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Participant Notebook







1107 Copyright 2007, Rockhurst University Continuing Education Center, Inc.

What You’ll Learn

1. Navigate rapidly through workbooks and worksheets with keystroke

and mouse shortcuts

2. Keystroke shortcuts for entering dates and times

3. Flawless copy and data movement with the touch of a button

4. Tricks to creating numerical series without commands or typing

5. A single keystroke shortcut that instantly displays all your worksheet formulas

6. One simple function key that debugs your formulas

7. How to instantly locate all of a cell’s dependencies

8. Create eye-catching on-sheet charts and graphs in just two clicks

9. Select just visible data from a range containing hidden rows and columns

10. Increase or decrease values in a range without using formulas

11. Create special formulas to display numbers in thousands or millions

12. A simple dragging technique that turns formulas into values

Navigation Shortcuts

Display up to 16 sheet names on a multi-sheet workbook

Right-click the navigation arrows (located to the left of sheet
names) to see a vertical listing of sheet names.
Click one of these names to jump to that sheet.

Navigation arrows

Adjust the display of sheet names and the horizontal scroll bar
Click and drag the vertical separator located between the sheet names and the horizontal scroll
bar to see more sheet names. You can still use the scroll bar, even when it’s small.

Jump from one worksheet to the next (or previous) worksheet

To jump to the next sheet (to the right as displayed in sheet tabs), press Ctrl + Page Down.
To jump to the previous sheet (to the left as displayed in sheet tabs), press Ctrl + Page Up.

Jump quickly from one workbook to another workbook

Use either of these keystroke combinations: Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + F6

Jump (move the active cell) to the upper left corner of the worksheet
Ctrl + Home
This action returns the active cell to A1, unless the Frozen Panes feature is active.

Jump to the lower right corner of the worksheet

Ctrl + End
The lower right corner refers to the cell in the active part of the worksheet. Although there may
have been data in the column and row of this cell, it might currently be empty. Use this shortcut
to ensure there is currently no data below or to the right of this cell.
Navigation Shortcuts, continued

Jump to the edge of continuously occupied cells

Ctrl + Arrow Key or
Double-click the appropriate edge

Insert a new worksheet

Shift + F1
The new worksheet is inserted to the left of the current worksheet.

Jump to any cell in the current worksheet

Click the drop-down arrow in the Name Box, located to the left of the Formula Bar.
Type a cell address, for example A2400, and press Enter.
Press the F5 function key.
Type a cell address, for example A2400, and press Enter.

Select only visible cells within a selected range

1. Press F5.
2. Click Special.
3. Click Visible cells only (one of the many options in the
Go To Special dialog box) and then click OK.
Press Alt + Semicolon.
Note: If you want to copy a range of cells that contains hidden
rows or columns, but you don’t want to copy any of the hidden
data, use this feature just after selecting the range.

Select the range of occupied cells that surrounds the active cell
Ctrl + asterisk (use the asterisk on the number keypad).
On laptop computers, press Ctrl + Shift + asterisk
Ctrl + Period

Navigation Shortcuts, continued

Select the entire worksheet

Click the box located to the left of column letters
and above row numbers.
Press Ctrl + a
Note: If the active cell is part of a range of cells that contains
content, Ctrl + a selects the surrounding cells, not the entire worksheet.

Select non-contiguous ranges

To highlight unconnected ranges:
1. Select a range with the left mouse button.
2. Release the left mouse button.
3. With the Ctrl key held down, select another range.
4. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as needed.

Data-Entry Techniques

Make the same entry simultaneously in many cells at once

1. Select the cells.
2. Type the entry.
3. Press Ctrl + Enter.
If you type a formula or function, it will be entered, relatively, into all of the selected cells;
values and text will be entered, as typed, into all of the selected cells.

Enter the current date in a cell

Ctrl + Semicolon

Enter the current time in a cell

Ctrl + Shift + Semicolon
Both of the previous entries stay frozen; they do not change with the system clock. Like
snapshots, they retain the date and time information that reflects when they were entered.

