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By Frank Cottrell Boyce

Lesson 1:

LO: To understand the plot of ‘Millions’.

Lesson Starter:
 Discuss the fact that pupils should have read ‘Millions’.
 Put pupils into groups to sequence the plot. (worksheet 1) (Kinaesthetic
learners and sequencing memory technique)

 MAGT: Ask pupils to identify any differences from the book.

 Be aware that some may not have read it, thus aim to have one person who
has read the book in each group. (Differentiation)

 Pupils should know the definitions of the key terms that relate to
studying a novel.
 Pupils should write these definitions into a glossary page at the back of
their books. Terms: plot, characters, language, setting, themes. (see
PowerPoint lesson 1) (literacy) (Differentiation): Weaker pupils can
stick them in.

 Pupils should brainstorm the characters that feature in the book. Explain
that the main characters are: Damian and Anthony.
 Pupils should read the short extract on (worksheet 2 or the flipchart for
lesson 1) and discuss what we learn about the character of Damian.

 Thinking skills: What do you think Damian means by the last sentence?
Who is he trying to emulate?

 (Differentiation) weaker pupils could watch the first part of the DVD.

 Pupils should then draw Damian’s head and label it with information that
we know about him. (visual and kinaesthetic learners)

 MAGT: Could use information from the rest of the book as well.

 Flash the definitions from the starter up on the whiteboard and pupils
should aim to identify what is being described. (pp lesson 1)


Should: Revise the spellings of the key terms.

Could: Revise the meanings of the key terms.

Might: Find the definition of the word Saint.

Lesson 2:


 To develop an understanding of key characters and how they are

 To understand the importance of using sophisticated and interesting

Lesson Starter:

 Discuss the fact that Anthony is also a main character.

 Pupils should have three minutes only to list things about him on
whiteboards. (numeracy)

 Share these ideas as a class and make a list in exercise books.

 Elicit the idea that he is obsessed with money.


 Read worksheet 3, which was written by Anthony. Underline his

interesting vocabulary. Explain the fact that a writer’s language is very
important. Like Anthony, writers do not use boring and uninteresting
 Thinking skills: What does his use of adjectives suggest about his
feelings towards money?

 MAGT: What other evidence is there to suggest his obsession with


 Refer to the flipchart for lesson two, pupils should aim to underline all of
the dull vocabulary and circle all of the interesting vocabulary. From
this, the teacher should introduce the idea of using synonyms. (analysis
level thinking skills)


 Pupils should read the following statements:

Money is good.

Money is bad.

Spending money is fun.

Having lots of money is useful.

 They should use a thesaurus to find more complex synonyms to replace

the underlined words. (literacy).
 Once pupils have completed this, they should re-write the sentences,
adding their new synonyms.

 Higher ability pupils should add a reason as to why money is: good, bad,
useful, fun etc.

 (differentiation): make a rule in your classroom, that if you see these

dull words ever again in an exercise book, you will make pupils rewrite
their piece of work.


 Recap the meaning of the word synonym.

 Show pupils a range of dull words (see lesson flipchart). Pupils should
think of a synonym which is more exciting. Use whiteboards for this.

Lesson 3


 To understand the use of PQC

 To be able to use skimming and scanning skills to retrieve key

Lesson Starter:

 Explain the importance of skimming and scanning texts.

 Pupils should read the extracts on the IWB, or from the texts if they
have them (page 14 and 15). Teach them to place their finger in the
middle of the page and to scan their eyes to the right and then to the
left of the page. (Kinaesthetic learning style)

 Set a few key questions which pupils must skim and scan for, so that they
can practise using the skill.


 Introduce the concept of PQC.

 Open Question - What ‘Q’ is it when you take a section of the text and
out in your own writing? Prompt if needed by mentioning they are used in
newspapers also.

 OQ- If you’ve made a point and quoted to back it up what could the ‘C’
stand for?- Comment upon quotation.

 OQ – What marks do we use to indicate quotations?

