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Waode Archistianty Atumpaeja, Endro Sukotjo, Indri Hapsari

Waode Archistianty atumpaeja (violeter.female@gmail.com )

Departement of Management, Faculty of Economy and Islamic Business
Muhammadiyah University, Kendari, Indonesia

Endro Sukotjo (endrosukoco@gmail.com )

Departement of Management, Faculty of Economy and Islamic Business
Muhammadiyah University, Kendari, Indonesia

Indri Hapsari (indri1978fe@gmail.com )

Departement of Management, Faculty of Economy and Islamic Business
Muhammadiyah University, Kendari, Indonesia

ABSTRACT : This study aims to analyze the effect of Green Knowledge and Green Awareness on
purchasing decisions mediated by Green Purchase Intention. This type of research is quantitative
research. The sampling technique is purposive sampling technique as many as 50 respondents from
customers using Skincare Serum Somethinc facial at MN Beauty Store with the consideration that the
population cannot be determined with certainty how many there are or belong to an infinite population.
The data collection technique used is by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis method in this
study used the SEM-PLS. The results of this study indicate that Green Knowledge has a positive and
significant effect on Green Purchase Intention, Green Awareness has a positive and significant effect on
Green Purchase Intention, Green Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions, Green Awareness has a positive but not significant effect on purchasing decisions, Green
Purchase Intention has a positive and significant effect on later purchasing decisions, Green Purchase
Intention is not able to mediate the relationship between Green Knowledge and Purchase Decisions, but
Green Purchase Intention plays a full role or is able to mediate the relationship between Green
Awareness and purchasing decisions.

Keyword : Green Knowledge; Green Awareness; Green Purchase Intentions; Purchase decision;
skincare; SomeThinc Facial Serum; MN Beauty Store

Concerns about environmental reduction are on the rise today. Especially in Kendari city, the main
problem faced is the occurrence of severe degradation in the waters of Kendari Bay. The low awareness
of the people of Kendari City who do not mind the negative impact of littering is a trigger for
environmental problems. The need for public awareness in removing waste is the most important thing to
make the environment cleaner. Recycling needs to be introduced early to get used to the activities of daily
life for waste management. With the advent of the problem of the volume of garbage, people became
more concerned about the state of the environment and began to study it, (Riyanto et al., 2018)
The growing public awareness of environmental concerns will lead to green knowledge (Lin & Niu,
2018). Green knowledge is needed by the public regarding products and activities that can have an impact
on the environment to know current phenomena and issues, the impact of using environmentally friendly
products, and the perceived benefits of using products with the green brand label. Consumers who have
green knowledge will prefer to use environmentally friendly products (Haws et al., 2014)
Environmental knowledge also needs to be supported by green awareness from consumers towards
environmentally friendly products. Environmental knowledge leads to green awareness which is the
beginning of the purchase intention (Rana & Paul, 2017a). Green awareness is one of the targets to show
the responsibility of consumers in the effort to care for the environment before purchasing activities.
Green knowledge and green awareness are personal factors that encourage consumers to buy
environmentally friendly products. If green knowledge and green awareness have influenced consumers,
it can improve consumer decisions in purchasing environmentally friendly products (Sharma, 2021)
The growth of Green Knowledge and Green consumer awareness will affect the competitiveness of
the company in marketing environmentally friendly products. One of them is cosmetics and skincare
companies, the cosmetics industry is the fastest growing industry in terms of consumer demand, and
along with increasing environmental damage, it also has an impact on consumer demand for
environmentally friendly cosmetics, (Semenzato et al., 2018).
One of the local skincare cosmetic products in the country that also campaigns about Go green is the
Somethinc product. Somethinc excellence that comes with a formulation of ingredients with the concept
of clean beauty, where the content of the ingredients used are free of toxins and chemicals that if used in
the long term do not give side effects. This is certainly suitable for consumers who have a concern for the
environment. Somethinc presents a range of care products including essence, Facial Wash, serum,
chemical exfoliant, eye cream, toner, to moisturizer.
A lot of research focuses on the intention to the decision to buy environmentally friendly products.
Researchers see there is a lot of research on environmentally friendly products. For example, the most
important variables used are Environmental knowledge, environmental consciousness, social norms and
purchasing behavior on purchasing interest (Lin & Niu, 2018), green brands, attitude, and knowledge on
the purchase intention of environmentally friendly products, (Suki, 2016) green activity, subjective
norms, perceived green knowledge, and social visibility towards environmentally friendly purchasing
decisions, (Noor, 2017) green awareness, green commitment, green companies, green circle, and green
experience towards environmentally friendly purchasing decisions, (Suryodiharjo & Martini, 2020) green
awareness, green product, green price, brand image, and social influence on the purchase decision of
environmentally-friendly cosmetic products, (Lestari, 2020), however, it is rare for research to focus on
Green Knowledge and green Awareness of purchasing interests and Green Knowledge and Green
Awareness of environmentally friendly purchasing decisions. For this purpose, the study aims to test the
influence between Green knowledge and green Awareness variables on Green Purchase Intention, Green
Knowledge, and Green Awareness on environmentally friendly purchasing decisions as well as the
influence of green knowledge and Green Awareness variables on purchasing decisions mediated by Green
Purchase Intention.