Save a keystroke when entering dates in this decade

Instead of entering 12/13/07, enter 12/13/7, or 5/9/7 instead of 5/9/07.
Note: Years entered as 00 through 29 are automatically entered as 21st century dates; years
30–99 are automatically entered as 20th century dates. To avoid confusion, either type 4-digit
years, as in 2/1/1929 or make sure that you display dates with 4-digit year formats.

Data-Entry Techniques, continued

Use AutoFill techniques for entering dates and times

To create various types of date series,
1. Enter dates in two adjacent cells.
2. Select both cells.
3. Drag from the lower right corner (the fill handle) of the selected cells into as many cells
as needed.
• List all Fridays or alternate Fridays: Enter two different Friday dates in adjacent cells.
• List the last day of every month: Enter two different last days of different months in
adjacent cells.
• List the first day of each quarter: Enter two different first days of different quarters in
adjacent cells.
Create various types of time series by entering times in two adjacent cells, selecting both cells,
then dragging from the lower right corner of the selected cells:
• List times at 15-minute intervals.
• List times at any interval.

Time Entries

Enter a time before noon as: 8:15 a Displays as: 8:15 AM Stored as: .34375

Enter a time before noon as: 9:45 Displays as: 9:45 Stored as: .40625

Enter a time after noon as: 1:30 p Displays as: 1:30 PM Stored as: .5625

Enter a time after noon as: 18:00 Displays as: 18:00 Stored as: .75

Data-Entry Techniques, continued

Date fill shortcuts using the right mouse button

Create a series of weekdays (no Saturdays or Sundays)
• Enter a weekday date in a cell.
• Right-drag the fill handle into the destination cells and release the mouse.
• Select Fill Weekdays from the menu.

Create a monthly series using the same day for each month
• Enter a date in a cell.
• Right-drag the fill handle into the destination cells and release the mouse.
• Select Fill Months from the menu.

Start a numerical series of successive numbers with one cell entry

1. Enter the starting number in the first cell.
2. With the Ctrl key held down, drag the fill handle in the direction of the series.

Create your own AutoFill Series — create a Custom List

1. Select the Tools menu.
2. Select Options.
3. Click the Custom Lists tab.
4. In the empty panel under List
entries, type the items comprising
the list, pressing Enter after typing
each item.
5. Click the Add button, then OK.
1. Select the cells that contain a list.
2. Select the Tools menu.
3. Select Options.
4. Click the Custom Lists tab.
5. Click the Import button, then OK.
Once you have created a custom list, you can start the list easily by typing one of its entries in a
cell and then dragging the fill handle to enter others.
You can also use a custom list to sort according to its order, rather than alphabetically.
Data-Entry Techniques, continued

Create a multi-line entry in a cell

To make a long cell entry appear on multiple lines in the same cell, press Alt + Enter whenever
you want a line break to occur.
Note: When editing a long formula, press Alt + Enter at intervals to re-display the
formula in coherent pieces; press Enter when finished. Any time you edit, this more
readable display appears.

Control the movement of the active cell when entering data

If you do not want the active cell to move when you finish typing, press Ctrl + Enter.
This is most useful when you want to type a formula and then copy it by dragging — you don’t
want to have to re-position the active cell before copying.

Copy/Move/Paste Techniques

The best way to move a range of cells

Unless you need to move a range of cells across many rows or columns, use this method for
rapid relocation:
1. Select the cells you want to move.
2. Point to any edge (but not the fill handle in the lower right corner) of the selected cells;
the cell pointer becomes an arrow.
3. Click and drag to the destination.

Two fast ways to copy a range of cells

These methods, like the one above, are not always practical if you need to copy a range across
many rows or columns of a worksheet

Method 1 – Ctrl + Drag

1. Select the cells you want to copy.
2. Point to any edge (but not the fill handle in the lower right corner) of the selected cells;
the cell pointer becomes an arrow.
3. Click and drag to the destination while holding down the Ctrl key.
4. Release the mouse button before releasing the Ctrl key.