 Give two examples

 The author wants us to think the princess is perfect “her hair was long
and golden her lips were cherry red”. This shows how beautiful she is
and gives the reader a clear description of her appearance.
 She was the strongest woman in the competition and we know this
because in the story she lifts the most weights.

 OQ – Which one makes a point backs it up with a quotation and then

comments on it?


 Pupils should use their skimming and scanning skills to enable them to fill
out the table which compares the brothers. (pupil worksheet 4)
 Pupils should write a short paragraph which compares the brothers.

 They should try and use PQC.

 (SEN and less able pupils should us the scaffold on the lesson’s
flipchart or worksheet 5)


 Pupils should be given a post-it-note. They should write down a character

from the book and then stick it on their partner’s head. Using yes/no
questions, the partner should try to find out which character they have
on their head.


should: Re-read chapter 4.

Could: Re-read every chapter up to chapter 5 or complete the paragraph on the


Might: Re-read as much as you can.

Differentiation: lower ability might need to be given specific quotations to use

or page numbers.

MAGT: Allow pupils to look for their own quotations.

Lesson 4

LO: To understand some of the themes within the novel.

Lesson Starter:

 Test pupils on the key terms from lesson one. (memory techniques:


 Explain to pupils that Damian has an unusual obsession with saints.

 Pupils should race each other to use a dictionary and to find and write
down the definitions of: Saints, miracles and obsession. (literacy)

 As a class, discuss where Damian’s obsession stems from.


 Read Chapter 5.
 Explain that saints are famous for performing miracles. Damian thinks
that he sees some saints in the novel.

 Higher ability should independently complete worksheet 6 using PQC

where possible.

 Lower ability should watch the DVD clip of the time that Damian sees St
Francis of Assisi. They should then complete the spider diagram.
(Worksheet 7).


 Pupils should write down two reasons for why they think that Damian
believes in saints.
 (Opportunity for MAGT pupils:) MAGT pupils should also write down
ideas about why they think that the author includes sections about
Saints. What does it add to the novel?


Should: Research saints using one of the following sites:

or by googling saints.

Could: Opportunity for MAGT pupil: Pupils should imagine that they have been
given Saint status. They should write a paragraph which explains what miracle
they would want to perform if they could.

Lesson 5:

LO: To develop an understanding of the key themes in the novel

Lesson Starter:

 Read Chapter 7 and discuss the boys’ excitement.


 Show pupils the pp for lesson 5. What would you do with the money?
(visual learners)

 Fill out worksheet 8 (differentiated version is worksheet 9)
 Pupils should plan individual poster presentations about what they would
do with the money. It should be 2-5 minutes long.

 Encourage pupils to be as inventive as possible.

 Explain that this presentation will be marked for an EN1 speaking and
listening assessment.

 Show pupils the assessment criteria that they will be marked on. (see
flipchart lesson 5)


 Ask the question: Is it ever a bad thing to have too much money?


Should: Complete and rehearse poster presentations

Could: (Opportunity for MAGT pupils). Prepare this on PowerPoint

Lesson 6: (This may take one or two lessons depending on your group)


 To perform and evaluate a speaking and listening presentation.

Lesson Starter:

 Discuss what the words: evaluation, peer assessment and targets means.
 Pupils should write these into their glossaries at the back of their books.

 Give each pupil a peer assessment sheet and explain how pupils will use it.
(worksheet 10) (Assessment for Learning-peer assessment)


 Presentations (visual and auditory learners)


 Pupils should complete the writing frame in which they evaluate their
performance. (See pp slide for lesson 6)


Should: Complete your self-evaluation.

Could: Evaluate one other person’s presentation.

Lesson 7:

LO: To understand how writers create tension.

Lesson Starter:

 Play the class a piece of music which is particularly tense. (opportunity

for auditory learners)
 Ask pupil how it made them feel.

 Explain that musicians create tension with instruments but writers create
it with words.

 Ask the pupils to think of a tense time in the book.


