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Seven Ages of Man

By:William Shakespeare

As I read the Seven Ages of a Man that was written by

William Shakespeare, I realized a lot of things. It made me know
the reality of life, the reality we must not ignore. This world is a
big stage with different roles that are given to us as we grow older.

First is the infancy, we all started at this stage, where the

nurse first handled us in their arms at the time we were born. This
stage begins with an innocent infant who later becomes a
schoolboy, who is unwilling to go to school. I still remember the
first time I went to school, up to the day I graduated from
kindergarten. My everyday in this stage seemed to be the same
always, as going to school was new to me and I couldn't get
enough of playing with my toys because instead of playing at this
stage, I was taught to study my lessons for it was my
responsibility, this is where my mother first taught me how to
write my name up to the day where I could be on my own to read,
and write my own name as I completed my preparatory journey.
Now, I can finally say that I am in the so-called "Lover stage", I
finally finished from my primary school and I am a 9th grader
now, even though it seems that I do not get the real catch of what
the lover stage means yet, but I know I can discover it later. I still
enjoy stuffs that I did since I was young, and my interests seem to
be still the same as what they were before. Others my age have a
very different level of interests and habits right now compared to
mine and that I might be missing out something from this stage.
But I usually don't rush things up for I believe there's a time for
Lettynia Mellisze F. Sorongon STE 9- Sapphire
Seven Ages of Man
By:William Shakespeare

Next is for the soldier, I believe this is where the people try
to get the justice and honor for their lives. This stage is where
students graduate from college and finally figure out what they
would like to do for life, for a lifetime. Finding a job for the living
is the number 1 challenge here, for you are preparing yourself to
settle in the life you want. Next is the justice, where a person had
already reached the peak of his career and his status in life. And
where he had almost known all the facts in living in the reality
here in the world, making him a wise man, who stands with so
much dignity. Next is the old man, this is where people with work
usually retire from their job gaining all the justice they sought
back when they were a soldier and when they were in the justice
stage, and this is where they start to enjoy their life with
grandkids, this is also the stage where they become weak and frail,
this is where their manly voice fades. As this stage ends, comes
the final stage called "the second childishness" where they seem
to be becoming like a child again, they lose their teeth, eyesight,
taste, and everything else. No memory, no strength making them
more hopeless than a baby. As this journey will soon come to an
end, the end of the 7 stages of life.

This poem made me realize about the reality we must face, so

that we could spend each stage of our lives wisely, and so that we
could enjoy and live the life we've always striving for.

Lettynia Mellisze F. Sorongon STE 9- Sapphire

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