Method 2 – Right Drag

1. Select the cells you want to copy.
2. Point to any edge (but not the fill handle in the lower right corner) of the selected cells;
the cell pointer becomes an arrow.
3. Using the right mouse button, click and drag to the desired destination.
4. From the pop-up menu, click Copy Here.

The best way to copy a worksheet

1. Click and drag a sheet tab while holding down the Ctrl key.
2. Drag to the desired location.
3. Release the mouse before releasing the Ctrl key.
You can place the copied sheet into the current workbook or any other open workbook. Since
Excel requires that worksheet names be unique within a workbook, a new worksheet name is
followed by a number inside parentheses. If you copy a worksheet named Sheet1, the copy is
named Sheet1(2).

Copy/Move/Paste Techniquess, continued

Move cells and insert them between cells in a column or row

Method 1: Use drag and drop with the Shift key.
1. Select the data to be moved.
2. Click the edge of the selection (the mouse pointer must look like an arrow).
3. Hold down the Shift key.
4. Drag the selection to the point between the two cells where you want to insert the
5. Release the mouse first, then the Shift key.

Method 2: Drag and drop with the right mouse button.

1. Select a range of cells you want to move and insert elsewhere.
2. Right-click and drag an edge of the range to where you wish to insert it.
3. From the pop-up menu, select Shift Down and Move to insert the data.

Copy cells and insert them between cells in a column or row

Method 1: Use drag and drop with the Ctrl and Shift keys.
1. Select the data to be copied.
2. Click the edge of the selection (the mouse pointer must look like an arrow).
3. Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys.
4. Drag the selection to the place between the two cells where you want to insert the
5. Release the mouse first, then the Ctrl and Shift keys.

Method 2: Right-drag and drop.

1. Select a range of cells you want to copy and insert
2. Right-click and drag an edge of the range to where you
wish to insert it.
3. From the pop-up menu, select Shift Down and Copy
to insert the data.

Use the right mouse button to get a shortcut menu as you drag and drop
If you find it awkward to use the Ctrl or Shift keys as you copy and insert cell ranges, drag edges
of selected ranges with the right mouse button instead; when you release the mouse button, a
shortcut menu displays a number of options that you can select from.
Formula Shortcuts

Use an entire row or entire column reference in a formula

If you want a formula to refer to an entire row or entire column, click the row number or
column letter when writing the formula.
For example, if you want to average the contents of Column D, regardless of how many cells in
the column contain values, create this formula: =AVERAGE(D:D)
Instead of typing D:D, you can click the column letter heading.
You don’t need to adjust this kind of reference to take into account data entries or deletions that
change the number of cells with data.

Select all cells in the current worksheet containing formulas

1. Select a single cell.
2. Press F5.
3. Click Special.
4. Click Formulas, then OK.
Tip: While these cells are highlighted, apply a color background to remind yourself which cells
have formulas.

Display all formulas (instead of results) in the current worksheet

Use Ctrl + tilde
• All column widths are doubled when formulas are displayed. Ctrl + ~
• Formulas and functions, wherever present, are displayed.
• All other cells containing values and text display the same content but left-aligned.
Ctrl + ~ is a toggle switch; press it again and the screen display returns to normal.

Change a cell address to an absolute or mixed reference

In a formula or function, convert a cell address to an absolute or mixed reference by clicking
immediately before, after, or within the cell address and then pressing the F4 key.
If you continue to press the F4 key, the cell address will cycle through four variations:
1. Absolute — as in $B$7
2. Mixed — column reference is not absolute, row reference is — as in B$7
3. Mixed — column reference is absolute, row reference is not — as in $B7
4. Relative — as in B7

Formula Shortcuts, continued

Copy a cell entry down a column without dragging

When you enter data in a cell immediately adjacent to a column of
entries, you can copy the entry (formula, value, or text) downward to
fill as many consecutive cells as are in the immediate visible column
to the left.
After you enter the cell contents, double-click the lower right corner
(the fill handle) of the cell.
If your cell entry (such as a month or weekday) is recognized
by the AutoFill feature, the remaining cells will be filled with
the extended series.
If there’s no data in the column to the left, Excel extends the
series based on consecutively filled cells in the adjacent column
to the right.
Note: This action will copy data down a column until there is an
empty cell in the adjacent column. There is no corresponding
capability to copy an entry across a row.

