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abfotrIY25/ 2EY3-25

Wanutacturing Practices Work S

Manual Ret Ne PCE/i Year / 1FY3-25/2FY3-25
PCE, Academic Ycar 2022-23

obicct:-To prepare a l lap joint as per drawing.
Tanls & Equipments: Try square, scale, pencil,
serewdriver, measuring tools cte. carpentry vice, marking gauge, hammer,
Materials: Wooden piece (120x40x30) mm.
The carpcntry deals with the constructional work such as making roof, floors.
ofa building by means of wood with the l:elp of carpentry tools. partitions ctc.

TIMBER: The timber is the material uscd for carpentry and joinery work. It is the wood
obtained from exogenous trees by cutting these trecs after their full growth. The following
technical terms relating to timbcr must he clearly understood:
. Standing or stationary timber. I is the timber obtained from a living trce.
2. Rough timber. It is the timber obtained afier felling a tree.
3. Converted timber. It is the timber, which has been sawn into various market sizes such as
beams, battens. planks ctc
4. Dressed timber. It is the timber. which has been sawn, placed and worked to the required
5. Structural timber. It is the timber used in framing and load bearing structures.

Heart wOod
Outer bark-
Growth rings
Sap wood
-Inner bark
Cambium layer
Medullary rays
Fig. Exogenous Tree Wood
Lab Na uPacors
A Year /11YI
Werk Shop
25/21Y3 25 IE Acal Yer z022 23

Adantages of Timber:

wis casily
available and can be quckiy
.lchter and stronger than most of thetranspotted by simple means
mateals uscd in construction work.
: Iis anot-conductor of heat and electricity.
Types Of Timber:
saf wood: It is widely used tor
nd Neight, casy to be WOTKed,
building construction work. These are resinous light in colors
have good tensileresistance but weck across the fibers.
lard wood It is wdeiy uscd for doors,
furniture, joinery ctc. It is non-resinous, dark in colors
hensicr in weight and have well tensile as well as shear resistance. So it is
wetked diflicult to be
Seasoning 0f Timber The
seasoning timber is the process of drying timber or remo ing
isture or sap. present in a treshly felled trcc. under controllcd conditions. The
methods are commonly uscd tor seasoning of timber. common

Natural Seasoning Or Air Seasoning:

ln this method of seasoning, the tree, afer cutting is
converted into logs, planks or battens. These
are stacked in a dry place about 300 mm. above the floor
level with longitudinal and cross pieces
aanged one upon another.
This method of seasoning the wood is simple and
cheap, but it is very slow and extends over
vears depending upon the type of wood and its cross section.
Artificial Seasoning Or Kiln Seasoning:

This method of scasoning is the quickest of all the

commonly used wood seasoning process, This
process is carried out in a chamber under controlled temp. And
air circulation and humidity conditions with proper
ventilation system. Usually. steam is used for this purpose.
Defects In Timber:
1. Defects developed during the growth of atree.
2. Defects occurring during conversion, seasoning or use
3. Defects duc to the action of
fungi and insccts

Lah Code -11Y-25/ 21Y425
Name Manutacturing 1actices Werk Shop
Manial Ret. No,: PE/ Year / 1FY3-25/2EV25
PCE, Aademic Year 2022 23

Natural Defects:
, Knots: The
lelt behind by the broken
) Shakes. When the tree is limbs or branches later appcar as
hot cut cven after knots.
Nod urains is lost due to attaining full maturity the cohesion betwcen the
1 Irregular grains or cvaporation of iums, moisture, resins and oils cte.
twisted fibers: Such defeets oceur due to twisting of trec in
dircctionsduc to theblowing wind. different
Rind or galls burls: These are the
the place where they part oft.
wounds created by the irregularly broken or cut branches at
Qualities of Good Tinmber:
1lt should have straight fibers,
2lt should be free from knots
3. It should not posseSs natural defects.
4. On sawing, it should give a swect smell.
It should not carry sudden change in
colors, such a change is always a sign of disease.
Preservation Of Timber: In order to protect the timber from internal decay and
like white ants, some chemical attack of insects
preservation are used to increase the life of timber and to make
the timber structures durable.

