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ptural nouns
We form the plural of most no b
Grammar Reference
end of the word. uns Yadding -s to the
What. .. ?: We ask questions about thin gs, animals and
We don't use the article a befo actions.
re p1lira] no
a book - books a student -i,... uns. What's your phone number? 6975888
Where ... ?: We ask questions about places.
imperative Where are you from? I'm frnm Madrid.
Weform the affirmative imperaf . How are you?: We ask about someone's health orto find
of the verb. ive W1th the base form out someone's news.
Listen to the CD! How are you ? Fine, thanks.
How old ... ?: We ask about someone's age.
Weuse the imperative to ask som
. eone to do How old are you? J'm thirteen years old.
somethmg. We can use "please" to b
Open your boo ks, please! e more polit e.
* a/an
We use a when the next word begins with a consonant
sow1d (s, t, x...) .
Module 1 a book a student
• We use an when the next word begins with a vowel
* The verb be sound (a, e, i, o, u, etc. ).
an actor an electrician
You are
He is
I am not
You are not
He is not
I'm not
You aren't
He isn't
* this/that - these/those

She is She's She is not She isn't

jth1sj , j á _
I i j fthese
j.- - ~
lt is It's It is not It isn't that those
We are We're We are not We aren't
You are You're You are not You aren't - • We use this/these to point out people, animals or things
They are They're They are not that are close to us.
They aren't
This is my pen. These are my pens.
• We use that/those to point out people, animals or
·','.~ 1 Short answers · · things that are far from us.
That is a book. Those are books.
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
1 Yes, I am.

Yes, you are.

Yes, he is.
No, I'm not.
No, you aren't.
No, he isn't.
* Plural nouns
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. Regular nouns
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. • Most nouns take -s.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. bag -bags,
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. pen +pens
Arethey? .....J_Y._e..;
ar_e_. .,._N_o_,_t_he_y_a_r_en_'_t._ • Nouns ending in -s, -ch, -sh,-x,
-o take -es. Irregular nouns
I'm nota teacher. I'm a police officer. box-boxes, man-roen
' We use short forms when we speak and full forms when torch-torches woman +women
we write. • Nouns ending in a consonant child -children

* Possessive Adjectives
+ y, drop the -y and take -ies.
country +countries
Possessive boy-boys
1 1 Adjectives

• Possessive Adjectives
go before nouns,
without articles.
* Whose ... ? - Possessive Case
• Weuse whose to ask about possession.
she her
She is my friend. A: Whose book is this?
it its
Her name is Emma. B: It's my book.
we our
, We use the possessive case to express possession.
you your Weform the possessive case by adding 's to a singular
they their noun.
This is Tom's book.
""'- Wh t 1 Where ... ?, This is my sister's pencil.
~ Question Words (Who ...?, a .... ,
How...?) Je
' Who... ?: We ask questions ª?out pe0 p ·
Who's that? My friend Kim. 125
~ The verb hove got
No-sin the 3rd person sin guhr aft t> r does doesn 't
FULLFORMS SHORTFORMS Formation of the 3rd person singular (he/ she/ it)
I have got J've got · :\ lost wrhs t.1kc' -s.
You have got You've got I c'J.t - H e' c',l b 1 li k.,· - H,· hl-.c :-
He has got He's got
She has got · \'crhs c'ndinf in -ss. -sh. -,:h. -, .- ,, u!,_,• · ,':-.
She's got
It has got I \\·atch - He' ,,·-1kh ~'S l s,' -+ l k s,)c'S
It's got
We have got V\le 've got · \ 'c'rbs c'ndin~ in .1 ú)I1S,) t1.ll1t , "· ,l r,, ¡, t h,: - Y
You have got You've got .md takc' -ic's.
They have got They've got I tidY - He' tidit'S BUT 1 rLl" - H,, pLi~ s

Negative \\-e' use' tht' Present Simpk:

FULLFORMS for hJ.bits or ,1L°tÍl)J1S th,lt h,lf'f' t'n rc'suLirh-.
I have not got I watd1 T\ · tT.-r1 · 1h11:
I haven't got
You have not got Shc gocs ¡111t 11t th,· 11 ·t'cÁ:01.I.
You haven 't got
He has not got He hasn't got • for situati0ns that ;1rc' ,11',·,1ys thc s.1mc·.
She has not got She hasn't got \ 1í: /i1 ·1: i11 Bristol.
lt has not got I likc in: o-rn 111.
We have not got
You have not got
lt hasn't got
We haven't got
You haven't got
* Present Simple (Yes/No questions, Wh-questions)
• Questions whiL·h start wit.h Do/Dot's h,1w ,1 Yt's/N1, ,111 s11 cr.
They have not got They haven't got A: Do yo 11 likc iff cre11111 ?
Questions Short answers B: Yes, 1 do. / No , 1 don 't.
Have I got? • \Ve use Who, What, '"'here, ' "'ben r1) :1sk quc'st it1 11s .llld
Yes, I have. No, I haven't. request information.
Have you got? Yes, you have. No, you haven't. A: 1'\'hen do yo11 go to thc ci11,·11111 ?
Has he got? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. B: On S1mdays.
Has she got?
Has it got?
Have we got?
she has.
it has.
we have.
she hasn't.
it hasn't. * Adverbs of frequency

Have you got? Yes, you have.

we haven't.
you haven't. never **
sometimes *** **** *****
often usu,11ly
Have they got? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.
We use the verb have got: We use adverbs of frequency to t:11k about how ütlt'n
we do something. We place them:
• to express possession. I've gota blue bag. I've got two brothers.
• to describe people, animals and things. Mary has got fair hair. • before the main verb.

* Adjectives
• We use adjectives before nouns and after the verb be.
John often plays football on Sat11rdays.
Peter doesn 't always eat breakf11st.
• after the verb be.
That's a beautiful jacket. That jacket is beautiful.
Sheryl is never late far school.
• Adjectives are the same in singular and in plural._
I've got a trendy shirt. I've got trendy shirts. * Prepositions of time (at, in, on)
• at: at six o'clock/at two thirty
Module 3 at noon/at night/at midnight

* Present Simple • in:

at the weekend!at the weeke11ds
in the morning/afternoon/e11eni11g
in my free time
Negative • on: on Friday, etc.
FULLFORMS SHORTFORMS on Friday morning, etc.
Iwork Ido not work I don't work
You work You do not work You don't work Module 4
He works
It works
He does not work
She <loes not work
It does not work
He doesn't work
She doesn't work
It doesn't work
* There is / There are

Wework We do not work We don't work Affirmative Negative

You work You do not work You don't work
Theywork They do not work They don't work

Questions Short answers

Do I work? Yes, Ido. No, I don't. Questions Short answers
Doyou work? Yes, you do. No, you don't. Is there ... ?
Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she work? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. Are there ... ? Yes, there are.
Does it work? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.
Dowework? Yes, we do. No, we don't. • We u~~ there is before singular nouns.
No, you don't. There s a bedroom downstairs.
Doy01,1work? Yes, you do.
Yes, they do. No, they don't. • We use there are before plural nouns.
Do th.ey wo1J5?
Are there two armchaírs in the room?
:« Prepositions of place
We Jon't use a/an or numbers befare un co untable
in Die book is in th e bag.
nou ns bu t we oFten use sume and any.
on TT1e book 1s on the bed.
A: Is there any milk?
under The cat is under the table. B: No, but there's some yoghurt.
nex:t to Tl1e restaurant is next to the bank.
between Tl1e park is between the cathedra/ and Singular Plural
the museum.
in front of The table is in front of the soja. Countable nouns
behind TT1e cat is behind the sofa.
opposite The cinema is opposite ·the sc/100/. Uncountable nouns

Toe prepositions on, in and atare also used in * Sorne/ Any

various expressions.
. We use sorne with unco untabl e and plural co untable
on: with the expressions: on the le{t, on the right, nouns in affirrn ative sentences and offers.
with names of streets/roads: on Walkley Street. There are some carrots in the fridge.
in: with na mes of countries, cities: in Canada, Would you like some tea?
in London. We use anywith uncountable and pluraJ countable
at; with addresses: He lives at 62 Bellview Road. nouns in questions and negative sen tences.
Is there any rnilk in the fridge? .

* Personal pronouns
he she it we you they *
There aren't any apples in the fndge.

