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Complete these sentences in your own words:


I ……………I usually get up early…………………………………………………….


My teacher ……………my teacher does not work on

mondays…………………………………………..(on Mondays)

My mum………………my mother cooks pasta once a

week……………………………………………..(once a week)

My father father doesn't know how to use a

laptop.............................................................................( - )

I ................................I don’t speak english

........................................................................................( - )

How often..............................How often do you go to the


Where........................are you

There ....................are my house..........................................................................................


I ........................I am going to

He the


She ............... is not talking on the


What ........................what are you


I ..........I'm going home to get 5 tomorrow.


Last summer I.........I went on vacation to the

My mum mother went to a
concert......................................................................................two years ago.

My best friend ........... did not pass the


My parents.......... don't know how to


Who ..... discovered Amer-


How long ago ...... did you finish the


Where ................... did you study


There ......................he sang for the first



When I saw my friends ........ we were


When I arrived at school ....I was


What …were you 5 pm yesterday?

I ............. weren't 6 pm yesterday. (-)



I´ve been going to dance.......................................................for 5 years.

I ............................ sing since I

have................................................................................since I was 8.

How long ........................have you been here...............................................................?

..............................................Have you always worn

glasses..........................................................? (ever)

When I woke up .................... I'll write to you.............................................................

My friends ……………….they haven't arrived
yet ....................................................................(yet)

I ........... just want to work..............................................................................................


My cousin ...................has never eaten fish.......................................................................


I .......................... work all day.........................................................................all day.

There the bathroom....................................................................................


Next weekend I .......................I'm not going to


If I study very much I .... will be able to go to


At this time on Saturday ........i will be in paris..............................................................

By the end of this term will be a teacher.......................................................................

There ........I was 6 years............................................................................................

What ............will you weekend?

When I am 30 years old I ...............probably have my own



Normalmente no trabaja los domingos,

Normally he does not work on Sundays

La mayoría de la gente disfruta saliendo con los amigos.

Most people enjoy hanging out with friends.

No me gusta leer novelas de misterio.

I don't like to read mystery novels.
Mi novia quiere ir a la universidad el proximo año.
My girlfriend wants to go to college next year.

¿Qué estás escribiendo?

What are you writing?

Estamos pensando en hacer un viaje juntos.

What are you writing?

¿Con qué frecuencia ves a tus abuelos?

How often do you see your grandparents?

¿Trabaja tu madre?
Does your mother work?

¿Qué tipo de música te gusta escuchar en tu tiempo libre?

What kind of music do you like to listen to in your free time?

Hay algunos exámenes la semana que viene.

There are some tests next week.

Hay algo de leche en la nevera.

There are some tests next week.


Estaba caminando cuando me caí

I was walking when I fell

Ibamos a la playa cuando nos encontramos con mi hermana

We were going to the beach when we met my sister

¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando te llamé?

What were you doing when I called you?

Mientras yo conducía todos dormían tranquilamente

While I was driving everyone was sleeping peacefully
Perdona, no te estaba escuchando, ¿qué decías?
Sorry, I wasn't listening to you, what were you saying?

Yo no estaba viendo la tele, estaba haciendo mis deberes.

I wasn't watching TV, I was doing my homework.

Mi perro murió hace un mes.

My dog died a month ago.

Ayer no vine al instituto porque estaba enferma.

Yesterday I did not come to the institute because I was sick.

¿Dónde fuiste de vacaciones el verano pasado?

Where did you go on vacation last summer?

Estudié alemán durante un año, pero no recuerdo nada.

I studied German for a year, but I don't remember anything.

No había ningún alumno en clase ayer.

There were no students in class yesterday.
¿Cuánto tiempo viviste en Roma?
How long did you live in Rome?

¿Cómo aprendiste a tocar el piano?

How did you learn to play the piano?

Había algo de carne para cenar

There was some meat for dinner

Había algunos niños en el parque ayer.

There were some kids in the park yesterday.


No he entendido nada.
I have not understood anything.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando inglés?

How long have you been studying English?

Nunca he estado en Francia, pero me gustaría ir.

I've never been to France, but I'd like to go

No hemos comido todavía.

We haven't eaten yet.

Cuando me levanté había llovido.

When I got up it had rained.

Llevo bailando 4 horas y estoy agotada.

