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A Electronics Product Selling Website

With PHP Laravel framework

Project Developed by

Syed Nafisur Rahman Shuvro

Roll: 1907064
Nakib Ahsan
Roll: 1907086

1. ObjectivesProject Supervisor
Md. Abdus Salim Mollah
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
The objective of creating an electronics product selling website can vary depending
on the goals and priorities of the business or individual behind the website. Here are
some common objectives and goals associated with such a website:

 Enable online sales of electronics products.

 Reach a wider customer base beyond physical locations.
 Increase brand awareness and recognition.
 Provide 24/7 shopping convenience.
 Offer detailed product information and reviews.
 Foster customer interaction and loyalty.

The primary objective of creating an electronics product selling website is to

facilitate online sales, expand market reach, and provide a seamless and satisfying
shopping experience for customers. Additionally, the website can serve as a tool for
branding, marketing, and gathering valuable insights into customer behavior
and preferences.

ElectroHub is an electronic product selling website. Such as laptop, smartphone,
camera and accessories are the main product of this website. It is basically developed
by PHP Laravel framework. In the frontend design, HTML, CSS, Javascript are being

This website brings anyone the latest and greatest in electronics, seamlessly blending
sleek design with user-friendly functionality. Explore the vast selection of gadgets,
devices, and accessories, all presented in an elegant and secure digital marketplace.

The motivation behind developing this website is to provide a user-friendly

ecommerce website for the mass people. Without any complexation one can find
one’s desirable electronic product.

Problem Statement:
(User’s Requirement Analysis)

In today's fast-paced digital age, consumers have an ever-increasing appetite for the
latest electronic gadgets and accessories. However, navigating the online marketplace
for electronics often presents challenges that hinder the overall shopping experience.
These challenges include a lack of reliable product information, security concerns,
limited options for customer engagement, and difficulty in finding trustworthy
vendors. Furthermore, the absence of a comprehensive platform that addresses these
issues results in a fragmented and often frustrating shopping journey for tech
enthusiasts. Our goal is to create an electronic selling website that addresses these
pain points, offering a one-stop solution for customers seeking the latest in
electronics while prioritizing security, product knowledge, and an engaging
shopping experience.

Development Framework:
Laravel is a web app development framework with expressive and elegant syntax that
makes the entire web development process faster, easier, and enjoyable for
developers by eliminating all the pain points associated with handling
complex PHP code.

Laravel is an MVC-based PHP framework that ensures a tight separation between

presentation layers and business logic. MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller.
It is a design pattern that separates the model (logic, data handling), view (UI), and
controller processes (interface).

Figure 1: Laravel MVC model

Being based on MVC, the Laravel framework provides many features like high
performance, increased security, and scalability.


1. Adding Product in database:

Here in this project we have used PHP MySQL server for the database.

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