Green Marketing
The aspect of green marketing is usually associated with various terms such as ecological
marketing, sustainable marketing, environmental protection strategy and environmentally friendly
marketing, (Abzari et al., 2013)). Green marketing describes how the strategy of practices carried
out in environmentally friendly marketing by companies that will affect the company's capability.
The green marketing strategy created by the company will allow the company to use different
products and qualities to enter new markets that can affect the performance of the company.
Crane, 2000 in (Eneizan et al., 2016)

Green Knowledge

the environment and its ecosystem. Simply put, Green Knowledge includes people's knowledge
of the environment, relationships with environmental aspects and impacts, understanding of the
"whole system", and the shared responsibility necessary for Sustainable Development. A closely
related term is "environmental literacy" (Lo & Fryxell, 2003). Green knowledge refers to
information about the environmental impact of community interactions and consumer buying
behavior of environmentally friendly products. Consumers who have green knowledge tend to
prefer to use environmentally friendly products. Having adequate green knowledge helps
consumers make informed purchasing decisions, but the consistency of this knowledge has not
been verified as observed. (B. Kumar et al., 2017).
Sharma, (2021)) said that green knowledge is one of the personal factors that influence
environmentally friendly purchases which refers to environmental concern, memory, and
perception as well as the promotion of environmentally friendly products.

Green Awareness

Rana & Paul, ( 2017) in his observation that environmental knowledge leads to green awareness
and is the beginning of the purchase intention. Consumers who have green awareness are
interested in an ecological lifestyle, that is, awareness in choosing and rejecting products, and
also volunteer in various events, which are introduced to protect the environment. the existence of
self-awareness and responsibility encourages the intention to use green products. In addition,
Maruyama et al.,( 2019)suggest that the contribution of Environmental Education, Science, and
technology such as training scavengers at voluntary delivery points, increasing more sustainable
recycling and packaging movements as well as positive messages in labeling can accelerate
understanding and can increase green awareness.
Sharma, (2021) said that green awareness is one of the personal factors that affect
environmentally friendly purchases that refer to Eco – knowledge, imagined risks, Eco-labeling,
and self-responsibility.

Green Purchase Intention

Green purchase intention is conceptualized as the possibility and willingness to give preference to
products that have eco-friendly features compared to other traditional products in consideration of
purchasing. In the evaluation phase, consumers rank brands and shapes as part of the
consideration in the purchase intent process. However, two factors can arise between purchase
intention and purchase decision, (Mei et al., 2012). organizational image, environmental
knowledge, awareness, positive attitude, and satisfaction with previous purchases are identified as
the main beginning of the consumer's intention for subsequent purchases. Consumers can freely
evaluate their perceptions and satisfaction. However, value is also involved in influencing the
purchase intention, (Nguyen et al., 2019).
Sharma (2021) suggests that five indicators affect green purchase intention, among others:
satisfaction, awareness, self-control, benefit, and brand value.

