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Zhejiang University… Left Time: 119:43

1. Male, 55 years old, with progressive swelling of cervical lymph nodes for 2 months. He had a fever for 2 weeks and lost 14kg in
weight since the onset of the disease.
Info Physical examination: T 38.7°C. There are multiplelymph nodes with a diameter of 2-5
cm on both sides of the neck and axilla, no tenderness, normal heart and lungs, and no abnormalities in blood routine and bone
marrow results. A biopsy of the left cervical lymph node was diagnosed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The patient's
preferred treatment:
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. VDLP Please answer in full screen mode





2. Which of the following is not useful for diagnostic test of H. pyloriafter treatment?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Serology (Ig G)

B. Urea breath test

C. Histology

D. Rapid urease test

E. Stool antigen test

3. What kind of anti-hypertensive drug will you prefer to choose for a patient diagnosed IgA nephropathy with normal creatinine
and hypertension?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)


B. α-receptor antagonist

C. Calcium channel blocker

D. Diuretics

E. β-receptor antagonist

4. Which karyotype is characteristic of chronic myelogenous leukemia?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. t(15;17)

B. t(8;21)
C. inv(16)

D. t(3;3)

E. t(9;22)

5. Which cell type is located in the outer layer of filtration membrane?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points) Info 

A. Macula densa

B. Endothelial cell

C. Interstitial cell
Please answer in full screen mode

D. Podocyte

E. Mesangial cell

6. A young lady was diagnosed with SLE when she had not got married. Then she asked her doctor if she can be pregnant. Which
of the following is the most appropriate answer
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. When the disease is well-

control, lupus is stable, although pregnancy will increase the risk of disease recur, I think you can ha
ve a try with caution and with careful monitoring.

B. Pregnancy will increase the likelihood of lupus exacerbation, you’d better not be pregnant.

C. None of above

D. No, you absolutly can not be pregnant.

E. No problem, you can be pregnant anytime you want.

7. A boy of 15 years old presented significant edema since two weeks ago and then come to your clinics. The urine analysis
shows proteinuria 4+ and no RBC. What examination is most urgently required for the diagnosis?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. CT for both kidneys

B. Blood cell counts

C. Serum potassium

D. Renal biopsy

E. Serum albumin

8. Female, 35 years old, blood routine examination found that pancytopenia for more than 1 month, and fever for 3 days. Physical
examination: T 38.5℃, normal size of liver and spleen. Bone marrow cytology examination: hyperplasia is extremely low, and
there are many fat droplets. The first diagnosis considered is:
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Lymphoma




9. A 30-year-old female came to clinic due to low-grade fever, fatigue and night sweats in the past 2 months. On physical exam,
her abdomen has mild protrusionInfoand the abdominal wall is palpated as a “dough kneading
 sensation”. Shifting dullness is
positive. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Peritoneal malignancy

B. Pelvic tumor Please answer in full screen mode

C. Tuberculous peritonitis

D. Ascites cause by liver cirrhosis

E. Spontaneous peritonitis

10. A 40-year-old patient came to the hospital with the complaint of cervical lymph nodes enlargement for one month. He also had
fever and weight loss. CBC was normal. For further diagnosis, which of the following is the most important?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. PET scan

B. Computed Tomography (CT) scan

C. lymph node biopsy

D. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

E. Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy

11. The major electron microscopic finding on renal biopsy of a 15-year-old boy
with nephrotic syndrome who responded to corticosteroid therapy is:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Messangial cell proliferation

B. Duplication of glomerular capillary basement membranes

C. Fusion of foot processes

D. Irregular thickening of the glomerular basement membranes

E. Subepithelial electron dense deposit

12. Which treatment is for APL?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. IA regimen

B. VDCLP regimen

C. Retinoic acid+AS2O3
D. HAA regimen

E. DA regimen

13. Female, 20 years old. The patient had a history of 10 days, fever, anemia, bleeding, mild enlargement of liver and spleen,
enlargement of cervical lymph nodes and joint pain. Assay: HB 60g / L, WBC 35 X 10 9 /L, platelet 80 X 10 9 /L, the first
Info 
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Acute leukemia

B. Lymphopathy

C. Rheumatic fever Please answer in full screen mode

D. Viral infection


14. Which reflects synthesis function of liver.

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)


B. Bilirubin


D. Albumin


15. We determined the serum sample from a SLE patient and searched the results. Which were most likely TRUE, as follow:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Positive B27

