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Dr Tung Dao

HW 29.08.2023 - Review Passive voice

Ex1. Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect simple
form of the verbs in brackets. Use full forms (I have), not short forms

Dr Tung Dao

Ex2: Fill in the correct form of the verb given.

a. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.
1. The lawyer is preparing some important documents for the trial.
2. They are building a new amusement park in this neighbourhood.
3. The politicians will have reached a decision by tomorrow.
4. Millions of people all over the world watch this programme.
5. They ought to pay the workers more.

Dr Tung Dao

6. Somebody stole my car from the car park.

7. She hasn't watered these plants for over a week.
8. Joe introduced me to his girlfriend last week.
9. The audience is not listening to the speaker.
10. They might invite us to the party, but I'm not sure.
b. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. Use active or
passive voice.

Ex4. Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets

Dr Tung Dao

A Local Sports Centre

A new sports and athletic centre _____________________ (OPEN) in our

town last week. The facility ____________________ (BELIEVE) to be one of the
largest in the country and experts hope that it ________________________
(VISIT) by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course of the
next few years.
The centre _____________________________ (CONSTRUCT) for over
6 years before it ______________________ (OPEN) by local authorities last
Monday. However, it _______________________________________ (NOT
COMPLETELY FINISH) yet. Workers are making the final adjustments this week
and say that it _____________________ (COMPLETE) by the end of the month.
The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming
pools, three large gyms and a ball court. They _____________________ (CAN
BOOK) online or directly at the administration desk. The equipment
_____________________ (BUY) from local companies, which also provided the
training programs.
The new centre _____________________ (FINANCE) by government
funds as well as grants that ________________________ (GIVE) to the region
by the European Union. Politicians and famous athletes from all over the country
__________________________ (INVITE) to the official opening ceremony,
scheduled for next Tuesday.

Ex5. Fill in the correct conjunctions and linking words from the list. There may
be more than one possibility!

1. This is Jack’s new mountain bike, ______________________ he got from his

parents. He locks it up every evening ______________________ nobody can
steal it.

Dr Tung Dao

2. ______________________ my father loves jazz, he doesn’t often listen to it.

3. ______________________ we were driving through the countryside, we saw
lots of nice villages.
4. Honda makes cars ______________________ motorcycles.
5. Our flight attendants must be able to speak ______________________
English and Spanish.
6. The weather was perfect. It was ______________________ too hot
______________________ too cold.
7. Sally invited me to her party last weekend. ______________________, I had
to tell her I couldn’t come.
8. I started to learn Italian ______________________ my stay in Rome.
9. ______________________ being the better team, we lost the match.
10. ______________________ we hadn’t eaten for over 12 hours, we weren’t
11. I arrived late for the show, ______________________ the bad traffic.
12. This cell phone costs 5 cents per minute, ______________________ the
other has a flat rate.
13. He spent most of his time hanging around with friends. _________________,
he was not prepared for the exam.
14. She wakes up early ______________________ be on time for work.
15. This car offers 6 airbags and heating for your seats. ____________________,
there is also a world-class stereo system installed.

Note: You can use these words or phrases above to link the ideas in IELTS writing
(task 2).
More information:
Linking words
Ielts linking words

Dr Tung Dao

Passage 1.

Dr Tung Dao

Ex1 [Word use] Decide which of the following choices is closest in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence

Ex2 [Matching the headings] Choose the most suitable heading for each
paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (I-IX).
There are more headings than you can use.

5. Paragraph A 8. Paragraph D 11. Paragraph G

6. Paragraph B 9. Paragraph E
7. Paragraph C 10. Paragraph F

Dr Tung Dao

Ex3 [Sentence completion] Refer to the passage Public Libraries and choose
from the passage NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete the following
12. A public library provides free services to everyone _____________________.
13. People who borrow the books can keep them for ______________________
14. The money used to support public libraries may come from donations, gifts and
15. The collections in most public libraries are arranged according to two age groups,
16. Books that people can only read in the library are probably _______________
17. In some libraries, people may find certain nonfiction materials kept in _______
18. From the holdings a library has, we can see if the community has any
Passage 2.

Dr Tung Dao

Ex1 [Word use] Decide which of the following choices is closest in meaning to the
underlined word in the sentence

Ex2 [True/ False/ Not Given] Read the passage Children in Crisis and look at the
following statements. Write T/F/NG
5. Teenage boys are ready to shoot for small reasons like shoes or clothes.
6. In many cities, children regard robbing others as something honourable.

Dr Tung Dao

7. Most of the time, young people know personally the homeless people whom they
set fire to.
8. Most people argue about whether many young people are getting more violent.
9. According to reports by the Children's Defense Fund, young children are murdered
in America each day.
10. Many adults are so afraid that sometimes they do not want to know about the
things happening to children today.
11. Conservative magazines are more related in content to social problems than to
12. Forbes magazine is considered a conservative magazine.

Ex3 [Summary Completion] Complete the summary below by choosing NO

MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage Children in Crisis for each answer.
It seems that many senseless crimes done by juveniles do not have a 13.
____________________________. For example, victims even include those
people who sleep 14. _______________________________. For as many as
15. __________________________________ in 1992, young people tried to
16. _________________ to them. As one 17. ________________________
described, while playing he and his friends 18. _______________________
spilled some beer on a homeless man in the subway and later they set his 19.
__________________________on fire by throwing matches at him. The boys
caught by the police could not explain why they did that except that 20.
_______________________ of it could be a possible reason.

~The end~


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