Quickly convert a range of formula cells to cells containing values

1. Right-drag a selected range of cells in any direction
(allow the image of the border of the cells to appear
as if you are moving the cells) and then back on to
the current location of the selected cells.
2. From the pop-up menu, click Copy Here as
Values Only.

Alternate Method With Toolbar Buttons

1. Select cells to be converted.
2. Click the Copy toolbar button.
3. Click the drop-down arrow on the Paste toolbar
button and select Values.

Formula Shortcuts, continued

Evaluate a formula by converting part of it to a value

While editing a formula, select a cell address or a portion of a formula. Then press F9 to convert
to a value only the selected part of the formula. Press Esc instead of Enter to retain the formula.
Note: If you select a portion of a formula that cannot be evaluated and then press F9, you may
get an error message indicating an error in your formula; press Esc and start over.

Increase all cells in a range by the same amount or percentage without using a formula
To increase the value of all cells in a range
by the same amount:
1. Enter the increment into an empty cell.
2. Click the Copy button.
3. Select the cells to be changed.
4. Right-click the selected cells and click Paste Special.
5. Click the Add button and click OK.

To increase the value of all cells in a range

by the same percentage:
1. Type 1.1 (for a 10% increase), or 1.15 (for 15%),
etc., into an empty cell.
2. Click the Copy button.
3. Select the cells to be changed.
4. Right-click the selected cells and click Paste Special.
5. Click the Multiply button and click OK.

Use AutoCalculate for quick verification

Any time you select two or more cells (containing values,
functions, or formulas), a total for the cells appears at the
bottom of the screen on the right side of the status bar. Right-
click on this part of the screen to get a list of other kinds of
totals: average, count (number of cells with entries), count
nums (number of cells with value, function, or formula entries),
max (the highest value), min (the lowest value), and sum.

Formula Shortcuts, continued

Use the TRIM function to clean out unwanted spaces in text cells
This function returns the contents of a cell with all trailing, beginning, and extra embedded
spaces removed. Single spaces between words are assumed to be desired.

A B Result in B1

1 War and Peace =TRIM(A1) War and Peace

The PROPER function

This function returns the contents of a cell with the first letter of each word capitalized and the
remaining letters in lowercase form.

A B Result in B1


Formatting Shortcuts

Format cells as currency with two decimal places

Ctrl + Shift + $
This format places the $ to the immediate left of the value. The
$ toolbar button actually applies the Accounting format (even
though the tool tip indicates Currency), which puts the $ on
the left side of the cell. Negatives are formatted in red and
enclosed in parentheses.
Column K – Ctrl + Shift + $
Column L – The $ button

Format cells as a number with two decimal places

Ctrl + Shift + !
Similar to the previous format, but without the $ symbol;
slightly different than the comma toolbar button. Negative
numbers are displayed in black with a leading minus sign.
Equivalent to number format
Column K – Ctrl + Shift + !
Column L – The Comma toolbar button

Format cells as dates

Ctrl + Shift + #
This shortcut uses the format d-mmm-yy, as in 17-Dec-07.

Format cells as times

Ctrl + Shift + @
uses the format h:mm AM/PM as in 9:43 PM

Format cells containing Social Security numbers or phone numbers

Don’t bother typing the hyphens when entering Social Security numbers; and there’s no need to
type parentheses, spaces, and hyphens when entering phone numbers. In either case, before
entering the data, select the data entry range and format it as follows.
1. Click the Format menu.
2. Select Cells.
3. Click the Number tab.
4. Click Special.
5. Click Social Security number or Phone number, as appropriate.
Formatting Shortcuts, continued

Center data while merging cells

After selecting cells in which to center data, press this toolbar button:
To perform this action on more than one row at a time, select the rows
individually using the Ctrl key before pressing the button.

