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Safety information 2

Description 3

Mounting and connecting 4
Multipoint Temperature Transmitter
Operating 5

Commissioning 6
Operating Instructions

Service and maintenance 7

Technical specifications 8

Dimensional drawings 9

Appendix A

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Document order number: A5E39322264 Copyright © Siemens AG 2016 - 2017.

Division Process Industries and Drives Ⓟ 01/2017 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose of this documentation ................................................................................................. 5
1.2 History ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Industrial use note..................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Checking the consignment ....................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Security information .................................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Notes on warranty ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Transportation and storage ....................................................................................................... 7
2 Safety information ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Prerequisites for safe use ......................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Laws and directives .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Conformity with European directives ......................................................................................10
2.2 Improper device modifications ................................................................................................10
3 Description ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 System configuration ..............................................................................................................11
3.2 Area of application ..................................................................................................................12
3.3 How it works ............................................................................................................................12
3.4 Design .....................................................................................................................................13
3.5 Nameplate layout ....................................................................................................................14
4 Mounting and connecting ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................15
4.2 Mounting the device ................................................................................................................16
4.3 Connecting the device ............................................................................................................16
5 Operating .............................................................................................................................................. 17
5.1 Parameter assignment software .............................................................................................17
5.2 Viewing the temperature characteristic (Temperature) ..........................................................17
5.3 Viewing the spectrum of the channel (Spectral View) ............................................................18
5.4 Viewing calibration data (Measurement Config) .....................................................................19

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 3
Table of contents

6 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 PC setup ................................................................................................................................ 21
6.2 Installing the parameter assignment software ....................................................................... 24
6.3 Loading the calibration file ..................................................................................................... 24
6.4 Setting the PROFIBUS address............................................................................................. 25
6.5 Password ............................................................................................................................... 25
6.6 Changing the IP address ....................................................................................................... 26
6.7 Resetting the IP address and PROFIBUS address ............................................................... 26
7 Service and maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 27
7.1 Basic safety information ......................................................................................................... 27
7.2 Restarting the device ............................................................................................................. 27
7.3 Cleaning the enclosure .......................................................................................................... 27
7.4 Absence of pollutants ............................................................................................................. 28
7.5 Return procedure ................................................................................................................... 28
7.6 Disposal ................................................................................................................................. 29
8 Technical specifications ........................................................................................................................ 31
8.1 SITRANS TO500.................................................................................................................... 31
8.2 Measurement lance (typical) .................................................................................................. 33
9 Dimensional drawings ........................................................................................................................... 35
9.1 SITRANS TO500.................................................................................................................... 35
9.2 Measurement lances .............................................................................................................. 36
9.3 Sensor positions..................................................................................................................... 38
9.4 Connecting cable from the measurement lance to the device ............................................... 38
A Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 39
A.1 Technical support ................................................................................................................... 39
A.2 Certificates ............................................................................................................................. 39
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Index .................................................................................................................................................... 43

4 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose of this documentation
These instructions contain all information required to commission and use the device. Read
the instructions carefully prior to installation and commissioning. In order to use the device
correctly, first review its principle of operation.
The instructions are aimed at persons mechanically installing the device, connecting it
electronically, configuring the parameters and commissioning it, as well as service and
maintenance engineers.

See also
Technical support (Page 39)

1.2 History
The following table contains the most important changes as compared to the previous
version of the documentation:

Edition Note
11/2016 First edition of the Operating Instructions
01/2017 Section "Technical specifications (Page 31)" revised
Section "Description (Page 11)" revised
Section "Mounting and connecting (Page 15)" revised
Section "Operating (Page 17)" revised
Section "Commissioning (Page 21)" revised

1.3 Industrial use note

Use in a domestic environment
This Class A Group 1 equipment is intended for use in industrial areas.
In a domestic environment this device may cause radio interference.