Purchase Decision

Purchasing decisions are described in the form of efforts to support companies that care about the
environment, by buying environmentally friendly products (Albayrak et al., 2013) And making it
a sustainable consumption practice, it becomes the norm, which in turn encourages others to
adopt the practice, (Gadenne et al., 2011)And tend to shop more towards environmentally
friendly products, (Essoussi & Linton, 2010). The consumer's purchasing decision is influenced
by two factors, the first being intrinsic to the consumer such as environmental responsibility, the
search for acquiring knowledge, self-interest, willingness to act for the conservation of resources,
and reducing the impact on the environment. In addition, other extrinsic factors for consumers are
related to the consumer's social image, and product attributes (e.g. product quality, safety,
performance, price, promotion, and impact on human health). Actual behavior is the result of
regular consumer habits, product knowledge, and situational factors such as promotional efforts
(Vermeir & Verbeke, 2004).
Kumar & Ghodeswar, (2015) suggests several indicators in purchasing decisions, among others:
self-image, social image, and the benefits of choosing environmentally friendly products.

Hypotheses Development and Research Framework

Green knowledge has a positive and significant influence on green purchase intention

Some studies show that green knowledge influences green purchase intention as shown by Winda
Ryantari & Ketut Giantari, (2020) the research results show that green knowledge has a positive
effect on buying intention. Lee, (2017) in his research results found that green knowledge has a
direct impact on green purchase intention. From the results of research Suki, (2016) stated that
green knowledge is the most significant determinant of green purchase intention. Reset Debora
Indriani et al., (2019) shows that environmental knowledge has no direct effect on green purchase
H1: it is suspected that green knowledge has a positive and significant influence on green
purchase intention.

Green Awareness has a positive and significant influence on green purchase intention

Green awareness is one of the goals of consumers to show their responsibility to protect the
environment before purchasing activities. Research conducted by Sari & Widowati, (2014) shows
that green awareness has a significant effect on buying intention. Similarly, Ayodele et al., (2017)
Research provides empirical evidence that green awareness has a positive and significant effect
on purchase intention. In research conducted by Braimah, (2015)shows that the majority of
consumers will not switch from their preferred brand even though the brand that is not preferred
is more environmentally friendly.
H2: it is suspected that green awareness has a positive and significant influence on green
purchase intention.
Green knowledge has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions

According to Chang et al., (2019) Green knowledge shows individual beliefs about the existence
of factors that facilitate the performance of behavior. In research conducted by Saleky & Souisa,
(2019) stated that green product knowledge has a direct influence on consumer purchasing
decisions. Noor, (2017) shows a positive and significant influence between green knowledge and
green purchasing decisions. Septifani et al.,( 2014) his research results show that knowledge has a
positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.
H3: it is suspected Green Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on purchasing

Green Awareness has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions

Green awareness is the awareness of consumers to remember, recognize and remember the
environmental features of a brand. Knowledge of the environment needs to be supported by green
awareness by consumers of environmentally friendly products (Suki, 2016). A study conducted
by Prayoga et al., (2020) stated that green awareness has a positive effect but no significant effect
on decisions. Suki, (2013) stated that green awareness of a product has a significant effect on the
purchase decision of environmentally friendly products. Farahrozi & Verinita, (2020) the results
of his research stated that awareness of green products positively affects the decision to purchase
environmentally friendly products. Unlike the results of Suryodiharjo & Martini, (2020) research,
which says that green awareness does not have a positive and significant influence on purchasing
H4: it is suspected that Green awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchasing

Green Purchase Intention has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions

Buying interest in consumer behavior that arises in response to an object that shows the
consumer's desire to make a purchase. In research, Sriyanto & Kuncoro, (2019) stated that the
independent variable (purchase intention) has a positive and significant effect on the dependent
variable (purchase decision). Yoon's, (2002)results of his research concluded that antecedents
purchase intention showed a significant response in the context of purchasing decision-making.
Rahma, (2007) in his research said that buying interest has a significant effect on purchasing
H5: it is suspected that green purchase intention has a positive and significant effect on
purchasing decisions.

Green knowledge has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions mediated by

green purchase intention.

