Hazards Associated With Process of Pyrolysis - Thermal Decomposition Plant

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Disasters at pyrolysis plants

Section: News, Useful information Equipment
Safety in pyrolysis plant became an essential and increasingly important health and environmental
security issue since due to explosion caused by pyrolysis plant operation a large number of people Thermal Decomposition Plant TDP-2-
1000R (rotating reactor)
were seriously injured or died.

The burning of hydrocarbon waste, for

instance utilized tires, oil sludge and plastic
waste using a high heat and no-oxygen Continuous Thermal Decomposition
access is defined as pyrolysis process that is Plant (TDP-2-2000)
also means cracking. Wide pyrolysis
development may be a good waste
management industrial move if only the
correct process is adopted. Continuous Thermal Decomposition
Plant (TDP-2-200)
In any events, the hazards associated with
process of pyrolysis arise from the releases of
toxic gases and explosions. Hydrocarbons
exempted from the pyrolysis reaction are Continuous Thermal Decomposition
highly flammable. Under the enough heat and oxygen, an explosion may occur. Plant (TDP-2-800)

In the accident took place in Indian manufacturing chemical company in Chennai the boiler were
flung up to 30 meters from where the pyrolysis plant was located. That day one man died and two All equipment
others got injured.

Another bang of tire recycling unit in India (industrial area Panchkula) happened in 2011. It was
caused due to the high pressure, which led to the serious burn injuries of the plant operator as he
How to purchase
was standing too close to the vessel. Another worker received minor injuries in the fire.

Bangs can be caused by combustible gases leakage from the waste treatment chambers. At the
beginning of 2014 in Joensuu (Finland) three people got injuries in the accident occurred at a
heating oil (bio-oil) renewable production unit, after the process had shut down automatically due Useful information
to strong fluctuation of the liquid levels. The nitrogen rout was blocked, the hatch was opened and
the incoming process gas reacted and it caused an explosion inside the industrial area, the entire Pyrolysis: 6 facts in favor of thermal
unit became surrounded by toxic smoke. decomposition technology
In 1998, German pyrolysis plant manufactured for the municipal solid waste treatment suffered a Pyrolysis is the process of thermal decomposition of
organic substances in an oxygen-deficient
major accident, resulting in the release of the pyrolysis gas into the air. An entire surrounding had
environment to hydrocarbons with a lower
to be evacuated, and some residents were brought to the hospital for observation.
molecular weight. Carbon-to-carbon
In 2012, pyrolysis gas explosion happened at Russian oil sludge treatment plant in the Khanty-
Mansiysk. Due to the accident, eight people died; another eight workers got carbon monoxide
poisoned and burn injuries. Waste to energy: nothing but the facts. IPEC
operating experience
At the end of February 2014 in Budennovsk, at the high-density polyethylene production plant […] Engineering solutions of power generation from
owned by well-known Russian oil company one of the explosions recorded. A fire occurred in waste are available today. Low temperature
pyrolysis gas separation unit because of the depressurization of the aluminum heat exchanger. pyrolysis plant of TDP-2 series provides thermal

All about tire recycling

Rubber goods are utterly indispensable for the
modern civilization. But waste rubber is an
environmental disaster to the same extent.
Fortunately, this disaster

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By controlling the oxygen amount contained in a feedstock, temperature rise and pressure during News
operational conditions such accidents can be prevented.
Manufactured by IPEC company pyrolysis plants keeps the rising of the temperature even
TDP-2-2000 to process industrial
and smooth, 2-3°C per second. In addition, the pressure in the chamber is controlled by
waste from Gazprom Neft’s...
temperature rise rate.
In early July, a Thermal Destruction
The automatically controlled system monitors all the process parameters Unit TDP-2-2000 was launched
Nitrogen ramp is designed for the emergency shut down of the plant and controlling the
pressure vacuum conditions in case of oxygen leak into reactor or feed failure
Flue gas emissions are controlled by multistage flue gas purification system where the gas 13.04.2021
is scrubbed of acid components. IPEC equipment at oil production
IPEC pyrolysis plants is the environmentally friendly solution assures 100% of personnel The upgraded TDP-2 continuous
safety. pyrolysis units continue to operate

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Chapel Hill, NC 27516
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