Tabulate the sum of hours when they exceed 24 — a special format

If you need to add cells containing time entries, the result may appear incorrectly unless you use
the special format for hours over 24. Adjust with the following steps:
1. Click the Format menu, then click Cells and then the Number tab.
2. Click the Time category.
3. Select the format: 37:30:55. This format fits the form [h]:mm:ss.
This display includes hours, minutes, and seconds; if you don’t need to see seconds, then,
4. Click the Custom category, and in the Custom box, adjust the display to [h]:mm
and click OK.

Formatting Shortcuts, continued

Add flair with angled text

Although you can angle text using the Format Cells
Alignment command sequence, a one-time toolbar
adjustment makes angled text options readily available.
1. Right-click any toolbar button and select Customize.
2. Click the Commands tab.
3. Click one of the entries in the Categories panel.
Three of the angled text options in the Format menu
are shown to the right.
4. Click and drag a toolbar button from the Commands
panel to any location on any visible toolbar.

Operational Shortcuts

Quickly insert columns or rows

1. Right-click the column letter (just to the right of where you want the new column), or
click the row number (just below where you want the new row).
2. Select Insert from the shortcut menu.
If columns or rows are already selected, you can insert a new columns or rows:
Ctrl + Plus Sign (Use the plus sign on the number keypad.)

Quickly insert rows at a number of different locations

1. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click different row numbers.
2. Right-click any selected row (to activate the shortcut menu).
3. Select Insert from the shortcut menu.

Quickly delete columns or rows

Right-click the column letter or row number and click (with either mouse button) Delete.
If columns or rows are already selected, you can delete them if you press:
Ctrl + Minus Sign (Use the minus sign on the number keypad.)

Hide a row or column

Right-click the column letter or row number of the column or row you wish to hide, then, from
the pop-up menu, click (with either mouse button) Hide.

Restore a hidden row or column

1. Select two columns surrounding a hidden column or two rows surrounding a hidden row.
2. Right-click on the selection.
3. From the pop-up menu, click (with either mouse button) Unhide.

Restore all hidden rows or all hidden columns

1. Select the entire worksheet by clicking just to the left of column letters and just above the
row numbers.
2. Double-click the vertical line between any two column letters or the horizontal line
between any two row numbers.

Close all open workbooks

With the Shift key held down, click the File menu, then Close All.

Toolbar Tips

Add a toolbar button to any visible toolbar

1. Right-click any toolbar button and
select Customize.
2. Click the Commands tab.
3. Click one of the entries in the Categories panel.
Some of the many available buttons in the
Format category are shown to the right.
4. Click and drag a toolbar button from the
Commands panel to any location on any
visible toolbar.

Remove a toolbar button

Hold down the Alt key as you drag the button onto the worksheet.

Change the effect of a toolbar button using the Shift key

Some toolbar buttons can serve dual functions; use the Shift key when pointing and clicking on
the following tools to get a different effect. Each of the tools below has an opposite function.

Category Button Opposite Button

Formatting Increase Indent Decrease Indent

Formatting Increase Decimal Decrease Decimal

Formatting Left Align Right Align

Formatting Underline Double Underline

Standard Sort Ascending Sort Descending

Standard Print Print preview

Standard Open Save As

Edit Insert a column Delete a column

Edit Insert a row Delete a row

Edit Paste Formats Paste Values

Charting Tips

Create a chart instantly on another sheet

1. Select the data to appear in your chart.
2. Press F11.

Create a chart quickly on the current worksheet

1. Select the data to appear in your chart.
2. Click the Chart Wizard button.
3. Click the Finish button in Step 1 of the Wizard.