Kusuma et al., (2017)Research where green marketing and environmental knowledge become
independent variables and mediated by buying interest towards purchasing decisions prove that
green marketing and environmental knowledge have a positive and significant influence on
buying interest and purchasing decisions, but buying interest is not proven to be an intervening
variable on the relationship of green marketing with purchasing decisions and the relationship of
environmental knowledge with purchasing decisions. Kartikasari et al., (2018) in her research
results stated that green marketing and knowledge have a significant effect on buying interest and
purchasing decisions and buying interest have a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
H6: it is suspected that green knowledge has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions mediated by green purchase intention.
Green Awareness has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions mediated by
green purchase intention.

Alfonita's research results (2018) where social media marketing, brand awareness becomes an
independent variable and mediated by buying interest towards purchasing decisions suggest that
Brand Awareness affects buying interest by contributing 31.3% while the rest is influenced by
factors other than brand awareness. Meanwhile, buying interest affects the purchase decision by
contributing 23.3% while the rest is influenced by factors other than buying interest. Based on the
results of the two-stage analysis, it is known that the variable of buying interest can be the
intervening variable of social media marketing and brand awareness towards purchasing
decisions. Hutter 's.,(2013) research results analyzed the influence of brand social media activity
and participants ' social media engagement on the consumer purchasing decision process. Their
findings suggest that engagement with Facebook fan pages has a positive effect on consumer
brand awareness, WOM activity, and buying intent.
H7: green awareness is suspected to have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions
mediated by green purchase intention

Figure 1. Concept Framework


research design

information to obtain facts and information about consumers in the purchase decision of
respondents. A questionnaire-based survey approach is used to get responses from respondents.
The questionnaire method is preferred because it allows the collection of a large number of
responses in a short time (Ozaki & Sevastyanova, 2011).
In this study, researchers used the object of research, namely, green knowledge, green awareness,
green purchase intention, and purchase decision skincare Facial serum Somethinc with the subject
of research, namely consumer users skincare Facial serum Somethinc in MN beauty store that has
been using more than one year. The research location chosen by the researcher is Mn beauty store
Kendari which is located at street AH Nasution No. 97 Anduonohu Kambu Village, Kendari City,
Southeast Sulawesi.

Population and sample

The population in this study are consumers of Somethinc facial serum skincare users who have
been using it for more than one year and are domiciled in Kendari City. In this study, the
population can not be determined with certainty how many belong to the infinite population
(Infinite Population). Sampling techniques used in this study is with purposive sampling,
consideration using purposive sampling techniques are :
* consumers who have used Somethinc facial serum products at least once usage.
* consumer users skincare Somethinc Facial serum who have been using for more than one year.
the sample used by researchers is as many as 50 respondents. Refer to guidelines in sample
measurement that say the sample size should be equal to or greater: than 10 times the largest
number of structural paths directed at the construct in the structural model. This rule is equivalent
to saying that the minimum sample size should be 10 times the maximum number of arrows
pointing at the latent variable in the PLS path model, (Hair dkk., 2017).

Data analysis

Researchers use the smart PLS program.3.2.9 to test the hypothesis by using SEM (Structural
Equation modeling) to perform factor analysis, where its use can be more effective and efficient.
This study using quantitative data processing and analysis with data obtained through the
dissemination of questionnaires and conclusions by combining respondents ' responses. The
research Instrument made then tries to change the quantitative data in such a way that it can be
studied using statistical methods applied after the questionnaire is disseminated.
The validity and reliability of the instrument will be tested in this study to ensure that the
reliability and accuracy of data acquisition so that the data is worth testing and will obtain results
that can provide an overview of the research phenomenon. The validity test in this research is
through the method of testing convergent validity and discriminant validity.
Data will be analyzed using Partial least Square (PLS). Analysis using PLS-SEM application is
divided into 2 sub-models namely measurement model (outer model) & structural model (inner
model). The outer model proves how the manifest variable or observed variable represents the
latent variable to be measured. While the structural model describes the power between latent
variables or constructs (Latan & Noonan, 2017)