B. High complement level

C. High titer anti-dsDNA

D. High titer anti-CCP

E. High titer RF

16. A 60-year-old man had RA for about 10 years. In recent 3 months, his feels multiple joints pain flare, including the
metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, wrists. Then, at the elbow, along other extensor tendon surfaces can
find a subcutaneous nodule. What is this nodule?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Rheumatoid nodule

B. Lipoma

C. Lymph nodes

D. Gouty deposition
E. Cancer

17. The similarity between acute glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis is:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Oliguria or anuria at early stage

B. Nephrotoxic drugs is a precipitating factor

Info 

C. Sharp deterioration of renal function

D. Chronic progressive

E. Acute nephritic syndrome

Please answer in full screen mode

18. Which one of the following factors indicates poor prognosis of acute pancreatitis?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Decreased blood glucose

B. Decreased blood calcium

C. Elevated WBC

D. Elevated blood glucose

E. Elevated blood calcium

19. A 50-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by the family for weakness and fatigue. He missed two
hemodialysis treatments. His serum [K+]is 7.6 mEq/L. EKG shows widened peaked T waves.
Which one of the following is NOT right in the management of his
hyperkalemia with EKG changes?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Hemodialysis

B. Albuterol

C. Calcium gluconate

D. Furosemide

E. Spirolactone

20. The most common pathological type of hepatitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis is:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis

B. Membranous nephropathy

C. Minimal change disease

D. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

E. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

21. Characteristic clinical manifestation of lymphoma is:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Painless enlargement of lymph nodes

B. Persistent or periodic fever

C. Localized or generalized pruritus Info 

D. Weight loss

E. Anemia

Please answer in full screen mode

22. Decreased number of megakaryocytes in bone marrow could be found in diseases EXCEPT:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Aplastic anemia

B. Radiation disease

C. Acute leukemia

D. Acute erythroleukemia

E. Immune thrombocytopenia

23. Which of the following may not considered as a red flag for irritable bowel syndrome?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Weight loss without obvious change in diet

B. Anemia

C. Recurrent abdominal pain

D. Hematochezia

E. Melena

24. Female, 19 years old, repeated pairs of lower extremity purpura, menorrhagia. No medication history, splenomegaly under the
ribs for 1 cm. Hgb 105g/L, WBC 5.4 X 10 9 /L, PLT 25 X 10 9 /L, ESR, urine routine test and liver function are normal. Bone
marrow showed that megakaryocyte increased, mostly is the particles megakaryocyte, others were normal. The most likely
diagnosis is:
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

B. Aplastic anemia

C. None of the above

D. Drug-induced thrombocytopenic purpura

25. Which is not common in ulcerative colitis?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Bloody diarrhea

B. Fever

C. Anemia Info 

D. Joint pain

E. Perianal fistula

Please answer in full screen mode

26. Which is not the early clinical manifestation of chronic interstitial nephritis?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Large molecular proteinuria

B. Polyuria

C. Nocturia

D. Leucocyturia

E. Hypobaric urine

27. Which is TRUE in describing SLE as below?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Steroid and immunosuppressant agents are the frequently-used medication for lupus;

B. Anti-Smith antibody is 100% positive and related to the disease activity.

C. Serum C3 and C4 are usually increased and related to the disease activity;

D. Renal involved is not a common manifestation in lupus;

E. Lupus is an autoimmune disease which usually affect a single organ ;

28. Which of the following manifestations are not consistent with acute hemolysis:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Pulmonary edema;

B. Anemia with jaundice;

C. Chills, high fever, low back pain;

D. Brownish-red urine and even soy sauce urine;

E. Shock and kidney failure

29. The symptoms of decompensated liver function in liver cirrhosis are mainly impaired liver function and ( )

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)
A. Bleeding tendency

B. Hepatorenal syndrome

C. Hepatic encephalopathy

D. Portal hypertension

E. Endocrine disorders Info 

30. Which immunosuppressive agent is most likely to cause tubulointerstitial injury?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Mycophenodate mofetil Please answer in full screen mode

B. Cyclophosphamide

C. .Methylprednisolone

D. Cyclosporin

E. .Prednisone

31. Which of the following indicates stage 4 chronic kidney disease?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. GFR 21 mL/min/1.73 m 2 for 4 months

B. None of the above.

C. Serum creatinine 5.1mg/dl for 4 months

D. Serum creatinine 5.1mg/dl

E. GFR 34 mL/min/1.73 m 2 for 4 months

32. A 50-year-old woman is evaluated because of a 1-year history of bilateral knee pain. She has some stiffness for approximately
15 minutes in the morning. On physical examination, she has slight swelling and pain to pressure of both knees. Her lab tests
were ESR 9mm/h and RF 12U/L (normal < 20u/L). The most likely diagnosis is:
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)


