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Cloud Computing

• Cloud Computing Architecture
• Virtualization Technology
• Securing the Cloud
• Service providers
What is cloud computing?
• Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over
the Internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. Instead of buying,
owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you
can access technology services, such as
1. computing power,
2. storage
3. databases
on an as-needed basis from a cloud provider like Amazon Web
Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure
What is cloud computing?
• Cloud computing is on-demand access, via the
internet, to computing resources—applications,
servers (physical servers and virtual servers), data
storage, development tools, networking capabilities,
and more—hosted at a remote data center managed
by a cloud services provider (or CSP). The CSP makes
these resources available for a monthly subscription
fee or bills them according to usage.
What is cloud computing?
• cloud computing is the delivery of computing
services—including servers, storage, databases,
networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—
over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster
innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.
You typically pay only for cloud services you use,
helping you lower your operating costs, run your
infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your
business needs change.
purpose of cloud computing?
• Protect your data and code while the data is in use in
the cloud.
• Accelerate time to market, deliver innovative
experiences, and improve security with Azure
application and data modernization.
• Seamlessly integrate applications, systems, and data
for your enterprise.
Cost effective
Data Security
What Exactly Does Cloud Security Protect?
• Physical equipment required in networking, such as routers and cabling
• Operating systems
• Data servers
• Computing software used as a core of online networking
• Hard drives
• Computer virtualization frameworks, including both host and guest machines
• Runtime environments or running program
• Data (stored or modified)
• Applications
• E-mails
• End-user hardware such as PCs, smartphones, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, modems.
Top 10 Cloud Service Providers Globally in
Top 10
Small Cloud Service Providers?
• China: Baidu AI Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud, JD Cloud,
QingCloud, UCloud
• Europe: Bleu (Orange and Capgemini), Hetzner, Leaseweb
• Japan and Korea: Fujitsu, NTT, SoftBank, NAVER Cloud, KT Cloud
• Private Cloud / Managed Services: Hewlett Packard Enterprise,
Rackspace, VMware
• SaaS Partners: Salesforce, SAP
• SMBs: Heroku, UpCloud, Vultr
1. Resources Pooling

• Resource pooling is one of the essential features of cloud computing.

Resource pooling means that a cloud service provider can share
resources among multiple clients, each providing a different set of
services according to their needs.
• It is a multi-client strategy that can be applied to data storage,
processing and bandwidth-delivered services.
• The administration process of allocating resources in real-time does
not conflict with the client's experience.
2. On-Demand Self-Service
• It is one of the important and essential features of cloud computing.
This enables the client to continuously monitor server uptime,
capabilities and allocated network storage.
• This is a fundamental feature of cloud computing, and a customer can
also control the computing capabilities according to their needs.
3. Easy Maintenance
• This is one of the best cloud features. Servers are easily maintained,
and downtime is minimal or sometimes zero.
• Cloud computing powered resources often undergo several updates
to optimize their capabilities and potential.
• Updates are more viable with devices and perform faster than
previous versions.
4. Scalability And Rapid Elasticity
• A key feature and advantage of cloud computing is its rapid scalability.
• This cloud feature enables cost-effective handling of workloads that
require a large number of servers but only for a short period.
• Many customers have workloads that can be run very cost-effectively
due to the rapid scalability of cloud computing.
5. Economical
• This cloud feature helps in reducing the IT expenditure of the
organizations. In cloud computing, clients need to pay the
administration for the space used by them.
• There is no cover-up or additional charges that need to be paid.
Administration is economical, and more often than not, some space is
allocated for free.
6. Measured And Reporting Service
• Reporting Services is one of the many cloud features that make it the
best choice for organizations. The measurement and reporting service
is helpful for both cloud providers and their customers. This enables
both the provider and the customer to monitor and report which
services have been used and for what purposes. It helps in monitoring
billing and ensuring optimum utilization of resources.
7. Security
• Data security is one of the best features of cloud computing. Cloud
services make a copy of the stored data to prevent any kind of data
loss. If one server loses data by any chance, the copied version is
restored from the other server. This feature comes in handy when
multiple users are working on a particular file in real-time, and one
file suddenly gets corrupted.
8. Automation
• Automation is an essential feature of cloud computing. The ability of
cloud computing to automatically install, configure and maintain a
cloud service is known as automation in cloud computing. It requires
the installation and deployment of virtual machines, servers, and
large storage. On successful deployment, these resources also require
constant maintenance.
9. Resilience
• Resilience in cloud computing means the ability of a service to quickly
recover from any disruption. The resilience of a cloud is measured by how
fast its servers, databases and network systems restart and recover from any
loss or damage. Availability is another key feature of cloud computing. Since
cloud services can be accessed remotely, there are no geographic
restrictions or limits on the use of cloud resources.