Convert a chart into a static chart

Sometimes you want a chart to remain the same, even though the data it’s based on changes.
Take these steps to “freeze” a chart:
1. Select the chart.
2. With the Shift key held down, click the Edit menu and then click Copy Picture.
3. Click OK in the Copy Picture dialog box.
4. Right-click at another location and then click Paste.

Other Tips

Split a column of text cells into multiple column entries

If a column contains data entries that should have been in multiple columns, you might be able
to split the data using the Text to Columns feature.
Insert a few empty columns to the right of the column you need to convert. These columns act
as a receiving area once the data is split.
1. Select the cells in a column that you want to convert.
2. Click the Data menu.
3. Click Text to Columns.
4. In Step 1 of the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, click the Delimited button.
5. Click Next.
6. Check and uncheck the various delimiter check boxes until the Data preview panel
appears to be splitting the text properly. Don’t forget to use the vertical scroll bar to view
other rows of your data.
7. If no single or multiple set of delimiter buttons improves the Data preview, this feature
might not work on the selected data.
8. Click Next to proceed to Step 3.
9. Click various field headings in the Data preview panel and use settings from the Column
Data format portion of the dialog box.
10. Click Finish.

Move/copy a cell range to another worksheet in the same workbook

1. Select the cells you want to move/copy.
2. Point to any edge of the selected cells; the cell pointer becomes an arrow.
3. Hold down the Alt key and drag onto the destination sheet tab (to copy the range, you
must also use the Alt key).
4. When the dragged border outline appears on the destination sheet, release the Alt key.
5. Continue dragging to the desired cells on the destination sheet; if you are copying, be
sure to release the mouse button before releasing the Ctrl key.

Other Tips, continued

Add a color background to every fifth row in a range

1. Select a range (use Ctrl + a if you want the format applied to the entire worksheet).
2. Activate the command Format, Conditional Formatting.
3. Click the drop arrow next to Cell Value Is and select Formula Is.
4. In the panel to the right of Formula Is, type: =MOD(ROW(A1),5)=0.
5. Click the Format button.
6. Click the Patterns tab.
7. Select a color (a lighter color is best).
8. Click OK.
Note: Substitute the number 3 for the number 5 in the formula to add color to every third row,
use 4 for every fourth row, 10 for every tenth row, etc.

Recommended Resources

Microsoft® Office® 2003 (17-CD set)
Microsoft® Office® XP Pro (15-CD set)
Now This Is Art (Clip art)
Office® XP Integration (3-CD set)
Office® 2000 Macros

Access® 2003 Bible
Excel® 2003 Bible
Excel® 2003 Formulas
Excel® 2002 Power Programming with VBA
Outlook® 2003 Bible
PowerPoint® 2003 Bible
Word® 2003 Bible

Digital Juice 2.0

To order resources, call Customer Service at 1-800-258-7246,

or visit our Web site at
Dear Customer,

You are a valued customer and to say “thank you,” we have

included the following as a bonus for you. We believe you’ll
find it helpful as a job aid or to further your knowledge
beyond today’s broadcast.

Thank you,

Susan Enyeart
Director, Curriculum Development
Bonus Materials:





1007 Copyright 2007, Rockhurst University Continuing Education Center, Inc.

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts

Entering data

Start a new line in the same cell Alt+Enter

Create or edit a cell comment Shift+F2

Fill the selected cell range with the current entry — keep current
cell active


Undo the last action Ctrl+z or Alt+Bksp

Repeat the last command action Ctrl+y or F4

Show a shortcut menu Shift+F10

Make the menu bar active F10 or Alt

Enter a hyperlink Ctrl+k

Activate the File Open dialog box Ctrl+o (the letter o)

Activate the File Save As dialog box Ctrl+s

Open a new workbook Ctrl+n

Insert a new worksheet to the left of the current worksheet Shift+F11

Insert, delete, and copy a selection

Copy the selection Ctrl+c

Paste the selection Ctrl+v

Cut the selection Ctrl+x

Insert new row/column above/left of selected row/column Ctrl+Plus Sign

Delete currently selected row(s) or column(s) Ctrl+ Minus Sign

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts, continued

Formatting data

Apply general number format Ctrl+Shift+ ~ (tilde)

Apply number format, 2 decimals, commas, minus before negatives Ctrl+Shift+ !