B. Gout

C. Osteoarthritis

D. Rheumatoid arthritis

E. Ankylosing spondylitis

33. PT prolongation is not observed in which disease?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)


B. Liver failure
C. Hemophilia A

D. Immune thrombocytopenia

E. Vitamin K deficiency

34. The first line treatment for immune thrombocytopenia is:

Multiple-Choice(1 Points) Info 

A. Oral prednisone

B. Rituximab

C. Eltrombopag
Please answer in full screen mode

D. Cyclosporine A

E. Vincristine

35. The most significant immune signature of the cell membrane in the diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. CD3 CD4

B. CD33 CD34

C. CD19 CD20

D. CD3 CD8

E. CD55 CD59

36. Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent GERD?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Lying down after meals

B. Restricting alcohol and smoking

C. Elevating the head of the bed

D. Losing weight if overweight

E. Avoiding bedtime snacks

37. A 65 year old male presented with melena for 6 hours. One year before he underwent PCI for acute coronary artery disease,
and had been taking aspirin and clopidogrel since then. He had no family history of cancer, and denied of recent weight loss or
history of liver disease. What is the most likely cause of bleeding?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)


B. Varices

C. Ulcers caused by medication

D. Cancer
E. Gastritis

38. A 30-year-old woman with retrosternal pain accompanied by acid reflux and heartburn for 1 year, lying in the supine position,
acid reflux and nausea when abdominal pressure increases, symptoms relieved after taking cisapride, and the ECG
examination is normal. The most likely diagnosis is:
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Esophageal achalasia Info 

B. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

C. Angina pectoris

D. Chronic gastritis Please answer in full screen mode

E. Gastric ulcer

39. A 13-year-old student developed facial edema, gross hematuria 2 weeks after upper respiratory tract infection. He also had
complement decline and Scr 130 umol/L. Bp 130/90 mmHg. What is the main reason for his edema?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Decreased GFR

B. Hypoalbuminemia

C. Elevated antidiuretic hormone

D. Obstruction of lymphatic return

E. Increased systemic capillary permeability

40. With regard to IgA nephropathy, which of the following are true?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. It never presents as nephrotic syndrome.

B. Immunosuppressive drugs should be considered in all patients with IgAN.

C. Tonsillectomy is performed as a treatment for IgAN in Caucasian patients.

D. It is the most common primary GN in adults.

E. It is rarely associated with elevated systemic IgA levels.

41. An 18-year-old woman with history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

is admitted to the hospital for worsening weakness and problems with breathing forthe last 2 weeks. She loves ice cream since
childhood. She states that she had 4-6 urinary tract infections (UTIs) in recent years, which were treated. She is not on any
medications. Admitting laboratory values are:

Which one of the following is the MOST likely cause of her symptoms?
Info 

Multiple-Choice(2 Points) Please answer in full screen mode

A. Type 4 RTA

B. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis

C. Exacerbation of SLE

D. Distal RTA

E. Proximal RTA

42. When serum ascites albumin gradient ( ), it indicates ascites caused by portal hypertension.
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. <11g/L

B. >11mg/L

C. <11mg/L

D. >11g/L

E. =11g/L

43. The most common reason of peptic ulcer is ?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Mental stress

B. Alcohol

C. H.pylori

D. Asprin

E. Abnormal gastric motility

44. Female, 65 years old, recurrent bloody diarrhea for 10 years, diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and had been on oral mesalazine
1g tid and she remained asymptomatic for most time. Last week she developed bloody diarrhea, 10 times a day, with fever of
38℃. Which is not the immediate management for this patient?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. IV steroid if infectious work-up negative

B. Blood culture

C. Abdominal CT with contrast

D. Total colectomy

E. Stool test for C. difficile

Info 
45. All of the following are characteristic extraarticular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis EXCEPT:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Thrombocytosis

B. Cutaneous nodules
Please answer in full screen mode

C. Secondary sjogren’s syndrome

D. High fever

E. Interstitial lung disease

46. The acid-base balance disorders in chronic renal failure patients often showed:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Mixed acidosis

B. Respiratory alkalosis

C. Respiratory acidosis

D. Metabolic alkalosis

E. Metabolic acidosis

47. Which description is FALSE in patients with lupus?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Arthritis may be present at same time

