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A: Doctor

B: Patient (Michael)

Speaker A: Oh. Hello Michael! How can I help you?

Speaker B: I think I have a flu, I’m in pain, my head and stomach really hurts…

Speaker A: Don’t worry, there are a lot of remedies to fight that, even without any medicine.

Speaker B: Really? How?

Speaker A: For example; Have you ever tried the honey? It’s very good to fight flu.

Speaker B: Yes, I have some in my kitchen.

Speaker A: Try it with a cup of hot tea, it really helps. If it doesn’t work 100% just rest drink
water very often and fight the cold blowing your nose.

Speaker A: Anyway, if you don’t get better for the 6 of Febraury come again and I will write you
some medicines that can help you.

Speaker B: Thanks Doctor, I will try all of the recommendations.

Speaker A: Your welcome.

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