Apply currency format, 2 decimal places (negatives in parentheses) Ctrl+Shift+ $

Apply percentage format with no decimal places Ctrl+Shift+ %

Apply exponential number format with two decimal places Ctrl+Shift+ ^

Apply time format with AM/PM as in 5:43 PM Ctrl+Shift+ @

Apply date format (d-mm-yy), i.e. 9-Aug-06 Ctrl+Shift+ #

Increase indent Ctrl+Alt+Tab

Decrease indent Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab

Apply the outline border Ctrl+Shift+&

Remove all borders Ctrl+Shift+_

Apply or remove bold formatting Ctrl+b or Ctrl+2

Apply or remove italic formatting Ctrl+I or Ctrl+3

Apply or remove an underline Ctrl+u or Ctrl+4

Apply or remove strikethrough formatting Ctrl+5

Display the Format Style command dialog box Alt+' (apostrophe)

Display the Format Cells command dialog box Ctrl+1

Hide rows of the selected range or active cell Ctrl+9

Unhide rows Ctrl+Shift+9

Hide columns of the selected range or active cell Ctrl+0 (zero)

Unhide columns Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero)

Toggle display of outline numbers and symbols Ctrl+8

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts, continued

Move and scroll on a worksheet or workbook

Move to the upper left corner of the current worksheet Ctrl+Home

Move the active cell to the lower right corner of worksheet Ctrl+End

Move to the next sheet in the workbook Ctrl+Page Down

Move to the previous sheet in the workbook Ctrl+Page Up

Move down one screen Page Down

Move up one screen Page Up

Move one screen to the right Alt+Page Down

Move one screen to the left Alt+Page Up

Move to the edge of data in the current column or row Ctrl+ Arrow key

Move between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet Tab

Move to Column A in the current row Home

Move to the next workbook or window Ctrl+F6 or Ctrl+Tab

Display the Print command (File menu) Ctrl+p

Scroll to display the active cell Ctrl+Backspace

Move to the next pane or previous pane F6 or Shift+F6

Move to the previous workbook or window Ctrl+Shift+F6 or Ctrl+Shift+Tab

Charting and graphical features

Create a chart on a new sheet based on the selected range F11

Select the next or previous group of items in a chart é or ê

Select the next or previous item within a chart series è or ç

Duplicate a selected object (picture, ClipArt, WordArt, etc.) Ctrl+d

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts, continued

Move within a selection

Move downward Enter

Move upward Shift+Enter

Complete current cell entry, but keep active cell in place Ctrl+Enter

Move clockwise to the next corner of the selection Ctrl+period

Move to the right between nonadjacent selections Ctrl+Alt+ è

Move to the left between nonadjacent selections Ctrl+Alt+ç

Select cells, columns, rows, objects, or display features in worksheets

Extend the selection by one cell Shift+ Arrow key

Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet Ctrl+Shift+Home

Select the entire column Ctrl+Spacebar

Select the entire row Shift+Spacebar

Select the entire worksheet Ctrl+a

If multiple cells are selected, select only the active cell Shift+Backspace

Extend the selection down one screen Shift+Page Down

Extend the selection up one screen Shift+Page Up

With an object selected, select all objects on a sheet Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar

Alternate hiding/displaying objects and displaying object placeholders Ctrl+6

Show or hide the standard toolbar Ctrl+7

Show or hide outlining symbols and outlining panel Ctrl+8

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts, continued

Working in cells or in the formula bar

Insert the AutoSum formula Alt+= (equal sign)

Enter the current date Ctrl+; (semicolon)

Enter the current time Ctrl+Shift+; (semicolon)

Alternate displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas Ctrl+ ~ (tilde)

Copy the value from cell above active cell into active cell Ctrl+Shift+" (quote)