 Read worksheet 11 (there is also a differentiated version of this) and get

pupils to underline any words, phrases or sentences which illustrate that
they are all nervous. (see the flipchart for lesson 7)
 Lower ability: Pupils should focus on words which build tension.

 Middle to Higher ability: Pupils should look at phrases and the use of
short sentences.

 MAGT: Introduce the fact that often writers use – (dashes) to create a
sense of speed in their writing. They also use …(ellipsis) to create the
impression that things are happening very slowly. Both can be use to
create tension.


 Pupils should fill in their table. (worksheet 12)

 Lower ability groups should watch this scene on the DVD.

 They should discuss how the tension is created in the film version.

 Higher ability groups and MAGT Extension Task: pupils should write a
description using either of the scenarios from worksheet 13.


 Pupils should look at the pp slides for the lesson and decide whether the
sentence on the flipchart pages sounds tense or not. They should focus
on the vocabulary and the length of the sentence.


Should: Pupils must read the Horror extract and underline the words/phrases
that make it sound scary. (worksheet 14)

Higher ability: Read the Horror extract and complete worksheet 15 explaining
why these quotations make it scary.
MAGT: Re-write the extract making it even scarier than it already is.

Lesson 8:

LO: To understand some of the key themes in the novel.

Lesson Starter:

 List the ways that Damian tries to help the poor in the novel.


 Read Page 113-120


 Pupils should act out the role of ‘The bin/Dorothy’ when she opens the
envelope to find the £3000 pounds. (opportunity for kinaesthetic
 Pupils should then write down Dorothy’s statement of events which she
would give to Mr James (The Headmaster).

 Opportunity for MAGT: Write Dorothy’s internal monologue.


 Discuss why people give money to the poor. (visual learners could do this
in table form)

Lesson 9:


 To recap how to write a diary entry

 To understand how to answer questions on a text.


 Pupils should work in groups of 5, arranging the themes in order of

importance. (Worksheet 16 and lesson 9 flipchart page.)


 Ask pupils what a diary entry is and what features it contains.

 Ensure that they remember it is in the past tense, and is in first person.

 Discuss what might be included in a diary entry.


 Look at the extract under lesson 9. Read this through with the pupils and
go over the types of questions they could expect in the KAT the next
 They will write a diary entry in timed conditions next lesson. It will count
as their EN3 KAT. They will also answer some questions on an extract as
their EN2 KAT.


 Each pupil should list 3 conventions of a diary entry and recap what PQC

Lesson 10

Lo: To be able to consolidate their work and to answer questions on

“Millions” for assessment.

 Remind pupils of the importance of reading the passage carefully and

answering all the questions.
 Remind pupils to think of good vocabulary and to use paragraphs in their


To complete the KAT.

Opportunity for MAGT: Pupils should also produce a persuasive leaflet for
Water aid (see worksheet 20). This should be an extended project, which they
can complete in their own time.


20 minutes for reading paper, including 5 minutes reading time.

25 minutes short writing task, including 5 minutes planning time.

Page 189 – 192

Dear Diary…

You have just read an extract from Millions when the boys’ dad finds
out about the money.
Your task is to write Damian or Anthony’s diary entry after this

Use your imagination to decide what Damian or Anthony would write in

their diary.


Which character are you going to be?

What did your character do?

What did your character feel?

What do they think will happen now?

Name: Total:
English class:

1. What costume was Damian wearing?

Ring one.

St Peter Harry Potter St Joseph St Francis

(1 mark)

2. I sat shaking, watching the weight of the ladder quiver…

What does this show about Damian’s feelings?


(1 mark)

3. What gave away Damian’s hiding place?


(1 mark)

4. In the paragraph beginning “To be confessional about it, I did

actually cry”, the writer describes Damian’s dad’s actions after
finding him in the loft.
a. Find and copy two phrases which describe his actions towards

 __________________________________

 __________________________________

(2 marks)

b. What is the effect of using these descriptions? Circle one

to show how angry he is

to show that he is trying to comfort Damian

to show his impatience with Damian

to show he thought Damian was being childish

(1 mark)

5. How had Anthony tried to contact Damian, and why had he not




(2 marks)
6. What do you think Damian’s dad means when he says

And you really thought you could keep it?