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 5
1.4 Checking the consignment

1.4 Checking the consignment

1. Check the packaging and the delivered items for visible damage.
2. Report any claims for damages immediately to the shipping company.
3. Retain damaged parts for clarification.
4. Check the scope of delivery by comparing your order to the shipping documents for
correctness and completeness.

Using a damaged or incomplete device
Risk of explosion in hazardous areas.
• Do not use damaged or incomplete devices.

1.5 Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions only form one element of such a concept.
Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines
and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to the
enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security
measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into
account. For more information about industrial security, please visit:
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more
secure. Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to
always use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported,
and failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under:

6 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
1.6 Notes on warranty

1.6 Notes on warranty

The contents of this manual shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing
agreement, commitment or legal relationship. The sales contract contains all obligations on
the part of Siemens as well as the complete and solely applicable warranty conditions. Any
statements regarding device versions described in the manual do not create new warranties
or modify the existing warranty.
The content reflects the technical status at the time of publishing. Siemens reserves the right
to make technical changes in the course of further development.

1.7 Transportation and storage

To guarantee sufficient protection during transport and storage, observe the following:
● Keep the original packaging for subsequent transportation.
● Devices/replacement parts should be returned in their original packaging.
● If the original packaging is no longer available, ensure that all shipments are properly
packaged to provide sufficient protection during transport. Siemens cannot assume
liability for any costs associated with transportation damages.

Insufficient protection during storage
The packaging only provides limited protection against moisture and infiltration.
• Provide additional packaging as necessary.

Special conditions for storage and transportation of the device are listed in Technical
specifications (Page 31).

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 7
1.7 Transportation and storage

8 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Safety information 2
2.1 Prerequisites for safe use
This device left the factory in good working condition. In order to maintain this status and to
ensure safe operation of the device, observe these instructions and all the specifications
relevant to safety.
Observe the information and symbols on the device. Do not remove any information or
symbols from the device. Always keep the information and symbols in a completely legible

Symbol Meaning
Observe the operating instructions


2.1.1 Laws and directives

Observe the test certification, provisions and laws applicable in your country during
connection, assembly and operation. These include, for example:
● National Electrical Code (NEC - NFPA 70) (USA)
● Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) (Canada)
Further provisions for hazardous area applications are for example:
● IEC 60079-14 (international)
● EN 60079-14 (EC)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 9
Safety information
2.2 Improper device modifications

2.1.2 Conformity with European directives

The CE mark on the device indicates conformity with the following European directives:

Electromagnetic Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the

Compatibility EMC harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to elec-
2014/30/EU tromagnetic compatibility
The directives applied can be found in the EU Declaration of Conformity for the associated

2.2 Improper device modifications

Improper device modifications
Risk to personnel, system and environment can result from modifications to the device,
particularly in hazardous areas.
• Only carry out modifications that are described in the instructions for the device. Failure
to observe this requirement cancels the manufacturer's warranty and the product

Due to the large number of possible applications, each detail of the described device
versions for each possible scenario during commissioning, operation, maintenance or
operation in systems cannot be considered in the instructions. If you need additional
information not covered by these instructions, contact your local Siemens office or company

Operation under special ambient conditions
We highly recommend that you contact your Siemens representative or our application
department before you operate the device under special ambient conditions as can be
encountered in nuclear power plants or when the device is used for research and
development purposes.

10 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Description 3
3.1 System configuration

Figure 3-1 System configuration

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 11
3.2 Area of application

3.2 Area of application

The multipoint temperature transmitter SITRANS TO500 (device) is used for evaluating a
large number of sensors (Fiber Bragg grating, short form: FBG) arranged on a fiber-optic
multipoint temperature measurement lance.
Up to 4 measurement lances with up to 48 sensors each can be processed simultaneously
by a SITRANS TO500. Accurate and fast determination of temperature profiles enables
process optimization in terms of service life, quality and output.
Locations of excessive temperature rise are quickly and accurately detected, thereby
preventing damage to the process, equipment and environment.
Wherever temperature profiles must be determined and installation space is limited, the
SITRANS TO500 with fiber-optic temperature measurement is the right choice.

