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Classic Plum Cake

Plum Cake

Recipe by
Beginner 40 minutes Serves 6

110g Butter , Room Temperature
120g Brown Sugar
3 unit Eggs , at 35°C
12g Cocoa Powder
84g All Purpose Flour
4.8g Baking Powder
2.5g Mixed Spice Powder
360g Soaked Fruit

Recipe from PROJECT SWEET DISH. All rights reserved.

 Cover the pudding bowl with a sheet of baking paper and aluminium foil, securing tightly with string or an elastic band. Place an
overturned plate into a large
For saucepan and set:-the pudding on top.
Soaking Cake
 Pour enough water into the saucepan
Fruit SoakingtoSyrup
cover/the pudding
Brandy / bowl halfway. Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer on a low heat (so the
water is just moving but Alcohol
not boiling) for 6 hours, ensuring the water level remains at the same level. Top it up with boiling water as
of Choice
required, keeping it halfway up the bowl.
 Core temperature has to reach 95 Degrees C

Brandy – White Chocolate Custard

125g fresh cream 35% fat Substitute ø
50g full cream milk 10g custard powder for
10g custard powder ø 10g cornflour or cornstarch
43g caster sugar
 eggAdd
87g the butter and sugar to the bowl and start mixing it with a paddle attachment .
 Milk
100g OnceChocolate
just incorporated , add the eggs and mix again .
 unsalted
the eggs have been beaten before adding and add slowly . Scrape the sides of the bowl during the mixing process so that the mixing is
7.5g Brandy
 In a separate bowl , mix all the dry ingredients and blend to ensure the mix is homogenous.
 Add the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl with the creamed butter , sugar and eggs.
 Mix gently just till incorporated. AVOID MIXING FOR MORE THAN 30 SECONDS

Add the soaked fruits and fold with a spatula
 Bake the cake at 165°C in a convection oven and 175°C in a deck/home oven for HOW LONG
 Place the milk and cream in a saucepan.
 Once the cake is baked , brush the cake with alcohol every 1 hour till the cake stops absorbing the liquid .
 Combine the sugar and custard powder in a separate bowl with a whisk.
 Reserve covered for 48 hours at 0-4°C before cutting into the cake – Please do not mix this step.
 Add the egg yolks to the sugar and custard powder and mix together.
 Serve at room serve at room temperature or warm
 Turn the heat on and bring the milk and cream to a boil. Once it starts to boil, remove from the heat and slowly pour over the egg yolks and sugar
while whisking.
 Return to the saucepan and bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring constantly.
 Strain over the white chocolate in a bowl and whisk together until the chocolate melts.
 Add the butter a cube at a time. Transfer to a jug and emulsify with a stick blender.
 Add the brandy and emulsify again.
 You can prepare the custard up to an hour prior to serving. If you prepare it further in advance, reheat with a small quantity of milk before serving
and emulsify with a stick blender before pouring over the pudding.

Recipe from PROJECT SWEET DISH. All rights reserved.

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