Definition Of Operational Variables

Green knowledge refers to information about the impact of community interaction on the
environment and the buying behavior of consumers on environmentally friendly products (Biswas
& Roy, 2015)
Three indicators are used to measure Green knowledge variables (Sharma, 2021):
 Environmental concern, customers know the issues and adverse effects that occur in the
environment when still using products that are not environmentally friendly.
 Memory or basic perception, customers hope that Somethinc products can have benefits on
environmental preservation.
 Environmentally friendly promotion, customers use Somethinc products because they
participate in promoting and participating in Environmental Conservation.
Green awareness is an important initial stage of the purchase behavior of environmentally
friendly products. Green awareness is consumer awareness of the surrounding environment.
environmentally conscious consumers are more likely to develop environmentally friendly
purchase intentions. Four indicators are used to measure green awareness variables (Sharma,
 Eco - knowledge, customers know the problem of environmental pollution caused by
industrial waste.
 Expected risk, customers can minimize the environmental risk that occurs by choosing
Somethinc products.
 Eco–friendly labels (eco-labeling), customers easily recognize Somethinc product labels.
 Self-responsibility, customers have a sense of responsibility towards themselves by choosing
to use Somethinc products.
Green purchase intention is an important behavior in the real buying behavior of an individual
based on his behavior Planning Theory (Albayrak et al., 2013).
Five indicators are used to measure Green purchase intention variables (Sharma, 2021):
 Satisfaction (Satisfaction), customers have the satisfaction of using Somethinc products.
 Awareness (awareness), customers are aware of the use of Somethinc products can help
solve the problem of environmental pollution.
 Self-control (locus of control), customers believe that buying Somethinc products is a form
of responsibility in controlling their environment.
 Useful( Usefulness), customers find Somethinc products more useful.
 Brand value (brand value), customers are happy to buy Somethinc products even though the
price is more expensive.
Purchasing decisions are described in the form of efforts to support companies that care about the
environment, buy environmentally friendly products, make sustainable consumption practices and
tend to shop more for environmentally friendly products (Albayrak et al., 2013)
Three indicators are used to measure environmentally friendly purchasing decision variables
( Kumar & Ghodeswar, 2015):
 Self-image, customers feel proud to choose to buy Somethinc products
 Social image, customers buy Somethinc products using recycled packaging
 Benefits of choosing eco-friendly products, customers believe in the performance benefits of
Somethinc products.

Characteristics of respondents

Table 1. Characteristics of respondents

Isi Frekuensi Persentase (%)
Usia (Wanita)
16 – 20 Tahun 17 34
21 – 25 Tahun 15 30
26 – 30 Tahun 8 16
31 – 35 Tahun 10 20
Total 50 100
Tingkat Pendidikan
SLTA 21 42
Diploma (D1,D2,D3) 5 10
Sarjana (S1) 21 42
Pasca Sarjana (S2) 3 6
Total 50 100
Pelajar/Mahasiswa 24 48
PNS/TNI/Polri 9 18
Wiraswasta 4 8
Lainnya 13 26
Total 50 100

From the output of the above data, tabulation results can be described that the respondents in this
study dominated by women from the age range of 16 – 20 years with a percentage of 34%, followed by
women age range of 21 – 25 years by 30%, followed by women with an age range of 31 – 35 years with a
percentage of 20%, and women with an age range of 26 -30 years by 16%. For the level of Education,
respondents with high school and undergraduate education levels (S1) have the same percentage of 42%,
followed by the level of Diploma education of 10% and post-graduate education of 6%. Furthermore, the
respondents ' jobs were dominated by students by 48%, followed by other jobs by 26%, then civil servants
by 18%, and self-employed by 8%.