10. Large Network Access

• A big part of the cloud's characteristics is its ubiquity. The client can access
cloud data or transfer data to the cloud from any location with a device and
internet connection. These capabilities are available everywhere in the
organization and are achieved with the help of internet. Cloud providers
deliver that large network access by monitoring and guaranteeing
measurements that reflect how clients access cloud resources and data:
latency, access times, data throughput, and more.
Cloud Computing Architecture
Cloud Computing Architecture /Components
• The Architecture of Cloud computing contains many different
• It includes
1. Front End - Client infrastructure
2. Applications
3. Services
4. Runtime clouds
5. Storage spaces BACK END
6. Management
7. Security.
8. infrastructure
• These are all the parts of a Cloud computing architecture.
Front End:
• The client uses the front end, which contains a client-side interface
and application. Both of these components are important to access
the Cloud computing platform. The front end includes web servers
(Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.), clients, and mobile devices.

Back End:
• The backend part helps you manage all the resources needed to
provide Cloud computing services. This Cloud architecture part
includes a security mechanism, a large amount of data storage,
servers, virtual machines, traffic control mechanisms, etc.
Important Components of Cloud Computing
1. Client Infrastructure:
Client Infrastructure is a front-end component that provides a GUI. It helps users
to interact with the Cloud.
2. Application:
The application can be any software or platform which a client wants to access.
3. Service:
The service component manages which type of service you can access
according to the client’s requirements.
Three Cloud computing services are:
• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Important Components of Cloud Computing
4. Runtime Cloud:
• Runtime cloud offers the execution and runtime environment to the virtual
5. Storage:
• Storage is another important Cloud computing architecture component. It
provides a large amount of storage capacity in the Cloud to store and
manage data.
6. Infrastructure:
• It offers services on the host level, network level, and application level. Cloud
infrastructure includes hardware and software components like servers,
storage, network devices, virtualization software, and various other storage
resources that are needed to support the cloud computing model.
Important Components of Cloud Computing
7. Management:
• This component manages components like application, service, runtime
cloud, storage, infrastructure, and other security matters in the backend. It
also establishes coordination between them.
8. Security:
• Security in the backend refers to implementing different security
mechanisms for secure Cloud systems, resources, files, and infrastructure to
the end-user.
9. Internet:
• Internet connection acts as the bridge or medium between frontend and
backend. It allows you to establish the interaction and communication
between the frontend and backend.
Challenges in Cloud Computing
• Security and Privacy

Security and Privacy of information is the biggest challenge to cloud

computing. Security and privacy issues can be overcome by employing
encryption, security hardware and security applications.
• Portability

