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Dear Sarah,

I wanted to share some insights into Vietnamese traditions with you today. I hope you find
this information valuable.

Firstly about greetings in Vietnam. Vietnamese culture places importance on respectful

greetings. When children meet their elders, they often bow slightly and cross their arms
around their chest as a sign of respect. In business meetings, a warm handshake is common
as a gesture of goodwill. Secondly, the important custom is table manners. Vietnamese
dining often involves sitting around a tray on a mat to eat together. The host typically offers
food to the guests, emphasizing hospitality. Traditional utensils like bowls, chopsticks, and
spoons are commonly used for eating. Finally, punctuality is highly regarded in Vietnam.
Being on time is a sign of respect for others, although it's true that some people may not
always adhere to this cultural norm.
I hope this information broadens your understanding of Vietnamese traditions.

Best regards
Quốc Bảo

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