Validity and reliability

Validity test aims to determine the accuracy of each item of the instrument. As a trial instrument, the
questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions in the questionnaire are experts in explaining after that
the questionnaire will measure. The validity test in this research is through the method of testing
convergent validity and discriminant validity. Convergent validity test is used to measure the magnitude
of correlation between constructs, it can be done by checking the magnitude of the outer loading value of
each indicator. The basis for decision making for Convergent validity is the outer loading value on each
indicator > 0.7 but the value between 0.6 – 0.7 is expressed as a sufficient internal consistency value for
exploratory research, (Hair et.al., 2017)
A discriminant validity test can be done by checking a square root of the average variance extracted
(Ave). AVE is a test to determine the validity of a construct. To be said to be valid, the construct must
have an Ave value > 0.5 (Hair et.al., 2017) The reliability of a scale is defined as the extent to which a
measurement process is free from errors (error). Reliability is closely related to accuracy and consistency.
A scale is said to be reliable if it produces the same results when measurements are repeated and carried
out under constant conditions (the same), (Ahyar, 2020).
The questionnaire is said to be reliable. Composite reliability, Ave value, and Cronbach alpha were all
tested as part of the reliability test in this study:
Composite reliability proves a fixed indicator in assessing constructs. To assess reliability, it is
recommended to use composite reliability values. Constructs formed have satisfactory reliability or
reliability if the value of composite reliability >0.7 (Hair et al., 2018). Consistent Cronbach Alpha for
each answer presented and Cronbach alpha is considered good when the value is > 0.7 (Hair et al., 2018).

Table 2. Validity and reliability test results

Variable Outer Cronbach’s Composite AVE Description
Loading Alpha Reability
Green Knowledge 0,711 0,821 0,535 Reliable
GK1 0,736 Valid
GK2 0,746 Valid
GK3 0,731 Valid
GK4 0,711 Valid
Green Awareness 0,731 0,831 0,552 Reliable
GA1 0,786 Valid
GA2 0,734 Valid
GA3 0,760 Valid
GA4 0,688 Valid
Green Purchase Intention 0,855 0,896 0,634 Reliable
GPI1 0,774 Valid
GPI2 0,806 Valid
GPI3 0,822 Valid
GPI4 0,840 Valid
GPI5 0,736 Valid
Keputusan Pembelian 0,804 0,883 0,717 Reliable
KP1 0,881 Valid
KP2 0,736 Valid
KP3 0,913 Valid

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that each variable has met the criteria that are valid and
reliable (Hair et.al., 2017) The value of outer loading can display the value of correlation between
indicators with latent variables (outer loading value > 0.7 is valid), AVE value is one of the testing
techniques to display the validity of a construct (Ave value > 0.5 is valid), Composite Reliability value is
used for reliability testing reinforced with Cronbach alpha (Cronbach Alpha value > 0.7 is reliable).
figure 2. Full Model PLS

Structural Model Analysis (Inner Model)

Evaluate the structural model to determine the R-Square value and the significance level of the path
coefficient, (Hair et.al., 2017). The R-Square value is used to predict the strength of the model to explain
the variation of the endogenous variable. The value of the path coefficient is used to predict the
relationship between exogenous variables to endogenous variables. The value of the path coefficient is
obtained from the bootstrapping method. R-Square decision-making for structural models is if the R-
Square value of 0.75 can be interpreted as strong or substantial if the R-Square value of 0.5 can be
interpreted as moderate or moderate, and if the R-Square value of 0.25 can be interpreted as weak (Hair
et.al., 2017).
Table 3. R-Square Value Of Endogenous Variables
Variabel Endogen R-Square

Green Purchase Intention 0,501

Keputusan Pembelian 0.586

Based on Table 4.8, the R-Square value of the green Purchase Intention variable is 0.501 or 50.1%, which
means moderate, from it shows that the green Purchase Intention variable is only able to be explained by
50.1% by Green knowledge and green Awareness variables, while 49.9% is explained by other variables
that are not studied in this study. as for the variable purchase decision of 0.586 or 58.6% which also
means moderate, from the results of the R-Square value shows that 58.6% is only able to be explained by
Green knowledge and green awareness variables and 41.4% is explained by other variables that are not
studied in this study.