3.3 How it works

In the SITRANS TO500 multipoint temperature transmitter, light is generated in the
wavelength of 1500 to 1600 nm and output to the measurement lance by means of a
continuously tunable laser light. Fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) are mounted at defined
measuring points on the measurement lances. Each FBG reflects light of a defined
wavelength. The wavelength reflected by the FBG varies depending on the temperature. The
reflection at the FBG is thus a measure of the temperature at the respective measuring point.
A maximum of 48 FBGs per channel can be evaluated, depending on the temperature range.
A gas cell with fixed absorption line serves as a reference in the SITRANS TO500 and the
wavelength determination is continuously adjusted by it.

12 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
3.4 Design

3.4 Design

① Channels for connection of the measurement lances ⑥ "Reset" button

② PROFIBUS DP connector ⑦ "Power" and "Status" LEDs
V0/V1 RS485
③ Ethernet connector ⑧ Nameplates
RJ45 for LAN (TCP/IP)
④ Measurement lance ⑨ Ventilation slots
⑤ Power supply connector ⑩ Supporting plate for mounting rail
MSTBV 2.5/3-GF-5.08 1777086 (Phoenix Contact)
Figure 3-2 Device view. Top: Front view; Bottom: Rear view

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 13
3.5 Nameplate layout

3.5 Nameplate layout

The nameplates are located on the back of the unit.

① IP address
② Subnet mask
③ Serial number
④ Order number
Figure 3-3 Example of the layout of the nameplates

14 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Mounting and connecting 4
4.1 Introduction

Figure 4-1 Note during mounting and connecting

See also
Technical specifications (Page 31)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 15
Mounting and connecting
4.2 Mounting the device

Material compatibility
Siemens can provide you with support concerning selection of sensor components wetted by
process media. However, you are responsible for the selection of components. Siemens
accepts no liability for faults or failures resulting from incompatible materials.

4.2 Mounting the device

1. Mount the device on the mounting rail in the control cabinet with the help of the
supporting plate.
2. Do not cover the ventilation slots of the device.
3. Please note the bending radiuses of the measurement lance and the information in the
sections Measurement lance (typical) (Page 33) and Introduction (Page 15).

4.3 Connecting the device

1. You can optionally connect the device to your PC with an RJ45 cable for commissioning.
2. Connect the device to PROFIBUS using V0/V1 RS485.
3. Read the description included with the measurement lance to determine which
measurement lance has to be connected to which channel on the device.
4. Remove the protective cap of the plug of the measurement lance.
5. Remove the protective cap of the channel on the device.
6. Insert the plug of the measurement lance into the channel so that the plug key fits in the
7. Connect the device to the 24 V DC power supply with the MSTBV 2.5/3-GF-5.08 1777086
(Phoenix Contact) plug.
8. Connect the power supply to a socket outlet.

The "Power" LED lights up.
The "Status" LED flashes until the device is started.

16 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Operating 5
5.1 Parameter assignment software
You can operate and configure the device with the included parameter assignment software.
See section Installing the parameter assignment software (Page 24).

5.2 Viewing the temperature characteristic (Temperature)

The temperature characteristic curves of the channels (Channel) are displayed in the
"Temperature" tab. Each sensor is represented with a line.
The first twelve sensors of the selected channel are shown. All values of the sensors of the
selected channel can be read in the list.