Copy a formula from cell above active cell into active cell Ctrl+' (apostrophe)

Define a name Ctrl+F3

Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks F9

Calculate the active worksheet Shift+F9

Display AutoComplete list; also used in Data Validation lists Alt+Down Arrow

Toggle between absolute, relative, and mixed address designation F4

Select cells with special characteristics

Select only visible cells in the current selection Alt+; (semicolon)

Select all cells that are directly dependent on the active cell Ctrl+[

Select all cells in any way dependent on the active cell Ctrl+Shift+[

Select cells that directly contribute to the active cell's result Ctrl+]

Select all cells that contribute to the active cell's result Ctrl+Shift+]
Select current region (range enclosed by blank rows & columns)
Ctrl+Shift+ asterisk
around active cell
Select all cells with comments Ctrl+Shift+o (letter o)

Excel Keystroke Shortcuts, continued

Editing data

Edit the active cell F2

Delete text to the end of the edit line Ctrl+Delete

Move edit cursor one word to left or right Ctrl+è or ç

After typing a function name, show function arguments Ctrl+Shift+a

Move edit cursor to the beginning (left side) of the edit line Home

Move edit cursor to the end (right side) of the edit line End

Paste a name into a formula F3

Enter a formula as an array formula Ctrl+Shift+Enter

Convert the highlighted portion of a formula to its current value F9

Windows and dialog boxes

Switch to the next program Alt+Tab

Show the Windows Start menu Ctrl+Esc

Close the active workbook window Ctrl+w or Ctrl+F4

Restore the active workbook window Ctrl+F5

Switch to the next workbook window Ctrl+F6

Switch to the previous workbook window Ctrl+Shift+F6

Minimize the workbook window to an icon Ctrl+F9

Maximize or restore the workbook window Ctrl+F10

Exit from Excel Alt+F4

Excel Function Keys

Function Keys in Excel

Shift Ctrl Alt Ctrl+Shift
F1 Display Help or Activates the Create a chart
the Office What’s This on a new sheet
Assistant pointer (same as F11)
F2 Edit the active Enter or edit a File Save As
cell cell comment Command (same
as F12)
F3 Paste a name Paste a function Define a name Create names
into a formula into a formula from row/
column labels
F4 Repeat last Repeat the last File Close File Exit Edit Find search
action; apply Find Next command command backward from
abs/rel status command last
F5 Edit Go To Display the Find Restore the
command dialog box window size
F6 Move to the Move to the Move to the Jump to VB Move to the
next pane previous pane next workbook editor, if open previous
window workbook
F7 Spell check Move the
F8 Extend a Add to the Resize the Display the
selection selection window Macro dialog
F9 Calculate all Calculate the Minimize the
sheets in all active worksheet workbook
open workbooks
F10 Make the menu Display a Maximize or
bar active shortcut menu restore the
F11 Create a chart Insert a new Insert an Excel Display the
on a new sheet worksheet to the 4.0 macro sheet Visual Basic
left of the Editor
current one
F12 File Save As File Save File Open File Print
command command command command

Excel Productivity Tips

Other Time-Saving Techniques

1. Hold down the Ctrl key as you roll the mouse wheel — zoom in 15% increments.
2. To enter the same data in a selected range — type an entry and press Ctrl+Enter.
3. To move/copy a range, right-drag the selection border — menu appears when you
release mouse.
4. Align edges of an object (picture, ClipArt, etc.) with cell boundaries — press Alt as you
drag edge.
5. To paste values from a selected range, right-drag its border and select Copy here as
Values Only.
6. Press F5, type an address, and press Enter to jump to any cell.
7. Right-click sheet navigation arrows to see up to 16 sheet names.
8. Double-click the fill handle to copy data or formula down a column.
9. Double-click a cell edge to move an active cell to the end of data in any direction.
10. To close all open workbooks, hold Shift as you click the File menu, then Close All.
11. Select a range, click the Chart Wizard button, then Finish to get a chart next to the data.


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