I've been dancing for 4 hours and I'm exhausted.

Acabamos de terminar los exámenes.

We just finished exams.

¿Dónde has estudiado inglés?

Where have you studied English?

Cuando llegamos a la fiesta se había marchado.

When we got to the party he was gone.


Voy a aprobar todas las asignaturas este año

I will pass all the subjects this year

¿Vas a comprobar tus e-mails?

Are you going to check your emails?
Lucy será una cantante de éxito en el futuro.
Lucy will be a successful singer in the future.

La mayoría de las tiendas abrirán el próximo domingo

Most stores will open next Sunday

A esta hora mañana estaré haciendo el examen de conducir.

At this time tomorrow I will be doing the driving test.

A esta hora mañana habré terminado el examen.

At this time tomorrow I will have finished the exam.

Mañana me voy al cine ¿Quieres venir?

I'm going to the movies tomorrow. Do you want to come?

En el futuro habrá un ordenador por cada alumno en los institutos.

In the future there will be a computer for each student in the institutes.


VERBS. Complete with the correct verbal form: (4 marks)

1.By the end of the year I ……………have learned…………………(learn ) a lot of

new vocabulary

2.At this time tomorrow we ……… are going to perform……………..(perform) on


3.I …did not meet…………………(not meet) my friends on Saturday because I had too
much work.

4.He is very shy so he ………doesn't speak…………………..(not speak) a lot.

5. I ..carring you..........................(carry) you the suitcase because it’s too heavy.

6.I ............cleaned.................(clean) the car when the phone rang so I didn’t answer it.

7.My sister ……is going to see…………………(see) her friends tonight.

8.Tony ................has acted......................(act) for many years before he became famous.

9. I ....................have Madrid for 10 years and I really like

it.(live) book before you watched the film?

11. We ………drink………………….(drink) beer all night.

12. How long ………have……………………to wait…………….(wait)?

13.My parents …do not work……………(not work) 2 days ago.

14. I don’t think I ………see……………………………..(see) my friends tonight.

15. There ………… will be………………..(be) an exam yesterday

16. There ………are…………………….(be) any books on the table.

17. What …do…………you …………think……………(think) now?

18. ………did………we ………finish……………..(finish) yet?

19. When I saw him, he………was swimming …………………….(swim) in the sea.

20. When ……do………you ……give……………………(give) your presentation?

21.How long ago …………did…………you ……take……………(take) the English


22. I ……………wearing…………………….(wear) glasses since I was 10 years old. I

hate it!


El teléfono sonó mientras desayunábamos.

The phone rang while we had breakfast.

Soy profesora desde hace 12 años.

I have been a teacher for 12 years.

No quiero estudiar una carrera, prefiero trabajar.

I do not want to study a career, I prefer to work.

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando alemán.

How long have you been studying German.

¿Va a llover este fin de semana?

Is it going to rain this weekend?

Estaba muy cansada porque llevaba corriendo 2 horas.

I was very tired because I had been running for 2 hours.

No había ningún alumno en el aula.

There were no students in the classroom.
No me gusta hacer deberes porque es muy aburrido
I don't like doing homework because it's so boring

Probablemente me compraré otro móvil

I'll probably buy another cell phone

Mi hermana trabaja de vendedora, pero no gana suficiente.

My sister works as a saleswoman, but she doesn't earn enough.

No entendí nada.
I did not understand anything

¿A qué hora te levantaste ayer?

What time did you get up yesterday?

¿Has estado alguna vez en Paris?

Have you ever been in Paris?

El avión no ha llegado todavía.

The plane has not arrived yet.

¿Qué hiciste ayer?

What did you do yesterday?

Llevamos corriendo 2 horas

We have been running for 2 hours

¿Te gusta bailar?

You like dancing?

Somos amigos desde hace 2 años

We have been friends for 2 years

Mi hermano nunca ve la tele

My brother never watches tv

Estaba lloviendo cuando me levanté

It was raining when I woke up

¿Cuándo llegaste a la estación?

When did you arrive at the station?

Va a llover un montón
It's going to rain a lot

Hay muchos exámenes este curso.

There are many exams this course.
Hubo 2 guerras civiles el siglo pasado.
There were 2 civil wars last century.

Creo que aprobaré todas las asignaturas

I think I will pass all the subjects

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