(1 mark)

7. How do you know Damian’s dad was surprised by the contents of the
saddlebags? Use evidence to support your answer.


(2 marks)

8. In the first paragraph of the extract, how does the writer create an
atmosphere of suspense? Use evidence to support your answer.

You should write about:

 The sentence length

 The vocabulary used
 The punctuation used


(5 marks)

The novel is about two brothers called Damian and Anthony. It starts with
Damian, the protagonist, telling the reader about moving house and about
the death of his mum.
When the boys are walking home from school, a huge bag of money lands
straight in front of Damian. The boys are so excited. They rush home and
think about what they should spend their money on.
The boys begin to enjoy spending their money. Damian wants to give it to
the poor, as he thinks that this will make him a Saint. However, Anthony
wants to spend it on toys and gadgets.
The boys learn that the money was supposed to have been burnt because
the currency is changing. However, it was stolen and when the robbers
were being chased, they threw it out of a moving train. This is how it
landed in front of Damian.
A lady called Dorothy visits the boys’ school to tell the pupils about a
charity called ‘Water Aid’. Damian gives the charity £3000 pounds.
Damian realises that he is being followed by one of the robbers, whom he
calls ‘Glass Eye’. He is following Damian because he wants the money back.
Whilst, he is supposed to be in the school nativity play, Damian sneaks off
stage and runs back to his old house to hide the money. His dad catches
him and takes him home to discuss it. However, when they finally arrive
home, they realise that they have been burgled.
With the help of their Dad and Dorothy, the boys frantically try to change
the money from Pounds into Euros. Whilst doing this, they all realise that
having a lot of money is not always fun.
Damian’s house is invaded by lots of people who are asking for money. ‘Glass
Eye’ turns up and he is arrested. Damian finally realises how much trouble
the money has caused, so he burns it.
At the very end of the novel, Damian finds out that Dorothy has kept a
small amount of the money back. His Dad lets him decide on how they
should spend it. Damian decides to spend it on building 14 wells in Nigeria.

Worksheet 9

Differentiated Version

Fill in the chart below, adding as much detail as you can.

What would be the first thing that you would buy?

Who would you give some money to and why?

What places would you go to and why?

How would you use the money to help others?

Worksheet 16


Money trust

Doing the right thing. The fact that different people come to
terms with loss in different ways

Family The value of knowledge and the fun of

learning new things

True wealth is not just

about having money. Having faith or believing in something is
important to many people.


Giving money to charity is Love and compassion for all other human
important. beings.
Education happiness

Worksheet 18

Aim to start in a really interesting way, for example,

Money, charity and the importance of family. These are just some of the
themes covered in the book ‘Millions’ by ……………………………………………………………

The main characters in the book are ………………………………………………………………..

 Tell the reader about the main characters.

 You could tell them about who you think is the most interesting character
and why.

The book is about…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 Now tell the reader what the book is about.

 Also, tell them where it is set.

 Remember not to give the ending away.

The most entertaining/interesting part of the book was……………………………….

 Describe this part of the book.

 Also, explain why you found it so entertaining/interesting.
The saddest part of the book was when……………………………………………………..

Describe this part and explain why you found it so sad.

I would recommend this book to……………………………………………………because……..


Explain who you would recommend this book to.

Who? What age?


Worksheet 7

Read Page 75 or watch the scene from the film.

What did he see? Where was Damian?

What did he hear?

What did St Francis

What did St Francis Say? do with the birds?

Worksheet 5

The Two Brothers

The two boys are alike in many ways. They are


However, they are also quite different. Damian is

interested in..........................................................
In contrast, Anthony is more interested in.................

They appear to get on well. We know this because


They also seem to have a good relationship with

their dad. I think that this is

I think that the most interesting brother is............


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