Figure 5-1 Parameter assignment software: Temperature tab: Temperature characteristic curves of
the channels

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 17
5.3 Viewing the spectrum of the channel (Spectral View)

5.3 Viewing the spectrum of the channel (Spectral View)

The FBG peaks are displayed on the "Optical power (dBm)/wavelength (nm)" axis in the
"Spectral View" tab.
The complete spectrum of a channel is shown in the "Spectral View" tab. Each sensor
generates an FBG peak in the spectrum in nm. A change in temperature causes a shift of
the local FBG peak.
A temperature range is assigned to each sensor. The blue vertical line indicates the defined
minimum temperature. The red vertical line indicates the defined maximum temperature.
Each FBG peak that lies within the defined temperature range and the threshold value is
marked in the diagram, e.g. S1.
The Absolute Threshold indicates the minimum value in dBm that an FBG peak must exceed
in order to be accepted as a reflection. Absolute Threshold should be less than -20 dBm.
The Channel Threshold indicates the minimum value in dB that the highest FBG peak must
exceed in a temperature range in order to be accepted as a peak. The default value is 5 dB.

Figure 5-2 Parameter assignment software: Tab: Spectral View

18 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
5.4 Viewing calibration data (Measurement Config)

Figure 5-3 Parameter assignment software: Tab: Spectral View: All FBG peaks are in the defined
temperature range

If an FBG peak is outside the defined temperature range, the FGB peak is not labeled.

Figure 5-4 Parameter assignment software: Spectral View tab: An FBG peak is not in the defined
temperature range

5.4 Viewing calibration data (Measurement Config)

Each channel is displayed with its sensors and all data in the "Measurement Config" tab.

No data or incorrect measured values
The calibration data are supplied with the measurement lance.
• Do not change the calibration data.

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 19
5.4 Viewing calibration data (Measurement Config)

Sensor Index See section Sensor positions (Page 38).

Polynomial Index Sensor Index 1 uses the polynomial 70
Calibration Wavelength Basic wavelength
Tmin Minimum temperature in the temperature range of the sensor
Tmax Maximum temperature in the temperature range of the sensor

Figure 5-5 Parameter assignment software: Measurement Config tab: Calibration data of the
measurement lance at channel 1

A0 to A6 Coefficients of the polynomials

Figure 5-6 Parameter assignment software: Measurement Config tab: Calibration data (coefficients
of the polynomials)

20 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Commissioning 6
6.1 PC setup

The device is connected. See section Connecting the device (Page 16).

1. Navigate in Windows to the "Local Area Connection" dialog.
2. Right-click on "Local Area Connection" and select "Properties" in the shortcut menu.

Figure 6-1 Windows Control Panel Network Connections

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 21
6.1 PC setup

3. Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click the "Properties" button.

Figure 6-2 Windows: "Local Area Connection" window

4. Enter an IP address that is available in your network. For example, Do not enter
the IP address of the device; this is assigned to the device. You can find the IP address
of the device on the nameplate (Page 14).

22 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
6.1 PC setup

5. Enter the subnet mask of the device. You can find the subnet mask of the TO500 on the

Figure 6-3 Windows: "Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP/IPv4 Properties" window

6. Click "OK".

See also
Operating (Page 17)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 23
6.2 Installing the parameter assignment software

6.2 Installing the parameter assignment software

The device is connected. See section Connecting the device (Page 16).

1. Open the FTP server of the device:
2. Copy the "Sitrans_TO_WebServerLauncher" folder locally on your PC.
3. Open the startup.exe file.
4. Start the parameter assignment software using the Windows Start menu: Siemens >
Sitrans TO > Sitrans TO_WS_Launcher.

The "Temperature characteristic" start screen opens.

6.3 Loading the calibration file

The device has an FTP server. The calibration file can be loaded to the device via the FTP
server. The calibration file is supplied with the measurement lance.

1. Enter in Windows Explorer or the set IP address.
2. Copy the ConfigurationFile.txt file to the directory

● The ConfigurationFile.txt file is read in the Inbox folder.
● After the ConfigurationFile.txt file has been interpreted, the file is deleted from the device
and a new file is created in the directory. For example:
ConfigurationFile_20160801_074255.txt. with date and time stamp.
If the calibration file cannot be interpreted or if it is faulty, no file is created in the directory. The cause of the error is saved in the Status.log file.
● The device is ready for operation.
● The sensor parameters are visible in the parameter assignment software. See section
Viewing calibration data (Measurement Config) (Page 19).