Hypothesis testing the significance of the parameter is done to determine the relationship between the
variables of the study. The hypothesis test can be continued after the research model can meet the
assumption and feasibility test. Hypothesis research was conducted by testing the value of the T-Statistic
or P-Value of the causality of the results of the data. the T-statistical value contained in this study is >
1.96, the p-Value < 0.05 then it can be said that the hypothesis is accepted and has a positive influence,
(Hair et.al., 2017).
Based on the hypothesis test can be concluded in the following table :

Hipotesis T-statistic P-Value Conclusion

H1 Green knowledge has a positive and 2,192 0,027 Accepted
significant effect on Green Purchase
H2 Green Awareness has a positive and 4,391 0,000 Accepted
significant effect on Green Purchase
H3 Green knowledge has a positive and 2,212 0,027 Accepted
significant effect on purchasing
H4 Green Awareness has a positive and 1,444 0,161 Rejected
significant effect on purchasing
H5 Green Purchase Intention has a positive 4,391 0,000 Accepted
and significant effect on purchasing
H6 Green knowledge has a positive and 1,866 0,088 Rejected
significant effect on purchasing
decisions with green Purchase Intention
H7 Green Awareness has a positive and 2,896 0,002 Accepted
significant effect on purchasing
decisions with green Purchase Intention

Hypothesis testing results show that five hypotheses are accepted and two hypotheses are not rejected.
H1 states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional and meaningful between Green
knowledge and Green Purchase Intention, in other words, the higher the green knowledge factor increases
as well as Green Purchase Intention. Green Knowledge refers to the subjects and phenomena that occur in
nature and affect the behavior of individuals. Consumers with Green Knowledge will understand the
implications, be aware of environmental issues and increase their interest in purchasing Somethinc
products. The results of this study support previous research including Lee, (2017) the results of his
research stated that Green knowledge has a positive and significant effect on Green Purchase Intention.
Suki,( 2016) the results of his research show that Green Knowledge has a positive and significant effect
on Green Purchase Intention. Green Knowledge causes consumers to develop positive green Marketing
awareness and strengthen consumer interest in protecting the environment. Winda Ryantari & Ketut
Giantari,(2020) research results show that Green Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on
Green Purchase Intention.
Hypothesis 2 (H2) states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional and meaningful between
Green Awareness and Green Purchase Intention, this means that from the consumer's point of view,
having Green Awareness means having responsibility for himself and increasing his buying interest and
switching to environmentally friendly products such as Somethinc. Green Awareness affects human
behavior in a variety of ways, such as lifestyle changes, the growing preference for environmentally
friendly products, and how they become more concerned about environmental damage. The results of this
study are in line with previous research, namely: Ayodele et al., (2017) in the results of their research
stated that Green Awareness has a positive and significant effect on Green Purchase Intention. Lestari et
al., (2021) in their research results show that Green Awareness has a positive and significant effect on
Green Purchase Intention.
Hypothesis 3 (H3) states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional and meaningful between
Green Knowledge to the purchase decision, this means the higher the Green Knowledge the purchase
decision is increasing. This is because the Green Knowledge owned by consumers will provide certainty
and guarantee what consumers will get from the decision to purchase environmentally friendly products.
Therefore, it would be better and easier for marketers and/or manufacturers to increase environmental
knowledge to more broadly encouraging consumers to purchase environmentally friendly products. The
results of this study are in line with previous research, Hanjaya, (2016) in his research stated that Green
Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Noor, (2017) research results
show that Green Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Saleky &
Souisa, (2019) research results show that Green knowledge has a positive and significant effect on
purchasing decisions.
Hypothesis 4 (H4) states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional between Green
Awareness of the purchase decision but does not have a significant effect, it means the higher the Green
Awareness of the purchase decision is increasing but the relationship between Green Awareness of the
purchase decision does not have a meaningful meaning, this is based on respondents ' responses, however,
it can be further developed into a potential for Mn Beauty Store as a stockist in collaboration with
Somethinc companies to reorganize the strategy related to the performance of Somethinc products to
increase consumer awareness related to self-responsibility and participate in Environmental Protection
together with more intensely campaigning Somethinc products themselves. This study is in line with
previous research including :
Tridiwianti & Harti, (2020) the results of their research show that Green Awareness has a positive effect
but has no significant effect on purchasing decisions.
Prayoga et al., (2020) the results of their research show that Green Awareness has a positive effect but no
significant effect on purchasing decisions.
Hypothesis 5 (H5) states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional and meaningful between
Green Purchase Intention and purchase decision, this means that the higher the Green Purchase Intention,
the more the purchase decision increases. The results of this study show that Green Purchase Intention is
a very important factor in the decision-making process of consumers to buy Somethinc Skincare products.
The results of this study are in line with previous research diantarannya :Septifani et al., (2014)in their
research stated that Green Purchase Intention has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions. Sriyanto & Kuncoro, (2019) in their research shows that there is a positive and significant
influence of Green Purchase Intention on purchasing decisions.
Hypothesis 6 (H6) states that there is a unidirectional but meaningless positive relationship between green
knowledge and the purchase decision mediated by Green Purchase Intention, this means that the role of
Green Purchase Intention as no mediation or non-role, the existence of Green Purchase Intention is not
necessary at all because it can damage the direct relationship between green knowledge and a positive and
significant purchase decision. This means that the availability of Green Knowledge or environmentally
friendly knowledge, will have a direct impact on consumer purchasing decisions on skincare Somethinc
products, without having to be influenced by buying interest, consumers will decide to buy skincare
Somethinc environmental friendly products because already have better green knowledge. This is in line
with previous research conducted by: Kusuma et al., (2017) their research results showed that Green
Knowledge has a positive and significant influence on buying interest and purchasing decisions but
buying interest is not a variable intervening on the relationship of Green Knowledge and purchasing
Hypothesis 7 (H7) states that there is a positive relationship that is unidirectional and meaningful between
Green Awareness of purchase decisions mediated by Green Purchase Intention, this means the role of
Green Purchase Intention as a Full Mediation or full role, the existence of Green Purchase Intention is
necessary because it can mediate a direct relationship between Green Awareness and positive purchase
decisions but has no significant effect. The existence of Green Purchase Intention is indirectly very
necessary because the higher the Green Awareness, the higher the Green Purchase Intention or consumer
buying interest in eco-friendly skincare Somethinc products, buying interest will be somethinc products
can be created by the satisfaction that consumers feel about the product, the benefits they value of
environmentally friendly products can also increase awareness of the Somethinc product. With the High
Green Purchase Intention for Somethinc skincare products in the minds of consumers, the higher the level
of purchasing decisions. This is in line with previous research conducted by :
Kurniasari & Budiatmo,( 2018), the results of their research show that Green Purchase Intention can be an
intervening variable from Green awareness to purchase decisions.