B. Nephrotic syndrome may be present, but never to be uremia

C. Patient may have ascitic fluid

D. May have pericarditis

E. May have seizure

48. The most common cause of glomerulus originated hematuria is:

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Henoch-Schonleinpurpura nephritis

B. Lupus nephritis

C. Diabetic nephropathy

D. IgA nephropathy
E. Membranous nephropathy

49. A 23-year-old man presents complaining of hematuria for 1 day. He has no other symptoms but states the hematuria started
after he played in a fast-paced basket ballgame. He takes no medications and does not drink alcohol or use illicit drugs. He
recalls having a sore throat yesterday but denies cough or fever. He takes no medication sand has no family history of renal
disease. Physical examination is normal. The rapid streptococcalantigen test is negative. The urinalysis reveals erythrocytes
and erythrocytecasts. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Info 
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis

B. IgA nephropathy

Please answer in full screen mode

C. Bladder carcinoma

D. Alport syndrome

E. Minimal change disease

50. A girl, 24 years old, with complain about double wrists and several finger joints swelling and paining for 2 months, came your
clinic to see you. And then, she was examined low titer RF. For further diagnosing and treating, which you must do?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Dural energy CT for her hands

B. Tumor markers

C. Urine routine test

D. hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus scan, PPD- test for T.B., and anti-ccp

E. X-ray for her knees

51. The following treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, which is incorrect.

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Fasting protein

B. Arginine

C. Supplement with branched amino acids

D. Soapy water enema

E. Oral lactulose

52. What is the most commonly involved segment in intestinal tuberculosis?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Sigmoid colon

B. Duodenum

C. Upper jejunum

D. Terminal ileum
E. Rectum

53. A 58-year-old male came to your office complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting. He had a history of duodenal bulbar ulcer
with recurrent upper abdominal pain for almost 20 years without any formal treatment or regular follow-up. However, his
abdominal pain exacerbated in the past two months with nausea and vomiting. He vomited the food ingested the night before
and lost 8kg in the past two months. Gastric endoscopy revealed a 2.5*2.5cm ulcer in the lesser curvature and pyloric
obstruction. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Info 
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Gastric cancer and pyloric obstruction.

B. Gastric and duodenal ulcer with pyloric obstruction.

Please answer in full screen mode

C. Gastric ulcer and pyloric obstruction.

D. Gastric ulcer with infection and pyloric obstruction.

E. Gastric cancer, duodenal ulcer with pyloric obstruction.

54. Which of the following disease is not related with H. pylori infection?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Gastric and duodenal ulcer

B. Dieulafoy disease

C. Gastric MALT-lymphoma

D. Gastric intraepithelial neoplasia

E. Gastric adenocarcinoma

55. Which is the easiest way of detecting rectal cancer?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Rigidity

B. Shifting dullness

C. Succussion splash

D. Bowel sounds

E. Rectal examination

56. A 48-year old man with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) presents to his primary care physician with a 1 day history of
nausea and vomiting. He also has severe epigastric pain radiating to the back, which is worse when lying down. Review of the
patient’s medical history reveals that he is taking the reverse transcriptase inhibitor didanosine. Laboratory testing reveals an
amylase level five times higher than normal and a lipase level six times higher than normal. What is the most likely diagnosis of
this patient?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Perforated ulcer

B. Intestinal obstruction
C. Cholelithiasis

D. Acute pancreatitis

E. Mesenteric ischemia

57. Which of the following statements is not the cause of toxic megacolon?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points) Info 

A. corticosteroid

B. Lower potassium level

C. Barium enema
Please answer in full screen mode

D. Anticholinergics

E. Drugs used for pain relief

58. A 22-year-old healthy young male, undergoes a routine medical check up before starting a job that necessitates some physical
activity. He is referred to the outpatient department, because of positive results for protein in urine. Several investigations were
done including blood tests, urine tests, x-ray (chest and abdomen), and ultrasonography without conclusive evidence of any
pathology. However, it was noticed that his morning samples were free of any protein. Proteinuria, almost 1 gm/24 hours in
some days, occurred only in the afternoon when he was moving around. Which of the following statements is true about this
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. There is risk for the development of hypertension

B. It is normal in children and young adults

C. Most cases have some underlying pathology

D. Males are more affected than females

E. The usual age of detection is during the second decade

59. Under normal conditions, terminal urine consists of ( ) of the total glomerular filtrate.
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. 5%

B. 30%

C. 20%

D. 10%

E. 1%

60. Which subtype of leukemia is most involved with central nerve system during the period of natural disease?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