This is another challenge to cloud computing that applications should

easily be migrated from one cloud provider to another. There must not
be vendor lock-in. However, it is not yet made possible because each of
the cloud provider uses different standard languages for their
• It means the application on one platform should be able to
incorporate services from the other platforms. It is made possible via
web services, but developing such web services is very complex.
Computing Performance
• Data intensive applications on cloud requires high network
bandwidth, which results in high cost. Low bandwidth does not meet
the desired computing performance of cloud application.
Reliability and Availability
• It is necessary for cloud systems to be reliable and robust because
most of the businesses are now becoming dependent on services
provided by third-party.
Legal Issues in Using Cloud Models
• Security procedures
The majority of companies which implemented cloud solutions and services
do not have security procedures in place.
• Third party access issues
Third-party involvement could be a risk
• Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights differ from one country to another, so it is not
very clear what intellectual property laws will apply in the cloud computing
• Confidential data theft attacks
• Data stored in the cloud might be compromised or breached. Therefore, most
cloud computing providers also offer the customer different levels of security
protection, which allows for more enhanced security. Encryption might seem to
have failed in protecting data from theft attacks
Ethical issues in cloud computing
Cloud computing is based on a paradigm shift with profound
implications on computing ethics. The main elements of this shift are:
• the control is relinquished to third party services;
• the data is stored on multiple sites administered by several
organizations; and
• multiple services interoperate across the network.
• Unauthorized access, data corruption, infrastructure failure, or
unavailability are some of the risks related to relinquishing the control
to third party services; moreover, it is difficult to identify the source of
the problem and the entity causing it.
• The complex structure of cloud services can make it difficult to
determine who is responsible in case something undesirable
• Discuss the total cost of ownership for an IT solution.
• Compare and contrast the capital expenses and operational expenses
of an IT solution.
• Describe supply-side savings made available through large-scale,
cloudbased data centers.
• Describe and discuss the efficiencies gained to providers through
multitenant applications.
• Describe and discuss the “right sizing” process.
• Identify the primary costs of a data center.
• Describe how Moore’s law relates to the cloud.
1. Increase Storage Capacity
• Most of the companies require a place where they can securely store their data.
So many businesses are adopting cloud computing and it has been predicted that
the Cloud providers will provide more data centers at a lower price as there is a
large competition between them.
2. Enhanced Performance of Internet
• With the help of the Internet of Things, the quality of the internet can be
increased and store data in the cloud, for further analyze & provide enhanced
performance. The users expect high-quality fast-loading services and application.
The network provided will be faster and the ability to receive and deliver that
data will be quick.
• 3. Modular Software Will Be Priority
• This application will store on different modules, on servers of different Cloud
Service. This can also reduce the cost of software as placing components of the
program on different storage is economical.
4. Internet of Things Along With Cloud Computing
• The internet of things is also one of the leading Technology is it comes with
continuous innovation in real time Data Analytics and cloud computing. There are
many machine-to-machine communication, data, and process occurring.
5. Data Shows How Future Changes
• The cloud computing market is growing at 22.8 percent and will exceed $127.5
after 2018. By 2018, 62% of all CRM software will be cloud-based. Moreover, 30%
of all application spending is for software as a service based applications.
6. Improvement in Cloud Services
• Cloud Computing includes:
1.Infrastructure as a service
2.Platform as a service
3.Software as a service
• In the future as the software as a service solution will account for more than 60%
of the workload. It also has been predicted that the platform as a service and
infrastructure as a service will increase gradually as it has been used in most of
the organizations. Cloud Computing is user-friendly and is compatible for both
new as well as old organizations.
Future Services
7. Security
• The data which are stored in the cloud is secure but not fully. The small
companies which are providing cloud services may or may not provide proper
security to the data. So in the future, we can prevent from cyber attacks by
providing better security. The cloud providers provide better security measures
opening balance ways to prevent cyber attacks.
8. Modular Software
• Companies are using much software, which is yet to modify. This leads to the fact
that cloud computing requires modified software, which will provide better
security and facilities. This software will be more user-friendly and flexible to use.
One of the major advantages of this software will be that it will save the overall
cost as well as time. We can see from the below graph, companies providing
services and software are also improving.
9. Economic
• If cloud computing will continue to evolve the use of hardware will be less as
most of the work will be done with the help of cloud computing and
virtualization. We can save the setup cost of software by dividing it and this will
lead to decreasing the use of hardware. If the evolution continues the data
stored in the cloud will get analyzed with the help of a machine and it won’t
require any human.

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