Would like .
~ 'ºº • We use Would you like ... ? when we offer something.
you him her it us you them Would you like sorne coffee?
• Personal pronouns replace nouns. We use I would like or I'd like when we ask for
Betty is in tlze garden. Look at her. something politely.
J' d like sorne coffee, please.
. \\·e use object pronouns as objects of verbs. They always
go after verbs.
TI1e room is a 111-ess. Tufy it.
* How much / How many
• We use How much ... ? with uncountable nouns to

* Articles· a(n) vs the

ask about the quantity of something.
How rnuch water is in the bottle?
• We use How many... ? with plural countable nouns
a/an + singular nouns . tb fust time to ask about the number of something.
• when we rnention sornething for e How rnany students are there in the classroorn?
Tiiere's a ,nicrowave in the kitchen.
no a/an before plural nouns Module 6
Dogs are pets.
the + singular or plural no~s
trunº spe e

* The verb can
· when we talk about soI?e ; bl.tuk dog is called Butc · Affirmative Negative
TI1ere are two dogs outside. Th .
• when we talk about sornething umque
nze Slln is lwt. - - I can dance
I cannot dance
I can't dance
no articles You can dance You cannot dance You can't dance
· before proper nouns He can dance He cannot dance He can't dance
Fiona is thirteen ye.ars old. She can dance She cannot dance She can't dance
It can dance It cannot dance It can't dance
London is in England. tmnª in general We can dance We cannot dance
· when we talk about sorne 0 We can't dance
Dogs are friendly animals.
You can dance You cannot dance You can't dance
They can dance They cannot dance They can't dance

* lm~ra~:e~ - -- -7
ste to tbe
Can I dance? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
on't clase yo - - - -
Can you dance? Yes, you can. No, you can't.
ore polite. Can he dance? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
· We can use please to be m
Can she dance? Yes, she can. No, she can't.
Speak in English, please! Yes, it can.
Can it dance? No, it can't.
Can we dance? Yes, we can. No, we can't.
Module 5 Can you dance?
Can they dance?
Yes, you can.
Yes, they can.
No, you can't.
No, they can't.
'6r table nouns 1
.,.._ Countable and Uncoun . oular and a plura
• Countable nouns have both a "sIDo ' and
' use a,an
We use can:
t the01, vve to express to offer help. to make a
fonn and we can coun ns
ble nou · ability. C 1111 I help yo11? request.
numbers before counta and we He rnn swim .
forn1 C11 11 I speak to
a table - two tab les h ve a singul ar
Uncountable nouns only ª D1111 , please?
cannot count them.
clieese _ meat - milk U7
The verb can is a modal vcrb. lt doc~ n 't wk1.: ali ·, ii 1 tlw
third person singular, it doesn 't (nrm th c ncg;; ti vc a11d J-f,,w af->01Jt ., ;, ,, <J : ,'
question form with do/does, and il i~ alwar l1Jll,, wt:d li y I /IJW uh1J ul /) xuríW 11f / vY/ Y'I : /
th e base fo rm of th e verb.

* Present Progressive
Module 7
FULLFORMS SHORTFORMS w,: u•,1: 1h'-: Pa~t ~frnplc ,_,, 1;;]/' :,V,,'' ;.: ;;:.·· : .✓.-'
l am playing l' m pl ayin g happcni.:d in t}, ,: JY4'>1,
You are playing You ' re playíng ¡ vísíted r,arw ye)tt:r<.Íf.J.'/
He is playing
She is playing
It is playing
He'~ pl ayin g
Shc's playin g
It's playin g
* Past Simple of regular verbs CAffirmat:wf!J

We are playing Wc 'rc pl aying

You are playing You' rc pl ayín g
They are playing Thcy're pl ayín g
Negative ta lk ...,. ta_,lr»a
t;.i_yt - e¾!
• M1¡ •, t vc:rlr,
Vcrb, <:ndi11g in -e, wb:: ,mly -d. dar¡,r.,1: , ½~~-:.: ~~
I am not playing I'm not playing
You are not playing You aren't playing • Vcrb., cndínt in a 0 1n·:11m D: ' -?- ~h: -ir..d.
He is not playing He isn 't playing try -+ tríed BUT pi.o.¡ - played.
She is not playing She isn't playing -
It is not playing
Vcrbs with ·; y~labk ':ndín.g in 1 JJ'.l'::: ·:,r1>':::. -- . .... .::
It isn't playing
We are not playing con <;<man t., d{)ubh: tJ, (; cc,n-hr,,.:1r,t r,;0,,r':: ·.:-~':: -~;:
We aren't playing
You are not playing You aren 't playing stop-+ stopped