B. Acute promyelocytic leukemia

C. Acute monocytic leukemia

D. Chronic myelogenous leukemia

E. Acute myelogenous leukemia

61. Which of the following description is the specific diagnostic criteria for autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points) Info 

A. Broken red blood cells appear in peripheral blood

B. Reticulocyte increase

C. Serum bilirubin increase

Please answer in full screen mode

D. Coombs’s test is positive

E. Haemoglobin reduction

62. A 45 year old female presented with skin ecchymosis and ecchymosis after hysterectomy, extensive bleeding of surgical
incision, blood pressure of 90/60mmHg, low platelet count and prolonged PT and APTT. What should be considered first?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)






63. Which of the tissue factor is blood coagulation factor?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Factor I

B. Factor II

C. Factor IV

D. Factor V

E. Factor III

64. Which is the essential diagnosis criteria of nephrotic syndrome?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Daily urinary protein output is >3.5g

B. Serum albumin is <35g/l

C. Severe hyperlipidemia

D. Severe edema

E. Oliguria
65. Which is not the absolute Indication for dialysis:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Overt uremic symptoms

B. Hyperkalemia despite medical treatment

C. Persistent metabolic acidosis Info 

D. Volume overload unresponsive to diuretic therapy

E. Persistent oliguria

Please answer in full screen mode

66. All of the following agents have been shown to have disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD)efficacy in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis EXCEPT:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Naproxen

B. Hydroxychloroquine

C. Methotrexate

D. Sulfasalazine

E. Leflunomide

67. A 65-year-old man with alcoholic cirrhosis for 5 years, presented with liver function deterioration following erythromycin
treatment due to infection, and hepatorenal syndrome.Among the following examination results, which is inconsistent with the
patient's clinical status?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Urine osmotic pressure > blood osmotic pressure

B. Urine sodium < 10 mmol/L

C. Urine sediment RBC>50/ high magnification field

D. Increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine

E. Urinary creatinine was higher than blood creatinine

68. Which of the following is most commonly the primary cause of anemia in chronic renal failure?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Gastrointestinal blood loss

B. Bone marrow suppression

C. Iron deficiency

D. Hemolysis

E. Erythropoietin deficiency
69. About the therapy of the rheumatoid arthritis, which is FALSE as below:
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Methotrexate is the basic medication for the management of RA;

B. Anti-TNF alpha agents should be considered after the failure of MTX treatment;

Info the diagnosis is established;

C. The initial treatment should be NSAIDs before 

D. Steroid is recommended to be used to the majority of RA patients;

E. Operation should be considered to improve the joint function for the end stage of the disease.

Please answer in full screen mode

70. Which is not the recommended treatment for Crohn’s disease.

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Immunosuppressants

B. Anti-TNFαagents

C. Anti-biotics

D. Steroids

E. Exclusive enteral nutrition

71. Male, 24 years old, was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. He complained of cough. Physical examination:T 38 ℃, moist rales
can be heard in left lower lung. The results of CBC: WBC 1.3 X 10 9 /L,Hb 87 g/L,plt 18 X 10 9 /L. The unnecessary treatment
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)

A. Cyclosporine A

B. Antibacterial therapy

C. Platelet transfusion

D. Packed red cells transfusion

E. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

72. A fifty-year-old female presented with abdominal pain and fever. The blood test show increased total bilirubin and direct
bilirubin, and emergent CT scan showed common bile duct stone about 8mm and dilated proximal common bile duct. Which of
the following technique should be employed to solve the problem?
Multiple-Choice(2 Points)





73. Which of the below is true about the Antinuclear antibody?
Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Could be seen only in SLE

B. Be an antibody to nuclear antigen, usually the titer will decrease quickly according to therapy

C. Be related to the disease activity of SLE Info 

D. Also can be found in variety arthritis including gout and reactive arthritis

E. Could be seen in variety of connective tissue diseases such as SLE, Sjogren’s syndrome, Scleroder
ma, et al
Please answer in full screen mode

74. The most significant early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma is

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Alkaline phosphatase increased

B. Alpha-fetoprotein increased

C. Monoamine oxidase increased

D. Lactate dehydrogenase increased

E. γ -glutamyl transpeptidase increased

75. Which option is NOT correct about acute leukemia?

Multiple-Choice(1 Points)

A. Primitive cells could not infiltrate the skin

B. Primitive cells could appear in peripheral blood

C. Bone marrow, liver, spleen or lymph nodes infiltrated by primitive cells

D. Abnormal number or differential count of white blood cells

E. Primitive cells could infiltrate central nervous system

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