Based on the results of the analysis that has been done in this research show that there are five
hypotheses are accepted and two hypotheses are rejected. The five hypotheses supported are (1) Green
Knowledge has a positive and significant effect on Green Purchase Intention. (2). Green Awareness has a
positive and significant effect on Green Purchase Intention. (3) Green Knowledge has a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decisions. (4) Green Purchase Intention has a positive and significant
effect on the purchase decision. (5). Green Awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions mediated by Green Purchase Intention. While the hypothesis rejected is (1) Green Awareness
has a positive and insignificant effect on the purchase decision. (2). Green Knowledge has a positive and
insignificant effect on purchasing decisions mediated by Green Purchase Intention.
In the implementation of this research, there are several limitations, first, the scope of this research is
only done in one Store, namely MN Beauty Store, where there are many Skincare stores in Kendari City.
Second, there are only 4 variables used in this study, namely Green Knowledge, Green Awareness, Green
Purchase Intention and purchase decision. Third, only using data collection techniques for distributing
questionnaires. based on the results and limitations of this study, it is expected that the next researcher can
add variables outside of the variables Green Knowledge, Green Awareness and Green Purchase Intention,
and purchasing decisions. For example, the variable Green Purchase Trust or Green Commitment, to
determine the extent to which the level of trust in environmentally friendly purchases affect the purchase
decision, or the extent of consumer commitment in the use of environmentally friendly products.
Furthermore, it is expected that the Stokist of Somethinc skincare products in Kendari city such as Mn
Beauty Store, and others can further increase their cooperation with the Somethinc company at the center,
in terms of promotion of Somethinc products in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of
consumers of Somethinc products, especially those in the Kendari City area. In addition, it is expected for
the next researcher not only to do the questionnaire method, but also to interview directly to consumers or
customers Somethinc.


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