Exercises I

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1. What are safety critical devices?

2. What is critical system in software engineering?

3. What is a safety critical element?

4. What is safety critical communications?

5. What are critical applications?

6. What is a safety critical position?

7. What is fail passive and fail operational?

8. What is a safety critical industry?

9. What are the three principal types of critical system?

10. What is a mission critical system example?

11. What are critical systems explain the different types of critical systems?

12. What are human factors in health and safety?

13. What is a critical function?

14. What is a safety critical role?

15. What is a safety critical component?

16. What are the key differences between risk and uncertainty?

17. What is the important aspect of a real time system?

18. What is the important aspect of a real-time system or Mission Critical Systems?

19. What are critical systems in software engineering?

20. Which is the first step in the software development life cycle?

21. What three factors affect health and safety?

22. What are human factors principles?

23. What physical factors mean ( safety critical?)

S. 1
24. What is critical task analysis (safety critical?)

25. What is critical task in aviation?

26. What are the 7 types of hazards?

27. Why applying human factors is important for patient safety?

28. What can you do with a human factors degree?

29. How much does a human factors engineer make?

30. How do you become an ergonomist?

31. In a safety critical system, incorrect operation:

S. 2
a) does not affect much
b) causes minor problems
c) causes major and serious problems
d) none of the mentioned

32. Antilock brake systems, flight management systems, pacemakers are examples of :

a) safety critical system

b) hard real time system
c) soft real time system
d) safety critical system and hard real time system

33. In real time operating system

a) all processes have the same priority

b) a task must be serviced by its deadline period
c) process scheduling can be done only once
d) kernel is not required

34. In a real time system the computer results:

a) Must be produced within a specific deadline period

b) may be produced at any time
c) may be correct
d) all of the mentioned

35. In which scheduling certain amount of CPU time is allocated to each process.

a) Earliest deadline first scheduling

b) Proportional share scheduling

c) Equal share scheduling

d) None of the mentioned

36. What kind of software should meet Level D in DAL?

a) Catastrophic failure results in preventing the aircraft from continuing safely and/or landing

b) Minor failure results in causing come inconvenience to the occupants

c) Major failure results in discomfort and injuries to the occupants.

d) No effect, applies to software that cannot impact safe operation of the aircraft

S. 3
37. What kind of software should meet Level E in DAL?

a) Catastrophic failure results in preventing the aircraft from continuing safely and/or landing

b) Hazardous failure results in serious or fatal injuries to the aircraft occupants

c) No effect, applies to software that cannot impact safe operation of the aircraft

d) Minor failure results in causing come inconvenience to the occupants

38. What is class II stand for in IEC 61508?

a) Unacceptable in any circumstance;

b) Undesirable: tolerable only if risk reduction is impracticable or if the costs are grossly
disproportionate to the improvement gained

c) Tolerable if the cost of risk reduction would exceed the improvement;

d) Acceptable as it stands, though it may need to be monitored

39. What does WCET stand for?

a) Work Case Execution Times

b) Worst Case Execution Technology

c) Worst Case Execution Times

d) Worst Case Evaluate Times

40. What are the Methods of verification in safety-critical RTOS?

a) Inspection,Demonstration,Testing and Analysis.

b) Protecting, Review, Testing and Analysis.

c) Inspection,Testing,Analysis and Evaluate.

d) Protecting, Demonstration Analysis and Evaluate.

S. 4
41. What is meaning of intrinsic cognitive load?

a) This is the processing, construction and automation of schemes

b) This depends on the complexity of the learning material

c) This depends more on the presentation of the learning material

d) the Construction

42. What is the Parallel-iterative approach?

a) Different companys competing in developing a new idea.

b) A company builds a product on different sites in parallel.

c) Designing something simultaneously and then merging it together

d) Designing something simultaneously and then merging it not together

43. What is the the meaning of a shared situation?

a) Two companies share a specific market.

b) An employee depends on others who provide him with services and informations.

c) Severel employes share one workstation

d) Severel employes share Severel workstation

44. What is the ironie of automation?

a) The developer who tries to eliminate the operater needs the operator to understand his

b) The developer eliminates himself by programming automatic machines

c) New machines are too expensive compared to the regular operator.

d) New machines are not too expensive compared to the regular operator.

S. 5
45. In a system if 150 units were run for 20,000 hours and 50 units failed during the last hour. What is
the Mean time to repair (MTTR) if the number of repair was 30 and total time needed to repair is 600

a) 5000 hours
b) 600 hours
c) 20 hours
d) 200 hours

46. What is not included in the Assessment of the deliverable?

a) Development
b) Product
c) System
d) Service

47. Which is not an Assurance appoach?

a) Assessment of the deliverables through evaluation and testing

b) Assessment of the processes used to develop or produce the deliverable
c) Assessment of the company structure
d) Assessment of the environment such as personnel and facilities

48. What is the EAL describing?

a) Describing how deeply the assurance was done

b) Describing the security level
c) Describing how effectively a company evolved the IT infrastructure
d) Describing important security aspects

49. What is the CC about?

a) Framework for users of computer systems based on security requirements

b) Centralizing Computer Security conflicts
c) Criteria for identifying security classes
d) Receiving information only about the functionality of a system

S. 6
50. What is the main target of the field of Security Engineering?

a) Designing and Evolving systems which can handle security difficulties

b) Building secure systems
c) Keeping data safe
d) Protection against attacks

S. 7

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