24 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
6.4 Setting the PROFIBUS address

6.4 Setting the PROFIBUS address

1. Open the "System Config" tab.
2. In the "NewAddress" field, enter the number 5, for example.
3. Click the "Set Address" button.

Figure 6-4 Parameter assignment software: System Config tab

The "CurrentAddress" field displays the number that you entered in the "NewAddress" field.

6.5 Password
Ethernet access with the parameter assignment software is protected with a password.
Login: user
Default password: 2457
The password can be changed by the user.

See also
Commissioning (Page 21)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 25
6.6 Changing the IP address

6.6 Changing the IP address

1. Open the "System Config" tab.
2. Enter the required new IP address in the field "IP Address".
3. Click the "Set Address" button.

Figure 6-5 Parameter assignment software: Tab: System Config

6.7 Resetting the IP address and PROFIBUS address

● "Power" and "Status" LEDs light up. See section Design (Page 13).

1. Press and hold down the "Reset" button for ten seconds.

● The "Status" LED flashes at a frequency of 1 Hz.
● After the button is released, the "Status" LED lights up.
● The IP address is reset to and the PROFIBUS address to 126.

26 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Service and maintenance 7
7.1 Basic safety information

The device is maintenance-free.

7.2 Restarting the device

● "Power" and "Status" LEDs light up. See section Design (Page 13).

1. Press and hold down the "Reset" button for two seconds.

● The "Status" LED flashes three times.
● After the button is released, the "Status" LED lights up.
● The device is restarted.

7.3 Cleaning the enclosure

Cleaning the enclosure

● Clean the outside of the enclosure with the inscriptions and the display window using a
cloth moistened with water or a mild detergent.
● Do not use any aggressive cleansing agents or solvents, e.g. acetone. Plastic parts or the
painted surface could be damaged. The inscriptions could become unreadable.

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 27
Service and maintenance
7.4 Absence of pollutants

7.4 Absence of pollutants

The product does not contain any dangerous substances above the concentra-
tion value according to GB/T 26572.

7.5 Return procedure

Enclose the bill of lading, return document and decontamination certificate in a clear plastic
pouch and attach it firmly to the outside of the packaging.

Required forms
● Delivery note
● Return document (
with the following information:
– Product (item description)
– Number of returned devices/replacement parts
– Reason for returning the item(s)
● Decontamination declaration (
With this declaration you warrant "that the device/replacement part has been carefully
cleaned and is free of residues. The device/replacement part does not pose a hazard for
humans and the environment."
If the returned device/replacement part has come into contact with poisonous, corrosive,
flammable or water-contaminating substances, you must thoroughly clean and
decontaminate the device/replacement part before returning it in order to ensure that all
hollow areas are free from hazardous substances. Check the item after it has been
Any devices/replacement parts returned without a decontamination declaration will be
cleaned at your expense before further processing.

28 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Service and maintenance
7.6 Disposal

7.6 Disposal

Devices described in this manual should be recycled. They may not be

disposed of in the municipal waste disposal services according to the
Directive 2012/19/EC on waste electronic and electrical equipment
Devices can be returned to the supplier within the EC, or to a locally ap-
proved disposal service for eco-friendly recycling. Observe the specific
regulations valid in your country.
Further information about devices containing batteries can be found at:
Information on battery/product return (WEEE)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 29
Service and maintenance
7.6 Disposal

30 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Technical specifications 8

Channels 4
Measured variable Temperature
Input type Max. 48 sensors (FBGs) per channel
Characteristic curves Linear to temperature
Resolution 0.1 K
Measuring accuracy < 0.5 K
Repeatability < 0.5 K
Measuring cycle <1s
Measuring range -180 ... +800 °C (-292 ... +1472 °F)
Dependent on the measurement lance
Unit °C
Power supply 24 V DC ±20%
Power consumption Max. 15 W
Protection Against reverse polarity
Measuring velocity
Measuring rate 1 Hz independent of the number of sensors
Optical power ≤ 1 mW per channel
Laser protection class Class 1

