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1) dedicate (v) (to) to give completely to = DEVOTE (adamak, vakfetmek)

e.g. – The doctor dedicated her life to find a cure.

2) beneficial (adj) (to) having good effects =USEFUL (yararlı, faydalı, kazançlı)
e.g. – Swimming is beneficial to your health.

3) abundant (adj) plentiful (bereketli, bol)

e.g. – The country has abundant supplies of oil and gas.

4) hemisphere (n) one half of a sphere (yarımküre)

e.g. – Europe is in the northern hemisphere.

5) indispensable (adj) (to) too important or too useful to be without =NECESSARY (çok gerekli, vazgeçilmez)
e.g. – A dictionary is an indispensable possession.
- She has become quite indispensable to the company.

6) hazardous (adj) containing risks and danger =DANGEROUS (tehlikeli, riskli)

e.g. – He has a hazardous occupation.

7) vital (adj) (to/for) very necessary (hayati, çok önemli)

e.g. – Your support is vital to /for the success of my plan.

8) fatal (adj) (to/for) causing or resulting in death (ölümcül)

e.g. – She made a fatal mistake.
- Marriage at this age could be fatal to your carrier.

9) incredible (adj) hard to believe =UNBELIEVABLE (inanılmaz, hayret verici)

e.g. – She has an incredible memory.

10) wise (adj) having or showing good sense and judgement, and the ability to understand and decide on the
right action (bilge, akıllı, anlayışlı)
e.g. – He is a wise man. Everybody in the neighbourhood asks him for advice before important decisions.

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