Food - Lesson 2

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M2 U4 L3

food/drink continued. any and some


Write on the board: 'speaking English is fun'

Split the class into two teams. Each team must shout out words that can be made using the letters given.
A representative of each team will write these on the board. The team with the most words wins. I.e.
like, hike, hiking, pen etc


• slice
• plate
• bowl
• glass
• cup
• scoop
• small
• medium
• large
• spoon
• fork
• knife

Explain to the class that when asking a question some/any can both be used. Generally, when answering
a question, if the answer is positive. i.e. yes/would like/is going to then we use the word 'some' and if
the answer is negative i.e. no/would not like/is not going to then we use 'any'.

Q) Would you like some ice-cream?/Would you like any ice-cream?

A) Yes, I would like some ice-cream/No, I would not like any ice-cream

Q) What size would you like?

A) I would like a medium please.

Q) In Thailand, we use a spoon and a fork, and you?

A) In England we use a knife and a fork.

I will shout out items of food/drink. i.e. cola, coffee, icecream etc and the students must shout out the
corresponding vocab word. I.e soup = bowl. A bowl of soup. If the students get it right, then I willl write it
on the board. Once we have many examples on the board, I will pick ones randomly and the students
must ask me for the item using the correct vocab word. i.e. ice-cream = can I have a scoop of ice-cream
Choose the correct word (any/some)
1. I would like some/any chocolate
2. I would not like some/any chocolate
3. He does not have some/any chocolate
4. She would like to buy some/any chocolate
5. She would not like to buy some/any chocolate
6. They are not eating some/any chocolate tonight
7. They are not going to eat some/any chocolate tonight
8. Jason has some/any chocolate in his bag
9. Would you like some/any chocolate?
10. Amy has some/any cake but she does not have some/any chocolate

Go through the answers as a class.

Play pictionary. I will draw on the board 3 scoops of icecream/2 glasses of cola etc and the students must
should out what I am drawing.

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