Output signal PROFIBUS DP

Rated conditions
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature 0 ... 50 °C (32 ... 122°F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +85 °C (-40 ... +185 °F)
Relative humidity < 80%, non condensing at 50 °C (122 °F)
Electromagnetic compatibility As per EN 61326 and NAMUR NE21
Degree of protection in accordance with
EN 60529
Enclosure IP20

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 31
Technical specifications

Weight 2.4 kg (5.3 lb)
Dimensions 250 x 140 x 110 mm
Mounting rail adapter On rear side
Material Aluminum

Displays and buttons

LEDs • "Power-on" (continuous light)
• "Status" (flashing during startup; otherwise
continuous light)
Button "Reset" (system restart or address reset)

PROFIBUS DP communication
The address can be set using • parameter assignment software (not with
(default setting address 126)
Cyclic user data
• Output bytes 240 bytes
5 bytes per measured value, a total of
48 measured values
5 bytes = 4 bytes measured value, 1 byte status
• Communication modes 7 modes can be set via the GSD
Mode 1 = 48 measured values from channel 1
Mode 2 = 48 measured values from channel 2
Mode 3 = 48 measured values from channel 3
Mode 4 = 48 measured values from channel 4
Mode 5 = 24 measured values each from chan-
nel 1 and 2
Mode 6 = 16 measured values each from chan-
nel 1, 2 and 3
Mode 7 = 12 measured values each from chan-
nel 1, 2, 3 and 4
Acyclic user data
• 4 slots 240 bytes per slot
Each slot represents a channel. 240 bytes with
48 measured values in each slot.
The acyclic services are only tested and available in Siemens automation systems.
In H-systems Cyclic data exchange only

32 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Technical specifications
8.2 Measurement lance (typical)

8.2 Measurement lance (typical)

Measured variable Temperature
Measuring range
Stainless steel coating -40 ... +450 °C (-40 ... 842 °F)
316 L, mat. no. 1.4409
Polymer coating -60 ... +200 °C (-76 ... 392 °F)
Min. measuring range Approx. 150 °C (302 °F) with maximum sensor
Max. measuring range 500 °C (932 °F) with 10 sensors per channel

Rated conditions
Degree of protection in accordance with IP68
EN 60529
Maximum temperature at process connection 80 °C (176 °F)

Sensor configuration
• Maximum number of sensors 48

• Distance of sensors > 5 cm

Outside diameter of stainless steel tube < 2 mm

Bending radius of tube Min. 30 cm
Sensor length < 10 mm
Distance from device < 1000 m
Maximum length of the measurement lance 0.1 … 25 m
Number of sensors set up along the measure- Typically 5 to 25, max. 48
ment lance
Coating material Stainless steel 316 L, mat. no. 1.4409 or
Bending radii
• Pigtail r = ≥ 10 cm

• Glass fiber r = ≥ 0.5 m

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 33
Technical specifications
8.2 Measurement lance (typical)

34 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Dimensional drawings 9

Figure 9-1 TO500 front view, dimensions in mm (inch)

Figure 9-2 TO500 rear view, dimensions in mm (inch)

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 35
Dimensional drawings
9.2 Measurement lances

Figure 9-3 TO500 side view, dimensions in mm (inch)

9.2 Measurement lances

① Pigtail with FC/APC plug

② Handpiece
③ Glass fiber
LC Cable length
U Installation length
Figure 9-4 Measurement lance with FC/APC plug, pigtail and handpiece, dimensions in mm (inch)

36 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Dimensional drawings
9.2 Measurement lances

① Pigtail with IP67 plug

② Handpiece
③ Glass fiber
LC Cable length
U Installation length
Figure 9-5 Measurement lance with IP67 plug, pigtail and handpiece, dimensions in mm (inch)

