. I want to improve (by / with / on) my last exam results.
26. The break (around / without / between) lectures lasts 15
27. He was proud (in / of / for) his achievements.
28. The company used consultants from (around / without /
29. We swam deep (below / under / beneath) the sea to the coral
30. They put the chairs (along / up / about) the back wall of the
31. It is one (in / of / from) my favorite songs.
32. Do not wait – go ahead (before / without / beside) me.
33. It is easy to get a job (through / in / for) searching the internet.
34. The umbrella can be used (in / by / as) a sunshade.
35. Talk about it (from / among / around) yourselves.
36. We shared the cake (between / around / among) all of us.
37. The shares have fallen (under / down / below) 150 pence.
38. (with / at / upon) your arrival, you will be taken directly to
your hotel.
39. The weather will remain good (across / round / inside) the
40. What are you hoping to achieve (for / as / in) your new job?
41. Great news – I am so pleased (to / for / by) you!
42. There were six of us (outside / round / about) the table.
43. She took the shopping (out / outside / without) of the bags.
44. You must hand it to me (inside / by / on) 7 pm.
45. I am totally (beside / opposite / against) the proposals to cut
Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Tanda Baca & Kunci

Kunci Jawaban:

1. Over
2. Between
3. Up
4. Up
5. Through
6. Past
7. Throughout
8. By
9. Beyond
10. About
11. Into
12. With
13. Through
14. Before
15. To
16. At
17. Under
18. After
19. By
20. Down
21. Inside
22. Of
23. From
24. Near
25. On
26. Between
27. Of
28. Outside
29. Beneath
30. Along
31. Of
32. Without
33. Through
34. As
35. Among
36. Between
37. Below
38. Upon
39. Across
40. In
41. For
42. Round
43. Out
44. By
45. Against

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