Preservatives: Tar oil, Water soluble chemical salts, Organic solvent chemicals
Method Of Application Of Preservatives:
1. Brush and spray method. 2. Dipping or soaking
3. Pressure treatment

Wood Working Hand Tools:

Abroad classification of these tools according to their use is as follows.
L. Marking and measuring tools. 2. Holding and supporting tools
3.Cutting tools 4. Planning tools
5. Boring tools 6. Striking tools
7. Miscellancous tools

Lab Code -IE-25/2FY3-25
Nne -Manutacturng Ptactices Work Shon
Ret Ne PCE/T" ear / 1EY3-25/2FyE
PE Aademu Ycar 2022 23

Marking And MMeasuring Tools:

Try square: It is Ised for
eurtace, and checking of right and
angle scting out
Straight edge: It is uscd for
dimensions, testng the fin1sh of a plane

Bevel square: t is uused for

the trucness of surtaces and cdges.
setting, duplicating. testing and comparing angles and bevels.
Soriber or Marking 1knife: It is mainly
on wood surface. uscd for locating and
gauge: It is s
marking points and scribing lines
Marking made of wood and is a
lhe line of desired
distance) is made possibleTerywithprominent tool for marking. Scribing (along
the help of
Holding and Supporting Tools:
nty lice: It is a heavy table of
nsite sides to hold the jobs during therigidconstruction on which two or four vices are fitted e
Cumns and screws: \arnous types of clamps operation,
nnarting wood pieces in position for carryingandout
screws are used by carpenters for holding and
Catting tools: There re three types of cutting different operations, 'C clamp. Hand screw
tools used in the wood work:
Those, which are given a reciprocating, motion by
hand and carry teeth for cutting the wood.
Those, which are driven into the wood by the application of blows-.
Those which arc given a swinging action by one hand or both hands and are
wood for cutting the same. struck against the

Types of Saws:
1. Ripsaw: It cuts the wood along the grain. It is used for
smaller and medium work
2. Panel saw: It is the most commonly used handsaw. It is mainly used for
cutting panels tfor the
door shutters.
3. Compass saw: It carries a tapered blade. The blade is quite flexible and, thus it can be used
ezsily for taking straight or curved cuts on outside or inside of the wood.
4. Kevhole saw: This saw is very useful in intemal and intricate work.
5. Cross cut saw: It is primarily designed for cuting across the grains of wood but is used as a
general purpose saw in woodwork.
6. Tanoan saw or back saw: It is used for finer work than the rip saw, panel saw or cross cut
Saw. The main use of this saw is in taking short straight cuts, such as tor tenons.
1. Dovetail saw: It is also used for finer work, particularly for cutting tongues for dovetail joints.

Lab Code -IFY-25/
Naine- Manufacturing Practices Work Shop
Lab Nam
PCE, Acidemie Year 2022-23
Manualal Ref. No.: PCE/1" Year /1FY3-25/2FY3-25

Types of SawS
Hand Saw Rip Saw Fret Saw

Tenon Saw Bow Saw Hack Saw

Cross-cut Saw Pruning Saw Oscillating Saw

Chain Saw
Circular Saw Jig Saw

Table Saw ScrollSaw

Miter Saw

Pole Saw
Track Saw
Reciprocating Saw

LabGte 1|Y 25/ uring
Manal Rlet No PCE
Practices Wotk Siop
Year /1FY3-25/2FY3-25
PCE, Acemc Yecr 2022-23

T'ypes of Chisels:

Firmer chisel: It is a general-purpose chisel and is use for

surfaces inside the grooves. taking wider cuts and finishing tlat
Dovetail chisel: The beveled shape enables reduction of blade thickness on the sides due to
which it can enter sharp corners to finish them.
Sotise chisel: lt is use or taking heavy and deep cuts resulting in more stock
case of making mortises. removal, as m
eaoket chisel: When a very heavy stock removal is to be done by the chisel,
it is bound to resut
in solitting of the wooden handle due to heavy
blows on its top.
Gouge chisel: It carries a hollow curved blade for finishing curved

Lad Cote -h-2/2EY325
NareNanutacturng actk NE Ademk ear 2022-23
Ret. N N"

Planing 0r Paring

1, isWooden Jackplane: his the most eommnonly used plane, The min cuting part (Blade)
make by High Carbon Stvel. This is cutter remain at 45 degree angle with the sole.