① IP67 plug
② Glass fiber
U Installation length
Figure 9-6 Measurement lance with IP67 plug, without pigtail or handpiece

① FC/APC plug
② Glass fiber
U Installation length
Figure 9-7 Measurement lance with FC/APC plug, without handpiece

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 37
Dimensional drawings
9.3 Sensor positions

9.3 Sensor positions

① The sensor positions are measured from the end of the handpiece and numbered in the calibration data starting at
the handpiece.
Figure 9-8 Example of sensor positions, dimensions in mm (inch)

9.4 Connecting cable from the measurement lance to the device

① FC/APC plug
② FC/APC plug
③ FC/APC coupling
LC Cable length
Figure 9-9 Connecting cable with FC/APC plug and coupling

① FC/APC plug
② IP67 plug
LC Cable length
Figure 9-10 Connecting cable with FC/APC and IP67 plug

38 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB
Appendix A
A.1 Technical support

Technical Support
If this documentation does not provide complete answers to any technical questions you may
have, contact Technical Support at:
● Support request (
● More information about our Technical Support is available at
Technical support (

Internet Service & Support

In addition to our documentation, Siemens provides a comprehensive support solution at:
● Service&Support (

Personal contact
If you have additional questions about the device, please contact your Siemens personal
contact at:
● Partner (
In order to find the contact for your product, select under 'All Products and Branches' the
path 'Automation Technology > Sensor Systems'.

You can find documentation on various products and systems at:
● Instructions and manuals Instructions and manuals

See also
SITRANS T product information (

A.2 Certificates
You can find certificates on the Internet at Certificates
( or on an included DVD.

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 39
A.2 Certificates

40 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB

The measurement channels are calibrated based on customer requirements.

Each measurement lance is connected to a channel of the multipoint temperature transmitter

Connecting cable
Cable from the measurement lance to the device.

Degree of protection
The degree of protection of a device indicates the extent of protection. The extent of
protection includes the safety of persons against coming in contact with live or rotating parts,
and the protection of electric resources against the penetration of water, foreign bodies and
dust. The degrees of protection of electric machines are indicated by an abbreviation
comprising two letters and two numbers (e.g. IP55). The degree of protection is coded using
the IP code. The degrees of protection are standardized in DIN EN 60529.

FBG peak
FBG peak is a pulse that is displayed as a measurement result.

Fiber Bragg grating (FBG)

Fiber Bragg gratings are optical interference filters written into the optical fibers. They are
often generated using UV light.

Fiber-optic multipoint temperature measurement lance, short form: Measurement lance

Glass fiber with sensors in stainless steel jacket, with transition and pigtail

IP code
The abbreviation IP stands for International Protection as per DIN. In English-speaking
countries, IP stands for Ingress Protection.

Measuring point
Each measuring point is an FBG in the glass fiber.

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 41

Optical power (dBm)

Optical power is the derivative of radiant energy with respect to time. Optical power is
indicated in dBm.

See FBG peak.

Glass fiber cable and plug

Process Device Manager

PDM is a Siemens software package for configuration, parameter assignment,
commissioning and maintenance of network configurations and field devices. Part of
SIMATIC STEP 7. Used for configuration and diagnostics.

A sensor is a measuring point. Each measuring point is an FBG in the glass fiber.

Transition between glass fiber with sensors and stainless steel jacket with pigtail.

Wavelength (nm)
Distance in the direction of propagation of a periodic wave between two successive points at
which the phase is the same (IEV 845-01-14)
Wavelength is indicated in nm.

42 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB

Certificates, 9
Correct usage, (See improper device modifications)
Customer Support Hotline, 39

Hazardous area
Laws and directives, 9
Hotline, 39

Improper device modifications, 10
Internet, 39

Scope of delivery, 6
Service, 39
Support, 39
Symbols, (See warning symbols)

Test certificates, 9

Warning symbols, 9

Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB 43

44 Operating Instructions, 01/2017, A5E39322264-AB

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