They are not playing

Arn I playing?
The aren't la in

Short answers
Yes, I am . No, I'm not.
• Verbs with tvl(J <;r m ' JT': ·.;:l::'i1-/<;--. ~dír..g ;;-_ <'. -.· ·':'.·r:;::

the -ed.
prefer...,. preferred , -
. . .

e,_ 'í : ·,-;~ -


vowel + <m e con·:,<m:,,nt, Cl', Jr.1:<: ".I; ': (:f.Jff/.J:-2:.: -~ -x '::

Q,"1 : '1~-?r~/..

Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.

Is he playing? Yes, he is. No, he í.sn't. • Verbs endíng in <J W : ·.-,)·1,·::l - -l. d.r.,ubl'= th-:: -: -_¿-_~:.;
Is she playing? Yes, she is. No, she isn't. the -ed.
Is it playing? Yes, ít is. No, it't. travel-+ travelled B ; -+ .xiíled
Are we playing?
Are you playing?
Are they playing?
Yes, we are.
Yes, you are.
Yes, they are.
No, we aren't.
No, you aren't.
No, they aren't.
* Past Simple of irregular veros (Affirmative}

• We use the Present Progressive for actions that are

happening at the moment of speaking.
What is Kelly doing now? She's talking on the phone.
* Formation of -ing
Most verbs take -íng. talk-+ talkíng
Irregular verbs d o n 't take -ed in tl: <: ?a5t Simpk.

Look at the list of irreg ular verbs on page 130-1

Verbs ending in -e, drop the -e befare the -íng.
Verbs with one syllable ending in one vowel + one yesterday / yesterday morning, etc.
consonant, double the consonant befare the -íng. in + years / centuries
sto -+ sto in last níght / week / m onth / year
Verbs with two or more syllables ending in one stressed last Wednesday / Fríday, etc.
vowel + one consonant, double the consonant befare last summer / w í, etc.
the -íng. two days / a week / three months ago
begin -+ begínning BUT answer -+ answeríng
Verbs ending in one vowel +-4 double the -/before the -íng.
travel-+ travellin BUT saíl-+ saílín * Past Simple
Verbs ending in -íe take -yíng. díe -+ dyíng
. . -_ -
- - ~,~-:..~ ..~--
_,. ...........__..:_._' .

I liked/ate 1 díd not líke/eat I didn't like/eat

You liked/ate You did not líke/eat You didn't Jíke/eaí

* let's / How about?

To ?1ake suggestions we use:
He liked/ate
She liked/ate
It liked/ate
He díd not líke/eat
She did not like/eat
It did not like/eat
He didn't like/eaI
She didn't }íke/eat
It dídn't likdeat
Let s + the base farm of the verb. We liked/ate We <lid not like/eat We didn't like/e:ai
Let's play tennís. You liked/ate You did no t líke/eat You didn't likefa!
They liked/ate They <lid not like/eat Tbey didn't like/eai
1 .
Short Answers Modu!e 8
Did J like/eat?
Did )·ou
\es, I clid.
Yes, you <lid.
No, I didn 't.
No, you clidn't.
* Future be going to
Did he Yes, he clid. No, he clidn't.
Did she Yes, she <lid. No, she clidn't.
Did it like/eatt Yes, it <lid. No, it clidn 't.
Did we like/eat? Yes, we <lid. I am goi ng to work I'm going to work
No, we didn't.
You are going to work You're going to work
Did you Yes, yo u did . No, you didn 't.
He is going to work He's going to work
Did they like/ eat? Yes, they <lid. No , they didn't. She's going to work
* Past Simple (Yes/No questions, Wh-questions)
, Questions which start with Did have a Yes/No answer.
She is go ing to work
It is going to wo rk
We are going to work
It's going to work
We're going to work
Yo u are going to work You're going to work
A:. Did you go to Cha rlie's house last night? They are going to work They're going to work
B: Yes, I did. / .No, J didn 't.
, V•/e use Who , What, vVhere, When to ask questions
and request in for mation. FULLFORMS SHORTFORMS
A: What did you do last night? I am not going to work I 'm not going to work
B: / stayed at home. You are not going to work You aren't going to work