Wooden Jack Planes

2. Steel Jackplane: It is also uscd for the same purpose as a wooden jackplane, but it gives
rigid than others and has longer litfe than othws,
abetter finish than the latter. It is more
but is equally costly also.

Lever cap khob

Lever cap

Clamp bar

Set sctews

GAdmc ear z02221
Nae Manatactong Pacticex WokSo
Mana Bvt N N ar/ N325/VLS

Suiking Tools:
a wooden bandle.
I. Mallet: Iis uscd tor strikng the cuttiny tools, which have

2.Claw hammer: It consists of' two facCs,

1. Striking face uscd for striking purposes
2.Claw uscd for extracting nails out of the wood.


Neck Cheek


Face Bell/Poll Grip

LabCode -1Y-25/2FY3-25
-Manufacturing Practices Work Shon PO, Aalemc Year 2022-23
Year/ 1FY3-25/2EV3-25
bNaNa PLE/

7ypes of Joints:
Butt Joint

Mitred Half Lap
Half Lap

Dovetail Crossed
Cross Lap Lap

ane- Manulacturng Practices Work Shop PCE. Aademic Yesr 2022-23
Mamal Ref. No lC71 Ycar / 1FY3-25/2FY3-25

Job Diagram

Fig.:- T-Lap Joint


1. Collect toois & material from workshop store.

2. Plane the piece of in rectangular shape as per dimensions.
3. Mark the exact location on the surface wihere the joint in to be made.
4. Hold the job on carpentry vice.
5. Make groove of required width and depth.
6. Select the type of fastener (nails, screw, wooden pin)
7. Hold piece to be joined in their respective position.
8. Check the joint.

Result: T lap joint / bridle joint as pre given dimension has been made.

Safety precautions:

1. Use properly sharpencd tools.

2. Use seasoned wood.
3. Tools should be in proper conditions.
4. Don't place the wood against the direction of grains.
S. Grip of viceshould be strong while material is being worked.
Lab Code -1EY-25/ 2FY3-25
Lab Nane- Mahutacturing Practices Work Son
Manual Rel. No PCE/1" Year/ PE, Academic Year 2022-23

Objeet:-To prepare a T Bridle joint as per drawing.
Tools & equipments: Try square, scale. pencil, carpentry vice, marking gauge. hanmet.
serewdriver, measuring tools cte.
Materials: Wooden piece.
1. Collect tools & material from workshop store
2. Plane thc picce of n tectangular shape as per dimensions.
3. Mark the exact location on the surface where the joint n to be made.
4. Hold the job on carpentry vice.
3. Make groove of required width and depth.
6. Selcct the type ot fastener (nails, screw, wooden pin)
7. Hold piece to be joined in their respective position.
8. Chcck the joint.

Job Diagram

Fig.:-T- Briddle Jeint

Lab Code-1FY-25/ 2EY3-25
Lab Nate - Manufacturing Practices Work Shon
Manual Ref. No.: PCE/1" Year / 1FY3-25/2FY3-25 PCE,Academic Year 2022-23

Result: T lap bridle joint as pre given dimension has becn made.
Safety precautions:
1. Use propcrly sharpcned tools.
2. Use seasoned wood.
3. Tools should be in proper conditions.
4. Don't place the wood against the direction of grains.
5.Grip of viceshould be strong while material is being worked.


0.() What is carpentry?

0.2) What is timber and tiheir advantage?
Q.(3) What are the main defects in timnber?
Q.(4) What are the carpentry tools used in carpentry shop?
5) What are different types of joints?
Q.(6) What is seasoning and advantage of seasoning?
Q.(7) What is prescrvation of timber?

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