LP Meditation Eknath-Easwaran

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MEDITATION EKNATH EASWARAN resources, (3) fulfill the Supreme Purpose of

human existence by realizing God within his
“There is nothing like meditation on Eknath Easwaran hails from an ancient own consciousness. His humor and human-
earth. Each day it is new to me and so fresh. Hindu family of Kerala State, India, from ness make him a teacher of enormous appeal
I find it difficult to understand why every- which he receives as a family legacy his deep to people of all walks of life. The following 9001
one does not take to it. Millions dedicate love for the Sanskrit Scriptures. He looks prayer of St. Francis of Assissi is a great fav-
their lives to art, music, literature, or science upon his saintly grandmother as his spiritual orite with him and one which he has made an
which reveals but one facet of the priceless teacher because she taught him through her integral part of his life:
jewel hidden in the world.”’ personal life that the Supreme Goal is to SIDE 1
—Eknath Easwaran know God and become united with Him. Her “Lord, make me an instrument ofthy Peace.
teaching was later given broader dimension Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
“Meditation is neither cult nor dogma, through his devoted study of the life of Where there is injury, pardon; (Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)
Mahatma Gandhi as a translation of the Where there is doubt, faith;
but a practical method, a dynamic process, This answers the question:
for uniting the finite with the infinite, the BHAGAVAD-GITA and the SERMON ON Where there is despair, hope;
human with the divine.” THE MOUNT into daily practice. The teach- Where there is darkness, light; What takes place in Meditation?
ings of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Ramana Where there is sadness, joy.
—Eknath Easwaran
Maharshi have influenced him profoundly.
“The purpose of meditation is to make Oh Divine Master, may I not so much seek SIDE 2
Professor Easwaran was Chairman of the
To be consoled as to console,
the mind ‘one-pointed’ so that we may be Department of English, University of Nagpur, INSTRUCTION IN MEDITATION
able to harness all our vital forces and direct
To be understood as to understand,
before resigning his post to devote his entire
them in one single direction.” To be loved as to love; Meditation is a dynamic discipline
life to conveying the timeless truths of the
For it is in giving that we receive;
—Eknath Easwaran spirit to a wider audience. He first came to which pays rich dividends on every
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
the United States in 1959 on the Fulbright
It is dying that we-are born to eternal level: physical, emotional,
Exchange Program. The enthusiastic support
of many American friends encouraged him to: intellectual and spiritual.
establish in Berkeley in 1960 The Blue
Mountain Center of Meditation, a non-profit
corporation, for the study of the Scriptures
of all religions and the regular practice of
Meditation as adapted to the West. GLOSSARY OF SANSKRIT WORDS Eknath Easwaran chants a few Sanskrit
In 1962 Eknath Easwaran went back to verses from the BHAGAVAD-GITA and
ABHYASA: Regular practice quotes from the mystic poets Jalalu’l-Din
India where he spent nearly four years at his
BHAGAVAD-GITA: Quintessence of THE Rumi (13th century Sufi) and Thomas
home on the Blue Mountain (Nilgiris ) in
UPANISHADS. A practical manual of Traherne (17th century English). He shows
South India. He returned to the United daily living.
States in 1965 as a permanent resident and us how the words of Jesus can be a guide to
DHARANA: First stage in Meditation, daily living and uses ancient Indian tales and
resumed classes in meditation at the Blue Concentration.
Mountain Center of Meditation in Berkeley, modern idioms to drive home the basic values
DHYANA: Second stage in Meditation, of all religions. The record ends with the
and is reaching many more in other parts of Contemplation.
the world through THE LITTLE LAMP, a chanting of the popular and powerful Hindu
KRISHNA: A divine Incarnation, Lord of mantram:
small spiritual journal imparting practical ad- Love.
vice on meditation. In addition, Professor MANTRAM: A spiritual formula.
Easwaran is conducting a credit course, stu- HARE RAMA HARE RAMA
RAMA: A divine Incarnation, Lord of
dent-initiated, in The Theory and Practice of Joy.
Meditation at the University of California, HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA |
Berkeley. Identification.
He likes to call his way the Family Yoga. UPANISHADS: Ancient Hindu Scriptures.
It is his purpose to bring the ancient Hindu YOGA: Union from the root yuj to unite.
art of meditation out of the hermitage and
the cloister into the midst of life by adapting Cover photograph by Barbara Elsasser
it to the needs of modern man. Everyone is RECOMMENDED READING LIST: Cover design: Wayne Pope
encouraged to make meditation the basis of Produced by Chris Strachwitz
BHAGAVAD-GITA, translated by Swami Recorded at KPFA in Berkeley, California,
life and to develop within his own religious
Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, by Warren Van Orden in April, 1968.
and cultural environment. He presents spirit-
A Mentor Religious Classic.
ual and practical values of a universal nature THE UPANISHADS, translated by Swami
Blue Mountain Center of Meditation to enable the individual, with the aid of med- Prabhavanada and Frederick Manchester, © 1968 by Arhoolie Records, Box 9195,
Box 381, Berkeley, California 94701 itation, to (1) solve his own personal prob- A Mentor Religious Classic. Berkeley, California 94719
a non-profit corporation lems and improve family and community rel- THE PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY, Aldous Huxley, Send 25¢ for our complete catalog of Blues,
ationships, (2) release and harness his deeper Meridian Books. Jazz, and Folk recordings.

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