* Past Sim ple of be

He is not going to work
She is not going to work
It is not going to work
He isn 't going to work
She isn't going to work
It isn 't going to work
We are not going to work We aren't going to work
~ Negative You are not going to work You aren't going to work
FULL FORMS SHORTFORMS They are not going to work They aren't going to work

I was I was not I wasn't

You were You were not You weren't
He was not He wasn't Am I going to work? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
He was
She was not She wasn't Are you going to work? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
She was
It was not It wasn't Is he going to work? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
It was
We were not We weren't Is she going to work? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
We were
You weren't Is it goirig to work? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
You were Are we going to work? Yes, we are. No, we aren 't.
They weren't
They were Are you going to work? Yes, you are. No, you aren't .
Are they going to work? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
We use the Future be going to to express future plans.
No, I wasn't. Ben is going to buy a car next week.
Was I?
Were you?
I was.
you were.
you weren't.
he wasn't.
......1t isn't necessary to
Was he? Yes, he was. say or write to go
No, she wasn't.
Was she? Yes, she was. with the Future be
No, it wasn't. tomorrow, tonight
Was it? Yes, it was. No we weren't. going to.
next week/month/Monday, etc.
Were we? Yes, we were. Ted's going (to go)
No: you weren'~- soon
Were you? Yes, you were.
No, they weren t. in an hour/a year, etc. swimming next
Were they? Yes, they were. weekend.
* Would like to
* There was / There were We use would like to to say what we want and to make
offers, invitations and requests.
J' d like to go to Spain.
Affirmative Negative Would you like to have a hot dog?

There was
There were
There wasn't

There weren't
Was there?

Were there?
Yes there were.
there weren't.
* The verb should


*• H,
Why? / Because...
vve use why to ask about e re
h rnething
ason w y so

happens. .i...:ng happens.

•' " why sorneuw• Should I / you / he/ she / ít / we / you / they go?
vve use be.cause to gíve the reason
A: Why did you open the window? We use should to ask for and give advice.
B: Because it's hot in here. A: What should I do?
B: J think you should see a doctor.


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ll # • 1111 1111
... ' , ,
words and phrases
centre British English American English
colour aJuminium (foil) aluminum (foil)
color track and field
doughnut autumn fall
donut (also doughnut) bathtub
favourite favorite bedside table nightstand
bin garbage can
grey gray biscuit cookie
brackets parentheses
neighbour neighbor café coffee shop
chemist's drugstore
organis e organize
chips (french) fries
theatre theater cinema (the building) movie theater
city centre downtown, downtown area
traveller traveler come round come over
cooker stove, oven
yoghurt, yogurt yogurt crisps patato chips
do the washing do the laundry
do the washing-up do the dishes
estate agent real estate agent
fair (hair) blond (hair)
film movie (also film)
flat apartment
flatmate roommate
1 flick flip
a11d usage ,.·,
free, spare time
spare time
fridge refrigerator
garden yard
I've got I have go to the cinema go to the movies
Have you got? Do you have? ground floor first floor
I don 't have have a shower take a shower
I haven't got holiday vacation
hoover (verb) vacuum
I've got backache I have a backache I've got a temperature I have a fever
I have a toothache jumper sweater
I've got toothache
lift elevator
match game
at the weekend on the weekend Maths Math
in hospital in the hospital mobile phone cell phone
on the team motorbike motorcycle
in th e team mum/mummy mom/ mommy
opposite across from
4 January January 4 painkiller pain reliever
January 4th plaster (cast) cast
4th January
primary school elementary school, grade school
rubbish garbage, trash
shop store
shop assistant salesperso n
shopping centre (shoppin g) mal!
soft drink soda, pop
surname last name
tap faucet
tick (v ) check (V )
tidy my room clean my roo m
torch fl ashlight
trainers sneakers
trousers pants
TV program me TV show
underground subway
universi ty co llege
use the underground ride th e subway
wardrobc close t


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